/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.camera.gallery; import android.net.Uri; import com.android.camera.ImageManager; import com.android.camera.Util; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.PriorityQueue; /** * A union of different IImageList. This class can merge several * IImageList into one list and sort them according to the * timestamp (The sorting must be same as all the given lists). */ public class ImageListUber implements IImageList { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String TAG = "ImageListUber"; private final IImageList [] mSubList; private final PriorityQueue mQueue; // This is an array of Longs wherein each Long consists of two components: // "a number" and "an index of sublist". // * The lower 32bit indicates the number of consecutive entries that // belong to a given sublist. // // * The higher 32bit component indicates which sublist we're referring // to. private long[] mSkipList; private int mSkipListSize; private int [] mSkipCounts; private int mLastListIndex; public ImageListUber(IImageList [] sublist, int sort) { mSubList = sublist.clone(); mQueue = new PriorityQueue(4, sort == ImageManager.SORT_ASCENDING ? new AscendingComparator() : new DescendingComparator()); mSkipList = new long[16]; mSkipListSize = 0; mSkipCounts = new int[mSubList.length]; mLastListIndex = -1; mQueue.clear(); for (int i = 0, n = mSubList.length; i < n; ++i) { IImageList list = mSubList[i]; MergeSlot slot = new MergeSlot(list, i); if (slot.next()) mQueue.add(slot); } } public HashMap getBucketIds() { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); for (IImageList list : mSubList) { hashMap.putAll(list.getBucketIds()); } return hashMap; } public int getCount() { int count = 0; for (IImageList subList : mSubList) { count += subList.getCount(); } return count; } public boolean isEmpty() { for (IImageList subList : mSubList) { if (!subList.isEmpty()) return false; } return true; } // mSkipCounts is used to tally the counts as we traverse // the mSkipList. It's a member variable only so that // we don't have to allocate each time through. Otherwise // it could just as easily be a local. public IImage getImageAt(int index) { if (index < 0 || index > getCount()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException( "index " + index + " out of range max is " + getCount()); } int skipCounts[] = mSkipCounts; // zero out the mSkipCounts since that's only used for the // duration of the function call. Arrays.fill(skipCounts, 0); // a counter of how many images we've skipped in // trying to get to index. alternatively we could // have decremented index but, alas, I liked this // way more. int skipCount = 0; // scan the existing mSkipList to see if we've computed // enough to just return the answer for (int i = 0, n = mSkipListSize; i < n; ++i) { long v = mSkipList[i]; int offset = (int) (v & 0xFFFFFFFF); int which = (int) (v >> 32); if (skipCount + offset > index) { int subindex = mSkipCounts[which] + (index - skipCount); return mSubList[which].getImageAt(subindex); } skipCount += offset; mSkipCounts[which] += offset; } for (; true; ++skipCount) { MergeSlot slot = nextMergeSlot(); if (slot == null) return null; if (skipCount == index) { IImage result = slot.mImage; if (slot.next()) mQueue.add(slot); return result; } if (slot.next()) mQueue.add(slot); } } private MergeSlot nextMergeSlot() { MergeSlot slot = mQueue.poll(); if (slot == null) return null; if (slot.mListIndex == mLastListIndex) { int lastIndex = mSkipListSize - 1; ++mSkipList[lastIndex]; } else { mLastListIndex = slot.mListIndex; if (mSkipList.length == mSkipListSize) { long [] temp = new long[mSkipListSize * 2]; System.arraycopy(mSkipList, 0, temp, 0, mSkipListSize); mSkipList = temp; } mSkipList[mSkipListSize++] = (((long) mLastListIndex) << 32) | 1; } return slot; } public IImage getImageForUri(Uri uri) { for (IImageList sublist : mSubList) { IImage image = sublist.getImageForUri(uri); if (image != null) return image; } return null; } /** * Modify the skip list when an image is deleted by finding * the relevant entry in mSkipList and decrementing the * counter. This is simple because deletion can never * cause change the order of images. */ private void modifySkipCountForDeletedImage(int index) { int skipCount = 0; for (int i = 0, n = mSkipListSize; i < n; i++) { long v = mSkipList[i]; int offset = (int) (v & 0xFFFFFFFF); if (skipCount + offset > index) { mSkipList[i] = v - 1; break; } skipCount += offset; } } private boolean removeImage(IImage image, int index) { IImageList list = image.getContainer(); if (list != null && list.removeImage(image)) { modifySkipCountForDeletedImage(index); return true; } return false; } public boolean removeImage(IImage image) { return removeImage(image, getImageIndex(image)); } public boolean removeImageAt(int index) { IImage image = getImageAt(index); if (image == null) return false; return removeImage(image, index); } public synchronized int getImageIndex(IImage image) { IImageList list = image.getContainer(); int listIndex = Util.indexOf(mSubList, list); if (listIndex == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } int listOffset = list.getImageIndex(image); // Similar algorithm as getImageAt(int index) int skipCount = 0; for (int i = 0, n = mSkipListSize; i < n; ++i) { long value = mSkipList[i]; int offset = (int) (value & 0xFFFFFFFF); int which = (int) (value >> 32); if (which == listIndex) { if (listOffset < offset) { return skipCount + listOffset; } listOffset -= offset; } skipCount += offset; } for (; true; ++skipCount) { MergeSlot slot = nextMergeSlot(); if (slot == null) return -1; if (slot.mImage == image) { if (slot.next()) mQueue.add(slot); return skipCount; } if (slot.next()) mQueue.add(slot); } } private static class DescendingComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(MergeSlot m1, MergeSlot m2) { if (m1.mDateTaken != m2.mDateTaken) { return m1.mDateTaken < m2.mDateTaken ? 1 : -1; } return m1.mListIndex - m2.mListIndex; } } private static class AscendingComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(MergeSlot m1, MergeSlot m2) { if (m1.mDateTaken != m2.mDateTaken) { return m1.mDateTaken < m2.mDateTaken ? -1 : 1; } return m1.mListIndex - m2.mListIndex; } } /** * A merging slot is used to trace the current position of a sublist. For * each given sub list, there will be one corresponding merge slot. We * use merge-sort-like algorithm to build the merged list. At begining, * we put all the slots in a sorted heap (by timestamp). Each time, we * pop the slot with earliest timestamp out, get the image, and then move * the index forward, and put it back to the heap. */ private static class MergeSlot { private int mOffset = -1; private final IImageList mList; int mListIndex; long mDateTaken; IImage mImage; public MergeSlot(IImageList list, int index) { mList = list; mListIndex = index; } public boolean next() { if (mOffset >= mList.getCount() - 1) return false; mImage = mList.getImageAt(++mOffset); mDateTaken = mImage.getDateTaken(); return true; } } public void close() { for (int i = 0, n = mSubList.length; i < n; ++i) { mSubList[i].close(); } } }