3# Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17"""Merge Chromium into the Android tree."""
19import contextlib
20import logging
21import optparse
22import os
23import re
24import shutil
25import sys
26import urllib2
28import merge_common
31# We need to import this *after* merging from upstream to get the latest
32# version. Set it to none here to catch uses before it's imported.
33webview_licenses = None
36AUTOGEN_MESSAGE = 'This commit was generated by merge_from_chromium.py.'
37SRC_GIT_BRANCH = 'refs/remotes/history/upstream-master'
40def _ReadGitFile(sha1, path, git_url=None, git_branch=None):
41  """Reads a file from a (possibly remote) git project at a specific revision.
43  Args:
44    sha1: The SHA1 at which to read.
45    path: The relative path of the file to read.
46    git_url: The URL of the git server, if reading a remote project.
47    git_branch: The branch to fetch, if reading a remote project.
48  Returns:
49    The contents of the specified file.
50  """
51  if git_url:
52    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'fetch', '-f', git_url, git_branch])
53  return merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'show', '%s:%s' % (sha1, path)])
56def _ParseDEPS(deps_content):
57  """Parses the .DEPS.git file from Chromium and returns its contents.
59  Args:
60    deps_content: The contents of the .DEPS.git file as text.
61  Returns:
62    A dictionary of the contents of .DEPS.git at the specified revision
63  """
65  class FromImpl(object):
66    """Used to implement the From syntax."""
68    def __init__(self, module_name):
69      self.module_name = module_name
71    def __str__(self):
72      return 'From("%s")' % self.module_name
74  class _VarImpl(object):
75    def __init__(self, custom_vars, local_scope):
76      self._custom_vars = custom_vars
77      self._local_scope = local_scope
79    def Lookup(self, var_name):
80      """Implements the Var syntax."""
81      if var_name in self._custom_vars:
82        return self._custom_vars[var_name]
83      elif var_name in self._local_scope.get('vars', {}):
84        return self._local_scope['vars'][var_name]
85      raise Exception('Var is not defined: %s' % var_name)
87  tmp_locals = {}
88  var = _VarImpl({}, tmp_locals)
89  tmp_globals = {'From': FromImpl, 'Var': var.Lookup, 'deps_os': {}}
90  exec(deps_content) in tmp_globals, tmp_locals
91  return tmp_locals
94def _GetProjectMergeInfo(projects, deps_vars):
95  """Gets the git URL and SHA1 for each project based on .DEPS.git.
97  Args:
98    projects: The list of projects to consider.
99    deps_vars: The dictionary of dependencies from .DEPS.git.
100  Returns:
101    A dictionary from project to git URL and SHA1 - 'path: (url, sha1)'
102  Raises:
103    TemporaryMergeError: if a project to be merged is not found in .DEPS.git.
104  """
105  deps_fallback_order = [
106      deps_vars['deps'],
107      deps_vars['deps_os']['unix'],
108      deps_vars['deps_os']['android'],
109  ]
110  result = {}
111  for path in projects:
112    for deps in deps_fallback_order:
113      if len(path) > 0:
114        upstream_path = os.path.join('src', path)
115      else:
116        upstream_path = 'src'
117      url_plus_sha1 = deps.get(upstream_path)
118      if url_plus_sha1:
119        break
120    else:
121      raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError(
122          'Could not find .DEPS.git entry for project %s. This probably '
123          'means that the project list in merge_from_chromium.py needs to be '
124          'updated.' % path)
125    match = re.match('(.*?)@(.*)', url_plus_sha1)
126    url = match.group(1)
127    sha1 = match.group(2)
128    logging.debug('  Got URL %s and SHA1 %s for project %s', url, sha1, path)
129    result[path] = {'url': url, 'sha1': sha1}
130  return result
133def _MergeProjects(version, root_sha1, target, unattended, buildspec_url):
134  """Merges each required Chromium project into the Android repository.
136  .DEPS.git is consulted to determine which revision each project must be merged
137  at. Only a whitelist of required projects are merged.
139  Args:
140    version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
141    root_sha1: The git hash to merge in the root repository.
142    target: The target branch to merge to.
143    unattended: Run in unattended mode.
144    buildspec_url: URL for buildspec repository, when merging a branch.
145  Raises:
146    TemporaryMergeError: If incompatibly licensed code is left after pruning.
147  """
148  # The logic for this step lives here, in the Android tree, as it makes no
149  # sense for a Chromium tree to know about this merge.
