/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc. * Licensed to The Android Open Source Project. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.mail.ui; import android.app.ActionBar; import android.app.SearchManager; import android.app.SearchableInfo; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.SearchView; import android.widget.SearchView.OnQueryTextListener; import android.widget.SearchView.OnSuggestionListener; import android.widget.TextView; import com.android.mail.ConversationListContext; import com.android.mail.R; import com.android.mail.preferences.MailPrefs; import com.android.mail.providers.Account; import com.android.mail.providers.AccountObserver; import com.android.mail.providers.Conversation; import com.android.mail.providers.Folder; import com.android.mail.providers.FolderObserver; import com.android.mail.providers.SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider; import com.android.mail.providers.UIProvider; import com.android.mail.providers.UIProvider.AccountCapabilities; import com.android.mail.providers.UIProvider.FolderCapabilities; import com.android.mail.providers.UIProvider.FolderType; import com.android.mail.utils.LogTag; import com.android.mail.utils.LogUtils; import com.android.mail.utils.Utils; /** * View to manage the various states of the Mail Action Bar. *

* This also happens to be the custom view we supply to ActionBar. * */ public class MailActionBarView extends LinearLayout implements ViewMode.ModeChangeListener, OnQueryTextListener, OnSuggestionListener, MenuItem.OnActionExpandListener, View.OnClickListener { protected ActionBar mActionBar; protected ControllableActivity mActivity; protected ActivityController mController; /** * The current mode of the ActionBar. This references constants in {@link ViewMode} */ private int mMode = ViewMode.UNKNOWN; private MenuItem mSearch; /** * The account currently being shown */ private Account mAccount; /** * The folder currently being shown */ private Folder mFolder; private SearchView mSearchWidget; private MenuItem mHelpItem; private MenuItem mSendFeedbackItem; private MenuItem mRefreshItem; private MenuItem mFolderSettingsItem; private MenuItem mEmptyTrashItem; private MenuItem mEmptySpamItem; private boolean mUseLegacyTitle; private View mLegacyTitleContainer; private TextView mLegacyTitle; private TextView mLegacySubTitle; /** True if the current device is a tablet, false otherwise. */ protected final boolean mIsOnTablet; private Conversation mCurrentConversation; public static final String LOG_TAG = LogTag.getLogTag(); private FolderObserver mFolderObserver; /** A handler that changes the subtitle when it receives a message. */ private final class SubtitleHandler extends Handler { /** Message sent to display the account email address in the subtitle. */ private static final int EMAIL = 0; @Override public void handleMessage(Message message) { assert (message.what == EMAIL); final String subtitleText; if (mAccount != null) { // Display the account name (email address). subtitleText = mAccount.name; } else { subtitleText = null; LogUtils.wtf(LOG_TAG, "MABV.handleMessage() has a null account!"); } setSubtitle(subtitleText); super.handleMessage(message); } } /** Changes the subtitle to display the account name */ private final SubtitleHandler mHandler = new SubtitleHandler(); /** Unread count for the current folder. */ private int mUnreadCount = 0; /** We show the email address after this delay: 5 seconds currently */ private static final int ACCOUNT_DELAY_MS = 5 * 1000; /** At what point do we stop showing the unread count: 999+ currently */ private final int UNREAD_LIMIT; /** Updates the resolver and tells it the most recent account. */ private final class UpdateProvider extends AsyncTask { final Uri mAccount; final ContentResolver mResolver; public UpdateProvider(Uri account, ContentResolver resolver) { mAccount = account; mResolver = resolver; } @Override protected Void doInBackground(Bundle... params) { mResolver.call(mAccount, UIProvider.AccountCallMethods.SET_CURRENT_ACCOUNT, mAccount.toString(), params[0]); return null; } } private final AccountObserver mAccountObserver = new AccountObserver() { @Override public void onChanged(Account newAccount) { updateAccount(newAccount); } }; public MailActionBarView(Context context) { this(context, null); } public MailActionBarView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public MailActionBarView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); final Resources r = getResources(); mIsOnTablet = Utils.useTabletUI(r); UNREAD_LIMIT = r.getInteger(R.integer.maxUnreadCount); } private void initializeTitleViews() { mLegacyTitleContainer = findViewById(R.id.legacy_title_container); if (mLegacyTitleContainer != null) { // Determine if this device is running on MR1.1 or later final boolean runningMR11OrLater = actionBarSupportsNewMethods(mActionBar); if (runningMR11OrLater || !mController.isDrawerEnabled()) { // We don't need the legacy view, just hide it mLegacyTitleContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); mUseLegacyTitle = false; } else { mUseLegacyTitle = true; // We need to show the legacy title/subtitle. Set the click listener mLegacyTitleContainer.setOnClickListener(this); mLegacyTitle = (TextView)mLegacyTitleContainer.findViewById(R.id.legacy_title); mLegacySubTitle = (TextView)mLegacyTitleContainer.findViewById(R.id.legacy_subtitle); } } } public void expandSearch() { if (mSearch != null) { mSearch.expandActionView(); } } /** * Close the search view if it is expanded. */ public void collapseSearch() { if (mSearch != null) { mSearch.collapseActionView(); } } /** * Get the search menu item. */ protected MenuItem getSearch() { return mSearch; } public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // If the mode is valid, then set the initial menu if (mMode == ViewMode.UNKNOWN) { return false; } mSearch = menu.findItem(R.id.search); if (mSearch != null) { mSearchWidget = (SearchView) mSearch.getActionView(); mSearch.setOnActionExpandListener(this); SearchManager searchManager = (SearchManager) mActivity.getActivityContext() .getSystemService(Context.SEARCH_SERVICE); if (searchManager != null && mSearchWidget != null) { SearchableInfo info = searchManager.getSearchableInfo(mActivity.getComponentName()); mSearchWidget.setSearchableInfo(info); mSearchWidget.setOnQueryTextListener(this); mSearchWidget.setOnSuggestionListener(this); mSearchWidget.setIconifiedByDefault(true); } } mHelpItem = menu.findItem(R.id.help_info_menu_item); mSendFeedbackItem = menu.findItem(R.id.feedback_menu_item); mRefreshItem = menu.findItem(R.id.refresh); mFolderSettingsItem = menu.findItem(R.id.folder_options); mEmptyTrashItem = menu.findItem(R.id.empty_trash); mEmptySpamItem = menu.findItem(R.id.empty_spam); return true; } public int getOptionsMenuId() { switch (mMode) { case ViewMode.UNKNOWN: return R.menu.conversation_list_menu; case ViewMode.CONVERSATION: return R.menu.conversation_actions; case ViewMode.CONVERSATION_LIST: return R.menu.conversation_list_menu; case ViewMode.SEARCH_RESULTS_LIST: return R.menu.conversation_list_search_results_actions; case ViewMode.SEARCH_RESULTS_CONVERSATION: return R.menu.conversation_actions; case ViewMode.WAITING_FOR_ACCOUNT_INITIALIZATION: return R.menu.wait_mode_actions; } LogUtils.wtf(LOG_TAG, "Menu requested for unknown view mode"); return R.menu.conversation_list_menu; } public void initialize(ControllableActivity activity, ActivityController callback, ActionBar actionBar) { mActionBar = actionBar; mController = callback; mActivity = activity; initializeTitleViews(); mFolderObserver = new FolderObserver() { @Override public void onChanged(Folder newFolder) { onFolderUpdated(newFolder); } }; // Return values are purposely discarded. Initialization happens quite early, and we don't // have a valid folder, or a valid list of accounts. mFolderObserver.initialize(mController); updateAccount(mAccountObserver.initialize(activity.getAccountController())); } private void updateAccount(Account account) { final boolean accountChanged = mAccount == null || !mAccount.uri.equals(account.uri); mAccount = account; if (mAccount != null && accountChanged) { final ContentResolver resolver = mActivity.getActivityContext().getContentResolver(); final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(1); bundle.putParcelable(UIProvider.SetCurrentAccountColumns.ACCOUNT, account); final UpdateProvider updater = new UpdateProvider(mAccount.uri, resolver); updater.execute(bundle); setFolderAndAccount(false /* folderChanged */); } } /** * Called by the owner of the ActionBar to change the current folder. */ public void setFolder(Folder folder) { mFolder = folder; setFolderAndAccount(true); } public void onDestroy() { if (mFolderObserver != null) { mFolderObserver.unregisterAndDestroy(); mFolderObserver = null; } mAccountObserver.unregisterAndDestroy(); mHandler.removeMessages(SubtitleHandler.EMAIL); } @Override public void onViewModeChanged(int newMode) { mMode = newMode; mActivity.invalidateOptionsMenu(); mHandler.removeMessages(SubtitleHandler.EMAIL); // Check if we are either on a phone, or in Conversation mode on tablet. For these, the // recent folders is enabled. switch (mMode) { case ViewMode.UNKNOWN: break; case ViewMode.CONVERSATION_LIST: showNavList(); break; case ViewMode.SEARCH_RESULTS_CONVERSATION: mActionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); setEmptyMode(); break; case ViewMode.CONVERSATION: case ViewMode.AD: closeSearchField(); mActionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); setEmptyMode(); break; case ViewMode.WAITING_FOR_ACCOUNT_INITIALIZATION: // We want the user to be able to switch accounts while waiting for an account // to sync. showNavList(); break; } } /** * Close the search query entry field