1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "base/basictypes.h"
6#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
7#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
8#include "chrome/browser/history/query_parser.h"
9#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
11class QueryParserTest : public testing::Test {
12 public:
13  struct TestData {
14    const char* input;
15    const int expected_word_count;
16  };
18  std::string QueryToString(const std::string& query);
20 protected:
21  QueryParser query_parser_;
24// Test helper: Convert a user query string in 8-bit (for hardcoding
25// convenience) to a SQLite query string.
26std::string QueryParserTest::QueryToString(const std::string& query) {
27  string16 sqlite_query;
28  query_parser_.ParseQuery(UTF8ToUTF16(query), &sqlite_query);
29  return UTF16ToUTF8(sqlite_query);
32// Basic multi-word queries, including prefix matching.
33TEST_F(QueryParserTest, SimpleQueries) {
34  EXPECT_EQ("", QueryToString(" "));
35  EXPECT_EQ("singleword*", QueryToString("singleword"));
36  EXPECT_EQ("spacedout*", QueryToString("  spacedout "));
37  EXPECT_EQ("foo* bar*", QueryToString("foo bar"));
38  // Short words aren't prefix matches. For Korean Hangul
39  // the minimum is 2 while for other scripts, it's 3.
40  EXPECT_EQ("f b", QueryToString(" f b"));
41  // KA JANG
42  EXPECT_EQ(WideToUTF8(L"\xAC00 \xC7A5"),
43            QueryToString(WideToUTF8(L" \xAC00 \xC7A5")));
44  EXPECT_EQ("foo* bar*", QueryToString(" foo   bar "));
46  EXPECT_EQ(WideToUTF8(L"\xAC00\xC7A5* \xBE5B\xACE0*"),
47            QueryToString(WideToUTF8(L"\xAC00\xC7A5 \xBE5B\xACE0")));
50// Quoted substring parsing.
51TEST_F(QueryParserTest, Quoted) {
52  // ASCII quotes
53  EXPECT_EQ("\"Quoted\"", QueryToString("\"Quoted\""));
54  // Missing end quotes
55  EXPECT_EQ("\"miss end\"", QueryToString("\"miss end"));
56  // Missing begin quotes
57  EXPECT_EQ("miss* beg*", QueryToString("miss beg\""));
58  // Weird formatting
59  EXPECT_EQ("\"Many\" \"quotes\"", QueryToString("\"Many   \"\"quotes"));
62// Apostrophes within words should be preserved, but otherwise stripped.
63TEST_F(QueryParserTest, Apostrophes) {
64  EXPECT_EQ("foo* bar's*", QueryToString("foo bar's"));
65  EXPECT_EQ("l'foo*", QueryToString("l'foo"));
66  EXPECT_EQ("foo*", QueryToString("'foo"));
69// Special characters.
70TEST_F(QueryParserTest, SpecialChars) {
71  EXPECT_EQ("foo* the* bar*", QueryToString("!#:/*foo#$*;'* the!#:/*bar"));
74TEST_F(QueryParserTest, NumWords) {
75  TestData data[] = {
76    { "blah",                  1 },
77    { "foo \"bar baz\"",       3 },
78    { "foo \"baz\"",           2 },
79    { "foo \"bar baz\"  blah", 4 },
80  };
82  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(data); ++i) {
83    string16 query_string;
84    EXPECT_EQ(data[i].expected_word_count,
85              query_parser_.ParseQuery(UTF8ToUTF16(data[i].input),
86                                       &query_string));
87  }
90TEST_F(QueryParserTest, ParseQueryNodesAndMatch) {
91  struct TestData2 {
92    const std::string query;
93    const std::string text;
94    const bool matches;
95    const size_t m1_start;
96    const size_t m1_end;
97    const size_t m2_start;
98    const size_t m2_end;
99  } data[] = {
100    { "foo",           "fooey foo",        true,  0, 3, 6, 9 },
101    { "foo foo",       "foo",              true,  0, 3, 0, 0 },
102    { "foo fooey",     "fooey",            true,  0, 5, 0, 0 },
103    { "fooey foo",     "fooey",            true,  0, 5, 0, 0 },
104    { "foo fooey bar", "bar fooey",        true,  0, 3, 4, 9 },
105    { "blah",          "blah",             true,  0, 4, 0, 0 },
106    { "blah",          "foo",              false, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
107    { "blah",          "blahblah",         true,  0, 4, 0, 0 },
108    { "blah",          "foo blah",         true,  4, 8, 0, 0 },
109    { "foo blah",      "blah",             false, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
110    { "foo blah",      "blahx foobar",     true,  0, 4, 6, 9 },
111    { "\"foo blah\"",  "foo blah",         true,  0, 8, 0, 0 },
112    { "\"foo blah\"",  "foox blahx",       false, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
113    { "\"foo blah\"",  "foo blah",         true,  0, 8, 0, 0 },
114    { "\"foo blah\"",  "\"foo blah\"",     true,  1, 9, 0, 0 },
115    { "foo blah",      "\"foo bar blah\"", true,  1, 4, 9, 13 },
116  };
117  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(data); ++i) {
118    QueryParser parser;
119    ScopedVector<QueryNode> query_nodes;
120    parser.ParseQueryNodes(UTF8ToUTF16(data[i].query), &query_nodes.get());
121    Snippet::MatchPositions match_positions;
122    ASSERT_EQ(data[i].matches,
123              parser.DoesQueryMatch(UTF8ToUTF16(data[i].text),
124                                    query_nodes.get(),
125                                    &match_positions));
126    size_t offset = 0;
127    if (data[i].m1_start != 0 || data[i].m1_end != 0) {
128      ASSERT_TRUE(match_positions.size() >= 1);
129      EXPECT_EQ(data[i].m1_start, match_positions[0].first);
130      EXPECT_EQ(data[i].m1_end, match_positions[0].second);
131      offset++;
132    }
133    if (data[i].m2_start != 0 || data[i].m2_end != 0) {
134      ASSERT_TRUE(match_positions.size() == 1 + offset);
135      EXPECT_EQ(data[i].m2_start, match_positions[offset].first);
136      EXPECT_EQ(data[i].m2_end, match_positions[offset].second);
137    }
138  }
141TEST_F(QueryParserTest, ParseQueryWords) {
142  struct TestData2 {
143    const std::string text;
144    const std::string w1;
145    const std::string w2;
146    const std::string w3;
147    const size_t word_count;
148  } data[] = {
149    { "foo",           "foo", "",    "",  1 },
150    { "foo bar",       "foo", "bar", "",  2 },
151    { "\"foo bar\"",   "foo", "bar", "",  2 },
152    { "\"foo bar\" a", "foo", "bar", "a", 3 },
153  };
154  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(data); ++i) {
155    std::vector<string16> results;
156    QueryParser parser;
157    parser.ParseQueryWords(UTF8ToUTF16(data[i].text), &results);
158    ASSERT_EQ(data[i].word_count, results.size());
159    EXPECT_EQ(data[i].w1, UTF16ToUTF8(results[0]));
160    if (results.size() == 2)
161      EXPECT_EQ(data[i].w2, UTF16ToUTF8(results[1]));
162    if (results.size() == 3)
163      EXPECT_EQ(data[i].w3, UTF16ToUTF8(results[2]));
164  }