APInt.h revision ebf4ebd69155ea46c7937aec25df1f50dd61c136
1//===-- llvm/Support/APInt.h - For Arbitrary Precision Integer -*- C++ -*--===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file was developed by Sheng Zhou and is distributed under the
6// University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file implements a class to represent arbitrary precision integral
11// constant values.
15#ifndef LLVM_APINT_H
16#define LLVM_APINT_H
18#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
19#include <cassert>
20#include <string>
22namespace llvm {
24/// Forward declaration.
25class APInt;
26namespace APIntOps {
27  APInt udiv(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS);
28  APInt urem(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS);
32//                              APInt Class
35/// APInt - This class represents arbitrary precision constant integral values.
36/// It is a functional replacement for common case unsigned integer type like
37/// "unsigned", "unsigned long" or "uint64_t", but also allows non-byte-width
38/// integer sizes and large integer value types such as 3-bits, 15-bits, or more
39/// than 64-bits of precision. APInt provides a variety of arithmetic operators
40/// and methods to manipulate integer values of any bit-width. It supports both
41/// the typical integer arithmetic and comparison operations as well as bitwise
42/// manipulation.
44/// The class has several invariants worth noting:
45///   * All bit, byte, and word positions are zero-based.
46///   * Once the bit width is set, it doesn't change except by the Truncate,
47///     SignExtend, or ZeroExtend operations.
48///   * All binary operators must be on APInt instances of the same bit width.
49///     Attempting to use these operators on instances with different bit
50///     widths will yield an assertion.
51///   * The value is stored canonically as an unsigned value. For operations
52///     where it makes a difference, there are both signed and unsigned variants
53///     of the operation. For example, sdiv and udiv. However, because the bit
54///     widths must be the same, operations such as Mul and Add produce the same
55///     results regardless of whether the values are interpreted as signed or
56///     not.
57///   * In general, the class tries to follow the style of computation that LLVM
58///     uses in its IR. This simplifies its use for LLVM.
60/// @brief Class for arbitrary precision integers.
61class APInt {
64  uint32_t BitWidth;      ///< The number of bits in this APInt.
66  /// This union is used to store the integer value. When the
67  /// integer bit-width <= 64, it uses VAL;
68  /// otherwise it uses the pVal.
69  union {
70    uint64_t VAL;    ///< Used to store the <= 64 bits integer value.
71    uint64_t *pVal;  ///< Used to store the >64 bits integer value.
72  };
74  /// This enum is just used to hold a constant we needed for APInt.
75  enum {
76    APINT_BITS_PER_WORD = sizeof(uint64_t) * 8,
77    APINT_WORD_SIZE = sizeof(uint64_t)
78  };
80  // Fast internal constructor
81  APInt(uint64_t* val, uint32_t bits) : BitWidth(bits), pVal(val) { }
83  /// Here one word's bitwidth equals to that of uint64_t.
84  /// @returns the number of words to hold the integer value of this APInt.
85  /// @brief Get the number of words.
86  inline uint32_t getNumWords() const {
87    return (BitWidth + APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - 1) / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
88  }
90  /// @returns true if the number of bits <= 64, false otherwise.
91  /// @brief Determine if this APInt just has one word to store value.
92  inline bool isSingleWord() const {
93    return BitWidth <= APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
94  }
96  /// @returns the word position for the specified bit position.
97  static inline uint32_t whichWord(uint32_t bitPosition) {
98    return bitPosition / APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
99  }
101  /// @returns the bit position in a word for the specified bit position
102  /// in APInt.
103  static inline uint32_t whichBit(uint32_t bitPosition) {
104    return bitPosition % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
105  }
107  /// @returns a uint64_t type integer with just bit position at
108  /// "whichBit(bitPosition)" setting, others zero.
109  static inline uint64_t maskBit(uint32_t bitPosition) {
110    return (static_cast<uint64_t>(1)) << whichBit(bitPosition);
111  }
113  /// This method is used internally to clear the to "N" bits that are not used
114  /// by the APInt. This is needed after the most significant word is assigned
115  /// a value to ensure that those bits are zero'd out.
116  /// @brief Clear high order bits
117  inline APInt& clearUnusedBits() {
118    // Compute how many bits are used in the final word
119    uint32_t wordBits = BitWidth % APINT_BITS_PER_WORD;
120    if (wordBits == 0)
121      // If all bits are used, we want to leave the value alone. This also
122      // avoids the undefined behavior of >> when the shfit is the same size as
123      // the word size (64).
