/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package tests.java.sql; import dalvik.annotation.KnownFailure; import java.io.CharArrayReader; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import tests.support.DatabaseCreator; import tests.support.Support_SQL; import junit.extensions.TestSetup; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; public class SelectFunctionalityTest extends TestCase { private static Connection conn; private static Statement statement; private static Date date; private static Time time; public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); Support_SQL.loadDriver(); try { conn = Support_SQL.getConnection(); statement = conn.createStatement(); createTestTables(); } catch (SQLException e) { fail("Unexpected SQLException " + e.toString()); } } public void tearDown() throws Exception { deleteTestTables(); conn.close(); statement.close(); super.tearDown(); } private void createTestTables() { try { ResultSet userTab = conn.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, null, null); while (userTab.next()) { String tableName = userTab.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (tableName.equals(DatabaseCreator.TEST_TABLE2)) { statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE2); } else if (tableName .equals(DatabaseCreator.SALESPEOPLE_TABLE)) { statement .execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE_SALESPEOPLE); } else if (tableName .equals(DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE)) { statement .execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE_CUSTOMERS); } else if (tableName .equals(DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE)) { statement .execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE_ORDERS); } } userTab.close(); statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.CREATE_TABLE2); statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.CREATE_TABLE_SALESPEOPLE); statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.CREATE_TABLE_CUSTOMERS); statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.CREATE_TABLE_ORDERS); long currentTime = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis(); date = new Date(currentTime); time = new Time(currentTime); DatabaseCreator.fillTestTable2(conn, 1, 5, currentTime); DatabaseCreator.fillCustomersTable(conn); DatabaseCreator.fillOrdersTable(conn); DatabaseCreator.fillSalesPeopleTable(conn); } catch (SQLException e) { fail("Unexpected SQLException " + e.toString()); } } private void deleteTestTables() { try { statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE2); statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE_SALESPEOPLE); statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE_CUSTOMERS); statement.execute(DatabaseCreator.DROP_TABLE_ORDERS); } catch (SQLException e) { fail("Unexpected SQLException " + e.toString()); } } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectSimple(). Selects all records * from the table */ public void test_SelectSimple() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + DatabaseCreator.TEST_TABLE2; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql); int counter = 0; while (result.next()) { int id = result.getInt("finteger"); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", DatabaseCreator.defaultString + id, result .getString("ftext")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", DatabaseCreator.defaultCharacter + id, result .getString("fcharacter")); // TODO getBigDecimal is not supported // assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", BigDecimal // .valueOf(id + 0.1), result.getBigDecimal("fdecimal")); // assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", BigDecimal // .valueOf(id + 0.1), result.getBigDecimal("fnumeric")); // assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", id, result // .getInt("fsmallint")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", BigDecimal .valueOf(id + 0.1).floatValue(), result.getFloat("ffloat")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", BigDecimal .valueOf(id + 0.1).doubleValue(), result.getDouble("freal")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", BigDecimal .valueOf(id + 0.1).doubleValue(), result .getDouble("fdouble")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", date.toString(), result.getDate("fdate").toString()); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", time.toString(), result.getTime("ftime").toString()); counter++; } assertEquals("number of rows in ResultSet is wrong", 5, counter); result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectPrepared(). Selects all records * from the table using parametric query */ public void test_SelectPrepared() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT finteger, ftext, fcharacter, fdecimal, fnumeric," + " fsmallint, ffloat, freal, fdouble, fdate, ftime" + " FROM " + DatabaseCreator.TEST_TABLE2 + " WHERE finteger = ? AND ftext = ? AND fcharacter = ? AND" + " fdecimal = ? AND fnumeric = ? AND fsmallint = ? AND" + " freal = ? AND fdouble = ? AND fdate = ?" + " AND ftime = ?"; PreparedStatement prepStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sql); CharArrayReader reader = new CharArrayReader(new String( DatabaseCreator.defaultCharacter + "1").toCharArray()); prepStatement.setInt(1, 1); prepStatement.setString(2, DatabaseCreator.defaultString + "1"); // TODO setCharacterStream and setBigDecimal are not supported // prepStatement.setCharacterStream(3, reader, 4); // prepStatement.setBigDecimal(4, BigDecimal.valueOf(1.1)); // prepStatement.setBigDecimal(5, BigDecimal.valueOf(1.1)); prepStatement.setInt(6, 1); prepStatement.setDouble(7, 1.1); prepStatement.setDouble(8, 1.1); prepStatement.setDate(9, date); prepStatement.setTime(10, time); int counter = 0; ResultSet result = prepStatement.executeQuery(); while (result.next()) { int