IdempotentOperationChecker.cpp revision 8fe83e1df954d72c0f4ffc15d20a5222ec151c21
1//==- IdempotentOperationChecker.cpp - Idempotent Operations ----*- C++ -*-==//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file defines a set of path-sensitive checks for idempotent and/or
11// tautological operations. Each potential operation is checked along all paths
12// to see if every path results in a pointless operation.
13//                 +-------------------------------------------+
14//                 |Table of idempotent/tautological operations|
15//                 +-------------------------------------------+
17//|Operator | x op x | x op 1 | 1 op x | x op 0 | 0 op x | x op ~0 | ~0 op x |
19//  +, +=   |        |        |        |   x    |   x    |         |
20//  -, -=   |        |        |        |   x    |   -x   |         |
21//  *, *=   |        |   x    |   x    |   0    |   0    |         |
22//  /, /=   |   1    |   x    |        |  N/A   |   0    |         |
23//  &, &=   |   x    |        |        |   0    |   0    |   x     |    x
24//  |, |=   |   x    |        |        |   x    |   x    |   ~0    |    ~0
25//  ^, ^=   |   0    |        |        |   x    |   x    |         |
26//  <<, <<= |        |        |        |   x    |   0    |         |
27//  >>, >>= |        |        |        |   x    |   0    |         |
28//  ||      |   1    |   1    |   1    |   x    |   x    |   1     |    1
29//  &&      |   1    |   x    |   x    |   0    |   0    |   x     |    x
30//  =       |   x    |        |        |        |        |         |
31//  ==      |   1    |        |        |        |        |         |
32//  >=      |   1    |        |        |        |        |         |
33//  <=      |   1    |        |        |        |        |         |
34//  >       |   0    |        |        |        |        |         |
35//  <       |   0    |        |        |        |        |         |
36//  !=      |   0    |        |        |        |        |         |
39// Things TODO:
40// - Improved error messages
41// - Handle mixed assumptions (which assumptions can belong together?)
42// - Finer grained false positive control (levels)
43// - Handling ~0 values
45#include "ClangSACheckers.h"
46#include "clang/Analysis/CFGStmtMap.h"
47#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/PseudoConstantAnalysis.h"
48#include "clang/Analysis/Analyses/CFGReachabilityAnalysis.h"
49#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.h"
50#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CheckerManager.h"
51#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerContext.h"
52#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporter.h"
53#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugType.h"
54#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerHelpers.h"
55#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CoreEngine.h"
56#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SVals.h"
57#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
58#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
59#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
60#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
61#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
62#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
64using namespace clang;
65using namespace ento;
67namespace {
68class IdempotentOperationChecker
69  : public Checker<check::PreStmt<BinaryOperator>,
70                     check::PostStmt<BinaryOperator>,
71                     check::EndAnalysis> {
73  void checkPreStmt(const BinaryOperator *B, CheckerContext &C) const;
74  void checkPostStmt(const BinaryOperator *B, CheckerContext &C) const;
75  void checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G, BugReporter &B,ExprEngine &Eng) const;
78  // Our assumption about a particular operation.
79  enum Assumption { Possible = 0, Impossible, Equal, LHSis1, RHSis1, LHSis0,
80      RHSis0 };
82  static void UpdateAssumption(Assumption &A, const Assumption &New);
84  // False positive reduction methods
85  static bool isSelfAssign(const Expr *LHS, const Expr *RHS);
86  static bool isUnused(const Expr *E, AnalysisDeclContext *AC);
87  static bool isTruncationExtensionAssignment(const Expr *LHS,
88                                              const Expr *RHS);
89  static bool pathWasCompletelyAnalyzed(AnalysisDeclContext *AC,
90                                        const CFGBlock *CB,
91                                        const CoreEngine &CE);
92  static bool CanVary(const Expr *Ex,
93                      AnalysisDeclContext *AC);
94  static bool isConstantOrPseudoConstant(const DeclRefExpr *DR,
95                                         AnalysisDeclContext *AC);
96  static bool containsNonLocalVarDecl(const Stmt *S);
98  // Hash table and related data structures
99  struct BinaryOperatorData {
100    BinaryOperatorData() : assumption(Possible) {}
102    Assumption assumption;
103    ExplodedNodeSet explodedNodes; // Set of ExplodedNodes that refer to a
104                                   // BinaryOperator
105  };
106  typedef llvm::DenseMap<const BinaryOperator *, BinaryOperatorData>
107      AssumptionMap;
108  mutable AssumptionMap hash;
112void IdempotentOperationChecker::checkPreStmt(const BinaryOperator *B,
113                                              CheckerContext &C) const {
114  // Find or create an entry in the hash for this BinaryOperator instance.