124      return *this;
126    // Mask out the hight bits.
127    uint64_t mask = ~uint64_t(0ULL) >> (APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - wordBits);
128    if (isSingleWord())
129      VAL &= mask;
130    else
131      pVal[getNumWords() - 1] &= mask;
132    return *this;
133  }
135  /// @returns the corresponding word for the specified bit position.
136  /// @brief Get the word corresponding to a bit position
137  inline uint64_t getWord(uint32_t bitPosition) const {
138    return isSingleWord() ? VAL : pVal[whichWord(bitPosition)];
139  }
141  /// This is used by the constructors that take string arguments.
142  /// @brief Converts a char array into an APInt
143  void fromString(uint32_t numBits, const char *StrStart, uint32_t slen,
144                  uint8_t radix);
146  /// This is used by the toString method to divide by the radix. It simply
147  /// provides a more convenient form of divide for internal use since KnuthDiv
148  /// has specific constraints on its inputs. If those constraints are not met
149  /// then it provides a simpler form of divide.
150  /// @brief An internal division function for dividing APInts.
151  static void divide(const APInt LHS, uint32_t lhsWords,
152                     const APInt &RHS, uint32_t rhsWords,
153                     APInt *Quotient, APInt *Remainder);
155#ifndef NDEBUG
156  /// @brief debug method
157  void dump() const;
161  /// @brief Create a new APInt of numBits width, initialized as val.
162  APInt(uint32_t numBits, uint64_t val);
164  /// Note that numWords can be smaller or larger than the corresponding bit
165  /// width but any extraneous bits will be dropped.
166  /// @brief Create a new APInt of numBits width, initialized as bigVal[].
167  APInt(uint32_t numBits, uint32_t numWords, uint64_t bigVal[]);
169  /// @brief Create a new APInt by translating the string represented
170  /// integer value.
171  APInt(uint32_t numBits, const std::string& Val, uint8_t radix);
173  /// @brief Create a new APInt by translating the char array represented
174  /// integer value.
175  APInt(uint32_t numBits, const char StrStart[], uint32_t slen, uint8_t radix);
177  /// @brief Copy Constructor.
178  APInt(const APInt& API);
180  /// @brief Destructor.
181  ~APInt();
183  /// @brief Copy assignment operator.
184  APInt& operator=(const APInt& RHS);
186  /// Assigns an integer value to the APInt.
187  /// @brief Assignment operator.
188  APInt& operator=(uint64_t RHS);
190  /// Increments the APInt by one.
191  /// @brief Postfix increment operator.
192  inline const APInt operator++(int) {
193    APInt API(*this);
194    ++(*this);
195    return API;
196  }
198  /// Increments the APInt by one.
199  /// @brief Prefix increment operator.
200  APInt& operator++();
202  /// Decrements the APInt by one.
203  /// @brief Postfix decrement operator.
204  inline const APInt operator--(int) {
205    APInt API(*this);
206    --(*this);
207    return API;
208  }
210  /// Decrements the APInt by one.
211  /// @brief Prefix decrement operator.
212  APInt& operator--();
214  /// Performs bitwise AND operation on this APInt and the given APInt& RHS,
215  /// assigns the result to this APInt.
216  /// @brief Bitwise AND assignment operator.
217  APInt& operator&=(const APInt& RHS);
219  /// Performs bitwise OR operation on this APInt and the given APInt& RHS,
220  /// assigns the result to this APInt.
221  /// @brief Bitwise OR assignment operator.
222  APInt& operator|=(const APInt& RHS);
224  /// Performs bitwise XOR operation on this APInt and the given APInt& RHS,
225  /// assigns the result to this APInt.
226  /// @brief Bitwise XOR assignment operator.
227  APInt& operator^=(const APInt& RHS);
229  /// Performs a bitwise complement operation on this APInt.
230  /// @brief Bitwise complement operator.
231  APInt operator~() const;
233  /// Multiplies this APInt by the  given APInt& RHS and
234  /// assigns the result to this APInt.
235  /// @brief Multiplication assignment operator.
236  APInt& operator*=(const APInt& RHS);
238  /// Adds this APInt by the given APInt& RHS and
239  /// assigns the result to this APInt.
