/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * As per the Apache license requirements, this file has been modified * from its original state. * * Such modifications are Copyright (C) 2010 Ben Gruver, and are released * under the original license */ package org.jf.dexlib.Util; /** * Wrapper for a byte[], which provides read-only access and * can "reveal" a partial slice of the underlying array. * * Note: Multibyte accessors all use big-endian order. */ public final class ByteArray { /** non-null; underlying array */ private final byte[] bytes; /** >= 0; start index of the slice (inclusive) */ private final int start; /** >= 0, <= bytes.length; size computed as * end - start (in the constructor) */ private final int size; /** * Constructs an instance. * * @param bytes non-null; the underlying array * @param start >= 0; start index of the slice (inclusive) * @param end >= start, <= bytes.length; end index of * the slice (exclusive) */ public ByteArray(byte[] bytes, int start, int end) { if (bytes == null) { throw new NullPointerException("bytes == null"); } if (start < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("start < 0"); } if (end < start) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("end < start"); } if (end > bytes.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("end > bytes.length"); } this.bytes = bytes; this.start = start; this.size = end - start; } /** * Constructs an instance from an entire byte[]. * * @param bytes non-null; the underlying array */ public ByteArray(byte[] bytes) { this(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } /** * Gets the size of the array, in bytes. * * @return >= 0; the size */ public int size() { return size; } /** * Returns a slice (that is, a sub-array) of this instance. * * @param start >= 0; start index of the slice (inclusive) * @param end >= start, <= size(); end index of * the slice (exclusive) * @return non-null; the slice */ public ByteArray slice(int start, int end) { checkOffsets(start, end); return new ByteArray(bytes, start + this.start, end + this.start); } /** * Returns the offset into the given array represented by the given * offset into this instance. * * @param offset offset into this instance * @param bytes non-null; (alleged) underlying array * @return corresponding offset into bytes * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if bytes is * not the underlying array of this instance */ public int underlyingOffset(int offset, byte[] bytes) { if (bytes != this.bytes) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong bytes"); } return start + offset; } /** * Gets the signed byte value at a particular offset. * * @param off >= 0, < size(); offset to fetch * @return signed byte at that offset */ public int getByte(int off) { checkOffsets(off, off + 1); return getByte0(off); } /** * Gets the signed short value at a particular offset. * * @param off >= 0, < (size() - 1); offset to fetch * @return signed short at that offset */ public int getShort(int off) { checkOffsets(off, off + 2); return (getByte0(off) << 8) | getUnsignedByte0(off + 1); } /** * Gets the signed int value at a particular offset. * * @param off >= 0, < (size() - 3); offset to fetch * @return signed int at that offset */ public int getInt(int off) { checkOffsets(off, off + 4); return (getByte0(off) << 24) | (getUnsignedByte0(off + 1) << 16) | (getUnsignedByte0(off + 2) << 8) | getUnsignedByte0(off + 3); } /** * Gets the signed long value at a particular offset. * * @param off >= 0, < (size() - 7); offset to fetch * @return signed int at that offset */ public long getLong(int off) { checkOffsets(off, off + 8); int part1 = (getByte0(off) << 24) | (getUnsignedByte0(off + 1) << 16) | (getUnsignedByte0(off + 2) << 8) | getUnsignedByte0(off + 3); int part2 = (getByte0(off + 4) << 24) | (getUnsignedByte0(off + 5) << 16) | (getUnsignedByte0(off + 6) << 8) | getUnsignedByte0(off + 7); return (part2 & 0xffffffffL) | ((long) part1) << 32; } /** * Gets the unsigned byte value at a particular offset. * * @param off >= 0, < size(); offset to fetch * @return unsigned byte at that offset */ public int getUnsignedByte(int off) { checkOffsets(off, off + 1); return getUnsignedByte0(off); } /** * Gets the unsigned short value at a particular offset. * * @param off >= 0, < (size() - 1); offset to fetch * @return unsigned short at that offset */ public int getUnsignedShort(int off) { checkOffsets(off, off + 2); return (getUnsignedByte0(off) << 8) | getUnsignedByte0(off + 1); } /** * Copies the contents of this instance into the given raw * byte[] at the given offset. The given array must be * large enough. * * @param out non-null; array to hold the output * @param offset non-null; index into out for the first * byte of output */ public void getBytes(byte[] out, int offset) { if ((out.length - offset) < size) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("(out.length - offset) < " + "size()"); } System.arraycopy(bytes, start, out, offset, size); } /** * Checks a range of offsets for validity, throwing if invalid. * * @param s start offset (inclusive) * @param e end offset (exclusive) */ private void checkOffsets(int s, int e) { if ((s < 0) || (e < s) || (e > size)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad range: " + s + ".." + e + "; actual size " + size); } } /** * Gets the signed byte value at the given offset, * without doing any argument checking. * * @param off offset to fetch * @return byte at that offset */ private int getByte0(int off) { return bytes[start + off]; } /** * Gets the unsigned byte value at the given offset, * without doing any argument checking. * * @param off offset to fetch * @return byte at that offset */ private int getUnsignedByte0(int off) { return bytes[start + off] & 0xff; } }