151  if unattended:
152    branch_create_flag = '-B'
153  else:
154    branch_create_flag = '-b'
155  branch_name = 'merge-from-chromium-%s' % version
157  logging.debug('Parsing DEPS ...')
158  if root_sha1:
159    deps_content = _ReadGitFile(root_sha1, '.DEPS.git')
160  else:
161    deps_content = _ReadGitFile('FETCH_HEAD', version + '/DEPS',
162                                buildspec_url, 'master')
164  deps_vars = _ParseDEPS(deps_content)
166  merge_info = _GetProjectMergeInfo(merge_common.THIRD_PARTY_PROJECTS,
167                                    deps_vars)
169  for path in merge_info:
170    # webkit needs special handling as we have a local mirror
171    local_mirrored = path == 'third_party/WebKit'
172    url = merge_info[path]['url']
173    sha1 = merge_info[path]['sha1']
174    dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
175    if local_mirrored:
176      remote = 'history'
177    else:
178      remote = 'goog'
179    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'checkout',
180                                   branch_create_flag, branch_name,
181                                   '-t', remote + '/' + target],
182                                  cwd=dest_dir)
183    if not local_mirrored or not root_sha1:
184      logging.debug('Fetching project %s at %s ...', path, sha1)
185      fetch_args = ['git', 'fetch', url]
186      if not root_sha1:
187        # Only try to fetch the specific SHA1 when merging a branch.
188        # Older versions of git cannot fetch SHA1s directly, and trunk merges
189        # should be using versions that are available on the default branch.
190        fetch_args.append(sha1)
191      merge_common.GetCommandStdout(fetch_args, cwd=dest_dir)
192    if merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'rev-list', '-1', 'HEAD..' + sha1],
193                                     cwd=dest_dir):
194      logging.debug('Merging project %s at %s ...', path, sha1)
195      # Merge conflicts make git merge return 1, so ignore errors
196      merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'merge', '--no-commit', sha1],
197                                    cwd=dest_dir, ignore_errors=True)
198      merge_common.CheckNoConflictsAndCommitMerge(
199          'Merge %s from %s at %s\n\n%s' % (path, url, sha1, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE),
200          cwd=dest_dir, unattended=unattended)
201    else:
202      logging.debug('No new commits to merge in project %s', path)
204  # Handle root repository separately.
205  merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'checkout',
206                                 branch_create_flag, branch_name,
207                                 '-t', 'history/' + target])
208  if not root_sha1:
209    merge_info = _GetProjectMergeInfo([''], deps_vars)
210    url = merge_info['']['url']
211    root_sha1 = merge_info['']['sha1']
212    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'fetch', url, root_sha1])
213  logging.debug('Merging Chromium at %s ...', root_sha1)
214  # Merge conflicts make git merge return 1, so ignore errors
215  merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'merge', '--no-commit', root_sha1],
216                                ignore_errors=True)
217  merge_common.CheckNoConflictsAndCommitMerge(
218      'Merge Chromium at %s (%s)\n\n%s'
219      % (version, root_sha1, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE), unattended=unattended)
221  logging.debug('Getting directories to exclude ...')
223  # We import this now that we have merged the latest version.
224  # It imports to a global in order that it can be used to generate NOTICE
225  # later. We also disable writing bytecode to keep the source tree clean.
226  sys.path.append(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'android_webview',
227                               'tools'))
228  sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
229  global webview_licenses
230  import webview_licenses
231  import known_issues
233  for path, exclude_list in known_issues.KNOWN_INCOMPATIBLE.iteritems():
234    logging.debug('  %s', '\n  '.join(os.path.join(path, x) for x in
235                                      exclude_list))
236    dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
237    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'rm', '-rf', '--ignore-unmatch'] +
238                                  exclude_list, cwd=dest_dir)
239    if _ModifiedFilesInIndex(dest_dir):
240      merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'commit', '-m',
241                                     'Exclude unwanted directories'],
242                                    cwd=dest_dir)
245def _CheckLicenses():
246  """Check that no incompatibly licensed directories exist."""
247  directories_left_over = webview_licenses.GetIncompatibleDirectories()
248  if directories_left_over:
249    raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError(
250        'Incompatibly licensed directories remain: ' +
251        '\n'.join(directories_left_over))
254def _GenerateMakefiles(version, unattended):
255  """Run gyp to generate the Android build system makefiles.
257  Args:
258    version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
259    unattended: Run in unattended mode.
260  """
261  logging.debug('Generating makefiles ...')