to avoid keyboard events, and to restore the actionbar * to non-search mode. */ private void closeSearchField() { if (mSearch == null) { return; } mSearch.collapseActionView(); } protected int getMode() { return mMode; } public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // We start out with every option enabled. Based on the current view, we disable actions // that are possible. LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "ActionBarView.onPrepareOptionsMenu()."); if (mHelpItem != null) { mHelpItem.setVisible(mAccount != null && mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.HELP_CONTENT)); } if (mSendFeedbackItem != null) { mSendFeedbackItem.setVisible(mAccount != null && mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.SEND_FEEDBACK)); } if (mController.shouldHideMenuItems()) { // Shortcut: hide all remaining menu items if the drawer is shown final int size = menu.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { final MenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); final int id = item.getItemId(); if (id != R.id.settings && id != R.id.feedback_menu_item && id != R.id.help_info_menu_item) { item.setVisible(false); } } return false; } if (mRefreshItem != null) { // See b/11158759 // Disable refresh on drafts folders. mRefreshItem.setVisible(mFolder != null && !mFolder.isDraft() && !mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.IS_VIRTUAL)); } if (mFolderSettingsItem != null) { mFolderSettingsItem.setVisible(mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.SUPPORTS_SETTINGS)); } if (mEmptyTrashItem != null) { mEmptyTrashItem.setVisible(mAccount != null && mFolder != null && mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.EMPTY_TRASH) && mFolder.isTrash() && mFolder.totalCount > 0); } if (mEmptySpamItem != null) { mEmptySpamItem.setVisible(mAccount != null && mFolder != null && mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.EMPTY_SPAM) && mFolder.isType(FolderType.SPAM) && mFolder.totalCount > 0); } switch (mMode) { case ViewMode.CONVERSATION: case ViewMode.SEARCH_RESULTS_CONVERSATION: // We update the ActionBar options when we are entering conversation view because // waiting for the AbstractConversationViewFragment to do it causes duplicate icons // to show up during the time between the conversation is selected and the fragment // is added. setConversationModeOptions(menu); // We want to use the user's preferred menu items here final Resources resources = getResources(); final int maxItems = resources.getInteger(R.integer.actionbar_max_items); final int hiddenItems = resources.getInteger( R.integer.actionbar_hidden_non_cab_items_no_physical_button); final int totalItems = maxItems - (ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).hasPermanentMenuKey() ? 0 : hiddenItems); reorderMenu(getContext(), mAccount, menu, totalItems); break; case ViewMode.CONVERSATION_LIST: // Show compose and search based on the account // The only option that needs to be disabled is search Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.search, mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.FOLDER_SERVER_SEARCH)); break; case ViewMode.SEARCH_RESULTS_LIST: // Hide compose and search Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.compose, false); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.search, false); break; } return false; } /** * Reorders the specified {@link Menu}, taking into account the user's Archive/Delete * preference. */ public static void reorderMenu(final Context context, final Account account, final Menu menu, final int maxItems) { final String removalAction = MailPrefs.get(context).getRemovalAction( account.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.ARCHIVE)); final boolean showArchive = MailPrefs.RemovalActions.ARCHIVE.equals(removalAction) || MailPrefs.RemovalActions.ARCHIVE_AND_DELETE.equals(removalAction); final boolean showDelete = MailPrefs.RemovalActions.DELETE.equals(removalAction) || MailPrefs.RemovalActions.ARCHIVE_AND_DELETE.equals(removalAction); // Do a first pass to extract necessary information on what is safe to display boolean archiveVisibleEnabled = false; boolean deleteVisibleEnabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) { final MenuItem menuItem = menu.getItem(i); final int itemId = menuItem.getItemId(); final boolean visible = menuItem.isVisible(); final boolean enabled = menuItem.isEnabled(); if (itemId == R.id.archive || itemId == R.id.remove_folder) { archiveVisibleEnabled |= (visible & enabled); } else if (itemId == R.id.delete || itemId == R.id.discard_drafts) { deleteVisibleEnabled |= (visible & enabled); } } int actionItems = 0; for (int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++) { final MenuItem menuItem = menu.getItem(i); final int itemId = menuItem.getItemId(); // We only want to promote it if it's visible and has an icon if (menuItem.isVisible() && menuItem.getIcon() != null) { if (itemId == R.id.archive || itemId == R.id.remove_folder) { /* * If this is disabled, and we want to show both archive and delete, we will * hide archive (rather than showing it disabled), and take up one of our * spaces. If we only want to show archive, we'll hide it, but not take up * a space. */ if (!menuItem.isEnabled() && showArchive) { menuItem.setVisible(false); if (showDelete) { actionItems++; } } else { /* * We show this if the following are all true: * 1. The user wants to display archive, or delete is not visible * 2. We have room for it */ if ((showArchive || !deleteVisibleEnabled) && actionItems < maxItems) { menuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); actionItems++; } } } else if (itemId == R.id.delete || itemId == R.id.discard_drafts) { /* * We show this if the following are all true: * 1. The user wants to display delete, or archive is not visible * 2. We have room for it */ if ((showDelete || !archiveVisibleEnabled) && actionItems < maxItems) { menuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); actionItems++; } } else if (itemId == R.id.change_folders) { final boolean showChangeFolder = account .supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.MULTIPLE_FOLDERS_PER_CONV); menuItem.setVisible(showChangeFolder); if (showChangeFolder && actionItems < maxItems) { menuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); actionItems++; } } else if (itemId == R.id.search) { menuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS | MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_COLLAPSE_ACTION_VIEW); actionItems++; } else { if (actionItems < maxItems) { menuItem.setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); actionItems++; } } } } } /** * Put the ActionBar in List navigation mode. */ private void showNavList() { setTitleModeFlags(getActionBarTitleModeFlag()); setFolderAndAccount(false); } private void setSubtitle(CharSequence subtitle) { if (!TextUtils.equals(subtitle, mActionBar.getSubtitle())) { mActionBar.setSubtitle(subtitle); } if (mLegacySubTitle != null) { mLegacySubTitle.setText(subtitle); } } private void setTitle(CharSequence title) { if (!TextUtils.equals(title, mActionBar.getTitle())) { mActionBar.setTitle(title); } if (mLegacyTitle != null) { mLegacyTitle.setText(title); } } private int getActionBarTitleModeFlag() { return mUseLegacyTitle ? ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM : ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE; } /** * Set the actionbar mode to empty: no title, no subtitle, no custom view. */ protected void setEmptyMode() { // Disable title/subtitle and the custom view by setting the bitmask to all off. setTitleModeFlags(0); } /** * Removes the back button from being shown */ public void removeBackButton() { if (mActionBar == null) { return; } // Remove the back button but continue showing an icon. final int mask = ActionBar.DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP | ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME; mActionBar.setDisplayOptions(ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME, mask); mActivity.getActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(false); } public void setBackButton() { if (mActionBar == null) { return; } // Show home as up, and show an icon. final int mask = ActionBar.DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP | ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_HOME; mActionBar.setDisplayOptions(mask, mask); mActivity.getActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(true); } @Override public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) { if (mSearch != null) { mSearch.collapseActionView(); mSearchWidget.setQuery("", false); } mController.executeSearch(query.trim()); return true; } @Override public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) { return false; } // Next two methods are called when search suggestions are clicked. @Override public boolean onSuggestionSelect(int position) { return onSuggestionClick(position); } @Override public boolean onSuggestionClick(int position) { final Cursor c = mSearchWidget.getSuggestionsAdapter().getCursor(); final boolean haveValidQuery = (c != null) && c.moveToPosition(position); if (!haveValidQuery) { LogUtils.d(LOG_TAG, "onSuggestionClick: Couldn't get a search query"); // We haven't handled this query, but the default behavior will // leave EXTRA_ACCOUNT un-populated, leading to a crash. So claim // that we have handled the event. return true; } collapseSearch(); // what is in the text field String queryText = mSearchWidget.getQuery().toString(); // What the suggested query is String query = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(SearchManager.SUGGEST_COLUMN_QUERY)); // If the text the user typed in is a prefix of what is in the search // widget suggestion query, just take the search widget suggestion // query. Otherwise, it is a suffix and we want to remove matching // prefix portions. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(queryText) && query.indexOf(queryText) != 0) { final int queryTokenIndex = queryText .lastIndexOf(SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider.QUERY_TOKEN_SEPARATOR); if (queryTokenIndex > -1) { queryText = queryText.substring(0, queryTokenIndex); } // Since we auto-complete on each token in a query, if the query the // user typed up until the last token is a substring of the // suggestion they click, make sure we don't double include the // query text. For example: // user types john, that matches john palo alto // User types john p, that matches john john palo alto // Remove the first john // Only do this if we have multiple query tokens. if (queryTokenIndex > -1 && !TextUtils.isEmpty(query) && query.contains(queryText) && queryText.length() < query.length()) { int start = query.indexOf(queryText); query = query.substring(0, start) + query.substring(start + queryText.length()); } } mController.executeSearch(query.trim()); return true; } /** * Uses the current state to update the current folder {@link #mFolder} and the current * account {@link #mAccount} shown in the actionbar. Also updates the actionbar subtitle to * momentarily display the unread count if it has changed. * @param folderChanged true if folder changed in terms of URI */ private void setFolderAndAccount(final boolean folderChanged) { // Very little can be done if the actionbar or activity is null. if (mActionBar == null || mActivity == null) { return; } if (ViewMode.isWaitingForSync(mMode)) { // Account is not synced: clear title and update the subtitle. setTitle(""); removeUnreadCount(true); return; } // Check if we should be changing the actionbar at all, and back off if not. final boolean isShowingFolder = mIsOnTablet || ViewMode.isListMode(mMode); if (!isShowingFolder) { // It isn't necessary to set the title in this case, as the title view will // be hidden return; } if (mFolder == null) { // Clear the action bar title. We don't want the app name to be shown while // waiting for the folder query to finish setTitle(""); return; } setTitle(mFolder.name); final int folderUnreadCount = mFolder.isUnreadCountHidden() ? 0 : mFolder.unreadCount; // The user shouldn't see "999+ unread messages", and then a short while later: "999+ // unread messages". So we set our unread count just past the limit. This way we can // change the subtitle the first time around but not for subsequent changes as far as the // unread count remains over the limit. final int toDisplay = (folderUnreadCount > UNREAD_LIMIT) ? (UNREAD_LIMIT + 1) : folderUnreadCount; if ((mUnreadCount != toDisplay || folderChanged) && toDisplay != 0) { setSubtitle(Utils.getUnreadMessageString(mActivity.getApplicationContext(), toDisplay)); } // Schedule a removal of unread count for the future, if there isn't one already. If the // unread count dropped to zero, remove it and show the account name right away. removeUnreadCount(toDisplay == 0); // Remember the new value for the next run mUnreadCount = toDisplay; } /** * Remove the unread count and show the account name, if required. * @param now true if you want the change to happen immediately. False if you want to enforce * it happens later. */ private void removeUnreadCount(boolean now) { if (now) { // Remove all previous messages which might change the subtitle mHandler.removeMessages(SubtitleHandler.EMAIL); // Update the subtitle: clear it or show account name. mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(SubtitleHandler.EMAIL); } else { if (!mHandler.hasMessages(SubtitleHandler.EMAIL)) { // In a short while, show the account name in its place. mHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(SubtitleHandler.EMAIL, ACCOUNT_DELAY_MS); } } } /** * Notify that the folder has changed. */ public void onFolderUpdated(Folder folder) { if (folder == null) { return; } /** True if we are changing folders. */ final boolean changingFolders = (mFolder == null || !mFolder.equals(folder)); mFolder = folder; setFolderAndAccount(changingFolders); final ConversationListContext listContext = mController == null ? null : mController.getCurrentListContext(); if (changingFolders && !ConversationListContext.isSearchResult(listContext)) { closeSearchField(); } } @Override public boolean onMenuItemActionExpand(MenuItem item) { // Do nothing. Required as part of the interface, we ar only interested in // onMenuItemActionCollapse(MenuItem). // Have to return true here. Unlike other callbacks, the return value here is whether // we want to suppress the action (rather than consume the action). We don't want to // suppress the action. return true; } @Override public boolean onMenuItemActionCollapse(MenuItem item) { // Work around b/6664203 by manually forcing this view to be VISIBLE // upon ActionView