/* * [The "BSD licence"] * Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Gruver (JesusFreke) * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.jf.dexlib; import org.jf.dexlib.Code.Format.*; import org.jf.dexlib.Code.*; import org.jf.dexlib.Debug.DebugInstructionIterator; import org.jf.dexlib.Debug.DebugOpcode; import org.jf.dexlib.Util.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class CodeItem extends Item { private int registerCount; private int inWords; private int outWords; private DebugInfoItem debugInfo; private Instruction[] instructions; private TryItem[] tries; private EncodedCatchHandler[] encodedCatchHandlers; private ClassDataItem.EncodedMethod parent; /** * Creates a new uninitialized CodeItem * @param dexFile The DexFile that this item belongs to */ public CodeItem(DexFile dexFile) { super(dexFile); } /** * Creates a new CodeItem with the given values. * @param dexFile The DexFile that this item belongs to * @param registerCount the number of registers that the method containing this code uses * @param inWords the number of 2-byte words that the parameters to the method containing this code take * @param outWords the maximum number of 2-byte words for the arguments of any method call in this code * @param debugInfo the debug information for this code/method * @param instructions the instructions for this code item * @param tries an array of the tries defined for this code/method * @param encodedCatchHandlers an array of the exception handlers defined for this code/method */ private CodeItem(DexFile dexFile, int registerCount, int inWords, int outWords, DebugInfoItem debugInfo, Instruction[] instructions, TryItem[] tries, EncodedCatchHandler[] encodedCatchHandlers) { super(dexFile); this.registerCount = registerCount; this.inWords = inWords; this.outWords = outWords; this.debugInfo = debugInfo; if (debugInfo != null) { debugInfo.setParent(this); } this.instructions = instructions; this.tries = tries; this.encodedCatchHandlers = encodedCatchHandlers; } /** * Returns a new CodeItem with the given values. * @param dexFile The DexFile that this item belongs to * @param registerCount the number of registers that the method containing this code uses * @param inWords the number of 2-byte words that the parameters to the method containing this code take * @param outWords the maximum number of 2-byte words for the arguments of any method call in this code * @param debugInfo the debug information for this code/method * @param instructions the instructions for this code item * @param tries a list of the tries defined for this code/method or null if none * @param encodedCatchHandlers a list of the exception handlers defined for this code/method or null if none * @return a new CodeItem with the given values. */ public static CodeItem internCodeItem(DexFile dexFile, int registerCount, int inWords, int outWords, DebugInfoItem debugInfo, List instructions, List tries, List encodedCatchHandlers) { TryItem[] triesArray = null; EncodedCatchHandler[] encodedCatchHandlersArray = null; Instruction[] instructionsArray = null; if (tries != null && tries.size() > 0) { triesArray = new TryItem[tries.size()]; tries.toArray(triesArray); } if (encodedCatchHandlers != null && encodedCatchHandlers.size() > 0) { encodedCatchHandlersArray = new EncodedCatchHandler[encodedCatchHandlers.size()]; encodedCatchHandlers.toArray(encodedCatchHandlersArray); } if (instructions != null && instructions.size() > 0) { instructionsArray = new Instruction[instructions.size()]; instructions.toArray(instructionsArray); } CodeItem codeItem = new CodeItem(dexFile, registerCount, inWords, outWords, debugInfo, instructionsArray, triesArray, encodedCatchHandlersArray); return dexFile.CodeItemsSection.intern(codeItem); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ protected void readItem(Input in, ReadContext readContext) { this.registerCount = in.readShort(); this.inWords = in.readShort(); this.outWords = in.readShort(); int triesCount = in.readShort(); this.debugInfo = (DebugInfoItem)readContext.getOptionalOffsettedItemByOffset(ItemType.TYPE_DEBUG_INFO_ITEM, in.readInt()); if (this.debugInfo != null) { this.debugInfo.setParent(this); } int instructionCount = in.readInt(); final ArrayList instructionList = new ArrayList(); byte[] encodedInstructions = in.readBytes(instructionCount * 2); InstructionIterator.IterateInstructions(dexFile, encodedInstructions, new InstructionIterator.ProcessInstructionDelegate() { public void ProcessInstruction(int codeAddress, Instruction instruction) { instructionList.add(instruction); } }); this.instructions = new Instruction[instructionList.size()]; instructionList.toArray(instructions); if (triesCount > 0) { in.alignTo(4); //we need to read in the catch handlers first, so save the offset to the try items for future reference int triesOffset = in.getCursor(); in.setCursor(triesOffset + 8 * triesCount); //read in the encoded catch handlers int encodedHandlerStart = in.getCursor(); int handlerCount = in.readUnsignedLeb128(); SparseArray handlerMap = new SparseArray(handlerCount); encodedCatchHandlers = new EncodedCatchHandler[handlerCount]; for (int i=0; i 0) { offset = AlignmentUtils.alignOffset(offset, 4); offset += tries.length * 8; int encodedCatchHandlerBaseOffset = offset; offset += Leb128Utils.unsignedLeb128Size(encodedCatchHandlers.length); for (EncodedCatchHandler encodedCatchHandler: encodedCatchHandlers) { offset = encodedCatchHandler.place(offset, encodedCatchHandlerBaseOffset); } } return offset; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ protected void writeItem(final AnnotatedOutput out) { int instructionsLength = getInstructionsLength(); if (out.annotates()) { out.annotate(0, parent.method.getMethodString()); out.annotate(2, "registers_size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(registerCount) + " (" + registerCount + ")"); out.annotate(2, "ins_size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(inWords) + " (" + inWords + ")"); out.annotate(2, "outs_size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(outWords) + " (" + outWords + ")"); int triesLength = tries==null?0:tries.length; out.annotate(2, "tries_size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(triesLength) + " (" + triesLength + ")"); if (debugInfo == null) { out.annotate(4, "debug_info_off:"); } else { out.annotate(4, "debug_info_off: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(debugInfo.getOffset())); } out.annotate(4, "insns_size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(instructionsLength) + " (" + (instructionsLength) + ")"); } out.writeShort(registerCount); out.writeShort(inWords); out.writeShort(outWords); if (tries == null) { out.writeShort(0); } else { out.writeShort(tries.length); } if (debugInfo == null) { out.writeInt(0); } else { out.writeInt(debugInfo.getOffset()); } out.writeInt(instructionsLength); int currentCodeAddress = 0; for (Instruction instruction: instructions) { currentCodeAddress = instruction.write(out, currentCodeAddress); } if (tries != null && tries.length > 0) { if (out.annotates()) { if ((currentCodeAddress % 2) != 0) { out.annotate("padding"); out.writeShort(0); } int index = 0; for (TryItem tryItem: tries) { out.annotate(0, "[0x" + Integer.toHexString(index++) + "] try_item"); out.indent(); tryItem.writeTo(out); out.deindent(); } out.annotate("handler_count: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(encodedCatchHandlers.length) + "(" + encodedCatchHandlers.length + ")"); out.writeUnsignedLeb128(encodedCatchHandlers.length); index = 0; for (EncodedCatchHandler encodedCatchHandler: encodedCatchHandlers) { out.annotate(0, "[" + Integer.toHexString(index++) + "] encoded_catch_handler"); out.indent(); encodedCatchHandler.writeTo(out); out.deindent(); } } else { if ((currentCodeAddress % 2) != 0) { out.writeShort(0); } for (TryItem tryItem: tries) { tryItem.writeTo(out); } out.writeUnsignedLeb128(encodedCatchHandlers.length); for (EncodedCatchHandler encodedCatchHandler: encodedCatchHandlers) { encodedCatchHandler.writeTo(out); } } } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public ItemType getItemType() { return ItemType.TYPE_CODE_ITEM; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public