/** * Copyright (c) 2004, Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mail.lib.html.parser; import com.android.mail.lib.base.CharEscapers; import com.android.mail.lib.base.CharMatcher; import com.android.mail.lib.base.StringUtil; import com.android.mail.lib.base.X; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * HtmlDocument is a container for a list of html nodes, and represents the * entire html document. It contains toHTML() method which prints out the html * text, toXHTML for printing out XHTML text and toString() which prints out in * debug format. * * @author jlim@google.com (Jing Yee Lim) */ public class HtmlDocument { /** List of Node objects */ private final List nodes; /** * Creates a Html document. * @param nodes list of html nodes */ public HtmlDocument(List nodes) { this.nodes = nodes; } /** Gets the list of nodes */ public List getNodes() { return nodes; } /** Returns a HTML string for the current document */ public String toHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nodes.size() * 10); for (Node n : nodes) { n.toHTML(sb); } return sb.toString(); } /** Returns a XHTML string for the current document */ public String toXHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nodes.size() * 10); for (Node n : nodes) { n.toXHTML(sb); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns, as much as possible, original content of preparsed nodes. This * is only different from toHTML() if the nodes were created with original * content, e.g., by HtmlParser in preserve mode. */ public String toOriginalHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nodes.size() * 10); for (Node n : nodes) { n.toOriginalHTML(sb); } return sb.toString(); } /** Returns the HTML document in debug format */ @Override public String toString() { StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter(); accept(new DebugPrinter(new PrintWriter(strWriter))); return strWriter.toString(); } /** * Creates start Tag Node. * @see HtmlDocument#createTag(HTML.Element, List, String, String) */ public static Tag createTag(HTML.Element element, List attributes) { return createTag(element, attributes, null, null); } /** * Creates start Tag Node. * @see HtmlDocument.Tag#Tag(HTML.Element, List, boolean, String, String) */ public static Tag createTag(HTML.Element element, List attributes, String originalHtmlBeforeAttributes, String originalHtmlAfterAttributes) { return new Tag(element, attributes, false, originalHtmlBeforeAttributes, originalHtmlAfterAttributes); } /** * Creates self-terminating Tag Node. * @see HtmlDocument#createSelfTerminatingTag(HTML.Element, List, String, String) */ public static Tag createSelfTerminatingTag(HTML.Element element, List attributes) { return createSelfTerminatingTag(element, attributes, null, null); } /** * Creates self-terminating Tag Node. * @see HtmlDocument#createTag(HTML.Element, List, String, String) */ public static Tag createSelfTerminatingTag(HTML.Element element, List attributes, String originalHtmlBeforeAttributes, String originalHtmlAfterAttributes) { return new Tag(element, attributes, true, originalHtmlBeforeAttributes, originalHtmlAfterAttributes); } /** * @see HtmlDocument#createEndTag(HTML.Element, String) */ public static EndTag createEndTag(HTML.Element element) { return createEndTag(element, null); } /** * @see HtmlDocument.EndTag#EndTag(HTML.Element, String) */ public static EndTag createEndTag(HTML.Element element, String originalHtml) { return new EndTag(element, originalHtml); } /** * @see HtmlDocument#createTagAttribute(HTML.Attribute, String, String) */ public static TagAttribute createTagAttribute(HTML.Attribute attr, String value) { return createTagAttribute(attr, value, null); } /** * @see HtmlDocument.TagAttribute#TagAttribute(HTML.Attribute, String, String) */ public static TagAttribute createTagAttribute(HTML.Attribute attr, String value, String originalHtml) { X.assertTrue(attr != null); return new TagAttribute(attr, value, originalHtml); } /** * @see HtmlDocument#createText(String, String) */ public static Text createText(String text) { return createText(text, null); } /** * Creates a Text node. * @see UnescapedText#UnescapedText(String, String) */ public static Text createText(String text, String original) { return new UnescapedText(text, original); } /** * Creates a Text node where the content hasn't been unescaped yet (this will * be done lazily). */ public static Text createEscapedText(String htmlText, String original) { return new EscapedText(htmlText, original); } /** * Creates an Comment node. * @see Comment#Comment(String) */ public static Comment createHtmlComment(String content) { return new Comment(content); } /** * Creates a CDATA