115  // If we haven't done a lookup before, it will get default initialized to
116  // 'Possible'. At this stage we do not store the ExplodedNode, as it has not
117  // been created yet.
118  BinaryOperatorData &Data = hash[B];
119  Assumption &A = Data.assumption;
120  AnalysisDeclContext *AC = C.getCurrentAnalysisDeclContext();
122  // If we already have visited this node on a path that does not contain an
123  // idempotent operation, return immediately.
124  if (A == Impossible)
125    return;
127  // Retrieve both sides of the operator and determine if they can vary (which
128  // may mean this is a false positive.
129  const Expr *LHS = B->getLHS();
130  const Expr *RHS = B->getRHS();
132  // At this stage we can calculate whether each side contains a false positive
133  // that applies to all operators. We only need to calculate this the first
134  // time.
135  bool LHSContainsFalsePositive = false, RHSContainsFalsePositive = false;
136  if (A == Possible) {
137    // An expression contains a false positive if it can't vary, or if it
138    // contains a known false positive VarDecl.
139    LHSContainsFalsePositive = !CanVary(LHS, AC)
140        || containsNonLocalVarDecl(LHS);
141    RHSContainsFalsePositive = !CanVary(RHS, AC)
142        || containsNonLocalVarDecl(RHS);
143  }
145  ProgramStateRef state = C.getState();
146  const LocationContext *LCtx = C.getLocationContext();
147  SVal LHSVal = state->getSVal(LHS, LCtx);
148  SVal RHSVal = state->getSVal(RHS, LCtx);
150  // If either value is unknown, we can't be 100% sure of all paths.
151  if (LHSVal.isUnknownOrUndef() || RHSVal.isUnknownOrUndef()) {
152    A = Impossible;
153    return;
154  }
155  BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = B->getOpcode();
157  // Dereference the LHS SVal if this is an assign operation
158  switch (Op) {
159  default:
160    break;
162  // Fall through intentional
163  case BO_AddAssign:
164  case BO_SubAssign:
165  case BO_MulAssign:
166  case BO_DivAssign:
167  case BO_AndAssign:
168  case BO_OrAssign:
169  case BO_XorAssign:
170  case BO_ShlAssign:
171  case BO_ShrAssign:
172  case BO_Assign:
173  // Assign statements have one extra level of indirection
174    if (!isa<Loc>(LHSVal)) {
175      A = Impossible;
176      return;
177    }
178    LHSVal = state->getSVal(cast<Loc>(LHSVal), LHS->getType());
179  }
182  // We now check for various cases which result in an idempotent operation.
184  // x op x
185  switch (Op) {
186  default:
187    break; // We don't care about any other operators.
189  // Fall through intentional
190  case BO_Assign:
191    // x Assign x can be used to silence unused variable warnings intentionally.
192    // If this is a self assignment and the variable is referenced elsewhere,
193    // and the assignment is not a truncation or extension, then it is a false
194    // positive.
195    if (isSelfAssign(LHS, RHS)) {
196      if (!isUnused(LHS, AC) && !isTruncationExtensionAssignment(LHS, RHS)) {
197        UpdateAssumption(A, Equal);
198        return;
199      }
200      else {
201        A = Impossible;
202        return;
203      }
204    }
206  case BO_SubAssign:
207  case BO_DivAssign:
208  case BO_AndAssign:
209  case BO_OrAssign:
210  case BO_XorAssign:
211  case BO_Sub:
212  case BO_Div:
213  case BO_And:
214  case BO_Or:
215  case BO_Xor:
216  case BO_LOr:
217  case BO_LAnd:
218  case BO_EQ:
219  case BO_NE:
220    if (LHSVal != RHSVal || LHSContainsFalsePositive
221        || RHSContainsFalsePositive)
222      break;
223    UpdateAssumption(A, Equal);
224    return;
225  }
227  // x op 1
228  switch (Op) {
229   default:
230     break; // We don't care about any other operators.