263  # TODO(torne): come up with a way to deal with hooks from DEPS properly
264  # Download linux GN from google storage as per hook in DEPS.
265  merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['download_from_google_storage',
266                                 '--no_resume',
267                                 '--platform=linux*',
268                                 '--no_auth',
269                                 '--bucket',
270                                 'chromium-gn',
271                                 '-s',
272                                 'tools/gn/bin/linux/gn.sha1'])
274  # TODO(torne): The .tmp files are generated by
275  # third_party/WebKit/Source/WebCore/WebCore.gyp/WebCore.gyp into the source
276  # tree. We should avoid this, or at least use a more specific name to avoid
277  # accidentally removing or adding other files.
278  for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
279    dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
280    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'rm', '--ignore-unmatch',
281                                   'GypAndroid.*.mk', '*.target.*.mk',
282                                   '*.host.*.mk', '*.tmp'], cwd=dest_dir)
284  try:
285    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['android_webview/tools/gyp_webview', 'all'])
286  except merge_common.MergeError as e:
287    if not unattended:
288      raise
289    else:
290      for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
291        merge_common.GetCommandStdout(
292            ['git', 'reset', '--hard'],
293            cwd=os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path))
294      raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError('Makefile generation failed: ' +
295                                             str(e))
297  # Copy ARM makefile to ARM64 to allow multiarch builds
298  for host in ['linux', 'darwin']:
299    shutil.copy(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT,
300                             'GypAndroid.%s-arm.mk' % host),
301                os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT,
302                             'GypAndroid.%s-arm64.mk' % host))
304  for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
305    dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
306    # git add doesn't have an --ignore-unmatch so we have to do this instead:
307    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', 'GypAndroid.*.mk'],
308                                  ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
309    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', '*.target.*.mk'],
310                                  ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
311    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', '*.host.*.mk'],
312                                  ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
313    merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', '*.tmp'],
314                                  ignore_errors=True, cwd=dest_dir)
315    # Only try to commit the makefiles if something has actually changed.
316    if _ModifiedFilesInIndex(dest_dir):
317      merge_common.GetCommandStdout(
318          ['git', 'commit', '-m',
319           'Update makefiles after merge of Chromium at %s\n\n%s' %
320           (version, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE)], cwd=dest_dir)
323def _ModifiedFilesInIndex(cwd=merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT):
324  """Returns true if git's index contains any changes."""
325  status = merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'],
326                                         cwd=cwd)
327  return re.search(r'^[MADRC]', status, flags=re.MULTILINE) is not None
330def _GenerateNoticeFile(version):
331  """Generates and commits a NOTICE file containing code licenses.
333  This covers all third-party code (from Android's perspective) that lives in
334  the Chromium tree.
336  Args:
337    version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
338  """
339  logging.debug('Regenerating NOTICE file ...')
341  contents = webview_licenses.GenerateNoticeFile()
343  with open(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'NOTICE'), 'w') as f:
344    f.write(contents)
345  merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', 'NOTICE'])
346  # Only try to commit the NOTICE update if the file has actually changed.
347  if _ModifiedFilesInIndex():
348    merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
349        'git', 'commit', '-m',
350        'Update NOTICE file after merge of Chromium at %s\n\n%s'
351        % (version, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE)])
354def _GenerateLastChange(version):
355  """Write a build/util/LASTCHANGE file containing the current revision.
357  The revision number is compiled into the binary at build time from this file.
359  Args:
360    version: The version to mention in generated commit messages.
361  """
362  logging.debug('Updating LASTCHANGE ...')
363  svn_revision, sha1 = _GetSVNRevisionAndSHA1('HEAD', 'HEAD')
364  with open(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'build/util/LASTCHANGE'),
365            'w') as f:
366    f.write('LASTCHANGE=%s\n' % svn_revision)
367  merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f', 'build/util/LASTCHANGE'])
368  logging.debug('Updating LASTCHANGE.blink ...')
369  with open(os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT,
370                         'build/util/LASTCHANGE.blink'), 'w') as f:
371    f.write('LASTCHANGE=%s\n' % _GetBlinkRevision())
372  merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'add', '-f',
373                                 'build/util/LASTCHANGE.blink'])
374  if _ModifiedFilesInIndex():
375    merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
376        'git', 'commit', '-m',
377        'Update LASTCHANGE file after merge of Chromium at %s\n\n%s'
378        % (version, AUTOGEN_MESSAGE)])
381def GetLKGR():
382  """Fetch the last known good release from Chromium's dashboard.
