Lines Matching refs:value

678      * extras: SHORTCUT_INTENT (value: Intent), SHORTCUT_NAME (value: String),
680 * (value: ShortcutIconResource).</p>
1277 * same value.
1486 * <li><em>time-zone</em> - The java.util.TimeZone.getID() value identifying the new time zone.</li>
2021 * The Intent contains an extra with name "read-only" and Boolean value to indicate if the
2127 * more radios have been turned off or on. The intent will have the following extra value:</p>
2129 * <li><em>state</em> - A boolean value indicating whether Airplane Mode is on. If true,
2265 * <li><em>state</em> - A boolean value indicating whether the settings is on or off.</li>
2280 * <p>The Intent will have the following extra value:</p>
2437 * restrictions as a Bundle of key/value pairs. The value types can be Boolean, String or
2683 * but the user may change this value before creating the file.
3152 * Used as an int value for {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_DOCK_STATE}
3158 * Used as an int value for {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_DOCK_STATE}
3164 * Used as an int value for {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_DOCK_STATE}
3170 * Used as an int value for {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_DOCK_STATE}
3176 * Used as an int value for {@link android.content.Intent#EXTRA_DOCK_STATE}
3300 * the restrictions as key/value pairs.
3989 // loop over contents of Intent, all name=value;
3994 String value = eq < semi ? Uri.decode(uri.substring(eq + 1, semi)) : "";
3998 intent.setAction(value);
4003 intent.addCategory(value);
4008 intent.mType = value;
4013 intent.mFlags = Integer.decode(value).intValue();
4018 intent.mPackage = value;
4023 intent.mComponent = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(value);
4028 scheme = value;
4033 intent.mSourceBounds = Rect.unflattenFromString(value);
4048 if (uri.startsWith("S.", i)) b.putString(key, value);
4049 else if (uri.startsWith("B.", i)) b.putBoolean(key, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
4050 else if (uri.startsWith("b.", i)) b.putByte(key, Byte.parseByte(value));
4051 else if (uri.startsWith("c.", i)) b.putChar(key, value.charAt(0));
4052 else if (uri.startsWith("d.", i)) b.putDouble(key, Double.parseDouble(value));
4053 else if (uri.startsWith("f.", i)) b.putFloat(key, Float.parseFloat(value));
4054 else if (uri.startsWith("i.", i)) b.putInt(key, Integer.parseInt(value));
4055 else if (uri.startsWith("l.", i)) b.putLong(key, Long.parseLong(value));
4056 else if (uri.startsWith("s.", i)) b.putShort(key, Short.parseShort(value));
4168 // fetch the key value
4178 // get type-value
4182 String value = uri.substring(i, j);
4192 intent.mExtras.putString(key, Uri.decode(value));
4195 intent.mExtras.putBoolean(key, Boolean.parseBoolean(value));
4198 intent.mExtras.putByte(key, Byte.parseByte(value));
4201 intent.mExtras.putChar(key, Uri.decode(value).charAt(0));
4204 intent.mExtras.putDouble(key, Double.parseDouble(value));
4207 intent.mExtras.putFloat(key, Float.parseFloat(value));
4210 intent.mExtras.putInt(key, Integer.parseInt(value));
4213 intent.mExtras.putLong(key, Long.parseLong(value));
4216 intent.mExtras.putShort(key, Short.parseShort(value));
4222 throw new URISyntaxException(uri, "EXTRA value can't be parsed", i);
4438 * Returns true if an extra value is associated with the given name.
4466 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4481 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4484 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4485 * or the default value if none was found.
4498 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4501 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4502 * or the default value if none was found.
4515 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4518 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4519 * or the default value if none was found.
4532 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4535 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4536 * or the default value if none was found.
4549 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4552 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4553 * or the default value if none was found.
4566 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4569 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4570 * or the default value if none was found.
4583 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4586 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra(),
4587 * or the default value if no such item is present
4600 * @param defaultValue the value to be returned if no value of the desired
4603 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4604 * or the default value if none was found.
4618 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4619 * or null if no String value was found.
4632 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4633 * or null if no CharSequence value was found.
4646 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4647 * or null if no Parcelable value was found.
4660 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4661 * or null if no Parcelable[] value was found.
4674 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4675 * or null if no ArrayList<Parcelable> value was found.
4688 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4689 * or null if no Serializable value was found.
4702 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4703 * or null if no ArrayList<Integer> value was found.
4716 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4717 * or null if no ArrayList<String> value was found.
4730 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4731 * or null if no ArrayList<CharSequence> value was found.
4744 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4745 * or null if no boolean array value was found.
4758 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4759 * or null if no byte array value was found.
4772 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4773 * or null if no short array value was found.
4786 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4787 * or null if no char array value was found.
4800 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4801 * or null if no int array value was found.
4814 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4815 * or null if no long array value was found.
4828 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4829 * or null if no float array value was found.
4842 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4843 * or null if no double array value was found.
4856 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4857 * or null if no String array value was found.
4870 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4871 * or null if no CharSequence array value was found.
4884 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4885 * or null if no Bundle value was found.
4898 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
4899 * or null if no IBinder value was found.
4915 * @param defaultValue The default value to return in case no item is
4918 * @return the value of an item that previously added with putExtra()
5448 * @param value The boolean data value.
