revision 33c437df39029b70d4ffafac2ca31bd71eafd0c6
2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
20import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException;
21import java.lang.IllegalStateException;
22import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
24import android.os.Handler;
25import android.os.Looper;
26import android.os.Message;
27import android.util.Log;
30 * The AudioRecord class manages the audio resources for Java applications
31 * to record audio from the audio input hardware of the platform. This is
32 * achieved by "pulling" (reading) the data from the AudioRecord object. The
33 * application is responsible for polling the AudioRecord object in time using one of
34 * the following three methods:  {@link #read(byte[],int, int)}, {@link #read(short[], int, int)}
35 * or {@link #read(ByteBuffer, int)}. The choice of which method to use will be based
36 * on the audio data storage format that is the most convenient for the user of AudioRecord.
37 * <p>Upon creation, an AudioRecord object initializes its associated audio buffer that it will
38 * fill with the new audio data. The size of this buffer, specified during the construction,
39 * determines how long an AudioRecord can record before "over-running" data that has not
40 * been read yet. Data should be read from the audio hardware in chunks of sizes inferior to
41 * the total recording buffer size.
42 */
43public class AudioRecord
45    //---------------------------------------------------------
46    // Constants
47    //--------------------
48    /**
49     *  indicates AudioRecord state is not successfully initialized.
50     */
51    public static final int STATE_UNINITIALIZED = 0;
52    /**
53     *  indicates AudioRecord state is ready to be used
54     */
55    public static final int STATE_INITIALIZED   = 1;
57    /**
58     * indicates AudioRecord recording state is not recording
59     */
60    public static final int RECORDSTATE_STOPPED = 1;  // matches SL_RECORDSTATE_STOPPED
61    /**
62     * indicates AudioRecord recording state is recording
63     */
64    public static final int RECORDSTATE_RECORDING = 3;// matches SL_RECORDSTATE_RECORDING
66    // Error codes:
67    // to keep in sync with frameworks/base/core/jni/android_media_AudioRecord.cpp
68    /**
69     * Denotes a successful operation.
70     */
71    public static final int SUCCESS                 = 0;
72    /**
73     * Denotes a generic operation failure.
74     */
75    public static final int ERROR                   = -1;
76    /**
77     * Denotes a failure due to the use of an invalid value.
78     */
79    public static final int ERROR_BAD_VALUE         = -2;
80    /**
81     * Denotes a failure due to the improper use of a method.
82     */
83    public static final int ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION = -3;
85    private static final int AUDIORECORD_ERROR_SETUP_ZEROFRAMECOUNT      = -16;
86    private static final int AUDIORECORD_ERROR_SETUP_INVALIDCHANNELMASK  = -17;
87    private static final int AUDIORECORD_ERROR_SETUP_INVALIDFORMAT       = -18;
88    private static final int AUDIORECORD_ERROR_SETUP_INVALIDSOURCE       = -19;
89    private static final int AUDIORECORD_ERROR_SETUP_NATIVEINITFAILED    = -20;
91    // Events:
92    // to keep in sync with frameworks/base/include/media/AudioRecord.h
93    /**
94     * Event id denotes when record head has reached a previously set marker.
95     */
96    private static final int NATIVE_EVENT_MARKER  = 2;
97    /**
98     * Event id denotes when previously set update period has elapsed during recording.
99     */
100    private static final int NATIVE_EVENT_NEW_POS = 3;
102    private final static String TAG = "";
105    //---------------------------------------------------------
106    // Used exclusively by native code
107    //--------------------
108    /**
109     * Accessed by native methods: provides access to C++ AudioRecord object
110     */
111    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
112    private int mNativeRecorderInJavaObj;
114    /**
115     * Accessed by native methods: provides access to the callback data.
116     */
117    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
118    private int mNativeCallbackCookie;
121    //---------------------------------------------------------
122    // Member variables
123    //--------------------
124    /**
125     * The audio data sampling rate in Hz.
126     */
127    private int mSampleRate = 22050;
128    /**
129     * The number of input audio channels (1 is mono, 2 is stereo)
130     */
131    private int mChannelCount = 1;
132    /**
133     * The audio channel mask
134     */
135    private int mChannelMask;
136    /**
137     * The encoding of the audio samples.
138     * @see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_8BIT
139     * @see AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT
140     */
141    private int mAudioFormat = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
142    /**
143     * Where the audio data is recorded from.
144     */
145    private int mRecordSource = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT;
146    /**
147     * Indicates the state of the AudioRecord instance.