232   // Fall through intentional
233   case BO_MulAssign:
234   case BO_DivAssign:
235   case BO_Mul:
236   case BO_Div:
237   case BO_LOr:
238   case BO_LAnd:
239     if (!RHSVal.isConstant(1) || RHSContainsFalsePositive)
240       break;
241     UpdateAssumption(A, RHSis1);
242     return;
243  }
245  // 1 op x
246  switch (Op) {
247  default:
248    break; // We don't care about any other operators.
250  // Fall through intentional
251  case BO_MulAssign:
252  case BO_Mul:
253  case BO_LOr:
254  case BO_LAnd:
255    if (!LHSVal.isConstant(1) || LHSContainsFalsePositive)
256      break;
257    UpdateAssumption(A, LHSis1);
258    return;
259  }
261  // x op 0
262  switch (Op) {
263  default:
264    break; // We don't care about any other operators.
266  // Fall through intentional
267  case BO_AddAssign:
268  case BO_SubAssign:
269  case BO_MulAssign:
270  case BO_AndAssign:
271  case BO_OrAssign:
272  case BO_XorAssign:
273  case BO_Add:
274  case BO_Sub:
275  case BO_Mul:
276  case BO_And:
277  case BO_Or:
278  case BO_Xor:
279  case BO_Shl:
280  case BO_Shr:
281  case BO_LOr:
282  case BO_LAnd:
283    if (!RHSVal.isConstant(0) || RHSContainsFalsePositive)
284      break;
285    UpdateAssumption(A, RHSis0);
286    return;
287  }
289  // 0 op x
290  switch (Op) {
291  default:
292    break; // We don't care about any other operators.
294  // Fall through intentional
295  //case BO_AddAssign: // Common false positive
296  case BO_SubAssign: // Check only if unsigned
297  case BO_MulAssign:
298  case BO_DivAssign:
299  case BO_AndAssign:
300  //case BO_OrAssign: // Common false positive
301  //case BO_XorAssign: // Common false positive
302  case BO_ShlAssign:
303  case BO_ShrAssign:
304  case BO_Add:
305  case BO_Sub:
306  case BO_Mul:
307  case BO_Div:
308  case BO_And:
309  case BO_Or:
310  case BO_Xor:
311  case BO_Shl:
312  case BO_Shr:
313  case BO_LOr:
314  case BO_LAnd:
315    if (!LHSVal.isConstant(0) || LHSContainsFalsePositive)
316      break;
317    UpdateAssumption(A, LHSis0);
318    return;
319  }
321  // If we get to this point, there has been a valid use of this operation.
322  A = Impossible;
325// At the post visit stage, the predecessor ExplodedNode will be the
326// BinaryOperator that was just created. We use this hook to collect the
327// ExplodedNode.
328void IdempotentOperationChecker::checkPostStmt(const BinaryOperator *B,
329                                               CheckerContext &C) const {
330  // Add the ExplodedNode we just visited
331  BinaryOperatorData &Data = hash[B];
333  const Stmt *predStmt
334    = cast<StmtPoint>(C.getPredecessor()->getLocation()).getStmt();
336  // Ignore implicit calls to setters.
337  if (!isa<BinaryOperator>(predStmt))
338    return;
340  Data.explodedNodes.Add(C.getPredecessor());
343void IdempotentOperationChecker::checkEndAnalysis(ExplodedGraph &G,
344                                                  BugReporter &BR,
345                                                  ExprEngine &Eng) const {
346  BugType *BT = new BugType("Idempotent operation", "Dead code");
347  // Iterate over the hash to see if we have any paths with definite
348  // idempotent operations.
349  for (AssumptionMap::const_iterator i = hash.begin(); i != hash.end(); ++i) {
350    // Unpack the hash contents
351    const BinaryOperatorData &Data = i->second;
352    const Assumption &A = Data.assumption;
353    const ExplodedNodeSet &ES = Data.explodedNodes;
355    // If there are no nodes accosted with the expression, nothing to report.
356    // FIXME: This is possible because the checker does part of processing in
357    // checkPreStmt and part in checkPostStmt.
358    if (ES.begin() == ES.end())
359      continue;
361    const BinaryOperator *B = i->first;
363    if (A == Impossible)
364      continue;
366    // If the analyzer did not finish, check to see if we can still emit this
367    // warning
368    if (Eng.hasWorkRemaining()) {
369      // If we can trace back
370      AnalysisDeclContext *AC = (*ES.begin())->getLocationContext()
371                                         ->getAnalysisDeclContext();
372      if (!pathWasCompletelyAnalyzed(AC,
373                                     AC->getCFGStmtMap()->getBlock(B),
374                                     Eng.getCoreEngine()))
375        continue;
376    }
378    // Select the error message and SourceRanges to report.