384  Returns:
385    The last known good SVN revision.
386  """
387  with contextlib.closing(
388      urllib2.urlopen('https://chromium-status.appspot.com/lkgr')) as lkgr:
389    return int(lkgr.read())
392def GetHEAD():
393  """Fetch the latest HEAD revision from the git mirror of the Chromium svn
394  repo.
396  Returns:
397    The latest HEAD SVN revision.
398  """
399  (svn_revision, root_sha1) = _GetSVNRevisionAndSHA1(SRC_GIT_BRANCH,
400                                                     'HEAD')
401  return int(svn_revision)
404def _ParseSvnRevisionFromGitCommitMessage(commit_message):
405  return re.search(r'^git-svn-id: .*@([0-9]+)', commit_message,
406                   flags=re.MULTILINE).group(1)
409def _GetSVNRevisionFromSha(sha1):
410  commit = merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
411      'git', 'show', '--format=%H%n%b', sha1])
412  return _ParseSvnRevisionFromGitCommitMessage(commit)
415def _GetSVNRevisionAndSHA1(git_branch, svn_revision):
416  logging.debug('Getting SVN revision and SHA1 ...')
418  if svn_revision == 'HEAD':
419    # Just use the latest commit.
420    commit = merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
421        'git', 'log', '-n1', '--grep=git-svn-id:', '--format=%H%n%b',
422        git_branch])
423    sha1 = commit.split()[0]
424    svn_revision = _ParseSvnRevisionFromGitCommitMessage(commit)
425    return (svn_revision, sha1)
427  if svn_revision is None:
428    # Fetch LKGR from upstream.
429    svn_revision = GetLKGR()
430  output = merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
431      'git', 'log', '--grep=git-svn-id: .*@%s' % svn_revision,
432      '--format=%H', git_branch])
433  if not output:
434    raise merge_common.TemporaryMergeError('Revision %s not found in git repo.'
435                                           % svn_revision)
436  # The log grep will sometimes match reverts/reapplies of commits. We take the
437  # oldest (last) match because the first time it appears in history is
438  # overwhelmingly likely to be the correct commit.
439  sha1 = output.split()[-1]
440  return (svn_revision, sha1)
443def _GetBlinkRevision():
444  commit = merge_common.GetCommandStdout([
445      'git', 'log', '-n1', '--grep=git-svn-id:', '--format=%H%n%b'],
446      cwd=os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, 'third_party', 'WebKit'))
447  return _ParseSvnRevisionFromGitCommitMessage(commit)
450def Snapshot(svn_revision, root_sha1, release, target, unattended,
451             buildspec_url):
452  """Takes a snapshot of the Chromium tree and merges it into Android.
454  Android makefiles and a top-level NOTICE file are generated and committed
455  after the merge.
457  Args:
458    svn_revision: The SVN revision in the Chromium repository to merge from.
459    root_sha1: The sha1 in the Chromium git mirror to merge from.
460    release: The Chromium release version to merge from (e.g. "30.0.1599.20").
461             Only one of svn_revision, root_sha1 and release should be
462             specified.
463    target: The target branch to merge to.
464    unattended: Run in unattended mode.
465    buildspec_url: URL for buildspec repository, used when merging a release.
467  Returns:
468    True if new commits were merged; False if no new commits were present.
469  """
470  if svn_revision:
471    svn_revision, root_sha1 = _GetSVNRevisionAndSHA1(SRC_GIT_BRANCH,
472                                                     svn_revision)
473  elif root_sha1:
474    svn_revision = _GetSVNRevisionFromSha(root_sha1)
476  if svn_revision and root_sha1:
477    version = svn_revision
478    if not merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'rev-list', '-1',
479                                          'HEAD..' + root_sha1]):
480      logging.info('No new commits to merge at %s (%s)',
481                   svn_revision, root_sha1)
482      return False
483  elif release:
484    version = release
485    root_sha1 = None
486  else:
487    raise merge_common.MergeError('No merge source specified')
489  logging.info('Snapshotting Chromium at %s (%s)', version, root_sha1)
491  # 1. Merge, accounting for excluded directories
492  _MergeProjects(version, root_sha1, target, unattended, buildspec_url)
494  # 2. Generate Android makefiles
495  _GenerateMakefiles(version, unattended)
497  # 3. Check for incompatible licenses
498  _CheckLicenses()
500  # 4. Generate Android NOTICE file
501  _GenerateNoticeFile(version)
503  # 5. Generate LASTCHANGE file
504  _GenerateLastChange(version)
506  return True
509def Push(version, target):
510  """Push the finished snapshot to the Android repository."""