node. * @see CDATA#CDATA(String) */ public static CDATA createCDATA(String text) { return new CDATA(text); } /** Accepts a Visitor */ public void accept(Visitor v) { v.start(); for (Node node : nodes) { node.accept(v); } v.finish(); } /** * @param filter results of this filter replace the existing nodes * @return new document with filtered nodes */ public HtmlDocument filter(MultiplexFilter filter) { filter.start(); List newNodes = new ArrayList(); for (Node node : nodes) { filter.filter(node, newNodes); } filter.finish(newNodes); return new HtmlDocument(newNodes); } /** * Html node */ public static abstract class Node { /** Accepts a visitor */ public abstract void accept(Visitor visitor); /** Converts to HTML */ public String toHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toHTML(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** Converts to HTML */ public abstract void toHTML(StringBuilder sb); /** Converts to XHTML */ public String toXHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toXHTML(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** Converts to XHTML */ public abstract void toXHTML(StringBuilder sb); /** * @return Original if it's available; otherwise, returns * toHTML() */ public String toOriginalHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toOriginalHTML(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param sb Destination of HTML to be appended. Appends original if it's * available; otherwise, appends toHTML() */ public abstract void toOriginalHTML(StringBuilder sb); } /** * HTML comment node. */ public static class Comment extends Node { private final String content; /** * @param content Raw comment, including "<!--" and "-->". */ public Comment(String content) { this.content = content; } @Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitComment(this); } /** * Emit original unchanged. * @param sb Destination of result. */ @Override public void toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(content); } /** * Emit original unchanged. * @param sb Destination of result. */ @Override public void toXHTML(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(content); } /** * Emit original unchanged. * @param sb Destination of result. */ @Override public void toOriginalHTML(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(content); } /** * @return Original unchanged. */ public String getContent() { return content; } } /** * Text node */ public static abstract class Text extends Node { /** * unaltered original content of this node */ private final String originalHtml; /** * content of this node in HTML format */ private String html; /** * @param originalHtml Unaltered original HTML. If not null, * toOriginalHTML() will return this. */ protected Text(String originalHtml) { this.originalHtml = originalHtml; } /** * Gets the plain, unescaped text. */ abstract public String getText(); // Returns true if it contains only white space public boolean isWhitespace() { String text = getText(); int len = text.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(text.charAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } if (o instanceof Text) { Text that = (Text) o; return this.originalHtml == null ? that.originalHtml == null : this.originalHtml.equals(that.originalHtml); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return originalHtml == null ? 0 : originalHtml.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return getText(); } /** Extends Node.accept */ @Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitText(this); } /** * Gets the HTML, with HTML entities escaped. */ @Override public void toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { if (html == null) { html = CharEscapers.asciiHtmlEscaper().escape(getText()); } sb.append(html); } /** * @see HtmlDocument.Text#toHTML(StringBuilder) */ @Override public void toXHTML(StringBuilder sb) { toHTML(sb); } /** * @param sb Appends original HTML to this if available. Otherwise, * same as toHTML(). */ @Override public void toOriginalHTML(StringBuilder sb) { if (originalHtml != null) { sb.append(originalHtml); } else { toHTML(sb); } } /** * @return the original HTML (possibly with entities unescaped if the * document was malformed). May be null if original HTML was not preserved * (see constructor argument of {@link HtmlParser}) */ public String getOriginalHTML() { return originalHtml; } } /** * {@link Text} implementation where the given text is assumed to have been * already HTML unescaped. */ private static class UnescapedText extends Text { /** * content of this node as plain, unescaped text */ protected final String text; private UnescapedText(String plainText, String