collapse. DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM will still control its final // visibility. setVisibility(VISIBLE); // Have to return true here. Unlike other callbacks, the return value // here is whether we want to suppress the action (rather than consume the action). We // don't want to suppress the action. return true; } /** * Sets the actionbar mode: Pass it an integer which contains each of these values, perhaps * OR'd together: {@link ActionBar#DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM} and * {@link ActionBar#DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE}. To disable all, pass a zero. * @param enabledFlags */ private void setTitleModeFlags(int enabledFlags) { final int mask = ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_TITLE | ActionBar.DISPLAY_SHOW_CUSTOM; mActionBar.setDisplayOptions(enabledFlags, mask); } public void setCurrentConversation(Conversation conversation) { mCurrentConversation = conversation; } //We need to do this here instead of in the fragment public void setConversationModeOptions(Menu menu) { if (mCurrentConversation == null) { return; } final boolean showMarkImportant = !mCurrentConversation.isImportant(); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.mark_important, showMarkImportant && mAccount.supportsCapability(UIProvider.AccountCapabilities.MARK_IMPORTANT)); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.mark_not_important, !showMarkImportant && mAccount.supportsCapability(UIProvider.AccountCapabilities.MARK_IMPORTANT)); final boolean showDelete = mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(UIProvider.FolderCapabilities.DELETE); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.delete, showDelete); // We only want to show the discard drafts menu item if we are not showing the delete menu // item, and the current folder is a draft folder and the account supports discarding // drafts for a conversation final boolean showDiscardDrafts = !showDelete && mFolder != null && mFolder.isDraft() && mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.DISCARD_CONVERSATION_DRAFTS); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.discard_drafts, showDiscardDrafts); final boolean archiveVisible = mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.ARCHIVE) && mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.ARCHIVE) && !mFolder.isTrash(); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.archive, archiveVisible); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.remove_folder, !archiveVisible && mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.CAN_ACCEPT_MOVED_MESSAGES) && !mFolder.isProviderFolder() && mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.ARCHIVE)); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.move_to, mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.ALLOWS_REMOVE_CONVERSATION)); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.move_to_inbox, mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.ALLOWS_MOVE_TO_INBOX)); final MenuItem removeFolder = menu.findItem(R.id.remove_folder); if (mFolder != null && removeFolder != null) { removeFolder.setTitle(mActivity.getApplicationContext().getString( R.string.remove_folder, mFolder.name)); } Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.report_spam, mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.REPORT_SPAM) && mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.REPORT_SPAM) && !mCurrentConversation.spam); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.mark_not_spam, mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.REPORT_SPAM) && mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.MARK_NOT_SPAM) && mCurrentConversation.spam); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.report_phishing, mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.REPORT_PHISHING) && mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.REPORT_PHISHING) && !mCurrentConversation.phishing); Utils.setMenuItemVisibility(menu, R.id.mute, mAccount.supportsCapability(AccountCapabilities.MUTE) && mFolder != null && mFolder.supportsCapability(FolderCapabilities.DESTRUCTIVE_MUTE) && !mCurrentConversation.muted); } private static boolean actionBarSupportsNewMethods(ActionBar bar) { // TODO(pwestbro) switch this to // (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR2) when we switch to the // latest SDK if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 17) { return true; } if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { return false; } boolean supportsNewApi = false; try { if (bar != null) { supportsNewApi = (ActionBar.class.getField("DISPLAY_TITLE_MULTIPLE_LINES") != null); } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { // stay false } return supportsNewApi; } @Override public void onClick (View v) { if (v.getId() == R.id.legacy_title_container) { mController.onUpPressed(); } } }