String getConciseIdentity() { if (this.parent == null) { return "code_item @0x" + Integer.toHexString(getOffset()); } return "code_item @0x" + Integer.toHexString(getOffset()) + " (" + parent.method.getMethodString() + ")"; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int compareTo(CodeItem other) { if (parent == null) { if (other.parent == null) { return 0; } return -1; } if (other.parent == null) { return 1; } return parent.method.compareTo(other.parent.method); } /** * @return the register count */ public int getRegisterCount() { return registerCount; } /** * @return an array of the instructions in this code item */ public Instruction[] getInstructions() { return instructions; } /** * @return an array of the TryItem objects in this CodeItem */ public TryItem[] getTries() { return tries; } /** * @return an array of the EncodedCatchHandler objects in this CodeItem */ public EncodedCatchHandler[] getHandlers() { return encodedCatchHandlers; } /** * @return the DebugInfoItem associated with this CodeItem */ public DebugInfoItem getDebugInfo() { return debugInfo; } /** * @return the number of 2-byte words that the parameters to the method containing this code take */ public int getInWords() { return inWords; } /** * @return the maximum number of 2-byte words for the arguments of any method call in this code */ public int getOutWords() { return outWords; } /** * Sets the MethodIdItem of the method that this CodeItem is associated with * @param encodedMethod the EncodedMethod of the method that this CodeItem is associated * with */ protected void setParent(ClassDataItem.EncodedMethod encodedMethod) { this.parent = encodedMethod; } /** * @return the MethodIdItem of the method that this CodeItem belongs to */ public ClassDataItem.EncodedMethod getParent() { return parent; } /** * Used by OdexUtil to update this CodeItem with a deodexed version of the instructions * @param newInstructions the new instructions to use for this code item */ public void updateCode(Instruction[] newInstructions) { this.instructions = newInstructions; } /** * @return The length of the instructions in this CodeItem, in 2-byte code blocks */ private int getInstructionsLength() { int currentCodeAddress = 0; for (Instruction instruction: instructions) { currentCodeAddress += instruction.getSize(currentCodeAddress); } return currentCodeAddress; } /** * Go through the instructions and perform any of the following fixes that are applicable * - Replace const-string instruction with const-string/jumbo, when the string index is too big * - Replace goto and goto/16 with a larger version of goto, when the target is too far away * TODO: we should be able to replace if-* instructions with targets that are too far away with a negated if followed by a goto/32 to the original target * TODO: remove multiple nops that occur before a switch/array data pseudo instruction. In some cases, multiple smali-baksmali cycles with changes in between could cause nops to start piling up * TODO: in case of non-range invoke with a jumbo-sized method reference, we could check if the registers are sequential, and replace it with the jumbo variant (which only takes a register range) * * The above fixes are applied iteratively, until no more fixes have been performed */ public void fixInstructions(boolean fixJumbo, boolean fixGoto) { try { boolean didSomething = false; do { didSomething = false; int currentCodeAddress = 0; for (int i=0; i 0xFFFF) { InstructionWithJumboVariant instructionWithJumboVariant = (InstructionWithJumboVariant)referenceInstruction; Instruction jumboInstruction = instructionWithJumboVariant.makeJumbo(); if (jumboInstruction != null) { replaceInstructionAtAddress(currentCodeAddress, instructionWithJumboVariant.makeJumbo()); didSomething = true; break; } } } currentCodeAddress += instruction.getSize(currentCodeAddress); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ExceptionWithContext.withContext(ex, "Error while attempting to fix " + instruction.opcode.name + " instruction at address " + currentCodeAddress); } } }while(didSomething); } catch (Exception ex) { throw this.addExceptionContext(ex); } } private void replaceInstructionAtAddress(int codeAddress, Instruction replacementInstruction) { Instruction originalInstruction = null; int[] originalInstructionCodeAddresses = new int[instructions.length+1]; SparseIntArray originalSwitchAddressByOriginalSwitchDataAddress = new SparseIntArray(); int currentCodeAddress = 0; int instructionIndex = 0; int i; for (i=0; i= 0; int originalAddress = originalAddressByNewAddress.get(currentCodeAddress); int originalInstructionTarget = originalAddress + offsetInstruction.getTargetAddressOffset(); assert newAddressByOriginalAddress.indexOfKey(originalInstructionTarget) >= 0; int newInstructionTarget = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(originalInstructionTarget); int newCodeAddress = (newInstructionTarget - currentCodeAddress); if (newCodeAddress != offsetInstruction.getTargetAddressOffset()) { offsetInstruction.updateTargetAddressOffset(newCodeAddress); } } else if (instruction instanceof MultiOffsetInstruction) { MultiOffsetInstruction multiOffsetInstruction = (MultiOffsetInstruction)instruction; assert originalAddressByNewAddress.indexOfKey(currentCodeAddress) >= 0; int originalDataAddress = originalAddressByNewAddress.get(currentCodeAddress); int originalSwitchAddress = originalSwitchAddressByOriginalSwitchDataAddress.get(originalDataAddress, -1); if (originalSwitchAddress == -1) { //TODO: maybe we could just remove the unreferenced switch data? throw new RuntimeException("This method contains an unreferenced switch data block at address " + + currentCodeAddress + " and can't be automatically fixed."); } assert newAddressByOriginalAddress.indexOfKey(originalSwitchAddress) >= 0; int newSwitchAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(originalSwitchAddress); int[] targets = multiOffsetInstruction.getTargets(); for (int t=0; t= 0; int newTargetCodeAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(originalTargetCodeAddress); int newCodeAddress = newTargetCodeAddress - newSwitchAddress; if (newCodeAddress != targets[t]) { multiOffsetInstruction.updateTarget(t, newCodeAddress); } } } currentCodeAddress += instruction.getSize(currentCodeAddress); } if (debugInfo != null) { final byte[] encodedDebugInfo = debugInfo.getEncodedDebugInfo(); ByteArrayInput debugInput = new ByteArrayInput(encodedDebugInfo); DebugInstructionFixer debugInstructionFixer = new DebugInstructionFixer(encodedDebugInfo, newAddressByOriginalAddress); DebugInstructionIterator.IterateInstructions(debugInput, debugInstructionFixer); if (debugInstructionFixer.result != null) { debugInfo.setEncodedDebugInfo(debugInstructionFixer.result); } } if (encodedCatchHandlers != null) { for (EncodedCatchHandler encodedCatchHandler: encodedCatchHandlers) { if (encodedCatchHandler.catchAllHandlerAddress != -1) { assert newAddressByOriginalAddress.indexOfKey(encodedCatchHandler.catchAllHandlerAddress) >= 0; encodedCatchHandler.catchAllHandlerAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(encodedCatchHandler.catchAllHandlerAddress); } for (EncodedTypeAddrPair handler: encodedCatchHandler.handlers) { assert newAddressByOriginalAddress.indexOfKey(handler.handlerAddress) >= 0; handler.handlerAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(handler.handlerAddress); } } } if (this.tries != null) { for (TryItem tryItem: tries) { int startAddress = tryItem.startCodeAddress; int endAddress = tryItem.startCodeAddress + tryItem.tryLength; assert newAddressByOriginalAddress.indexOfKey(startAddress) >= 0; tryItem.startCodeAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(startAddress); assert newAddressByOriginalAddress.indexOfKey(endAddress) >= 0; tryItem.tryLength = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(endAddress) - tryItem.startCodeAddress; } } } private class DebugInstructionFixer extends DebugInstructionIterator.ProcessRawDebugInstructionDelegate { private int currentCodeAddress = 0; private SparseIntArray newAddressByOriginalAddress; private final byte[] originalEncodedDebugInfo; public byte[] result = null; public