Lines Matching defs:pPredBufRow

31 ; * [in]  pPredBufRow  pointer to the coefficient row buffer; must be aligned
51 ; * [out] pPredBufRow pointer to the updated coefficient row buffer
56 ; * - At least one of the pointers is NULL: pSrcDst, pPredBufRow, or pPredBufCol.
59 ; * - At least one of the pointers pSrcDst, pPredBufRow, or pPredBufCol is not
79 pPredBufRow RN 1
173 LDREQSH absCoeffDC,[pPredBufRow] ;// If vetical load the coeff from Row Prediction Buffer
183 SMULBB tempPred,temp,absCoeffDC ;// tempped=pPredBufRow(Col)[0]*32767/dcScaler
185 LSR tempPred,tempPred,#15 ;// tempped=pPredBufRow(Col)[0]/dcScaler
187 MLA Rem,negdcScaler,tempPred,absCoeffDC ;// Remainder Rem=abs(pPredBufRow(Col)[0])-tempPred*dcScaler
196 STRH dcRowbufCoeff,[pPredBufRow,#-16]
227 VLD1 {dPredRowBuf0,dPredRowBuf1},[pPredBufRow] ;// Loading pPredBufRow[i]:i=0 t0 7
229 VMULL qtemp1,dPredRowBuf0,dPredQP0 ;//qtemp1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]: i=0 t0 3
230 VMUL qtempPred1,qtemp1,qCoeffTab ;//qtempPred1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]*0x1ffff/curQP : i=0 t0 3
232 VMULL qtemp1,dPredRowBuf1,dPredQP0 ;//qtemp1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i] : i=4 t0 7
234 VRSHR qtempPred1,qtempPred1,#17 ;//qtempPred1[i]=round(pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]/curQP) : i=0 t0 3
238 VMUL qtempPred1,qtemp1,qCoeffTab ;//qtempPred1[i]=pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]*0x1ffff/curQP : i=4 t0 7
239 VRSHR qtempPred1,qtempPred1,#17 ;//qtempPred1[i]=round(pPredBufRow[i]*dPredQP[i]/curQP) : i=4 t0 7
247 LDRH dcRowbufCoeff,[pPredBufRow] ;//Loading Dc Value of Row Prediction buffer
251 VST1 {dtemp0,dtemp1},[pPredBufRow] ;//storing back the updated row prediction values
252 STRH dcRowbufCoeff,[pPredBufRow] ;// storing the updated DC Row Prediction coeff