240  /// @brief Addition assignment operator.
241  APInt& operator+=(const APInt& RHS);
243  /// Subtracts this APInt by the given APInt &RHS and
244  /// assigns the result to this APInt.
245  /// @brief Subtraction assignment operator.
246  APInt& operator-=(const APInt& RHS);
248  /// Performs bitwise AND operation on this APInt and
249  /// the given APInt& RHS.
250  /// @brief Bitwise AND operator.
251  APInt operator&(const APInt& RHS) const;
253  /// Performs bitwise OR operation on this APInt and the given APInt& RHS.
254  /// @brief Bitwise OR operator.
255  APInt operator|(const APInt& RHS) const;
257  /// Performs bitwise XOR operation on this APInt and the given APInt& RHS.
258  /// @brief Bitwise XOR operator.
259  APInt operator^(const APInt& RHS) const;
261  /// Performs logical negation operation on this APInt.
262  /// @brief Logical negation operator.
263  bool operator !() const;
265  /// Multiplies this APInt by the given APInt& RHS.
266  /// @brief Multiplication operator.
267  APInt operator*(const APInt& RHS) const;
269  /// Adds this APInt by the given APInt& RHS.
270  /// @brief Addition operator.
271  APInt operator+(const APInt& RHS) const;
273  /// Subtracts this APInt by the given APInt& RHS
274  /// @brief Subtraction operator.
275  APInt operator-(const APInt& RHS) const;
277  /// @brief Unary negation operator
278  inline APInt operator-() const {
279    return APInt(BitWidth, 0) - (*this);
280  }
282  /// @brief Array-indexing support.
283  bool operator[](uint32_t bitPosition) const;
285  /// Compare this APInt with the given APInt& RHS
286  /// for the validity of the equality relationship.
287  /// @brief Equality operator.
288  bool operator==(const APInt& RHS) const;
290  /// Compare this APInt with the given uint64_t value
291  /// for the validity of the equality relationship.
292  /// @brief Equality operator.
293  bool operator==(uint64_t Val) const;
295  /// Compare this APInt with the given APInt& RHS
296  /// for the validity of the inequality relationship.
297  /// @brief Inequality operator.
298  inline bool operator!=(const APInt& RHS) const {
299    return !((*this) == RHS);
300  }
302  /// Compare this APInt with the given uint64_t value
303  /// for the validity of the inequality relationship.
304  /// @brief Inequality operator.
305  inline bool operator!=(uint64_t Val) const {
306    return !((*this) == Val);
307  }
309  /// @brief Equality comparison
310  bool eq(const APInt &RHS) const {
311    return (*this) == RHS;
312  }
314  /// @brief Inequality comparison
315  bool ne(const APInt &RHS) const {
316    return !((*this) == RHS);
317  }
319  /// @brief Unsigned less than comparison
320  bool ult(const APInt& RHS) const;
322  /// @brief Signed less than comparison
323  bool slt(const APInt& RHS) const;
325  /// @brief Unsigned less or equal comparison
326  bool ule(const APInt& RHS) const {
327    return ult(RHS) || eq(RHS);
328  }
330  /// @brief Signed less or equal comparison
331  bool sle(const APInt& RHS) const {
332    return slt(RHS) || eq(RHS);
333  }
335  /// @brief Unsigned greather than comparison
336  bool ugt(const APInt& RHS) const {
337    return !ult(RHS) && !eq(RHS);
338  }
340  /// @brief Signed greather than comparison
341  bool sgt(const APInt& RHS) const {
342    return !slt(RHS) && !eq(RHS);
343  }
345  /// @brief Unsigned greater or equal comparison
346  bool uge(const APInt& RHS) const {
347    return !ult(RHS);
348  }
350  /// @brief Signed greather or equal comparison
351  bool sge(const APInt& RHS) const {
352    return !slt(RHS);
353  }
355  /// This just tests the high bit of this APInt to determine if it is negative.
356  /// @returns true if this APInt is negative, false otherwise
357  /// @brief Determine sign of this APInt.
358  bool isNegative() const {
359    return (*this)[BitWidth - 1];
360  }
362  /// Arithmetic right-shift this APInt by shiftAmt.
363  /// @brief Arithmetic right-shift function.