DebugInstructionFixer(byte[] originalEncodedDebugInfo, SparseIntArray newAddressByOriginalAddress) { this.newAddressByOriginalAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress; this.originalEncodedDebugInfo = originalEncodedDebugInfo; } @Override public void ProcessAdvancePC(int startDebugOffset, int debugInstructionLength, int codeAddressDelta) { currentCodeAddress += codeAddressDelta; if (result != null) { return; } int newCodeAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(currentCodeAddress, -1); //The address might not point to an actual instruction in some cases, for example, if an AdvancePC //instruction was inserted just before a "special" instruction, to fix up the addresses for a previous //instruction replacement. //In this case, it should be safe to skip, because there will be another AdvancePC/SpecialOpcode that will //bump up the address to point to a valid instruction before anything (line/local/etc.) is emitted if (newCodeAddress == -1) { return; } if (newCodeAddress != currentCodeAddress) { int newCodeAddressDelta = newCodeAddress - (currentCodeAddress - codeAddressDelta); assert newCodeAddressDelta > 0; int codeAddressDeltaLeb128Size = Leb128Utils.unsignedLeb128Size(newCodeAddressDelta); //if the length of the new code address delta is the same, we can use the existing buffer if (codeAddressDeltaLeb128Size + 1 == debugInstructionLength) { result = originalEncodedDebugInfo; Leb128Utils.writeUnsignedLeb128(newCodeAddressDelta, result, startDebugOffset+1); } else { //The length of the new code address delta is different, so create a new buffer with enough //additional space to accomodate the new code address delta value. result = new byte[originalEncodedDebugInfo.length + codeAddressDeltaLeb128Size - (debugInstructionLength - 1)]; System.arraycopy(originalEncodedDebugInfo, 0, result, 0, startDebugOffset); result[startDebugOffset] = DebugOpcode.DBG_ADVANCE_PC.value; Leb128Utils.writeUnsignedLeb128(newCodeAddressDelta, result, startDebugOffset+1); System.arraycopy(originalEncodedDebugInfo, startDebugOffset + debugInstructionLength, result, startDebugOffset + codeAddressDeltaLeb128Size + 1, originalEncodedDebugInfo.length - (startDebugOffset + codeAddressDeltaLeb128Size + 1)); } } } @Override public void ProcessSpecialOpcode(int startDebugOffset, int debugOpcode, int lineDelta, int codeAddressDelta) { currentCodeAddress += codeAddressDelta; if (result != null) { return; } int newCodeAddress = newAddressByOriginalAddress.get(currentCodeAddress, -1); assert newCodeAddress != -1; if (newCodeAddress != currentCodeAddress) { int newCodeAddressDelta = newCodeAddress - (currentCodeAddress - codeAddressDelta); assert newCodeAddressDelta > 0; //if the new code address delta won't fit in the special opcode, we need to insert //an additional DBG_ADVANCE_PC opcode if (lineDelta < 2 && newCodeAddressDelta > 16 || lineDelta > 1 && newCodeAddressDelta > 15) { int additionalCodeAddressDelta = newCodeAddress - currentCodeAddress; int additionalCodeAddressDeltaLeb128Size = Leb128Utils.signedLeb128Size(additionalCodeAddressDelta); //create a new buffer with enough additional space for the new opcode result = new byte[originalEncodedDebugInfo.length + additionalCodeAddressDeltaLeb128Size + 1]; System.arraycopy(originalEncodedDebugInfo, 0, result, 0, startDebugOffset); result[startDebugOffset] = 0x01; //DBG_ADVANCE_PC Leb128Utils.writeUnsignedLeb128(additionalCodeAddressDelta, result, startDebugOffset+1); System.arraycopy(originalEncodedDebugInfo, startDebugOffset, result, startDebugOffset+additionalCodeAddressDeltaLeb128Size+1, result.length - (startDebugOffset+additionalCodeAddressDeltaLeb128Size+1)); } else { result = originalEncodedDebugInfo; result[startDebugOffset] = DebugInfoBuilder.calculateSpecialOpcode(lineDelta, newCodeAddressDelta); } } } } public static class TryItem { /** * The address (in 2-byte words) within the code where the try block starts */ private int startCodeAddress; /** * The number of 2-byte words that the try block covers */ private int tryLength; /** * The associated exception handler */ public final EncodedCatchHandler