148     */
149    private int mState = STATE_UNINITIALIZED;
150    /**
151     * Indicates the recording state of the AudioRecord instance.
152     */
153    private int mRecordingState = RECORDSTATE_STOPPED;
154    /**
155     * Lock to make sure mRecordingState updates are reflecting the actual state of the object.
156     */
157    private final Object mRecordingStateLock = new Object();
158    /**
159     * The listener the AudioRecord notifies when the record position reaches a marker
160     * or for periodic updates during the progression of the record head.
161     *  @see #setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener)
162     *  @see #setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener, Handler)
163     */
164    private OnRecordPositionUpdateListener mPositionListener = null;
165    /**
166     * Lock to protect position listener updates against event notifications
167     */
168    private final Object mPositionListenerLock = new Object();
169    /**
170     * Handler for marker events coming from the native code
171     */
172    private NativeEventHandler mEventHandler = null;
173    /**
174     * Looper associated with the thread that creates the AudioRecord instance
175     */
176    private Looper mInitializationLooper = null;
177    /**
178     * Size of the native audio buffer.
179     */
180    private int mNativeBufferSizeInBytes = 0;
181    /**
182     * Audio session ID
183     */
184    private int mSessionId = 0;
186    //---------------------------------------------------------
187    // Constructor, Finalize
188    //--------------------
189    /**
190     * Class constructor.
191     * @param audioSource the recording source. See {@link MediaRecorder.AudioSource} for
192     *    recording source definitions.
193     * @param sampleRateInHz the sample rate expressed in Hertz. 44100Hz is currently the only
194     *   rate that is guaranteed to work on all devices, but other rates such as 22050,
195     *   16000, and 11025 may work on some devices.
196     * @param channelConfig describes the configuration of the audio channels.
197     *   See {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_MONO} and
198     *   {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_STEREO}.  {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_MONO} is guaranteed
199     *   to work on all devices.
200     * @param audioFormat the format in which the audio data is represented.
201     *   See {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT} and
202     *   {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_8BIT}
203     * @param bufferSizeInBytes the total size (in bytes) of the buffer where audio data is written
204     *   to during the recording. New audio data can be read from this buffer in smaller chunks
205     *   than this size. See {@link #getMinBufferSize(int, int, int)} to determine the minimum
206     *   required buffer size for the successful creation of an AudioRecord instance. Using values
207     *   smaller than getMinBufferSize() will result in an initialization failure.
208     * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
209     */
210    public AudioRecord(int audioSource, int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat,
211            int bufferSizeInBytes)
212    throws IllegalArgumentException {
213        mState = STATE_UNINITIALIZED;
214        mRecordingState = RECORDSTATE_STOPPED;
216        // remember which looper is associated with the AudioRecord instanciation
217        if ((mInitializationLooper = Looper.myLooper()) == null) {
218            mInitializationLooper = Looper.getMainLooper();
219        }
221        audioParamCheck(audioSource, sampleRateInHz, channelConfig, audioFormat);
223        audioBuffSizeCheck(bufferSizeInBytes);
225        // native initialization
226        int[] session = new int[1];
227        session[0] = 0;
228        //TODO: update native initialization when information about hardware init failure
229        //      due to capture device already open is available.
230        int initResult = native_setup( new WeakReference<AudioRecord>(this),
231                mRecordSource, mSampleRate, mChannelMask, mAudioFormat, mNativeBufferSizeInBytes,
232                session);
233        if (initResult != SUCCESS) {
234            loge("Error code "+initResult+" when initializing native AudioRecord object.");
235            return; // with mState == STATE_UNINITIALIZED
236        }
238        mSessionId = session[0];
240        mState = STATE_INITIALIZED;
241    }
244    // Convenience method for the constructor's parameter checks.