364  APInt ashr(uint32_t shiftAmt) const;
366  /// Logical right-shift this APInt by shiftAmt.
367  /// @brief Logical right-shift function.
368  APInt lshr(uint32_t shiftAmt) const;
370  /// Left-shift this APInt by shiftAmt.
371  /// @brief Left-shift function.
372  APInt shl(uint32_t shiftAmt) const;
374  /// Signed divide this APInt by APInt RHS.
375  /// @brief Signed division function for APInt.
376  inline APInt sdiv(const APInt& RHS) const {
377    bool isNegativeLHS = (*this)[BitWidth - 1];
378    bool isNegativeRHS = RHS[RHS.BitWidth - 1];
379    APInt Result = APIntOps::udiv(
380        isNegativeLHS ? -(*this) : (*this), isNegativeRHS ? -RHS : RHS);
381    return isNegativeLHS != isNegativeRHS ? -Result : Result;
382  }
384  /// Unsigned divide this APInt by APInt RHS.
385  /// @brief Unsigned division function for APInt.
386  APInt udiv(const APInt& RHS) const;
388  /// Signed remainder operation on APInt.
389  /// @brief Function for signed remainder operation.
390  inline APInt srem(const APInt& RHS) const {
391    bool isNegativeLHS = (*this)[BitWidth - 1];
392    bool isNegativeRHS = RHS[RHS.BitWidth - 1];
393    APInt Result = APIntOps::urem(
394        isNegativeLHS ? -(*this) : (*this), isNegativeRHS ? -RHS : RHS);
395    return isNegativeLHS ? -Result : Result;
396  }
398  /// Unsigned remainder operation on APInt.
399  /// @brief Function for unsigned remainder operation.
400  APInt urem(const APInt& RHS) const;
402  /// Truncate the APInt to a specified width. It is an error to specify a width
403  /// that is greater than or equal to the current width.
404  /// @brief Truncate to new width.
405  void trunc(uint32_t width);
407  /// This operation sign extends the APInt to a new width. If the high order
408  /// bit is set, the fill on the left will be done with 1 bits, otherwise zero.
409  /// It is an error to specify a width that is less than or equal to the
410  /// current width.
411  /// @brief Sign extend to a new width.
412  void sext(uint32_t width);
414  /// This operation zero extends the APInt to a new width. Thie high order bits
415  /// are filled with 0 bits.  It is an error to specify a width that is less
416  /// than or equal to the current width.
417  /// @brief Zero extend to a new width.
418  void zext(uint32_t width);
420  /// @brief Set every bit to 1.
421  APInt& set();
423  /// Set the given bit to 1 whose position is given as "bitPosition".
424  /// @brief Set a given bit to 1.
425  APInt& set(uint32_t bitPosition);
427  /// @brief Set every bit to 0.
428  APInt& clear();
430  /// Set the given bit to 0 whose position is given as "bitPosition".
431  /// @brief Set a given bit to 0.
432  APInt& clear(uint32_t bitPosition);
434  /// @brief Toggle every bit to its opposite value.
435  APInt& flip();
437  /// Toggle a given bit to its opposite value whose position is given
438  /// as "bitPosition".
439  /// @brief Toggles a given bit to its opposite value.
440  APInt& flip(uint32_t bitPosition);
442  /// This function returns the number of active bits which is defined as the
443  /// bit width minus the number of leading zeros. This is used in several
444  /// computations to see how "wide" the value is.
445  /// @brief Compute the number of active bits in the value
446  inline uint32_t getActiveBits() const {
447    return BitWidth - countLeadingZeros();
448  }
450  /// @returns a uint64_t value from this APInt. If this APInt contains a single
451  /// word, just returns VAL, otherwise pVal[0].
452  inline uint64_t getValue(bool isSigned = false) const {
453    if (isSingleWord())
454      return isSigned ? int64_t(VAL << (64 - BitWidth)) >>
455                                       (64 - BitWidth) : VAL;
456    uint32_t n = getActiveBits();
457    if (n <= 64)
458      return pVal[0];
459    assert(0 && "This APInt's bitwidth > 64");
460  }
462  /// @returns the largest value for an APInt of the specified bit-width and
463  /// if isSign == true, it should be largest signed value, otherwise largest
464  /// unsigned value.
465  /// @brief Gets max value of the APInt with bitwidth <= 64.
