// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative; import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile; import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Bridge to the native AutocompleteControllerAndroid. */ public class AutocompleteController { private long mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid; private long mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult; private final OnSuggestionsReceivedListener mListener; /** * Listener for receiving OmniboxSuggestions. */ public static interface OnSuggestionsReceivedListener { void onSuggestionsReceived(List suggestions, String inlineAutocompleteText); } public AutocompleteController(OnSuggestionsReceivedListener listener) { this(null, listener); } public AutocompleteController(Profile profile, OnSuggestionsReceivedListener listener) { if (profile != null) { mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile); } mListener = listener; } /** * Resets the underlying autocomplete controller based on the specified profile. * *

This will implicitly stop the autocomplete suggestions, so * {@link #start(Profile, String, String, boolean)} must be called again to start them flowing * again. This should not be an issue as changing profiles should not normally occur while * waiting on omnibox suggestions. * * @param profile The profile to reset the AutocompleteController with. */ public void setProfile(Profile profile) { stop(true); if (profile == null) { mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = 0; return; } mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile); } /** * Starts querying for omnibox suggestions for a given text. * * @param profile The profile to use for starting the AutocompleteController * @param url The URL of the current tab, used to suggest query refinements. * @param text The text to query autocomplete suggestions for. * @param preventInlineAutocomplete Whether autocomplete suggestions should be prevented. */ public void start(Profile profile, String url, String text, boolean preventInlineAutocomplete) { if (profile == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) return; mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile); // Initializing the native counterpart might still fail. if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) { nativeStart(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, text, null, url, preventInlineAutocomplete, false, false, true); } } /** * Given some string |text| that the user wants to use for navigation, determines how it should * be interpreted. This is a fallback in case the user didn't select a visible suggestion (e.g. * the user pressed enter before omnibox suggestions had been shown). * * Note: this updates the internal state of the autocomplete controller just as start() does. * Future calls that reference autocomplete results by index, e.g. onSuggestionSelected(), * should reference the returned suggestion by index 0. * * @param text The user's input text to classify (i.e. what they typed in the omnibox) * @return The OmniboxSuggestion specifying where to navigate, the transition type, etc. May * be null if the input is invalid. */ public OmniboxSuggestion classify(String text) { return nativeClassify(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, text); } /** * Starts a query for suggestions before any input is available from the user. * * @param profile The profile to use for starting the AutocompleteController. * @param omniboxText The text displayed in the omnibox. * @param url The url of the currently loaded web page. * @param isQueryInOmnibox Whether the location bar is currently showing a search query. * @param focusedFromFakebox Whether the user entered the omnibox by tapping the fakebox on the * native NTP. This should be false on all other pages. */ public void startZeroSuggest(Profile profile, String omniboxText, String url, boolean isQueryInOmnibox, boolean focusedFromFakebox) { if (profile == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) return; mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = nativeInit(profile); if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) { nativeStartZeroSuggest(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, omniboxText, url, isQueryInOmnibox, focusedFromFakebox); } } /** * Stops generating autocomplete suggestions for the currently specified text from * {@link #start(Profile,String, String, boolean)}. * *

* Calling this method with {@code false}, will result in * {@link #onSuggestionsReceived(List, String, long)} being called with an empty * result set. * * @param clear Whether to clear the most recent autocomplete results. */ public void stop(boolean clear) { mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult = 0; if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) { nativeStop(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, clear); } } /** * Resets session for autocomplete controller. This happens every time we start typing * new input into the omnibox. */ public void resetSession() { if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) { nativeResetSession(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid); } } /** * Deletes an omnibox suggestion, if possible. * @param position The position at which the suggestion is located. */ public void deleteSuggestion(int position) { if (mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid != 0) { nativeDeleteSuggestion(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, position); } } /** * @return Native pointer to current autocomplete results. */ @VisibleForTesting public long getCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult() { return mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult; } @CalledByNative protected void onSuggestionsReceived( List suggestions, String inlineAutocompleteText, long currentNativeAutocompleteResult) { mCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult = currentNativeAutocompleteResult; // Notify callbacks of suggestions. mListener.onSuggestionsReceived(suggestions, inlineAutocompleteText); } @CalledByNative private void notifyNativeDestroyed() { mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid = 0; } /** * Called whenever a navigation happens from the omnibox to record metrics about the user's * interaction with the omnibox. * * @param selectedIndex The index of the suggestion that was selected. * @param type The type of the selected suggestion. * @param currentPageUrl The URL of the current page. * @param focusedFromFakebox Whether the user entered the omnibox by tapping the fakebox on the * native NTP. This should be false on all other pages. * @param elapsedTimeSinceModified The number of ms that passed between the user first * modifying text in the omnibox and selecting a suggestion. * @param webContents The web contents for the tab where the selected suggestion will be shown. */ protected void onSuggestionSelected(int selectedIndex, OmniboxSuggestion.Type type, String currentPageUrl, boolean isQueryInOmnibox, boolean focusedFromFakebox, long elapsedTimeSinceModified, WebContents webContents) { nativeOnSuggestionSelected(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, selectedIndex, currentPageUrl, isQueryInOmnibox, focusedFromFakebox, elapsedTimeSinceModified, webContents); } @CalledByNative private static List createOmniboxSuggestionList(int size) { return new ArrayList(size); } @CalledByNative private static void addOmniboxSuggestionToList(List suggestionList, OmniboxSuggestion suggestion) { suggestionList.add(suggestion); } @CalledByNative private static OmniboxSuggestion buildOmniboxSuggestion(int nativeType, int relevance, int transition, String text, String description, String answerContents, String answerType, String fillIntoEdit, String url, String formattedUrl, boolean isStarred, boolean isDeletable) { return new OmniboxSuggestion(nativeType, relevance, transition, text, description, answerContents, answerType, fillIntoEdit, url, formattedUrl, isStarred, isDeletable); } /** * Updates aqs parameters on the selected match that we will navigate to and returns the * updated URL. |selected_index| is the position of the selected match and * |elapsed_time_since_input_change| is the time in ms between the first typed input and match * selection. * * @param selectedIndex The index of the autocomplete entry selected. * @param elapsedTimeSinceInputChange The number of ms between the time the user started * typing in the omnibox and the time the user has selected * a suggestion. * @return The url to navigate to for this match with aqs parameter updated, if we are * making a Google search query. */ public String updateMatchDestinationUrl(int selectedIndex, long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange) { return nativeUpdateMatchDestinationURL(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, selectedIndex, elapsedTimeSinceInputChange); } /** * @param query User input text. * @return The top synchronous suggestion from the autocomplete controller. */ public OmniboxSuggestion getTopSynchronousMatch(String query) { return nativeGetTopSynchronousMatch(mNativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, query); } @VisibleForTesting protected native long nativeInit(Profile profile); private native void nativeStart(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, String text, String desiredTld, String currentUrl, boolean preventInlineAutocomplete, boolean preferKeyword, boolean allowExactKeywordMatch, boolean wantAsynchronousMatches); private native OmniboxSuggestion nativeClassify(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, String text); private native void nativeStop(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, boolean clearResults); private native void nativeResetSession(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid); private native void nativeOnSuggestionSelected(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, int selectedIndex, String currentPageUrl, boolean isQueryInOmnibox, boolean focusedFromFakebox, long elapsedTimeSinceModified, WebContents webContents); private native void nativeStartZeroSuggest(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, String omniboxText, String currentUrl, boolean isQueryInOmnibox, boolean focusedFromFakebox); private native void nativeDeleteSuggestion(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, int selectedIndex); private native String nativeUpdateMatchDestinationURL(long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, int selectedIndex, long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange); private native OmniboxSuggestion nativeGetTopSynchronousMatch( long nativeAutocompleteControllerAndroid, String query); /** * Given a search query, this will attempt to see if the query appears to be portion of a * properly formed URL. If it appears to be a URL, this will return the fully qualified * version (i.e. including the scheme, etc...). If the query does not appear to be a URL, * this will return null. * * @param query The query to be expanded into a fully qualified URL if appropriate. * @return The fully qualified URL or null. */ public static native String nativeQualifyPartialURLQuery(String query); /** * Sends a zero suggest request to the server in order to pre-populate the result cache. */ public static native void nativePrefetchZeroSuggestResults(); }