originalHtml) { super(originalHtml); X.assertTrue(plainText != null); this.text = plainText; } @Override public String getText() { return text; } } /** * {@link Text} implementation where the given text is not unescaped yet, and * unescaping will only be done lazily. */ private static class EscapedText extends Text { private final String htmlText; private String text; private EscapedText(String htmlText, String originalHtml) { super(originalHtml); this.htmlText = htmlText; } @Override public String getText() { if (text == null) { text = StringUtil.unescapeHTML(htmlText); } return text; } } /** * CDATA node is a subclass of Text node. */ public static class CDATA extends UnescapedText { private CDATA(String text) { super(text, text); } @Override public void toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { // Do not htmlescape CDATA text sb.append(text); } @Override public void toXHTML(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(""); } } /** * Tag is a HTML open tag. */ public static class Tag extends Node { // The element private final HTML.Element element; // List of TagAttribute objects. This may be null. private List attributes; private final boolean isSelfTerminating; private final String originalHtmlBeforeAttributes; private final String originalHtmlAfterAttributes; /** * @param element the HTML4 element * @param attributes list of TagAttribute objects, may be null * @param isSelfTerminating * @param originalHtmlBeforeAttributes Original tag's full content before * first attribute, including beginning '<'. This should not * include preceeding whitespace for the first attribute, as that * should be included in the attribute node. If not null, tag will * preserve this original content. e.g., if original tag were * "<foO bar='zbc'>", case of foO would be preserved. This * method does not validate that * originalHtmlBeforeAttributes is a valid tag String. * @param originalHtmlAfterAttributes Full content of original tag after * last attribute, including ending '>'. If not null, tag will * preserve this original content. e.g., if original tag were * "<foo bar='zbc' >", the spaces before '>' be preserved. * This method does not validate that * originalHtmlAfterAttributes is a valid tag String. */ private Tag(HTML.Element element, List attributes, boolean isSelfTerminating, String originalHtmlBeforeAttributes, String originalHtmlAfterAttributes) { X.assertTrue(element != null); this.element = element; this.attributes = attributes; this.isSelfTerminating = isSelfTerminating; this.originalHtmlBeforeAttributes = originalHtmlBeforeAttributes; this.originalHtmlAfterAttributes = originalHtmlAfterAttributes; } /** Gets the name */ public String getName() { return element.getName(); } /** Gets the element */ public HTML.Element getElement() { return element; } /** Adds an attribute */ public void addAttribute(HTML.Attribute attr, String value) { X.assertTrue(attr != null); addAttribute(new TagAttribute(attr, value, null)); } /** Adds an attribute */ public void addAttribute(TagAttribute attr) { X.assertTrue(attr != null); if (attributes == null) { attributes = new ArrayList(); } attributes.add(attr); } /** Gets the list of attributes, note that this maybe null. */ public List getAttributes() { return attributes; } /** Finds and returns a TagAttribute, or null if not found */ public TagAttribute getAttribute(HTML.Attribute attr) { if (attributes != null) { for (TagAttribute attribute : attributes) { if (attribute.getAttribute().equals(attr)) { return attribute; } } } return null; } /** * Finds and returns list of TagAttribute of given attribute * type, or empty list if not found, */ public List getAttributes(HTML.Attribute attr) { List result = Lists.newArrayList(); if (attributes != null) { for (TagAttribute attribute : attributes) { if (attribute.getAttribute().equals(attr)) { result.add(attribute); } } } return result; } /** Returns debug string */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Start Tag: "); sb.append(element.getName()); if (attributes != null) { for (TagAttribute attr : attributes) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(attr.toString()); } } return sb.toString(); } /** Implements Node.accept */ @Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitTag(this); } /** Implements Node.toHTML */ @Override public void toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { serialize(sb, SerializeType.HTML); } @Override public void toXHTML(StringBuilder sb) { serialize(sb, SerializeType.XHTML); } @Override public void toOriginalHTML(StringBuilder sb) { serialize(sb, SerializeType.ORIGINAL_HTML); } /** * Specifies format of serialized output. */ private enum SerializeType { ORIGINAL_HTML, HTML, XHTML } private void serialize(StringBuilder sb, SerializeType type) { // before attributes if (type == SerializeType.ORIGINAL_HTML && originalHtmlBeforeAttributes != null) { sb.append(originalHtmlBeforeAttributes); } else { sb.append('<'); sb.append(element.getName()); } // attributes if (attributes != null) { for (TagAttribute attr : attributes) { // attribute includes leading whitespace, so we needn't add it here if (type == SerializeType.ORIGINAL_HTML) { attr.toOriginalHTML(sb); } else if (type == SerializeType.HTML) { attr.toHTML(sb); } else { attr.toXHTML(sb); } } } // after attributes if (type == SerializeType.ORIGINAL_HTML && originalHtmlAfterAttributes != null) { sb.append(originalHtmlAfterAttributes); } else if (type == SerializeType.XHTML && (isSelfTerminating || getElement().isEmpty())) { sb.append(" />"); } else { sb.append('>'); } } public boolean isSelfTerminating() { return isSelfTerminating; } public String getOriginalHtmlBeforeAttributes() { return originalHtmlBeforeAttributes; } public String getOriginalHtmlAfterAttributes() { return originalHtmlAfterAttributes; } } /** * EndTag is a closing HTML tag. */ public static class EndTag extends Node { // The element private final HTML.Element element; private final String originalHtml; /** * @param element The HTML.Element element. Can not be null. * @param originalHtml Full content of original tag, including beginning * and ending '<' and '>'. If not null, tag will preserve this original * content. e.g., if original tag were "</foo >", the space after foo * would be preserved. This method does not validate that originalHtml is a * valid tag String. */ private EndTag(HTML.Element element, String originalHtml) { X.assertTrue(element != null); this.element = element; this.originalHtml = originalHtml; } /** Gets the name */ public String getName() { return element.getName(); } /** Gets the element */ public HTML.Element getElement() { return element; } /** Returns debug string */ @Override public String toString() { return "End Tag: " + element.getName(); } /** Implements Node.accept */ @Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitEndTag(this); } /** Implements Node.toHTML */ @Override public void toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append("'); } @Override public void toXHTML(StringBuilder sb) { toHTML(sb); } @Override public void toOriginalHTML(StringBuilder sb) { if (originalHtml != null) { sb.append(originalHtml); } else { toHTML(sb); } } } /** * TagAttribute represents an attribute in a HTML tag. */ public static class TagAttribute { private final HTML.Attribute attribute; private String value; private String originalHtml; /** * @param attribute the HTML.Attribute. Can't be null. * @param value The value in plain-text format. This can be null if the * attribute has no value. * @param originalHtml If not null, toOriginalHTML() will preserve original * content. This should contain any leading whitespace from the * original. */ private TagAttribute(HTML.Attribute attribute, String value, String originalHtml) { X.assertTrue(attribute != null); this.attribute = attribute; this.value = value; this.originalHtml = originalHtml; } /** Gets the name */ public String getName() { return attribute.getName(); } /** Gets the HTML.Attribute information */ public HTML.Attribute getAttribute() { return attribute; } /** * Sets the attribute value. * This value must be in plain-text, not html-escaped. * This can be null, if the attribute has no values. * This clears originalHtml_ if it were set, so * toOriginalHTML() might not preserve original any more. */ public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; originalHtml = null; } /** Returns the attribute value in plain-text, never null */ public String getValue() { return value != null ? value : ""; } /** Returns true if the attribute value is not empty */ public boolean hasValue() { return value != null; } /** * Writes out the attribute in HTML format with all necessary preceding * whitespace. Emits originalHtml_ if it were specified to the constructor. * Otherwise, emits a new name="value" string with a single preceding space. */ public void toHTML(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(attribute.getName()); if (value != null && attribute.getType() != HTML.Attribute.BOOLEAN_TYPE) { sb.append("=\""); sb.append(CharEscapers.asciiHtmlEscaper().escape(value)); sb.append("\""); } } /** Returns the attribute html string */ public String toHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toHTML(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** * Writes out the attribute in XHTML format (value is always appended, * even if it is empty) with all necessary preceeding