History log of /bionic/tests/arpa_inet_test.cpp
Revision Date Author Comments
5c8c88dd8d0a371d30096aa107297ebc23e96a45 14-May-2014 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Use the NetBSD inet_ntop until the OpenBSD bug is fixed.

Stupidly I found this bug by accident when writing the existing
tests, but I didn't think any real code would hit it. It turns
out that libcore always uses an INET6_ADDRSTRLEN-sized buffer
even when working with AF_INET addresses.

Change-Id: Ieffc8e4bbe9b66b49b033e3e7101c896e097e6f8
6a41b0fb0e589c4afc4ecbcf7c425f0aa40eaea4 14-May-2014 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Flesh out <arpa/inet.h>.

Use the upstream OpenBSD implementations of these functions.

Also ensure we have symbols for htonl, htons, ntohl, and ntohs.
gtest doesn't like us using the macro versions in ASSERT_EQ.

Bug: 14840760
Change-Id: I68720e9aca14838df457d2bb27b999d5818ac2b5