245    // This is where constructor IllegalArgumentException-s are thrown
246    // postconditions:
247    //    mRecordSource is valid
248    //    mChannelCount is valid
249    //    mChannelMask is valid
250    //    mAudioFormat is valid
251    //    mSampleRate is valid
252    private void audioParamCheck(int audioSource, int sampleRateInHz,
253                                 int channelConfig, int audioFormat) {
255        //--------------
256        // audio source
257        if ( (audioSource < MediaRecorder.AudioSource.DEFAULT) ||
258             (audioSource > MediaRecorder.getAudioSourceMax()) )  {
259            throw (new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid audio source."));
260        } else {
261            mRecordSource = audioSource;
262        }
264        //--------------
265        // sample rate
266        if ( (sampleRateInHz < 4000) || (sampleRateInHz > 48000) ) {
267            throw (new IllegalArgumentException(sampleRateInHz
268                    + "Hz is not a supported sample rate."));
269        } else {
270            mSampleRate = sampleRateInHz;
271        }
273        //--------------
274        // channel config
275        switch (channelConfig) {
277        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO:
278        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO:
279            mChannelCount = 1;
280            mChannelMask = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO;
281            break;
282        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO:
283        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_STEREO:
284            mChannelCount = 2;
285            mChannelMask = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO;
286            break;
287        case (AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_FRONT | AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_BACK):
288            mChannelCount = 2;
289            mChannelMask = channelConfig;
290            break;
291        default:
292            mChannelCount = 0;
293            mChannelMask = AudioFormat.CHANNEL_INVALID;
294            throw (new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported channel configuration."));
295        }
297        //--------------
298        // audio format
299        switch (audioFormat) {
300        case AudioFormat.ENCODING_DEFAULT:
301            mAudioFormat = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
302            break;
303        case AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT:
304        case AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT:
305            mAudioFormat = audioFormat;
306            break;
307        default:
308            mAudioFormat = AudioFormat.ENCODING_INVALID;
309        throw (new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported sample encoding."
310                + " Should be ENCODING_PCM_8BIT or ENCODING_PCM_16BIT."));
311        }
312    }
315    // Convenience method for the contructor's audio buffer size check.
316    // preconditions:
317    //    mChannelCount is valid
318    //    mAudioFormat is AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT OR AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT
319    // postcondition:
320    //    mNativeBufferSizeInBytes is valid (multiple of frame size, positive)
321    private void audioBuffSizeCheck(int audioBufferSize) {
322        // NB: this section is only valid with PCM data.
323        // To update when supporting compressed formats
324        int frameSizeInBytes = mChannelCount
325            * (mAudioFormat == AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT ? 1 : 2);
326        if ((audioBufferSize % frameSizeInBytes != 0) || (audioBufferSize < 1)) {
327            throw (new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid audio buffer size."));
328        }
330        mNativeBufferSizeInBytes = audioBufferSize;
331    }
335    /**
336     * Releases the native AudioRecord resources.
337     * The object can no longer be used and the reference should be set to null
338     * after a call to release()
339     */
340    public void release() {
341        try {
342            stop();
343        } catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
344            // don't raise an exception, we're releasing the resources.
345        }
346        native_release();
347        mState = STATE_UNINITIALIZED;
348    }
351    @Override
352    protected void finalize() {
353        native_finalize();
354    }
357    //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
358    // Getters
359    //--------------------
360    /**
361     * Returns the configured audio data sample rate in Hz
362     */
363    public int getSampleRate() {
364        return mSampleRate;
365    }
367    /**
368     * Returns the audio recording source.
369     * @see MediaRecorder.AudioSource
370     */
371    public int getAudioSource() {
372        return mRecordSource;
373    }
375    /**
376     * Returns the configured audio data format. See {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT}
377     * and {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_8BIT}.
378     */
379    public int getAudioFormat() {
380        return mAudioFormat;
381    }
383    /**
384     * Returns the configured channel configuration.
385     * See {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_MONO}
386     * and {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_STEREO}.
387     */
388    public int getChannelConfiguration() {
389        return mChannelMask;
390    }
392    /**
393     * Returns the configured number of channels.
394     */
395    public int getChannelCount() {
396        return mChannelCount;
397    }
399    /**
400     * Returns the state of the AudioRecord instance. This is useful after the
401     * AudioRecord instance has been created to check if it was initialized
402     * properly. This ensures that the appropriate hardware resources have been
403     * acquired.
404     * @see AudioRecord#STATE_INITIALIZED
405     * @see AudioRecord#STATE_UNINITIALIZED
406     */
407    public int getState() {
408        return mState;
409    }
411    /**
412     * Returns the recording state of the AudioRecord instance.
413     * @see AudioRecord#RECORDSTATE_STOPPED
414     * @see AudioRecord#RECORDSTATE_RECORDING
415     */
416    public int getRecordingState() {
417        synchronized (mRecordingStateLock) {
418            return mRecordingState;
419        }
420    }
422    /**
423     * Returns the notification marker position expressed in frames.
424     */
425    public int getNotificationMarkerPosition() {
426        return native_get_marker_pos();
427    }
429    /**
430     * Returns the notification update period expressed in frames.