whitespace. */ public void toXHTML(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append(' '); sb.append(attribute.getName()).append("=\""); // Assume that value-less attribute are boolean attributes like "disabled" if (hasValue()) { sb.append(CharEscapers.asciiHtmlEscaper().escape(value)); } else { sb.append(attribute.getName()); } sb.append("\""); } /** Returns the attribute XHTML string */ public String toXHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toXHTML(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** * @param sb Destination to which attribute is written, in its original * preparsed form if possible. */ public void toOriginalHTML(StringBuilder sb) { if (originalHtml != null) { sb.append(originalHtml); } else { toHTML(sb); } } /** * Writes out the attribute in its original form as it was parsed.. */ public String toOriginalHTML() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toOriginalHTML(sb); return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return "{" + attribute.getName() + "=" + value + "}"; } } /** * Filter is like Visitor, except it implies that the nodes may be changed, * whereas HtmlDocument.Visitor just implies that the nodes are iterated * over. A Filter can behave just like a Visitor if it merely returns the * same node that it visited. Also, methods may be called on a node to change * the values it contains. Alternatively, a new node entirely can be created * and returned, which will essentially replace the previous node with the * new node in the document tree. A node may be removed by returning null * instead of a node. */ public static interface Filter { /** This is called first */ void start(); /** A text node */ Text visitText(Text n); /** An open tag */ Tag visitTag(Tag n); /** End tag */ EndTag visitEndTag(EndTag n); /** HTML comment */ Comment visitComment(Comment n); /* Called at the end. */ void finish(); } /** * Like Filter, except each node may be replaced by multiple nodes. Also, * does not do double dispatch accept/visit. */ public static interface MultiplexFilter { /** * Called first. */ void start(); /** * @param originalNode node to filter * @param out Destination to which this object appends nodes to replace * originalNode. Can not be null. */ void filter(Node originalNode, List out); /** * Called at the end. * @param out Destination to which this object appends nodes at the end of * the document. Can not be null. */ void finish(List out); } /** * Converts a normal {@link Filter} into a {@link MultiplexFilter}. */ public static class MultiplexFilterAdapter implements MultiplexFilter { private final Filter filter; public MultiplexFilterAdapter(Filter filter) { this.filter = filter; } public void start() { filter.start(); } public void filter(Node originalNode, List out) { if (originalNode == null) { return; } Node resultNode; if (originalNode instanceof Tag) { resultNode = filter.visitTag((Tag) originalNode); } else if (originalNode instanceof Text) { resultNode = filter.visitText((Text) originalNode); } else if (originalNode instanceof EndTag) { resultNode = filter.visitEndTag((EndTag) originalNode); } else if (originalNode instanceof Comment) { resultNode = filter.visitComment((Comment) originalNode); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown node type: " + originalNode.getClass()); } if (resultNode != null) { out.add(resultNode); } } public void finish(List out) { filter.finish(); } } /** * Like Filter, except each node may be replaced by multiple nodes. Also, * does not do double dispatch accept/visit. Dispatches filterNode() to * node-specific methods. */ public static abstract class SimpleMultiplexFilter implements MultiplexFilter { /** * @see HtmlDocument.MultiplexFilter#filter(HtmlDocument.Node, List) */ public void filter(Node originalNode, List out) { if (originalNode == null) { return; } if (originalNode instanceof Tag) { filterTag((Tag) originalNode, out); } else if (originalNode instanceof Text) { filterText((Text) originalNode, out); } else if (originalNode instanceof EndTag) { filterEndTag((EndTag) originalNode, out); } else if (originalNode instanceof Comment) { filterComment((Comment) originalNode, out); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown node type: " + originalNode.getClass()); } } public abstract void filterTag(Tag originalTag, List out); public abstract void filterText(Text originalText, List out); public abstract void filterEndTag(EndTag originalEndTag, List out); public void filterComment(Comment originalComment, List out) { } } /** * Contains a list of filters which are applied, in order, to each Node. The * output of each becomes the input to the next. As soon as one returns an * empty list