/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.applaunchtest; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo; import android.test.InstrumentationTestCase; import android.util.Log; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Simple tests that launches a specified app, and waits for a configurable amount of time for * crashes and ANRs. *

* If no crashes occur, test is considered passed. *

* Derived from frameworks/base/tests/SmokeTests/... . TODO: consider refactoring to share code */ public class AppLaunchTest extends InstrumentationTestCase { private static final String TAG = "AppLaunchTest"; private ActivityManager mActivityManager; private PackageManager mPackageManager; private String mPackageName; private Context mContext; private long mWaitTime; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); mContext = getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(); assertNotNull("failed to get context", mContext); mActivityManager = (ActivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); mPackageManager = mContext.getPackageManager(); assertNotNull("failed to get activity manager", mActivityManager); assertNotNull("failed to get package manager", mPackageManager); assertTrue("Unexpected runner: AppLaunchRunner must be used", getInstrumentation() instanceof AppLaunchRunner); AppLaunchRunner runner = (AppLaunchRunner)getInstrumentation(); mPackageName = runner.getAppPackageName(); mWaitTime = runner.getAppWaitTime(); assertNotNull("package name to launch was not provided", mPackageName); assertNotNull("time to wait for app launch was not provided", mWaitTime); } /** * A test that runs Launcher-launchable activity for given package name and verifies that no * ANRs or crashes happened while doing so. */ public void testLaunchActivity() throws Exception { final Set errSet = new LinkedHashSet(); ResolveInfo app = getLauncherActivity(mPackageName, mPackageManager); assertNotNull(String.format("Could not find launchable activity for %s", mPackageName), app); final Collection errProcs = runOneActivity(app, mWaitTime); if (errProcs != null) { errSet.addAll(errProcs); } if (!errSet.isEmpty()) { fail(String.format("Detected %d errors on launch of app %s:\n%s", errSet.size(), mPackageName, reportWrappedListContents(errSet))); } } /** * A method to run the specified Activity and return a {@link Collection} of the Activities that * were in an error state, as listed by {@link ActivityManager.getProcessesInErrorState()}. *

* The method will launch the app, wait for waitTime seconds, check for apps in the error state * and then return. */ public Collection runOneActivity(ResolveInfo app, long appLaunchWait) { Log.i(TAG, String.format("Running activity %s/%s", app.activityInfo.packageName, app.activityInfo.name)); // We check for any Crash or ANR dialogs that are already up, and we ignore them. This is // so that we don't report crashes that were caused by prior apps. final Collection preErrProcs = ProcessError.fromCollection(mActivityManager.getProcessesInErrorState()); // launch app, and waitfor it to start/settle final Intent intent = intentForActivity(app); mContext.startActivity(intent); try { Thread.sleep(appLaunchWait); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // ignore } // TODO: inject event to see if app is responding. The smoke tests press 'Home', but // we don't want to do that here because we want to take screenshot on app launch // See if there are any errors. We wait until down here to give ANRs as much time as // possible to occur. final Collection errProcs = ProcessError.fromCollection(mActivityManager.getProcessesInErrorState()); // Distinguish the asynchronous crashes/ANRs from the synchronous ones by checking the // crash package name against the package name for {@code app} if (errProcs != null) { Iterator errIter = errProcs.iterator(); while (errIter.hasNext()) { ProcessError err = errIter.next(); if (!packageMatches(app, err)) { // crash in another package. Just log it for now Log.w(TAG, String.format("Detected crash in %s when launching %s", err.info.processName, app.activityInfo.packageName)); errIter.remove(); } } } // Take the difference between the remaining current error processes and the ones that were // present when we started. The result is guaranteed to be: // 1) Errors that are pertinent to this app's package // 2) Errors that are pertinent to this particular app invocation if (errProcs != null && preErrProcs != null) { errProcs.removeAll(preErrProcs); } return errProcs; } /** * A helper function that checks whether the specified error could have been caused by the * specified app. * * @param app The app to check against * @param err The error that we're considering */ private static boolean packageMatches(ResolveInfo app, ProcessError err) { final String appPkg = app.activityInfo.packageName; final String errPkg = err.info.processName; Log.d(TAG, String.format("packageMatches(%s, %s)", appPkg, errPkg)); return appPkg.equals(errPkg); } /** * A helper function to get the launchable activity for the given package name. */ static ResolveInfo getLauncherActivity(String packageName, PackageManager pm) { final Intent launchable = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); launchable.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); launchable.setPackage(packageName); return pm.resolveActivity(launchable, 0); } /** * A helper function to create an {@link Intent} to run, given a {@link ResolveInfo} specifying * an activity to be launched. */ static Intent intentForActivity(ResolveInfo app) { final ComponentName component = new ComponentName(app.activityInfo.packageName, app.activityInfo.name); final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); intent.setComponent(component); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_RESET_TASK_IF_NEEDED); return intent; } /** * Report error reports for {@link ProcessErrorStateInfo} instances that are wrapped inside of * {@link ProcessError} instances. Just unwraps and calls * {@see reportListContents(Collection)}. */ static String reportWrappedListContents(Collection errList) { List newList = new ArrayList(errList.size()); for (ProcessError err : errList) { newList.add(err.info); } return reportListContents(newList); } /** * This helper function will dump the actual error reports. * * @param errList The error report containing one or more error records. * @return Returns a string containing all of the errors. */ private static String reportListContents(Collection errList) { if (errList == null) return null; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Iterator iter = errList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ProcessErrorStateInfo entry = iter.next(); String condition; switch (entry.condition) { case ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo.CRASHED: condition = "a CRASH"; break; case ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo.NOT_RESPONDING: condition = "an ANR"; break; default: condition = "an unknown error"; break; } builder.append(String.format("Process %s encountered %s (%s)", entry.processName, condition, entry.shortMsg)); if (entry.condition == ActivityManager.ProcessErrorStateInfo.CRASHED) { builder.append(String.format(" with stack trace:\n%s\n", entry.stackTrace)); } builder.append("\n"); } return builder.toString(); } /** * A {@link ProcessErrorStateInfo} wrapper class that hashes how we want (so that equivalent * crashes are considered equal). */ static class ProcessError { public final ProcessErrorStateInfo info; public ProcessError(ProcessErrorStateInfo newInfo) { info = newInfo; } public static Collection fromCollection(Collection in) { if (in == null) { return null; } List out = new ArrayList(in.size()); for (ProcessErrorStateInfo info : in) { out.add(new ProcessError(info)); } return out; } private boolean strEquals(String a, String b) { if ((a == null) && (b == null)) { return true; } else if ((a == null) || (b == null)) { return false; } else { return a.equals(b); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null) return false; if (!(other instanceof ProcessError)) return false; ProcessError peOther = (ProcessError) other; return (info.condition == peOther.info.condition) && strEquals(info.longMsg, peOther.info.longMsg) && (info.pid == peOther.info.pid) && strEquals(info.processName, peOther.info.processName) && strEquals(info.shortMsg, peOther.info.shortMsg) && strEquals(info.stackTrace, peOther.info.stackTrace) && strEquals(info.tag, peOther.info.tag) && (info.uid == peOther.info.uid); } private int hash(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return 13; } else { return obj.hashCode(); } } @Override public int hashCode() { int code = 17; code += info.condition; code *= hash(info.longMsg); code += info.pid; code *= hash(info.processName); code *= hash(info.shortMsg); code *= hash(info.stackTrace); code *= hash(info.tag); code += info.uid; return code; } } }