encodedCatchHandler; /** * Construct a new TryItem with the given values * @param startCodeAddress the code address within the code where the try block starts * @param tryLength the number of code blocks that the try block covers * @param encodedCatchHandler the associated exception handler */ public TryItem(int startCodeAddress, int tryLength, EncodedCatchHandler encodedCatchHandler) { this.startCodeAddress = startCodeAddress; this.tryLength = tryLength; this.encodedCatchHandler = encodedCatchHandler; } /** * This is used internally to construct a new TryItem while reading in a DexFile * @param in the Input object to read the TryItem from * @param encodedCatchHandlers a SparseArray of the EncodedCatchHandlers for this CodeItem. The * key should be the offset of the EncodedCatchHandler from the beginning of the encoded_catch_handler_list * structure. */ private TryItem(Input in, SparseArray encodedCatchHandlers) { startCodeAddress = in.readInt(); tryLength = in.readShort(); encodedCatchHandler = encodedCatchHandlers.get(in.readShort()); if (encodedCatchHandler == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find the EncodedCatchHandler referenced by this TryItem"); } } /** * Writes the TryItem to the given AnnotatedOutput object * @param out the AnnotatedOutput object to write to */ private void writeTo(AnnotatedOutput out) { if (out.annotates()) { out.annotate(4, "start_addr: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(startCodeAddress)); out.annotate(2, "try_length: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(tryLength) + " (" + tryLength + ")"); out.annotate(2, "handler_off: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(encodedCatchHandler.getOffsetInList())); } out.writeInt(startCodeAddress); out.writeShort(tryLength); out.writeShort(encodedCatchHandler.getOffsetInList()); } /** * @return The address (in 2-byte words) within the code where the try block starts */ public int getStartCodeAddress() { return startCodeAddress; } /** * @return The number of code blocks that the try block covers */ public int getTryLength() { return tryLength; } } public static class EncodedCatchHandler { /** * An array of the individual exception handlers */ public final EncodedTypeAddrPair[] handlers; /** * The address within the code (in 2-byte words) for the catch all handler, or -1 if there is no catch all * handler */ private int catchAllHandlerAddress; private int baseOffset; private int offset; /** * Constructs a new EncodedCatchHandler with the given values * @param handlers an array of the individual exception handlers * @param catchAllHandlerAddress The address within the code (in 2-byte words) for the catch all handler, or -1 * if there is no catch all handler */ public EncodedCatchHandler(EncodedTypeAddrPair[] handlers, int catchAllHandlerAddress) { this.handlers = handlers; this.catchAllHandlerAddress = catchAllHandlerAddress; } /** * This is used internally to construct a new EncodedCatchHandler while reading in a * DexFile * @param dexFile the DexFile that is being read in * @param in the Input object to read the EncodedCatchHandler from */ private EncodedCatchHandler(DexFile dexFile, Input in) { int handlerCount = in.readSignedLeb128(); if (handlerCount < 0) { handlers = new EncodedTypeAddrPair[-1 * handlerCount]; } else { handlers = new EncodedTypeAddrPair[handlerCount]; } for (int i=0; iEncodedCatchHandler, or -1 if there * is no "Catch All" handler */ public int getCatchAllHandlerAddress() { return catchAllHandlerAddress; } /** * @return the offset of this EncodedCatchHandler from the beginning of the * encoded_catch_handler_list structure */ private int getOffsetInList() { return offset-baseOffset; } /** * Places the EncodedCatchHandler, storing the offset and baseOffset, and returning the offset * immediately following this EncodedCatchHandler * @param offset the offset of this EncodedCatchHandler in the DexFile * @param baseOffset the offset of the beginning of the encoded_catch_handler_list structure in the * DexFile * @return the offset immediately following this EncodedCatchHandler */ private int place(int