431     */
432    public int getPositionNotificationPeriod() {
433        return native_get_pos_update_period();
434    }
436    /**
437     * Returns the minimum buffer size required for the successful creation of an AudioRecord
438     * object.
439     * Note that this size doesn't guarantee a smooth recording under load, and higher values
440     * should be chosen according to the expected frequency at which the AudioRecord instance
441     * will be polled for new data.
442     * @param sampleRateInHz the sample rate expressed in Hertz.
443     * @param channelConfig describes the configuration of the audio channels.
444     *   See {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_MONO} and
445     *   {@link AudioFormat#CHANNEL_IN_STEREO}
446     * @param audioFormat the format in which the audio data is represented.
447     *   See {@link AudioFormat#ENCODING_PCM_16BIT}.
448     * @return {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} if the recording parameters are not supported by the
449     *  hardware, or an invalid parameter was passed,
450     *  or {@link #ERROR} if the implementation was unable to query the hardware for its
451     *  output properties,
452     *   or the minimum buffer size expressed in bytes.
453     * @see #AudioRecord(int, int, int, int, int) for more information on valid
454     *   configuration values.
455     */
456    static public int getMinBufferSize(int sampleRateInHz, int channelConfig, int audioFormat) {
457        int channelCount = 0;
458        switch (channelConfig) {
460        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO:
461        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO:
462            channelCount = 1;
463            break;
464        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_STEREO:
465        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_STEREO:
466        case (AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_FRONT | AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_BACK):
467            channelCount = 2;
468            break;
469        case AudioFormat.CHANNEL_INVALID:
470        default:
471            loge("getMinBufferSize(): Invalid channel configuration.");
472            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
473        }
475        // PCM_8BIT is not supported at the moment
476        if (audioFormat != AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT) {
477            loge("getMinBufferSize(): Invalid audio format.");
478            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
479        }
481        int size = native_get_min_buff_size(sampleRateInHz, channelCount, audioFormat);
482        if (size == 0) {
483            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
484        }
485        else if (size == -1) {
486            return ERROR;
487        }
488        else {
489            return size;
490        }
491    }
493    /**
494     * Returns the audio session ID.
495     *
496     * @return the ID of the audio session this AudioRecord belongs to.
497     */
498    public int getAudioSessionId() {
499        return mSessionId;
500    }
502    //---------------------------------------------------------
503    // Transport control methods
504    //--------------------
505    /**
506     * Starts recording from the AudioRecord instance.
507     * @throws IllegalStateException
508     */
509    public void startRecording()
510    throws IllegalStateException {
511        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
512            throw(new IllegalStateException("startRecording() called on an "
513                    +"uninitialized AudioRecord."));
514        }
516        // start recording
517        synchronized(mRecordingStateLock) {
518            if (native_start(MediaSyncEvent.SYNC_EVENT_NONE, 0) == SUCCESS) {
519                mRecordingState = RECORDSTATE_RECORDING;
520            }
521        }
522    }
524    /**
525     * Starts recording from the AudioRecord instance when the specified synchronization event
526     * occurs on the specified audio session.
527     * @throws IllegalStateException
528     * @param syncEvent event that triggers the capture.
529     * @see MediaSyncEvent
530     */
531    public void startRecording(MediaSyncEvent syncEvent)
532    throws IllegalStateException {
533        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
534            throw(new IllegalStateException("startRecording() called on an "
535                    +"uninitialized AudioRecord."));
536        }
538        // start recording
539        synchronized(mRecordingStateLock) {
540            if (native_start(syncEvent.getType(), syncEvent.getAudioSessionId()) == SUCCESS) {
541                mRecordingState = RECORDSTATE_RECORDING;
542            }
543        }
544    }
546    /**
547     * Stops recording.
548     * @throws IllegalStateException
549     */
550    public void stop()
551    throws IllegalStateException {
552        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
553            throw(new IllegalStateException("stop() called on an uninitialized AudioRecord."));
554        }
556        // stop recording
557        synchronized(mRecordingStateLock) {
558            native_stop();
559            mRecordingState = RECORDSTATE_STOPPED;
560        }
561    }
564    //---------------------------------------------------------
565    // Audio data supply
566    //--------------------
567    /**
568     * Reads audio data from the audio hardware for recording into a buffer.
569     * @param audioData the array to which the recorded audio data is written.
570     * @param offsetInBytes index in audioData from which the data is written expressed in bytes.
571     * @param sizeInBytes the number of requested bytes.