5457 public Intent putExtra(String name, boolean value) {
5461 mExtras.putBoolean(name, value);
5471 * @param value The byte data value.
5480 public Intent putExtra(String name, byte value) {
5484 mExtras.putByte(name, value);
5494 * @param value The char data value.
5503 public Intent putExtra(String name, char value) {
5507 mExtras.putChar(name, value);
5517 * @param value The short data value.
5526 public Intent putExtra(String name, short value) {
5530 mExtras.putShort(name, value);
5540 * @param value The integer data value.
5549 public Intent putExtra(String name, int value) {
5553 mExtras.putInt(name, value);
5563 * @param value The long data value.
5572 public Intent putExtra(String name, long value) {
5576 mExtras.putLong(name, value);
5586 * @param value The float data value.
5595 public Intent putExtra(String name, float value) {
5599 mExtras.putFloat(name, value);
5609 * @param value The double data value.
5618 public Intent putExtra(String name, double value) {
5622 mExtras.putDouble(name, value);
5632 * @param value The String data value.
5641 public Intent putExtra(String name, String value) {
5645 mExtras.putString(name, value);
5655 * @param value The CharSequence data value.
5664 public Intent putExtra(String name, CharSequence value) {
5668 mExtras.putCharSequence(name, value);
5678 * @param value The Parcelable data value.
5687 public Intent putExtra(String name, Parcelable value) {
5691 mExtras.putParcelable(name, value);
5701 * @param value The Parcelable[] data value.
5710 public Intent putExtra(String name, Parcelable[] value) {
5714 mExtras.putParcelableArray(name, value);
5724 * @param value The ArrayList<Parcelable> data value.
5733 public Intent putParcelableArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<? extends Parcelable> value) {
5737 mExtras.putParcelableArrayList(name, value);
5747 * @param value The ArrayList<Integer> data value.
5756 public Intent putIntegerArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<Integer> value) {
5760 mExtras.putIntegerArrayList(name, value);
5770 * @param value The ArrayList<String> data value.
5779 public Intent putStringArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<String> value) {
5783 mExtras.putStringArrayList(name, value);
5793 * @param value The ArrayList<CharSequence> data value.
5802 public Intent putCharSequenceArrayListExtra(String name, ArrayList<CharSequence> value) {
5806 mExtras.putCharSequenceArrayList(name, value);
5816 * @param value The Serializable data value.
5825 public Intent putExtra(String name, Serializable value) {
5829 mExtras.putSerializable(name, value);
5839 * @param value The boolean array data value.
5848 public Intent putExtra(String name, boolean[] value) {
5852 mExtras.putBooleanArray(name, value);
5862 * @param value The byte array data value.
5871 public Intent putExtra(String name, byte[] value) {
5875 mExtras.putByteArray(name, value);
5885 * @param value The short array data value.
5894 public Intent putExtra(String name, short[] value) {
5898 mExtras.putShortArray(name, value);
5908 * @param value The char array data value.
5917 public Intent putExtra(String name, char[] value) {
5921 mExtras.putCharArray(name, value);
5931 * @param value The int array data value.
5940 public Intent putExtra(String name, int[] value) {
5944 mExtras.putIntArray(name, value);
5954 * @param value The byte array data value.
5963 public Intent putExtra(String name, long[] value) {
5967 mExtras.putLongArray(name, value);
5977 * @param value The float array data value.
5986 public Intent putExtra(String name, float[] value) {
5990 mExtras.putFloatArray(name, value);
6000 * @param value The double array data value.
6009 public Intent putExtra(String name, double[] value) {
6013 mExtras.putDoubleArray(name, value);
6023 * @param value The String array data value.
6032 public Intent putExtra(String name, String[] value) {
6036 mExtras.putStringArray(name, value);
6046 * @param value The CharSequence array data value.
6055 public Intent putExtra(String name, CharSequence[] value) {
6059 mExtras.putCharSequenceArray(name, value);
6069 * @param value The Bundle data value.
6078 public Intent putExtra(String name, Bundle value) {
6082 mExtras.putBundle(name, value);
6092 * @param value The IBinder data value.
6105 public Intent putExtra(String name, IBinder value) {
6109 mExtras.putIBinder(name, value);
6238 * value).
6255 * value of null, all components in all applications will considered.
6279 * If left with the default value of null, the system will determine the
6283 * should only set this value when you know you absolutely want a specific
6378 * Use with {@link #fillIn} to allow the current action value to be
6384 * Use with {@link #fillIn} to allow the current data or type value
6396 * Use with {@link #fillIn} to allow the current component value to be
6402 * Use with {@link #fillIn} to allow the current package value to be
6679 * @return Returns the hash value of the action, data, type, class, and
6945 final Object value = mExtras.get(key);
6947 value instanceof String ? 'S' :
6948 value instanceof Boolean ? 'B' :
6949 value instanceof Byte ? 'b' :
6950 value instanceof Character ? 'c' :
6951 value instanceof Double ? 'd' :
6952 value instanceof Float ? 'f' :
6953 value instanceof Integer ? 'i' :
6954 value instanceof Long ? 'l' :
6955 value instanceof Short ? 's' :
6963 uri.append(Uri.encode(value.toString()));
7072 * <extra android:name="xxx" android:value="yyy"> to attach extra data