379    llvm::SmallString<128> buf;
380    llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(buf);
381    bool LHSRelevant = false, RHSRelevant = false;
382    switch (A) {
383    case Equal:
384      LHSRelevant = true;
385      RHSRelevant = true;
386      if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Assign)
387        os << "Assigned value is always the same as the existing value";
388      else
389        os << "Both operands to '" << B->getOpcodeStr()
390           << "' always have the same value";
391      break;
392    case LHSis1:
393      LHSRelevant = true;
394      os << "The left operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 1";
395      break;
396    case RHSis1:
397      RHSRelevant = true;
398      os << "The right operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 1";
399      break;
400    case LHSis0:
401      LHSRelevant = true;
402      os << "The left operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 0";
403      break;
404    case RHSis0:
405      RHSRelevant = true;
406      os << "The right operand to '" << B->getOpcodeStr() << "' is always 0";
407      break;
408    case Possible:
409      llvm_unreachable("Operation was never marked with an assumption");
410    case Impossible:
411      llvm_unreachable(0);
412    }
414    // Add a report for each ExplodedNode
415    for (ExplodedNodeSet::iterator I = ES.begin(), E = ES.end(); I != E; ++I) {
416      BugReport *report = new BugReport(*BT, os.str(), *I);
418      // Add source ranges and visitor hooks
419      if (LHSRelevant) {
420        const Expr *LHS = i->first->getLHS();
421        report->addRange(LHS->getSourceRange());
422        FindLastStoreBRVisitor::registerStatementVarDecls(*report, LHS);
423      }
424      if (RHSRelevant) {
425        const Expr *RHS = i->first->getRHS();
426        report->addRange(i->first->getRHS()->getSourceRange());
427        FindLastStoreBRVisitor::registerStatementVarDecls(*report, RHS);
428      }
430      BR.EmitReport(report);
431    }
432  }
434  hash.clear();
437// Updates the current assumption given the new assumption
438inline void IdempotentOperationChecker::UpdateAssumption(Assumption &A,
439                                                        const Assumption &New) {
440// If the assumption is the same, there is nothing to do
441  if (A == New)
442    return;
444  switch (A) {
445  // If we don't currently have an assumption, set it
446  case Possible:
447    A = New;
448    return;
450  // If we have determined that a valid state happened, ignore the new
451  // assumption.
452  case Impossible:
453    return;
455  // Any other case means that we had a different assumption last time. We don't
456  // currently support mixing assumptions for diagnostic reasons, so we set
457  // our assumption to be impossible.
458  default:
459    A = Impossible;
460    return;
461  }
464// Check for a statement where a variable is self assigned to possibly avoid an
465// unused variable warning.
466bool IdempotentOperationChecker::isSelfAssign(const Expr *LHS, const Expr *RHS) {
467  LHS = LHS->IgnoreParenCasts();
468  RHS = RHS->IgnoreParenCasts();
470  const DeclRefExpr *LHS_DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(LHS);
471  if (!LHS_DR)
472    return false;
474  const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(LHS_DR->getDecl());
475  if (!VD)
476    return false;
478  const DeclRefExpr *RHS_DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(RHS);
479  if (!RHS_DR)
480    return false;
482  if (VD != RHS_DR->getDecl())
483    return false;
485  return true;
488// Returns true if the Expr points to a VarDecl that is not read anywhere
489// outside of self-assignments.
490bool IdempotentOperationChecker::isUnused(const Expr *E,
491                                          AnalysisDeclContext *AC) {
492  if (!E)
493    return false;
495  const DeclRefExpr *DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E->IgnoreParenCasts());
496  if (!DR)
497    return false;
499  const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DR->getDecl());
500  if (!VD)
501    return false;
503  if (AC->getPseudoConstantAnalysis()->wasReferenced(VD))
504    return false;
506  return true;
509// Check for self casts truncating/extending a variable
510bool IdempotentOperationChecker::isTruncationExtensionAssignment(
511                                                              const Expr *LHS,
512                                                              const Expr *RHS) {
514  const DeclRefExpr *LHS_DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(LHS->IgnoreParenCasts());
515  if (!LHS_DR)
516    return false;
518  const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(LHS_DR->getDecl());
519  if (!VD)
520    return false;
522  const DeclRefExpr *RHS_DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(RHS->IgnoreParenCasts());
523  if (!RHS_DR)
524    return false;
526  if (VD != RHS_DR->getDecl())
527     return false;
529  return dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(RHS->IgnoreParenLValueCasts()) == NULL;
532// Returns false if a path to this block was not completely analyzed, or true
533// otherwise.
