/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server; import static android.net.NetworkStats.TAG_NONE; import static android.net.NetworkStats.UID_ALL; import static com.android.server.NetworkManagementSocketTagger.kernelToTag; import static com.android.server.NetworkManagementSocketTagger.tagToKernel; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.net.NetworkStats; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import com.android.frameworks.servicestests.R; import com.google.common.io.Files; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import libcore.io.IoUtils; import libcore.io.Streams; /** * Tests for {@link NetworkManagementService}. */ @LargeTest public class NetworkManagementServiceTest extends AndroidTestCase { private File mTestProc; private NetworkManagementService mService; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); final File canonicalFilesDir = getContext().getFilesDir().getCanonicalFile(); mTestProc = new File(canonicalFilesDir, "proc"); if (mTestProc.exists()) { Files.deleteRecursively(mTestProc); } mService = NetworkManagementService.createForTest(mContext, mTestProc, true); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { mService = null; if (mTestProc.exists()) { Files.deleteRecursively(mTestProc); } super.tearDown(); } public void testNetworkStatsDetail() throws Exception { stageFile(R.raw.xt_qtaguid_typical, new File(mTestProc, "net/xt_qtaguid/stats")); final NetworkStats stats = mService.getNetworkStatsDetail(); assertEquals(31, stats.size()); assertStatsEntry(stats, "wlan0", 0, 0, 14615L, 4270L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "wlan0", 10004, 0, 333821L, 53558L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "wlan0", 10004, 1947740890, 18725L, 1066L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "rmnet0", 10037, 0, 31184994L, 684122L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "rmnet0", 10037, 1947740890, 28507378L, 437004L); } public void testNetworkStatsDetailExtended() throws Exception { stageFile(R.raw.xt_qtaguid_extended, new File(mTestProc, "net/xt_qtaguid/stats")); final NetworkStats stats = mService.getNetworkStatsDetail(); assertEquals(2, stats.size()); assertStatsEntry(stats, "test0", 1000, 0, 1024L, 2048L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "test0", 1000, 0xF00D, 512L, 512L); } public void testNetworkStatsSummary() throws Exception { stageFile(R.raw.net_dev_typical, new File(mTestProc, "net/dev")); final NetworkStats stats = mService.getNetworkStatsSummary(); assertEquals(6, stats.size()); assertStatsEntry(stats, "lo", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 8308L, 8308L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "rmnet0", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 1507570L, 489339L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "ifb0", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 52454L, 0L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "ifb1", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 52454L, 0L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "sit0", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 0L, 0L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "ip6tnl0", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 0L, 0L); } public void testNetworkStatsSummaryDown() throws Exception { stageFile(R.raw.net_dev_typical, new File(mTestProc, "net/dev")); stageLong(1024L, new File(mTestProc, "net/xt_qtaguid/iface_stat/wlan0/rx_bytes")); stageLong(128L, new File(mTestProc, "net/xt_qtaguid/iface_stat/wlan0/rx_packets")); stageLong(2048L, new File(mTestProc, "net/xt_qtaguid/iface_stat/wlan0/tx_bytes")); stageLong(256L, new File(mTestProc, "net/xt_qtaguid/iface_stat/wlan0/tx_packets")); final NetworkStats stats = mService.getNetworkStatsSummary(); assertEquals(7, stats.size()); assertStatsEntry(stats, "rmnet0", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 1507570L, 489339L); assertStatsEntry(stats, "wlan0", UID_ALL, TAG_NONE, 1024L, 2048L); } public void testKernelTags() throws Exception { assertEquals("0", tagToKernel(0x0)); assertEquals("214748364800", tagToKernel(0x32)); assertEquals("9223372032559808512", tagToKernel(Integer.MAX_VALUE)); assertEquals("0", tagToKernel(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); assertEquals("9223369837831520256", tagToKernel(Integer.MIN_VALUE - 512)); assertEquals(0, kernelToTag("0x0000000000000000")); assertEquals(0x32, kernelToTag("0x0000003200000000")); assertEquals(2147483647, kernelToTag("0x7fffffff00000000")); assertEquals(0, kernelToTag("0x0000000000000000")); assertEquals(2147483136, kernelToTag("0x7FFFFE0000000000")); } /** * Copy a {@link Resources#openRawResource(int)} into {@link File} for * testing purposes. */ private void stageFile(int rawId, File file) throws Exception { new File(file.getParent()).mkdirs(); InputStream in = null; OutputStream out = null; try { in = getContext().getResources().openRawResource(rawId); out = new FileOutputStream(file); Streams.copy(in, out); } finally { IoUtils.closeQuietly(in); IoUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } private void stageLong(long value, File file) throws Exception { new File(file.getParent()).mkdirs(); FileWriter out = null; try { out = new FileWriter(file); out.write(Long.toString(value)); } finally { IoUtils.closeQuietly(out); } } private static void assertStatsEntry( NetworkStats stats, String iface, int uid, int tag, long rxBytes, long txBytes) { final int i = stats.findIndex(iface, uid, tag); final NetworkStats.Entry entry = stats.getValues(i, null); assertEquals(rxBytes, entry.rxBytes); assertEquals(txBytes, entry.txBytes); } }