572     * @return the number of bytes that were read or or {@link #ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION}
573     *    if the object wasn't properly initialized, or {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} if
574     *    the parameters don't resolve to valid data and indexes.
575     *    The number of bytes will not exceed sizeInBytes.
576     */
577    public int read(byte[] audioData, int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes) {
578        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
579            return ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION;
580        }
582        if ( (audioData == null) || (offsetInBytes < 0 ) || (sizeInBytes < 0)
583                || (offsetInBytes + sizeInBytes < 0)  // detect integer overflow
584                || (offsetInBytes + sizeInBytes > audioData.length)) {
585            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
586        }
588        return native_read_in_byte_array(audioData, offsetInBytes, sizeInBytes);
589    }
592    /**
593     * Reads audio data from the audio hardware for recording into a buffer.
594     * @param audioData the array to which the recorded audio data is written.
595     * @param offsetInShorts index in audioData from which the data is written expressed in shorts.
596     * @param sizeInShorts the number of requested shorts.
597     * @return the number of shorts that were read or or {@link #ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION}
598     *    if the object wasn't properly initialized, or {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} if
599     *    the parameters don't resolve to valid data and indexes.
600     *    The number of shorts will not exceed sizeInShorts.
601     */
602    public int read(short[] audioData, int offsetInShorts, int sizeInShorts) {
603        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
604            return ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION;
605        }
607        if ( (audioData == null) || (offsetInShorts < 0 ) || (sizeInShorts < 0)
608                || (offsetInShorts + sizeInShorts < 0)  // detect integer overflow
609                || (offsetInShorts + sizeInShorts > audioData.length)) {
610            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
611        }
613        return native_read_in_short_array(audioData, offsetInShorts, sizeInShorts);
614    }
617    /**
618     * Reads audio data from the audio hardware for recording into a direct buffer. If this buffer
619     * is not a direct buffer, this method will always return 0.
620     * Note that the value returned by {@link java.nio.Buffer#position()} on this buffer is
621     * unchanged after a call to this method.
622     * @param audioBuffer the direct buffer to which the recorded audio data is written.
623     * @param sizeInBytes the number of requested bytes.
624     * @return the number of bytes that were read or or {@link #ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION}
625     *    if the object wasn't properly initialized, or {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE} if
626     *    the parameters don't resolve to valid data and indexes.
627     *    The number of bytes will not exceed sizeInBytes.
628     */
629    public int read(ByteBuffer audioBuffer, int sizeInBytes) {
630        if (mState != STATE_INITIALIZED) {
631            return ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION;
632        }
634        if ( (audioBuffer == null) || (sizeInBytes < 0) ) {
635            return ERROR_BAD_VALUE;
636        }
638        return native_read_in_direct_buffer(audioBuffer, sizeInBytes);
639    }
642    //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
643    // Initialization / configuration
644    //--------------------
645    /**
646     * Sets the listener the AudioRecord notifies when a previously set marker is reached or
647     * for each periodic record head position update.
648     * @param listener
649     */
650    public void setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener listener) {
651        setRecordPositionUpdateListener(listener, null);
652    }
654    /**
655     * Sets the listener the AudioRecord notifies when a previously set marker is reached or
656     * for each periodic record head position update.
657     * Use this method to receive AudioRecord events in the Handler associated with another
658     * thread than the one in which you created the AudioTrack instance.
659     * @param listener
660     * @param handler the Handler that will receive the event notification messages.
661     */
662    public void setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener listener,
663                                                    Handler handler) {
664        synchronized (mPositionListenerLock) {
666            mPositionListener = listener;
668            if (listener != null) {
669                if (handler != null) {
670                    mEventHandler = new NativeEventHandler(this, handler.getLooper());
671                } else {
672                    // no given handler, use the looper the AudioRecord was created in
673                    mEventHandler = new NativeEventHandler(this, mInitializationLooper);
674                }
675            } else {
676                mEventHandler = null;
677            }
678        }
680    }
683    /**
684     * Sets the marker position at which the listener is called, if set with
685     * {@link #setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener)} or
686     * {@link #setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener, Handler)}.
687     * @param markerInFrames marker position expressed in frames
688     * @return error code or success, see {@link #SUCCESS}, {@link #ERROR_BAD_VALUE},
689     *  {@link #ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION}
690     */
691    public int setNotificationMarkerPosition(int markerInFrames) {
692        if (mState == STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {
693            return ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION;
694        }
695        return native_set_marker_pos(markerInFrames);
696    }
699    /**
700     * Sets the period at which the listener is called, if set with
701     * {@link #setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener)} or
702     * {@link #setRecordPositionUpdateListener(OnRecordPositionUpdateListener, Handler)}.
