1// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Single threaded tests of UrlInfo functionality.
7#include <time.h>
8#include <string>
10#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
11#include "base/time.h"
12#include "chrome/browser/net/url_info.h"
13#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
15using base::TimeDelta;
16using base::TimeTicks;
18namespace {
20class UrlHostInfoTest : public testing::Test {
23typedef chrome_browser_net::UrlInfo UrlInfo;
25// Cycle throught the states held by a UrlInfo instance, and check to see that
26// states look reasonable as time ticks away.  If the test bots are too slow,
27// we'll just give up on this test and exit from it.
28TEST(UrlHostInfoTest, StateChangeTest) {
29  UrlInfo info_practice, info;
30  GURL url1("http://domain1.com:80"), url2("https://domain2.com:443");
32  // First load DLL, so that their load time won't interfere with tests.
33  // Some tests involve timing function performance, and DLL time can overwhelm
34  // test durations (which are considering network vs cache response times).
35  info_practice.SetUrl(url2);
36  info_practice.SetQueuedState(UrlInfo::UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED);
37  info_practice.SetAssignedState();
38  info_practice.SetFoundState();
40  // Start test with actual (long/default) expiration time intact.
42  // Complete the construction of real test object.
43  info.SetUrl(url1);
44  EXPECT_TRUE(info.NeedsDnsUpdate()) << "error in construction state";
45  info.SetQueuedState(UrlInfo::UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED);
46  EXPECT_FALSE(info.NeedsDnsUpdate()) << "update needed after being queued";
47  info.SetAssignedState();
48  EXPECT_FALSE(info.NeedsDnsUpdate())  << "update needed during resolution";
49  base::TimeTicks before_resolution_complete = TimeTicks::Now();
50  info.SetFoundState();
51  // "Immediately" check to see if we need an update yet (we shouldn't).
52  if (info.NeedsDnsUpdate()) {
53    // The test bot must be really slow, so we can verify that.
54    EXPECT_GT((TimeTicks::Now() - before_resolution_complete).InMilliseconds(),
55              UrlInfo::get_cache_expiration().InMilliseconds());
56    return;  // Lets punt here, the test bot is too slow.
57  }
59  // Run similar test with a shortened expiration, so we can trigger it.
60  const int kMockExpirationTime(300);  // Vastly reduced expiration time.
61  info.set_cache_expiration(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMockExpirationTime));
63  // That was a nice life when the object was found.... but next time it won't
64  // be found.  We'll sleep for a while, and then come back with not-found.
65  info.SetQueuedState(UrlInfo::UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED);
66  EXPECT_FALSE(info.NeedsDnsUpdate());
67  info.SetAssignedState();
68  EXPECT_FALSE(info.NeedsDnsUpdate());
69  // Greater than minimal expected network latency on DNS lookup.
70  base::PlatformThread::Sleep(25);
71  before_resolution_complete = TimeTicks::Now();
72  info.SetNoSuchNameState();
73  // "Immediately" check to see if we need an update yet (we shouldn't).
74  if (info.NeedsDnsUpdate()) {
75    // The test bot must be really slow, so we can verify that.
76    EXPECT_GT((TimeTicks::Now() - before_resolution_complete).InMilliseconds(),
77              kMockExpirationTime);
78    return;
79  }
80  // Wait over 300ms, so it should definately be considered out of cache.
81  base::PlatformThread::Sleep(kMockExpirationTime + 20);
82  EXPECT_TRUE(info.NeedsDnsUpdate()) << "expiration time not honored";
85// When a system gets "congested" relative to DNS, it means it is doing too many
86// DNS resolutions, and bogging down the system.  When we detect such a
87// situation, we divert the sequence of states a UrlInfo instance moves
88// through.  Rather than proceeding from QUEUED (waiting in a name queue for a
89// worker thread that can resolve the name) to ASSIGNED (where a worker thread
90// actively resolves the name), we enter the ASSIGNED state (without actually
91// getting sent to a resolver thread) and reset our state to what it was before
92// the corresponding name was put in the work_queue_.  This test drives through
93// the state transitions used in such congestion handling.
94TEST(UrlHostInfoTest, CongestionResetStateTest) {
95  UrlInfo info;
96  GURL url("http://domain1.com:80");
98  info.SetUrl(url);
99  info.SetQueuedState(UrlInfo::UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED);
100  info.SetAssignedState();
101  EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_assigned());
103  info.RemoveFromQueue();  // Do the reset.
104  EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_assigned());
106  // Since this was a new info instance, and it never got resolved, we land back
107  // in a PENDING state rather than FOUND or NO_SUCH_NAME.
108  EXPECT_FALSE(info.was_found());
109  EXPECT_FALSE(info.was_nonexistent());
111  // Make sure we're completely re-usable, by going throug a normal flow.
112  info.SetQueuedState(UrlInfo::UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED);
113  info.SetAssignedState();
114  info.SetFoundState();
115  EXPECT_TRUE(info.was_found());
117  // Use the congestion flow, and check that we end up in the found state.
118  info.SetQueuedState(UrlInfo::UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED);
119  info.SetAssignedState();
120  info.RemoveFromQueue();  // Do the reset.
121  EXPECT_FALSE(info.is_assigned());
122  EXPECT_TRUE(info.was_found());  // Back to what it was before being queued.
126// TODO(jar): Add death test for illegal state changes, and also for setting
127// hostname when already set.
129}  // namespace