535IdempotentOperationChecker::pathWasCompletelyAnalyzed(AnalysisDeclContext *AC,
536                                                      const CFGBlock *CB,
537                                                      const CoreEngine &CE) {
539  CFGReverseBlockReachabilityAnalysis *CRA = AC->getCFGReachablityAnalysis();
541  // Test for reachability from any aborted blocks to this block
542  typedef CoreEngine::BlocksExhausted::const_iterator ExhaustedIterator;
543  for (ExhaustedIterator I = CE.blocks_exhausted_begin(),
544      E = CE.blocks_exhausted_end(); I != E; ++I) {
545    const BlockEdge &BE =  I->first;
547    // The destination block on the BlockEdge is the first block that was not
548    // analyzed. If we can reach this block from the aborted block, then this
549    // block was not completely analyzed.
550    //
551    // Also explicitly check if the current block is the destination block.
552    // While technically reachable, it means we aborted the analysis on
553    // a path that included that block.
554    const CFGBlock *destBlock = BE.getDst();
555    if (destBlock == CB || CRA->isReachable(destBlock, CB))
556      return false;
557  }
559  // Test for reachability from blocks we just gave up on.
560  typedef CoreEngine::BlocksAborted::const_iterator AbortedIterator;
561  for (AbortedIterator I = CE.blocks_aborted_begin(),
562       E = CE.blocks_aborted_end(); I != E; ++I) {
563    const CFGBlock *destBlock = I->first;
564    if (destBlock == CB || CRA->isReachable(destBlock, CB))
565      return false;
566  }
568  // For the items still on the worklist, see if they are in blocks that
569  // can eventually reach 'CB'.
570  class VisitWL : public WorkList::Visitor {
571    const CFGStmtMap *CBM;
572    const CFGBlock *TargetBlock;
573    CFGReverseBlockReachabilityAnalysis &CRA;
574  public:
575    VisitWL(const CFGStmtMap *cbm, const CFGBlock *targetBlock,
576            CFGReverseBlockReachabilityAnalysis &cra)
577      : CBM(cbm), TargetBlock(targetBlock), CRA(cra) {}
578    virtual bool visit(const WorkListUnit &U) {
579      ProgramPoint P = U.getNode()->getLocation();
580      const CFGBlock *B = 0;
581      if (StmtPoint *SP = dyn_cast<StmtPoint>(&P)) {
582        B = CBM->getBlock(SP->getStmt());
583      }
584      else if (BlockEdge *BE = dyn_cast<BlockEdge>(&P)) {
585        B = BE->getDst();
586      }
587      else if (BlockEntrance *BEnt = dyn_cast<BlockEntrance>(&P)) {
588        B = BEnt->getBlock();
589      }
590      else if (BlockExit *BExit = dyn_cast<BlockExit>(&P)) {
591        B = BExit->getBlock();
592      }
593      if (!B)
594        return true;
596      return B == TargetBlock || CRA.isReachable(B, TargetBlock);
597    }
598  };
599  VisitWL visitWL(AC->getCFGStmtMap(), CB, *CRA);
600  // Were there any items in the worklist that could potentially reach
601  // this block?
602  if (CE.getWorkList()->visitItemsInWorkList(visitWL))
603    return false;
605  // Verify that this block is reachable from the entry block
606  if (!CRA->isReachable(&AC->getCFG()->getEntry(), CB))
607    return false;
609  // If we get to this point, there is no connection to the entry block or an
610  // aborted block. This path is unreachable and we can report the error.
611  return true;
614// Recursive function that determines whether an expression contains any element
615// that varies. This could be due to a compile-time constant like sizeof. An
616// expression may also involve a variable that behaves like a constant. The
617// function returns true if the expression varies, and false otherwise.