id = result.getInt("finteger"); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", DatabaseCreator.defaultString + id, result .getString("ftext")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", DatabaseCreator.defaultCharacter + id, result .getString("fcharacter")); // TODO getBigDecimal is not supported // assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", BigDecimal // .valueOf(1.1), result.getBigDecimal("fdecimal")); // assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", BigDecimal // .valueOf(1.1), result.getBigDecimal("fnumeric")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", id, result .getInt("fsmallint")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", (float) (id + 0.1), result.getFloat("ffloat")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", (double) (id + 0.1), result.getDouble("freal")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", (double) (id + 0.1), result.getDouble("fdouble")); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", date.toString(), result.getDate("fdate").toString()); assertEquals("expected value doesn't equal actual", time.toString(), result.getTime("ftime").toString()); counter++; } // TODO query wasn't executed due to "not supported" methods // assertEquals("number of rows in ResultSet is wrong", 1, counter); prepStatement.close(); result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SubSelect(). Selects records from the * table using subselect */ public void test_SubSelect() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT finteger," + " (SELECT ftext FROM " + DatabaseCreator.TEST_TABLE2 + " WHERE finteger = 1) as ftext" + " FROM " + DatabaseCreator.TEST_TABLE2; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql); HashMap value = new HashMap(); value.put(1, DatabaseCreator.defaultString + "1"); value.put(2, DatabaseCreator.defaultString + "1"); value.put(3, DatabaseCreator.defaultString + "1"); value.put(4, DatabaseCreator.defaultString + "1"); value.put(5, DatabaseCreator.defaultString + "1"); while (result.next()) { int key = result.getInt("finteger"); String val = result.getString("ftext"); assertTrue("wrong value of finteger field", value.containsKey(key)); assertEquals("wrong value of ftext field", value.get(key), val); value.remove(key); } assertTrue("expected rows number doesn't equal actual rows number", value.isEmpty()); result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectThreeTables(). Selects records * from a few tables */ public void test_SelectThreeTables() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT onum, " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE + ".cnum" + " FROM " + DatabaseCreator.SALESPEOPLE_TABLE + ", " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + ", " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE + " WHERE " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + ".city <> " + DatabaseCreator.SALESPEOPLE_TABLE + ".city" + " AND " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE + ".cnum = " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + ".cnum" + " AND " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE + ".snum = " + DatabaseCreator.SALESPEOPLE_TABLE + ".snum"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql); HashMap value = new HashMap(); value.put(3001, 2008); value.put(3002, 2007); value.put(3006, 2008); value.put(3009, 2002); value.put(3007, 2004); value.put(3010, 2004); while (result.next()) { int key = result.getInt("onum"); int val = result.getInt("cnum"); assertTrue("wrong value of onum field", value.containsKey(key)); assertEquals("wrong value of cnum field", value.get(key), (Integer) val); value.remove(key); } assertTrue("expected rows number doesn't equal actual rows number", value.isEmpty()); result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectThreeTables(). Selects records * from a table using union */ public void test_SelectUnionItself() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT b.cnum, b.cname" + " FROM " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + " a, " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + " b" + " WHERE a.snum = 1002" + " AND b.city = a.city"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql); HashMap value = new HashMap(); value.put(2003, "Liu"); value.put(2004, "Grass"); value.put(2008, "Cisneros"); while (result.next()) { int key = result.getInt("cnum"); String val = result.getString("cname"); assertTrue("wrong value of cnum field", value.containsKey(key)); assertEquals("wrong value of cname field", value.get(key), val); value.remove(key); } assertTrue("expected rows number doesn't equal actual rows number", value.isEmpty()); result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectLeftOuterJoin(). Selects * records from a table using left join */ public void test_SelectLeftOuterJoin() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT distinct s.snum as ssnum, c.snum as ccnum FROM " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + " c left outer join " + DatabaseCreator.SALESPEOPLE_TABLE + " s on s.snum=c.snum"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql); HashMap value = new HashMap(); value.put(1001, 1001); value.put(1002, 1002); value.put(1003, 1003); value.put(1004, 1004); value.put(1007, 1007); while (result.next()) { int key = result.getInt("ssnum"); Object val = result.getObject("ccnum"); assertTrue("wrong value of ssnum field", value.containsKey(key)); assertEquals("wrong value of ccnum field", value.get(key), (Integer) val); value.remove(key); } assertTrue("expected rows number doesn't equal actual rows number", value.isEmpty()); result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectRightOuterJoin(). Selects * records from a table using right join * * TODO RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOINs are not supported */ @KnownFailure("not