Lines Matching refs:hex

23       NOTREACHED() << "Failed to QI for ID2D1Multithread " << std::hex << hr;
114 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get IPrintPreviewDXGIPackageTarget " << std::hex
127 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get preview_page_collection " << std::hex << hr;
133 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to copy preview_page_collection " << std::hex << hr;
151 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to QI for IPrintTaskOptionsCore " << std::hex << hr;
161 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to GetPageDescription " << std::hex << hr;
182 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to CreatePrintControl " << std::hex << hr;
197 LOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to get page's metafile " << std::hex
230 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to QI for IPrintTaskOptionsCore " << std::hex << hr;
237 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to GetPageDescription " << std::hex << hr;
246 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to InvalidatePreview " << std::hex << hr;
258 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to SetJobPageCount " << std::hex << hr;
289 LOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to get page's metafile " << std::hex
311 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create a 2D texture " << std::hex << hr;
318 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to QI for IDXGISurface " << std::hex << hr;
335 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to CreateBitmapFromDxgiSurface " << std::hex << hr;
347 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to EndDraw " << std::hex << hr;
369 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to DrawPage " << std::hex << hr;
427 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to CreateDeviceContext " << std::hex << hr;
434 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to CreateCommandList " << std::hex << hr;
443 LOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "Failed to EndDraw " << std::hex << hr;
447 LOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(close_hr)) << "Failed to close command list " << std::hex
506 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to QI for ID2D1Factory1 " << std::hex << hr;
515 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to Seek page stream " << std::hex << hr;
521 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to CreateGdiMetafile " << std::hex << hr;