703     * @param periodInFrames update period expressed in frames
704     * @return error code or success, see {@link #SUCCESS}, {@link #ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION}
705     */
706    public int setPositionNotificationPeriod(int periodInFrames) {
707        if (mState == STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {
708            return ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION;
709        }
710        return native_set_pos_update_period(periodInFrames);
711    }
714    //---------------------------------------------------------
715    // Interface definitions
716    //--------------------
717    /**
718     * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when an AudioRecord has
719     * reached a notification marker set by {@link AudioRecord#setNotificationMarkerPosition(int)}
720     * or for periodic updates on the progress of the record head, as set by
721     * {@link AudioRecord#setPositionNotificationPeriod(int)}.
722     */
723    public interface OnRecordPositionUpdateListener  {
724        /**
725         * Called on the listener to notify it that the previously set marker has been reached
726         * by the recording head.
727         */
728        void onMarkerReached(AudioRecord recorder);
730        /**
731         * Called on the listener to periodically notify it that the record head has reached
732         * a multiple of the notification period.
733         */
734        void onPeriodicNotification(AudioRecord recorder);
735    }
739    //---------------------------------------------------------
740    // Inner classes
741    //--------------------
743    /**
744     * Helper class to handle the forwarding of native events to the appropriate listener
745     * (potentially) handled in a different thread
746     */
747    private class NativeEventHandler extends Handler {
749        private final AudioRecord mAudioRecord;
751        NativeEventHandler(AudioRecord recorder, Looper looper) {
752            super(looper);
753            mAudioRecord = recorder;
754        }
756        @Override
757        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
758            OnRecordPositionUpdateListener listener = null;
759            synchronized (mPositionListenerLock) {
760                listener = mAudioRecord.mPositionListener;
761            }
763            switch (msg.what) {
764            case NATIVE_EVENT_MARKER:
765                if (listener != null) {
766                    listener.onMarkerReached(mAudioRecord);
767                }
768                break;
769            case NATIVE_EVENT_NEW_POS:
770                if (listener != null) {
771                    listener.onPeriodicNotification(mAudioRecord);
772                }
773                break;
774            default:
775                loge("Unknown native event type: " + msg.what);
776                break;
777            }
778        }
779    };
782    //---------------------------------------------------------
783    // Java methods called from the native side
784    //--------------------
785    @SuppressWarnings("unused")
786    private static void postEventFromNative(Object audiorecord_ref,
787            int what, int arg1, int arg2, Object obj) {
788        //logd("Event posted from the native side: event="+ what + " args="+ arg1+" "+arg2);
789        AudioRecord recorder = (AudioRecord)((WeakReference)audiorecord_ref).get();
790        if (recorder == null) {
791            return;
792        }
794        if (recorder.mEventHandler != null) {
795            Message m =
796                recorder.mEventHandler.obtainMessage(what, arg1, arg2, obj);
797            recorder.mEventHandler.sendMessage(m);
798        }
800    }
803    //---------------------------------------------------------
804    // Native methods called from the Java side
805    //--------------------
807    private native final int native_setup(Object audiorecord_this,
808            int recordSource, int sampleRate, int nbChannels, int audioFormat,
809            int buffSizeInBytes, int[] sessionId);
811    private native final void native_finalize();
813    private native final void native_release();
815    private native final int native_start(int syncEvent, int sessionId);
817    private native final void native_stop();
819    private native final int native_read_in_byte_array(byte[] audioData,
820            int offsetInBytes, int sizeInBytes);
822    private native final int native_read_in_short_array(short[] audioData,
823            int offsetInShorts, int sizeInShorts);
825    private native final int native_read_in_direct_buffer(Object jBuffer, int sizeInBytes);
827    private native final int native_set_marker_pos(int marker);
828    private native final int native_get_marker_pos();
830    private native final int native_set_pos_update_period(int updatePeriod);
831    private native final int native_get_pos_update_period();
833    static private native final int native_get_min_buff_size(
834            int sampleRateInHz, int channelCount, int audioFormat);
837    //---------------------------------------------------------
838    // Utility methods
839    //------------------
841    private static void logd(String msg) {
842        Log.d(TAG, msg);
843    }
845    private static void loge(String msg) {
846        Log.e(TAG, msg);
847    }