it breaks the chain. */ public static class MultiplexFilterChain implements MultiplexFilter { private final List filters = new ArrayList(); /** * @param sourceFilters these filters are applied in List order */ public MultiplexFilterChain(List sourceFilters) { filters.addAll(sourceFilters); } /** * @see HtmlDocument.MultiplexFilter#start() */ public void start() { for (MultiplexFilter filter : filters) { filter.start(); } } /** * @see HtmlDocument.MultiplexFilter#filter(HtmlDocument.Node, List) */ public void filter(Node originalNode, List out) { List result = new ArrayList(); result.add(originalNode); // loop through filters until one returns nothing, or until we're out of // filters for (MultiplexFilter filter : filters) { if (result.isEmpty()) { return; } // apply filter to each node and collect results List newResult = new ArrayList(); for (Node node : result) { filter.filter(node, newResult); } result = newResult; } out.addAll(result); } /** * @see HtmlDocument.MultiplexFilter#finish(List) */ public void finish(List out) { List result = new ArrayList(); // loop through filters until one returns nothing, or until we're out of // filters for (MultiplexFilter filter : filters) { // apply filter to each node and collect results List newResult = new ArrayList(); for (Node node : result) { filter.filter(node, newResult); } filter.finish(newResult); result = newResult; } out.addAll(result); } } /** * Html visitor allows external code to iterate through the nodes in the * document. See HtmlDocument.accept. */ public static interface Visitor { /** This is called first */ void start(); /** A text node */ void visitText(Text n); /** An open tag */ void visitTag(Tag n); /** End tag */ void visitEndTag(EndTag n); /** comment */ void visitComment(Comment n); /* Called at the end. */ void finish(); } /** * An implementation of the Visitor interface which simply delegates its * methods to a wrapped instance of another Visitor. * *

This is useful for chaining Visitors together. */ public static class VisitorWrapper implements Visitor { private final Visitor wrapped; protected VisitorWrapper(Visitor wrap) { wrapped = wrap; } public void start() { wrapped.start(); } public void visitText(Text n) { wrapped.visitText(n); } public void visitTag(Tag n) { wrapped.visitTag(n); } public void visitEndTag(EndTag n) { wrapped.visitEndTag(n); } public void visitComment(Comment n) { wrapped.visitComment(n); } public void finish() { wrapped.finish(); } } /** * A special helper Visitor that builds a HtmlDocument. */ public static class Builder implements Visitor { private final boolean preserveComments; private final List nodes = new ArrayList(); private HtmlDocument doc; /** * @see Builder#Builder(boolean) */ public Builder() { this(false); } /** * @param preserveComments If false, ignores Comment nodes */ public Builder(boolean preserveComments) { this.preserveComments = preserveComments; } public void addNode(Node node) { nodes.add(node); } public void start() { } public void visitText(Text t) { addNode(t); } public void visitTag(Tag t) { addNode(t); } public void visitComment(Comment n) { if (preserveComments) { addNode(n); } } public void visitEndTag(EndTag t) { addNode(t); } public void finish() { doc = new HtmlDocument(nodes); } /** Gets the html document that has been constructed */ public HtmlDocument getDocument() { return doc; } } /** * A Visitor that prints out the html document in debug format. */ public static class DebugPrinter implements Visitor { private final PrintWriter writer; public DebugPrinter(PrintWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; } public void start() { } public void visitText(Text t) { writeCollapsed("TEXT", t.getText()); } public void visitComment(Comment n) { writeCollapsed("COMMENT", n.getContent()); } private void writeCollapsed(String type, String s) { writer.print(type); writer.print(": "); String noNewlines = s.replace("\n", " "); // Use CharMatcher#WHITESPACE? String collapsed = CharMatcher.LEGACY_WHITESPACE.trimAndCollapseFrom(noNewlines, ' '); writer.print(collapsed); } public void visitTag(Tag tag) { writer.print("==<" + tag.getName() + ">"); List attributes = tag.getAttributes(); if (attributes != null) { // Attribute values List attrs = new ArrayList(); for (TagAttribute a : attributes) { attrs.add("[" + a.getName() + " : " + a.getValue() + "]"); } String[] array = attrs.toArray(new String[attrs.size()]); // Sort the attributes so that it's easier to read and compare Arrays.sort(array); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { writer.print(" " + array[i]); } } writer.println(); } public void visitEndTag(EndTag endtag) { writer.println("=="); } public void finish() { } } }