supported") public void test_SelectRightOuterJoin() throws SQLException { String sql = "SELECT distinct s.snum as ssnum, c.snum as ccnum FROM " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + " c right outer join " + DatabaseCreator.SALESPEOPLE_TABLE + " s on s.snum=c.snum"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(sql); HashMap value = new HashMap(); value.put(1001, 1001); value.put(1002, 1002); value.put(1003, 1003); value.put(1004, 1004); value.put(1007, 1007); value.put(1013, null); while (result.next()) { int key = result.getInt("ssnum"); Object val = result.getObject("ccnum"); assertTrue("wrong value of ssnum field", value.containsKey(key)); assertEquals("wrong value of ccnum field", value.get(key), (Integer) val); value.remove(key); } assertTrue("expected rows number doesn't equal actual rows number", value.isEmpty()); result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectGroupBy(). Selects records from * a table using group by */ public void test_SelectGroupBy() throws SQLException { String selectQuery = "SELECT rating, SUM(snum) AS sum FROM " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE + " GROUP BY rating"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(selectQuery); HashMap values = new HashMap(); values.put(100, 3006); values.put(200, 2005); values.put(300, 2009); while (result.next()) { int rating = result.getInt("rating"); int sum = result.getInt("sum"); assertTrue("Wrong value of rating field", values .containsKey(rating)); assertEquals("Wrong value of sum field", values.get(rating), new Integer(sum)); assertEquals(new Integer(sum), values.remove(rating)); } result.close(); assertTrue("Result set has wrong size", values.isEmpty()); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectOrderBy(). Selects records from * a table using order by */ public void test_SelectOrderBy() throws SQLException { String selectQuery = "SELECT onum FROM " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE + " ORDER BY onum"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(selectQuery); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3001)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3002)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3003)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3005)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3006)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3007)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3008)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3009)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3010)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(3011)); int index = 0; while (result.next()) { Integer onum = result.getInt("onum"); assertTrue("result set doesn't contain value", values .contains(onum)); assertEquals("result set is not sorted", index, values .indexOf(onum)); index++; } result.close(); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectDistinct(). Selects records * from a table using distinct */ public void test_SelectDistinct() throws SQLException { String selectQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT rating FROM " + DatabaseCreator.CUSTOMERS_TABLE; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(selectQuery); HashSet values = new HashSet(); values.add(Integer.valueOf(100)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(200)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(300)); while (result.next()) { Integer rating = result.getInt("rating"); assertTrue("result set doesn't contain value", values .contains(rating)); assertTrue("wrong value in the result set", values.remove(rating)); } result.close(); assertTrue("Result set has wrong size", values.isEmpty()); } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectAgregateFunctions(). Selects * records from a table using agregate functions */ public void test_SelectAgregateFunctions() throws SQLException { String selectCount = "SELECT count(onum) as count FROM " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE; String selectSum = "SELECT sum(onum) as sum FROM " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE; String selectAvg = "SELECT avg(onum) as avg FROM " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE; String selectMax = "SELECT max(onum) as max FROM " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE; String selectMin = "SELECT min(onum) as min FROM " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE; func("count", selectCount, 10); func("sum", selectSum, 30062); func("avg", selectAvg, 3006); func("max", selectMax, 3011); func("min", selectMin, 3001); } private void func(String name, String query, int expected) { int res = 0; double resDouble = 0.0; try { ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(query); while (result.next()) { res = result.getInt(name); if (res != 0 ) { assertEquals(expected,res); break; } // for Double: getInt not supported yet resDouble = Double.parseDouble(result.getString(name)); res = (int) Math.rint(resDouble); assertEquals(expected,res); } assertFalse("wrong size of result set", result.next()); result.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } } /** * SelectFunctionalityTest#test_SelectHaving(). Selects records from * a table using having */ public void test_SelectHaving() throws SQLException { String selectQuery = "SELECT snum, max(amt) AS max FROM " + DatabaseCreator.ORDERS_TABLE + " GROUP BY snum HAVING max(amt) > 3000"; ResultSet result = statement.executeQuery(selectQuery); HashSet values = new HashSet(); values.add(Double.valueOf(9891.88)); values.add(Double.valueOf(5160.45)); while (result.next()) { Double max = result.getDouble("max"); assertTrue("result set doesn't contain value", values.contains(max)); assertTrue("wrong value in the result set", values.remove(max)); } result.close(); assertTrue("Result set has wrong size", values.isEmpty()); } }