Lines Matching refs:DBG

66     private static final boolean DBG = false;
213 if (DBG) log("OtaUtils constructor...");
240 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: OTASP not supported on this device");
245 if (DBG) log("MIN is not ready. Registering to receive notification.");
253 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: LTE state still unknown: retrying");
264 if (DBG) log("phoneNeedsActivation is set to " + phoneNeedsActivation);
268 if (DBG) log("otaShowActivationScreen: " + otaShowActivationScreen);
278 if (DBG) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "==> Starting interactive CDMA provisioning...");
281 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: voice capable; activation started.");
283 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: voice capable; activation NOT started.");
297 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: non-interactive; activation intent sent.");
299 if (DBG) log("maybeDoOtaCall: non-interactive, no need for OTASP.");
313 if (DBG) log("startInteractiveOtasp()...");
378 if (DBG) log("startNonInteractiveOtasp()...");
390 if (DBG) log("- created OtaUtils: " + app.otaUtils);
406 if (DBG) log(" ==> successful return from placeCall(): callStatus = " + callStatus);
437 if (DBG) log("isOtaspCallIntent(" + intent + ")...");
453 if (DBG) log("isOtaspCallIntent: not a CALL action: '" + action + "' ==> not OTASP");
473 if (DBG) log("isOtaspCallIntent: VoiceMailNumberMissingException => not OTASP");
477 if (DBG) log("isOtaSpNumber: ACTION_CALL to '" + number + "' ==> OTASP call!");
493 if (DBG) log("setupOtaspCall(): preparing for OTASP call to " + intent);
506 if (DBG) log("- created OtaUtils: " + app.otaUtils);
551 if (DBG) log("setSpeaker : " + state );
554 if (DBG) log("non-interactive mode, ignoring setSpeaker.");
559 if (DBG) log("no change. returning");
582 if (DBG) log("Provision status event!");
583 if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): status = "
593 if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): RETRIES EXCEEDED");
605 if (DBG) {
628 if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): change to ProgressScreen");
634 if (DBG) log("onOtaProvisionStatusChanged(): Ignoring OtaStatus " + OtaStatus[0]);
643 if (DBG) log("onOtaspDisconnect()...");
654 if (DBG) log("otaShowHome()...");
666 if (DBG) log("otaSkipActivation()...");
679 if (DBG) log("otaPerformActivation()...");
708 if (DBG) log("otaShowActivateScreen()...");
711 if (DBG) log("otaShowActivateScreen(): show activation screen");
722 if (DBG) log("otaShowActivateScreen(): show home screen");
733 if (DBG) log("otaShowListeningScreen()...");
742 if (DBG) log("otaShowListeningScreen(): show listening screen");
756 if (DBG) log("otaShowListeningScreen(): show progress screen");
766 if (DBG) log("updateOtaspProgress()... mInteractive = " + mInteractive);
798 if (DBG) log("updateNonInteractiveOtaSuccessFailure(): isOtaCallCommitted = "
812 if (DBG) log("sendOtaspResult: resultCode = " + resultCode);
839 if (DBG) log("- sendOtaspResult: SENDING PENDING INTENT: " +
856 if (DBG) log("otaShowInProgressScreen()...");
895 if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure()...");
901 if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure(): activationCount"
903 if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure(): show failure notice");
906 if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailure(): show failure dialog");
917 if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure()...");
925 if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure(): isOtaCallCommitted"
928 if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure(), show success dialog");
931 if (DBG) log("otaShowSuccessFailure(), show failure dialog");
942 if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailureDialog()...");
960 if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramSuccessDialog()...");
981 if (DBG) log("otaShowSpcErrorNotice()...");
1003 if (DBG) log("otaShowSpcErrorNotice(), remaining SPC noticeTime" + noticeTime);
1012 if (DBG) log("onOtaCloseSpcNotice(), send shutdown intent");
1024 if (DBG) log("otaShowProgramFailureNotice()...");
1044 if (DBG) log("onOtaCloseFailureNotice()...");
1058 if (DBG) log("otaScreenInitialize()...");
1091 if (DBG) log("hideOtaScreen()...");
1102 if (DBG) log("- isDialerOpened() ==> " + retval);
1117 if (DBG) log("otaShowProperScreen()...");
1125 // if (DBG) log("otaShowProperScreen(): InCallScreen in foreground, currentstate = "
1155 if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings()...");
1164 if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaShowActivationScreen = "
1170 if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaShowListeningScreen = "
1176 if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaShowActivateFailTimes = "
1182 if (DBG) log("readXmlSettings(), otaPlaySuccessFailureTone = "
1216 if (DBG) log ("onClickHandler: received a click event for unrecognized id");
1222 if (DBG) log("Activation Try Again Clicked!");
1229 if (DBG) log("Activation End Call Button Clicked!");
1242 if (DBG) log("OTA Speaker button Clicked!");
1250 if (DBG) log("Call Activation Clicked!");
1255 if (DBG) log("Activation Skip Clicked!");
1260 if (DBG) log("Ignoring key events...");
1286 if (DBG) log("Dialog Next Clicked!");
1297 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mSpcErrorDialog.");
1302 if (DBG) log("- DISMISSING mOtaFailureDialog.");
1310 if (DBG) log("getOtaSpcDisplayTime()...");
1324 if (DBG) log("getOtaSpcDisplayTime(), time for SPC error notice: " + tmpSpcTime);
1332 if (DBG) log("initOtaInCallScreen()...");
1395 if (DBG) log("OTA ends, cleanOtaScreen!");
1462 if (DBG) log("CdmaOtaConfigData constructor!");
1483 if (DBG) log("CdmaOtaInCallScreenState: constructor init to UNDEFINED");
1492 if (DBG) log("setCdmaOtaInCallScreenState: " + state);
1500 if (DBG) log("getCdmaOtaInCallScreenState: "