Lines Matching refs:bs

172     Void  WriteMVcomponent(Int f_code, Int dmv, BitstreamEncVideo *bs);
1432 Void BlockCodeCoeff_RVLC(RunLevelBlock *RLB, BitstreamEncVideo *bs, Int j_start, Int j_stop, UChar Mode)
1451 length = PutCoeff_Intra_RVLC(run, level, bs);
1453 length = PutCoeff_Inter_RVLC(run, level, bs);
1460 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 5 + 1, 2); /* ESCAPE + Not Last Coefficient */
1461 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,0); /* Not Last Coefficient */
1462 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 6 + 1, (run << 1) | 1); /* RUN + MARKER BIT*/
1463 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* MARKER BIT */
1464 BitstreamPutGT8Bits(bs, 11, level); /* LEVEL */
1465 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 1 + 4, 16); /* MARKER BIT */
1466 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,4,0); /* RVLC TRAILING ESCAPE */
1468 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 1, RLB->s[i]); /* SIGN BIT */
1478 length = PutCoeff_Intra_RVLC_Last(run, level, bs);
1480 length = PutCoeff_Inter_RVLC_Last(run, level, bs);
1487 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 5 + 1, 3); /* ESCAPE CODE + Last Coefficient*/
1488 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* Last Coefficient !*/
1489 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 6 + 1, (run << 1) | 1); /* RUN + MARKER BIT*/
1490 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* MARKER BIT */
1491 BitstreamPutGT8Bits(bs, 11, level); /* LEVEL */
1492 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 1 + 4, 16); /* MARKER BIT + RVLC TRAILING ESCAPE */
1493 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,4,0); /* */
1495 BitstreamPut1Bits(bs, RLB->s[i]); /* SIGN BIT */
1504 Void BlockCodeCoeff_ShortHeader(RunLevelBlock *RLB, BitstreamEncVideo *bs, Int j_start, Int j_stop, UChar Mode)
1524 length = PutCoeff_Inter(run, level, bs);
1526 /*temp =*/ BitstreamPut1Bits(bs, RLB->s[i]); /* Sign Bit */
1535 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 7 + 1, 6); /* ESCAPE CODE + Not Last Coefficient */
1536 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,0); /* Not Last Coefficient */
1537 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 6, run); /* RUN */
1538 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 8, level&0xFF); /* LEVEL, mask to make sure length 8 */
1548 length = PutCoeff_Inter_Last(run, level, bs);
1550 /*temp =*/ BitstreamPut1Bits(bs, RLB->s[i]); /* Sign Bit */
1559 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 7 + 1, 7); /* ESCAPE CODE + Last Coefficient */
1560 //BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* Last Coefficient !!!*/
1561 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 6, run); /* RUN */
1562 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 8, level&0xFF); /* LEVEL, mask to make sure length 8 */
1573 Void BlockCodeCoeff_Normal(RunLevelBlock *RLB, BitstreamEncVideo *bs, Int j_start, Int j_stop, UChar Mode)
1600 length = (*PutCoeff)(run, level, bs); /* 5/28/01 replaces above */
1614 length = PutLevelCoeff_Intra(run, level_minus_max, bs);
1622 length = PutLevelCoeff_Inter(run, level_minus_max, bs);
1635 length = PutRunCoeff_Intra(run_minus_max, level, bs);
1640 length = PutRunCoeff_Inter(run_minus_max, level, bs);
1658 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 7 + 2 + 1, 30); /* ESCAPE CODE + Followed by 11 + Not Last Coefficient*/
1659 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs,2,3); /* Followed by 11 */
1660 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs, 1, 0); /* Not Last Coefficient*/
1662 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 6 + 1, (run << 1) | 1); /* Encode Run + Marker Bit */
1663 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* Marker Bit */
1665 BitstreamPutGT8Bits(bs, 12 + 1, ((level << 1) | 1)&0x1FFF); /* Encode Level, mask to make sure length 12 */
1666 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* Marker Bit */
1673 /*temp =*/ BitstreamPut1Bits(bs, RLB->s[i]); /* Sign Bit */
1685 length = PutCoeff_Intra_Last(run, level, bs);
1689 length = PutCoeff_Inter_Last(run, level, bs);
1708 length = PutLevelCoeff_Intra_Last(run, level_minus_max, bs);
1716 length = PutLevelCoeff_Inter_Last(run, level_minus_max, bs);
1728 length = PutRunCoeff_Intra_Last(run_minus_max, level, bs);
1733 length = PutRunCoeff_Inter_Last(run_minus_max, level, bs);
1750 BitstreamPutGT8Bits(bs, 7 + 2 + 1, 31); /* ESCAPE CODE + Followed by 11 + Last Coefficient*/
1751 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs,2,3); /* Followed by 11 */
1752 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs, 1, 1); /* Last Coefficient!!!*/
1754 BitstreamPutBits(bs, 6 + 1, (run << 1) | 1); /* Encode Run + Marker Bit */
1755 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* Marker Bit */
1757 BitstreamPutGT8Bits(bs, 12 + 1, ((level << 1) | 1)&0x1FFF); /* Encode Level, mask to make sure length 8 */
1758 //temp = BitstreamPutBits(bs,1,1); /* Marker Bit */
1765 /*temp =*/ BitstreamPut1Bits(bs, RLB->s[i]);
2732 Void WriteMVcomponent(Int f_code, Int dmv, BitstreamEncVideo *bs)
2743 bits = PutMV(entry, bs);
2747 BitstreamPutBits(bs, f_code - 1, residual);