offset, int baseOffset) { this.offset = offset; this.baseOffset = baseOffset; int size = handlers.length; if (catchAllHandlerAddress > -1) { size *= -1; offset += Leb128Utils.unsignedLeb128Size(catchAllHandlerAddress); } offset += Leb128Utils.signedLeb128Size(size); for (EncodedTypeAddrPair handler: handlers) { offset += handler.getSize(); } return offset; } /** * Writes the EncodedCatchHandler to the given AnnotatedOutput object * @param out the AnnotatedOutput object to write to */ private void writeTo(AnnotatedOutput out) { if (out.annotates()) { out.annotate("size: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(handlers.length) + " (" + handlers.length + ")"); int size = handlers.length; if (catchAllHandlerAddress > -1) { size = size * -1; } out.writeSignedLeb128(size); int index = 0; for (EncodedTypeAddrPair handler: handlers) { out.annotate(0, "[" + index++ + "] encoded_type_addr_pair"); out.indent(); handler.writeTo(out); out.deindent(); } if (catchAllHandlerAddress > -1) { out.annotate("catch_all_addr: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(catchAllHandlerAddress)); out.writeUnsignedLeb128(catchAllHandlerAddress); } } else { int size = handlers.length; if (catchAllHandlerAddress > -1) { size = size * -1; } out.writeSignedLeb128(size); for (EncodedTypeAddrPair handler: handlers) { handler.writeTo(out); } if (catchAllHandlerAddress > -1) { out.writeUnsignedLeb128(catchAllHandlerAddress); } } } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 0; for (EncodedTypeAddrPair handler: handlers) { hash = hash * 31 + handler.hashCode(); } hash = hash * 31 + catchAllHandlerAddress; return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this==o) { return true; } if (o==null || !this.getClass().equals(o.getClass())) { return false; } EncodedCatchHandler other = (EncodedCatchHandler)o; if (handlers.length != other.handlers.length || catchAllHandlerAddress != other.catchAllHandlerAddress) { return false; } for (int i=0; iException that this handler handles */ public final TypeIdItem exceptionType; /** * The address (in 2-byte words) in the code of the handler */ private int handlerAddress; /** * Constructs a new EncodedTypeAddrPair with the given values * @param exceptionType the type of the Exception that this handler handles * @param handlerAddress the address (in 2-byte words) in the code of the handler */ public EncodedTypeAddrPair(TypeIdItem exceptionType, int handlerAddress) { this.exceptionType = exceptionType; this.handlerAddress = handlerAddress; } /** * This is used internally to construct a new EncodedTypeAddrPair while reading in a * DexFile * @param dexFile the DexFile that is being read in * @param in the Input object to read the EncodedCatchHandler from */ private EncodedTypeAddrPair(DexFile dexFile, Input in) { exceptionType = dexFile.TypeIdsSection.getItemByIndex(in.readUnsignedLeb128()); handlerAddress = in.readUnsignedLeb128(); } /** * @return the size of this EncodedTypeAddrPair */ private int getSize() { return Leb128Utils.unsignedLeb128Size(exceptionType.getIndex()) + Leb128Utils.unsignedLeb128Size(handlerAddress); } /** * Writes the EncodedTypeAddrPair to the given AnnotatedOutput object * @param out the AnnotatedOutput object to write to */ private void writeTo(AnnotatedOutput out) { if (out.annotates()) { out.annotate("exception_type: " + exceptionType.getTypeDescriptor()); out.writeUnsignedLeb128(exceptionType.getIndex()); out.annotate("handler_addr: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(handlerAddress)); out.writeUnsignedLeb128(handlerAddress); } else { out.writeUnsignedLeb128(exceptionType.getIndex()); out.writeUnsignedLeb128(handlerAddress); } } public int getHandlerAddress() { return handlerAddress; } @Override public int hashCode() { return exceptionType.hashCode() * 31 + handlerAddress; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this==o) { return true; } if (o==null || !this.getClass().equals(o.getClass())) { return false; } EncodedTypeAddrPair other = (EncodedTypeAddrPair)o; return exceptionType == other.exceptionType && handlerAddress == other.handlerAddress; } } }