466  static APInt getMaxValue(uint32_t numBits, bool isSign);
468  /// @returns the smallest value for an APInt of the given bit-width and
469  /// if isSign == true, it should be smallest signed value, otherwise zero.
470  /// @brief Gets min value of the APInt with bitwidth <= 64.
471  static APInt getMinValue(uint32_t numBits, bool isSign);
473  /// @returns the all-ones value for an APInt of the specified bit-width.
474  /// @brief Get the all-ones value.
475  static APInt getAllOnesValue(uint32_t numBits);
477  /// @returns the '0' value for an APInt of the specified bit-width.
478  /// @brief Get the '0' value.
479  static APInt getNullValue(uint32_t numBits);
481  /// This converts the APInt to a boolean valy as a test against zero.
482  /// @brief Boolean conversion function.
483  inline bool getBoolValue() const {
484    return countLeadingZeros() != BitWidth;
485  }
487  /// @returns a character interpretation of the APInt.
488  std::string toString(uint8_t radix = 10, bool wantSigned = true) const;
490  /// Get an APInt with the same BitWidth as this APInt, just zero mask
491  /// the low bits and right shift to the least significant bit.
492  /// @returns the high "numBits" bits of this APInt.
493  APInt getHiBits(uint32_t numBits) const;
495  /// Get an APInt with the same BitWidth as this APInt, just zero mask
496  /// the high bits.
497  /// @returns the low "numBits" bits of this APInt.
498  APInt getLoBits(uint32_t numBits) const;
500  /// @returns true if the argument APInt value is a power of two > 0.
501  bool isPowerOf2() const;
503  /// countLeadingZeros - This function is an APInt version of the
504  /// countLeadingZeros_{32,64} functions in MathExtras.h. It counts the number
505  /// of zeros from the most significant bit to the first one bit.
506  /// @returns getNumWords() * APINT_BITS_PER_WORD if the value is zero.
507  /// @returns the number of zeros from the most significant bit to the first
508  /// one bits.
509  /// @brief Count the number of trailing one bits.
510  uint32_t countLeadingZeros() const;
512  /// countTrailingZeros - This function is an APInt version of the
513  /// countTrailingZoers_{32,64} functions in MathExtras.h. It counts
514  /// the number of zeros from the least significant bit to the first one bit.
515  /// @returns getNumWords() * APINT_BITS_PER_WORD if the value is zero.
516  /// @returns the number of zeros from the least significant bit to the first
517  /// one bit.
518  /// @brief Count the number of trailing zero bits.
519  uint32_t countTrailingZeros() const;
521  /// countPopulation - This function is an APInt version of the
522  /// countPopulation_{32,64} functions in MathExtras.h. It counts the number
523  /// of 1 bits in the APInt value.
524  /// @returns 0 if the value is zero.
525  /// @returns the number of set bits.
526  /// @brief Count the number of bits set.
527  uint32_t countPopulation() const;
529  /// @returns the total number of bits.
530  inline uint32_t getBitWidth() const {
531    return BitWidth;
532  }
534  /// @brief Check if this APInt has a N-bits integer value.
535  inline bool isIntN(uint32_t N) const {
536    assert(N && "N == 0 ???");
537    if (isSingleWord()) {
538      return VAL == (VAL & (~0ULL >> (64 - N)));
539    } else {
540      APInt Tmp(N, getNumWords(), pVal);
541      return Tmp == (*this);
542    }
543  }
545  /// @returns a byte-swapped representation of this APInt Value.
546  APInt byteSwap() const;
548  /// @returns the floor log base 2 of this APInt.
549  inline uint32_t logBase2() const {
550    return getNumWords() * APINT_BITS_PER_WORD - 1 - countLeadingZeros();
551  }
553  /// @brief Converts this APInt to a double value.
554  double roundToDouble(bool isSigned = false) const;
558namespace APIntOps {
560/// @brief Check if the specified APInt has a N-bits integer value.
561inline bool isIntN(uint32_t N, const APInt& APIVal) {
562  return APIVal.isIntN(N);
565/// @returns true if the argument APInt value is a sequence of ones
566/// starting at the least significant bit with the remainder zero.
567inline const bool isMask(uint32_t numBits, const APInt& APIVal) {
568  return APIVal.getBoolValue() && ((APIVal + APInt(numBits,1)) & APIVal) == 0;
571/// @returns true if the argument APInt value contains a sequence of ones
572/// with the remainder zero.