618bool IdempotentOperationChecker::CanVary(const Expr *Ex,
619                                         AnalysisDeclContext *AC) {
620  // Parentheses and casts are irrelevant here
621  Ex = Ex->IgnoreParenCasts();
623  if (Ex->getLocStart().isMacroID())
624    return false;
626  switch (Ex->getStmtClass()) {
627  // Trivially true cases
628  case Stmt::ArraySubscriptExprClass:
629  case Stmt::MemberExprClass:
630  case Stmt::StmtExprClass:
631  case Stmt::CallExprClass:
632  case Stmt::VAArgExprClass:
633  case Stmt::ShuffleVectorExprClass:
634    return true;
635  default:
636    return true;
638  // Trivially false cases
639  case Stmt::IntegerLiteralClass:
640  case Stmt::CharacterLiteralClass:
641  case Stmt::FloatingLiteralClass:
642  case Stmt::PredefinedExprClass:
643  case Stmt::ImaginaryLiteralClass:
644  case Stmt::StringLiteralClass:
645  case Stmt::OffsetOfExprClass:
646  case Stmt::CompoundLiteralExprClass:
647  case Stmt::AddrLabelExprClass:
648  case Stmt::BinaryTypeTraitExprClass:
649  case Stmt::GNUNullExprClass:
650  case Stmt::InitListExprClass:
651  case Stmt::DesignatedInitExprClass:
652  case Stmt::BlockExprClass:
653  case Stmt::BlockDeclRefExprClass:
654    return false;
656  // Cases requiring custom logic
657  case Stmt::UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExprClass: {
658    const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr *SE =
659                       cast<const UnaryExprOrTypeTraitExpr>(Ex);
660    if (SE->getKind() != UETT_SizeOf)
661      return false;
662    return SE->getTypeOfArgument()->isVariableArrayType();
663  }
664  case Stmt::DeclRefExprClass:
665    // Check for constants/pseudoconstants
666    return !isConstantOrPseudoConstant(cast<DeclRefExpr>(Ex), AC);
668  // The next cases require recursion for subexpressions
669  case Stmt::BinaryOperatorClass: {
670    const BinaryOperator *B = cast<const BinaryOperator>(Ex);
672    // Exclude cases involving pointer arithmetic.  These are usually
673    // false positives.
674    if (B->getOpcode() == BO_Sub || B->getOpcode() == BO_Add)
675      if (B->getLHS()->getType()->getAs<PointerType>())
676        return false;
678    return CanVary(B->getRHS(), AC)
679        || CanVary(B->getLHS(), AC);
680   }
681  case Stmt::UnaryOperatorClass: {
682    const UnaryOperator *U = cast<const UnaryOperator>(Ex);
683    // Handle trivial case first
684    switch (U->getOpcode()) {
685    case UO_Extension:
686      return false;
687    default:
688      return CanVary(U->getSubExpr(), AC);
689    }
690  }
691  case Stmt::ChooseExprClass:
692    return CanVary(cast<const ChooseExpr>(Ex)->getChosenSubExpr(
693        AC->getASTContext()), AC);
694  case Stmt::ConditionalOperatorClass:
695  case Stmt::BinaryConditionalOperatorClass:
696    return CanVary(cast<AbstractConditionalOperator>(Ex)->getCond(), AC);
697  }
700// Returns true if a DeclRefExpr is or behaves like a constant.
701bool IdempotentOperationChecker::isConstantOrPseudoConstant(
702                                                          const DeclRefExpr *DR,
703                                                          AnalysisDeclContext *AC) {
704  // Check if the type of the Decl is const-qualified
705  if (DR->getType().isConstQualified())
706    return true;
708  // Check for an enum
709  if (isa<EnumConstantDecl>(DR->getDecl()))
710    return true;
712  const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DR->getDecl());
713  if (!VD)
714    return true;
716  // Check if the Decl behaves like a constant. This check also takes care of
717  // static variables, which can only change between function calls if they are
718  // modified in the AST.
719  PseudoConstantAnalysis *PCA = AC->getPseudoConstantAnalysis();
720  if (PCA->isPseudoConstant(VD))
721    return true;
723  return false;
726// Recursively find any substatements containing VarDecl's with storage other
727// than local
728bool IdempotentOperationChecker::containsNonLocalVarDecl(const Stmt *S) {
729  const DeclRefExpr *DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(S);
731  if (DR)
732    if (const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DR->getDecl()))
733      if (!VD->hasLocalStorage())
734        return true;
736  for (Stmt::const_child_iterator I = S->child_begin(); I != S->child_end();
737      ++I)
738    if (const Stmt *child = *I)
739      if (containsNonLocalVarDecl(child))
740        return true;
742  return false;
746void ento::registerIdempotentOperationChecker(CheckerManager &mgr) {
747  mgr.registerChecker<IdempotentOperationChecker>();