511  src = 'merge-from-chromium-%s' % version
512  # Use forced pushes ('+' prefix) for the temporary and archive branches in
513  # case they already got updated by a previous (possibly failed?) merge, but
514  # do not force push to the real master-chromium branch as this could erase
515  # downstream changes.
516  refspecs = ['%s:%s' % (src, target),
517              '+%s:refs/archive/chromium-%s' % (src, version)]
518  if target == 'master-chromium':
519    refspecs.insert(0, '+%s:master-chromium-merge' % src)
520  for refspec in refspecs:
521    logging.debug('Pushing to server (%s) ...' % refspec)
522    for path in merge_common.ALL_PROJECTS:
523      if path in merge_common.PROJECTS_WITH_FLAT_HISTORY:
524        remote = 'history'
525      else:
526        remote = 'goog'
527      logging.debug('Pushing %s', path)
528      dest_dir = os.path.join(merge_common.REPOSITORY_ROOT, path)
529      merge_common.GetCommandStdout(['git', 'push', remote, refspec],
530                                    cwd=dest_dir)
533def main():
534  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options]')
535  parser.epilog = ('Takes a snapshot of the Chromium tree at the specified '
536                   'Chromium SVN revision and merges it into this repository. '
537                   'Paths marked as excluded for license reasons are removed '
538                   'as part of the merge. Also generates Android makefiles and '
539                   'generates a top-level NOTICE file suitable for use in the '
540                   'Android build.')
541  parser.add_option(
542      '', '--svn_revision',
543      default=None,
544      help=('Merge to the specified chromium SVN revision, rather than using '
545            'the current LKGR. Can also pass HEAD to merge from tip of tree. '
546            'Only one of svn_revision, sha1 and release should be specified'))
547  parser.add_option(
548      '', '--sha1',
549      default=None,
550      help=('Merge to the specified chromium sha1 revision from ' + SRC_GIT_BRANCH
551            + ' branch, rather than using the current LKGR. Only one of'
552            'svn_revision, sha1 and release should be specified.'))
553  parser.add_option(
554      '', '--release',
555      default=None,
556      help=('Merge to the specified chromium release buildspec (e.g. '
557            '"30.0.1599.20"). Only one of svn_revision, sha1 and release '
558            'should be specified.'))
559  parser.add_option(
560      '', '--buildspec_url',
561      default=None,
562      help=('Git URL for buildspec repository.'))
563  parser.add_option(
564      '', '--target',
565      default='master-chromium', metavar='BRANCH',
566      help=('Target branch to push to. Defaults to master-chromium.'))
567  parser.add_option(
568      '', '--push',
569      default=False, action='store_true',
570      help=('Push the result of a previous merge to the server. Note '
571            'svn_revision must be given.'))
572  parser.add_option(
573      '', '--get_lkgr',
574      default=False, action='store_true',
575      help=('Just print the current LKGR on stdout and exit.'))
576  parser.add_option(
577      '', '--get_head',
578      default=False, action='store_true',
579      help=('Just print the current HEAD revision on stdout and exit.'))
580  parser.add_option(
581      '', '--unattended',
582      default=False, action='store_true',
583      help=('Run in unattended mode.'))
584  parser.add_option(
585      '', '--no_changes_exit',
586      default=0, type='int',
587      help=('Exit code to use if there are no changes to merge, for scripts.'))
588  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
589  if args:
590    parser.print_help()
591    return 1
593  if 'ANDROID_BUILD_TOP' not in os.environ:
594    print >>sys.stderr, 'You need to run the Android envsetup.sh and lunch.'
595    return 1
597  logging.basicConfig(format='%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG,
598                      stream=sys.stdout)
600  if options.get_lkgr:
601    print GetLKGR()
602  elif options.get_head:
603    logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)  # Prevent log messages
604    print GetHEAD()
605  elif options.push:
606    if options.release:
607      Push(options.release, options.target)
608    elif options.svn_revision:
609      Push(options.svn_revision, options.target)
610    else:
611      print >>sys.stderr, 'You need to pass the version to push.'
612      return 1
613  else:
614    if not Snapshot(options.svn_revision, options.sha1, options.release,
615                    options.target, options.unattended, options.buildspec_url):
616      return options.no_changes_exit
618  return 0
620if __name__ == '__main__':
621  sys.exit(main())