573inline const bool isShiftedMask(uint32_t numBits, const APInt& APIVal) {
574  return isMask(numBits, (APIVal - APInt(numBits,1)) | APIVal);
577/// @returns a byte-swapped representation of the specified APInt Value.
578inline APInt byteSwap(const APInt& APIVal) {
579  return APIVal.byteSwap();
582/// @returns the floor log base 2 of the specified APInt value.
583inline uint32_t logBase2(const APInt& APIVal) {
584  return APIVal.logBase2();
587/// GreatestCommonDivisor - This function returns the greatest common
588/// divisor of the two APInt values using Enclid's algorithm.
589/// @returns the greatest common divisor of Val1 and Val2
590/// @brief Compute GCD of two APInt values.
591APInt GreatestCommonDivisor(const APInt& Val1, const APInt& Val2);
593/// @brief Converts the given APInt to a double value.
594inline double RoundAPIntToDouble(const APInt& APIVal, bool isSigned = false) {
595  return APIVal.roundToDouble(isSigned);
598/// @brief Converts the given APInt to a float vlalue.
599inline float RoundAPIntToFloat(const APInt& APIVal) {
600  return float(RoundAPIntToDouble(APIVal));
603/// RoundDoubleToAPInt - This function convert a double value to an APInt value.
604/// @brief Converts the given double value into a APInt.
605APInt RoundDoubleToAPInt(double Double);
607/// RoundFloatToAPInt - Converts a float value into an APInt value.
608/// @brief Converts a float value into a APInt.
609inline APInt RoundFloatToAPInt(float Float) {
610  return RoundDoubleToAPInt(double(Float));
613/// Arithmetic right-shift the APInt by shiftAmt.
614/// @brief Arithmetic right-shift function.
615inline APInt ashr(const APInt& LHS, uint32_t shiftAmt) {
616  return LHS.ashr(shiftAmt);
619/// Logical right-shift the APInt by shiftAmt.
620/// @brief Logical right-shift function.
621inline APInt lshr(const APInt& LHS, uint32_t shiftAmt) {
622  return LHS.lshr(shiftAmt);
625/// Left-shift the APInt by shiftAmt.
626/// @brief Left-shift function.
627inline APInt shl(const APInt& LHS, uint32_t shiftAmt) {
628  return LHS.shl(shiftAmt);
631/// Signed divide APInt LHS by APInt RHS.
632/// @brief Signed division function for APInt.
633inline APInt sdiv(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
634  return LHS.sdiv(RHS);
637/// Unsigned divide APInt LHS by APInt RHS.
638/// @brief Unsigned division function for APInt.
639inline APInt udiv(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
640  return LHS.udiv(RHS);
643/// Signed remainder operation on APInt.
644/// @brief Function for signed remainder operation.
645inline APInt srem(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
646  return LHS.srem(RHS);
649/// Unsigned remainder operation on APInt.
650/// @brief Function for unsigned remainder operation.
651inline APInt urem(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
652  return LHS.urem(RHS);
655/// Performs multiplication on APInt values.
656/// @brief Function for multiplication operation.
657inline APInt mul(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
658  return LHS * RHS;
661/// Performs addition on APInt values.
662/// @brief Function for addition operation.
663inline APInt add(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
664  return LHS + RHS;
667/// Performs subtraction on APInt values.
668/// @brief Function for subtraction operation.
669inline APInt sub(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
670  return LHS - RHS;
673/// Performs bitwise AND operation on APInt LHS and
674/// APInt RHS.
675/// @brief Bitwise AND function for APInt.
676inline APInt And(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
677  return LHS & RHS;
680/// Performs bitwise OR operation on APInt LHS and APInt RHS.
681/// @brief Bitwise OR function for APInt.
682inline APInt Or(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
683  return LHS | RHS;
686/// Performs bitwise XOR operation on APInt.
687/// @brief Bitwise XOR function for APInt.
688inline APInt Xor(const APInt& LHS, const APInt& RHS) {
689  return LHS ^ RHS;
692/// Performs a bitwise complement operation on APInt.
693/// @brief Bitwise complement function.
694inline APInt Not(const APInt& APIVal) {
695  return ~APIVal;
698} // End of APIntOps namespace
700} // End of llvm namespace