/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @author Vladimir N. Molotkov, Stepan M. Mishura * @version $Revision$ */ package org.apache.harmony.security.asn1; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.harmony.security.internal.nls.Messages; /** * Decodes ASN.1 types encoded with BER (X.690) * * @see ASN.1 */ public class BerInputStream { /** * Associated InputStream */ protected InputStream in; /** * Internal buffer for storing encoded array */ protected byte[] buffer; /** * The position in the buffer. * * Next read must place data into the buffer from this offset */ protected int offset = 0; // The buffer increment size. // Must be reasonable big to reallocate memory not to often. // Primary is used for decoding indefinite length encoding private static final int BUF_INCREASE_SIZE = 1024 * 16; /** * Indicates indefinite length of the current type */ protected static final int INDEFINIT_LENGTH = -1; /** * Creates stream for decoding. * * @param encoded - bytes array to be decoded * @throws IOException - if an error occurs */ public BerInputStream(byte[] encoded) throws IOException { this(encoded, 0, encoded.length); } /** * Creates stream for decoding. * * @param encoded - * bytes array to be decoded * @param offset - * the encoding offset * @param expectedLength - * expected length of full encoding, this includes identifier, * length an content octets * @throws IOException - * if an error occurs */ public BerInputStream(byte[] encoded, int offset, int expectedLength) throws IOException { this.buffer = encoded; this.offset = offset; next(); // compare expected and decoded length if (length != INDEFINIT_LENGTH && (offset + expectedLength) != (this.offset + this.length)) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.111")); } } /** * Creates stream for decoding. * * Allocates initial buffer of default size * * @param is associated InputStream */ public BerInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException { this(in, BUF_INCREASE_SIZE); } /** * Creates stream for decoding. * * Allocates initial buffer of initialSize size * * @param initialSize the internal buffer initial size * @param is associated InputStream */ public BerInputStream(InputStream in, int initialSize) throws IOException { this.in = in; buffer = new byte[initialSize]; next(); if (length != INDEFINIT_LENGTH) { // input stream has definite length encoding // check allocated length to avoid further reallocations if (buffer.length < (length + offset)) { byte[] newBuffer = new byte[length + offset]; System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, offset); buffer = newBuffer; } } else { isIndefinedLength = true; throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.112")); } } /** * Resets this stream to initial state. * * @param encoded - a new bytes array to be decoded * @throws IOException - if an error occurs */ public final void reset(byte[] encoded) throws IOException { buffer = encoded; next(); } /** * Current decoded tag */ public int tag; /** * Current decoded length */ protected int length; /** * Current decoded content */ public Object content; /** * Current decoded tag offset */ protected int tagOffset; /** * Current decoded content offset */ protected int contentOffset; /** * Decodes next encoded type. * Initializes tag, length, tagOffset and contentOffset variables * * @return next decoded tag * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public int next() throws IOException { tagOffset = offset; // read tag tag = read(); // read length length = read(); if (length != 0x80) { // definite form // long or short length form if ((length & 0x80) != 0) { // long form int numOctets = length & 0x7F; if (numOctets > 5) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.113", tagOffset)); //FIXME message } // collect this value length length = read(); for (int i = 1; i < numOctets; i++) { int ch = read(); length = (length << 8) + ch;//read(); } if (length > 0xFFFFFF) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.113", tagOffset)); //FIXME message } } } else { //indefinite form length = INDEFINIT_LENGTH; } contentOffset = offset; return tag; } /** * Returns the length of the encoding */ public static int getLength(byte[] encoding) { int length = encoding[1] & 0xFF; int numOctets = 0; if ((length & 0x80) != 0) { // long form numOctets = length & 0x7F; // collect this value length length = encoding[2] & 0xFF; for (int i = 3; i < numOctets + 2; i++) { length = (length << 8) + (encoding[i] & 0xFF); } } // tag length long_form content return 1 + 1 + numOctets + length; } /** * Decodes ASN.1 bitstring type * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readBitString() throws IOException { if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_BITSTRING) { if (length == 0) { throw new ASN1Exception( Messages.getString("security.114", tagOffset)); } readContent(); // content: check unused bits if (buffer[contentOffset] > 7) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.115", contentOffset)); } if (length == 1 && buffer[contentOffset] != 0) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.116", contentOffset)); } } else if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_C_BITSTRING) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.117")); } else { throw new ASN1Exception( Messages.getString("security.118", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } } /** * Decodes ASN.1 Enumerated type * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readEnumerated() throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_ENUM) { throw new ASN1Exception( Messages.getString("security.119", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } // // all checks are the same as for ASN.1 integer type // // check encoded length if (length == 0) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.11A", tagOffset)); } readContent(); // check encoded content if (length > 1) { int bits = buffer[contentOffset] & 0xFF; if (buffer[contentOffset + 1] < 0) { bits += 0x100; } if (bits == 0 || bits == 0x1FF) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.11B", contentOffset)); } } } /** * Decodes ASN.1 boolean type * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readBoolean() throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_BOOLEAN) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.11C", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } // check encoded length if (length != 1) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.11D", tagOffset)); } readContent(); } /** * The last choice index */ public int choiceIndex; /** * Keeps last decoded: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond */ public int[] times; /** * Decodes ASN.1 GeneralizedTime type * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readGeneralizedTime() throws IOException { if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_GENERALIZEDTIME) { // FIXME: any other optimizations? readContent(); // FIXME store string somewhere to allow a custom time type perform // additional checks // check syntax: the last char MUST be Z if (buffer[offset - 1] != 'Z') { // FIXME support only format that is acceptable for DER throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.11E")); } // check syntax: MUST be YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[(./,)DDD]'Z' if (length != 15 && (length < 17 || length > 19)) // invalid // length { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.11F", contentOffset)); } // check content: milliseconds if (length > 16) { byte char14 = buffer[contentOffset + 14]; if (char14 != '.' && char14 != ',') { throw new ASN1Exception( Messages.getString("security.11F", contentOffset)); } } if (times == null) { times = new int[7]; } times[0] = strToInt(contentOffset, 4); // year times[1] = strToInt(contentOffset + 4, 2); // month times[2] = strToInt(contentOffset + 6, 2); // day times[3] = strToInt(contentOffset + 8, 2); // hour times[4] = strToInt(contentOffset + 10, 2); // minute times[5] = strToInt(contentOffset + 12, 2); // second if (length > 16) { // FIXME optimize me times[6] = strToInt(contentOffset + 15, length - 16); if (length == 17) { times[6] = times[6] * 100; } else if (length == 18) { times[6] = times[6] * 10; } } // FIXME check all values for valid numbers!!! } else if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_C_GENERALIZEDTIME) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.120")); } else { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.121", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } } /** * Decodes ASN.1 UTCTime type * * @throws IOException - if an I/O error occurs or the end of the stream is reached */ public void readUTCTime() throws IOException { if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_UTCTIME) { switch (length) { case ASN1UTCTime.UTC_HM: case ASN1UTCTime.UTC_HMS: break; case ASN1UTCTime.UTC_LOCAL_HM: case ASN1UTCTime.UTC_LOCAL_HMS: // FIXME only coordinated universal time formats are supported throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.122")); default: throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.123", tagOffset)); } // FIXME: any other optimizations? readContent(); // FIXME store string somewhere to allow a custom time type perform // additional checks // check syntax: the last char MUST be Z if (buffer[offset - 1] != 'Z') { throw new ASN1Exception("ASN.1 UTCTime wrongly encoded at [" + contentOffset + ']'); } if (times == null) { times = new int[7]; } times[0] = strToInt(contentOffset, 2); // year if (times[0] > 49) { times[0] += 1900; } else { times[0] += 2000; } times[1] = strToInt(contentOffset + 2, 2); // month times[2] = strToInt(contentOffset + 4, 2); // day times[3] = strToInt(contentOffset + 6, 2); // hour times[4] = strToInt(contentOffset + 8, 2); // minute if (length == ASN1UTCTime.UTC_HMS) { times[5] = strToInt(contentOffset + 10, 2); // second } // FIXME check all time values for valid numbers!!! } else if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_C_UTCTIME) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.124")); } else { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.125", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } } //TODO comment me private int strToInt(int off, int count) throws ASN1Exception { //FIXME works only with buffer int c; int result = 0; for (int i = off, end = off + count; i < end; i++) { c = buffer[i] - 48; if (c < 0 || c > 9) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.126")); } result = result * 10 + c; } return result; } /** * Decodes ASN.1 Integer type * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readInteger() throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_INTEGER) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.127", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } // check encoded length if (length < 1) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.128", tagOffset)); } readContent(); // check encoded content if (length > 1) { byte firstByte = buffer[offset - length]; byte secondByte = (byte) (buffer[offset - length + 1] & 0x80); if (firstByte == 0 && secondByte == 0 || firstByte == (byte) 0xFF && secondByte == (byte) 0x80) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.129", (offset - length))); } } } /** * Decodes ASN.1 Octetstring type * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readOctetString() throws IOException { if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_OCTETSTRING) { readContent(); } else if (tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_C_OCTETSTRING) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.12A")); } else { throw new ASN1Exception( Messages.getString("security.12B", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } } //FIXME comment me public int oidElement; /** * Decodes ASN.1 ObjectIdentifier type * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readOID() throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_OID) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.12C", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } // check encoded length if (length < 1) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.12D", tagOffset)); } readContent(); // check content: last encoded byte (8th bit MUST be zero) if ((buffer[offset - 1] & 0x80) != 0) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.12E", (offset - 1))); } oidElement = 1; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, ++oidElement) { // According to ASN.1 BER spec: // leading octet of subidentifier MUST not be 0x80 // This assertion is not verified // //if (buffer[contentOffset + i] == (byte)0x80) { // throw new ASN1Exception( // "Wrong content for ASN.1 object identifier at [" // + contentOffset // + "]. Subidentifier MUST be encoded in minimum number of octets"); //} while ((buffer[contentOffset + i] & 0x80) == 0x80) { i++; } } } /** * Decodes ASN.1 Sequence type * * @param sequence - ASN.1 sequence to be decoded * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readSequence(ASN1Sequence sequence) throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_C_SEQUENCE) { throw new ASN1Exception( Messages.getString("security.12F", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } int begOffset = offset; int endOffset = begOffset + length; ASN1Type[] type = sequence.type; int i = 0; if (isVerify) { for (; (offset < endOffset) && (i < type.length); i++) { next(); while (!type[i].checkTag(tag)) { // check whether it is optional component or not if (!sequence.OPTIONAL[i] || (i == type.length - 1)) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.130", tagOffset)); } i++; } type[i].decode(this); } // check the rest of components for (; i < type.length; i++) { if (!sequence.OPTIONAL[i]) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.131", tagOffset)); } } } else { int seqTagOffset = tagOffset; //store tag offset Object[] values = new Object[type.length]; for (; (offset < endOffset) && (i < type.length); i++) { next(); while (!type[i].checkTag(tag)) { // check whether it is optional component or not if (!sequence.OPTIONAL[i] || (i == type.length - 1)) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.132", tagOffset)); } // sets default value if (sequence.DEFAULT[i] != null) { values[i] = sequence.DEFAULT[i]; } i++; } values[i] = type[i].decode(this); } // check the rest of components for (; i < type.length; i++) { if (!sequence.OPTIONAL[i]) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.133", tagOffset)); } if (sequence.DEFAULT[i] != null) { values[i] = sequence.DEFAULT[i]; } } content = values; tagOffset = seqTagOffset; //retrieve tag offset } if (offset != endOffset) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.134", begOffset)); } } /** * Decodes ASN.1 SequenceOf type * * @param sequenceOf - ASN.1 sequence to be decoded * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readSequenceOf(ASN1SequenceOf sequenceOf) throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_C_SEQUENCEOF) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.135", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } decodeValueCollection(sequenceOf); } /** * Decodes ASN.1 Set type * * @param set - ASN.1 set to be decoded * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readSet(ASN1Set set) throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_C_SET) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.136", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.137")); } /** * Decodes ASN.1 SetOf type * * @param set - ASN.1 set to be decoded * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readSetOf(ASN1SetOf setOf) throws IOException { if (tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_C_SETOF) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.138", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } decodeValueCollection(setOf); } private final void decodeValueCollection(ASN1ValueCollection collection) throws IOException { int begOffset = offset; int endOffset = begOffset + length; ASN1Type type = collection.type; if (isVerify) { while (endOffset > offset) { next(); type.decode(this); } } else { int seqTagOffset = tagOffset; //store tag offset ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); while (endOffset > offset) { next(); values.add(type.decode(this)); } content = values; tagOffset = seqTagOffset; //retrieve tag offset } if (offset != endOffset) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.134", begOffset)); } } /** * Decodes ASN.1 String type * * @throws IOException - if an I/O error occurs or the end of the stream is reached */ public void readString(ASN1StringType type) throws IOException { //FIXME check string content if (tag == type.id) { readContent(); } else if (tag == type.constrId) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.139")); } else { throw new ASN1Exception( Messages.getString("security.13A", tagOffset, Integer.toHexString(tag))); } } /** * Returns encoded array. * * MUST be invoked after decoding corresponding ASN.1 notation */ public byte[] getEncoded() { byte[] encoded = new byte[offset - tagOffset]; System.arraycopy(buffer, tagOffset, encoded, 0, encoded.length); return encoded; } /** * Returns internal buffer used for decoding * * @return - buffer */ public final byte[] getBuffer() { return buffer; } /** * Returns length of the current content for decoding * * @return - length of content */ public final int getLength() { return length; } /** * Returns the current offset * * @return - offset */ public final int getOffset() { return offset; } /** * Returns end offset for the current encoded type * * @return - offset */ public final int getEndOffset() { return offset + length; } /** * Returns start offset for the current encoded type * * @return - offset */ public final int getTagOffset() { return tagOffset; } public final int getContentOffset() { return contentOffset; } /** * Indicates verify or store mode. * * In store mode a decoded content is stored in a newly allocated * appropriate object. The content variable holds * a reference to the last created object. * * In verify mode a decoded content is not stored. */ // FIXME it is used only for one case // decoding PCKS#8 Private Key Info notation // remove this option because it does decoding more complex protected boolean isVerify; /** * Sets verify mode. */ public final void setVerify() { isVerify = true; } /** * Indicates defined or indefined reading mode for associated InputStream. * * This mode is defined by reading a length * for a first ASN.1 type from InputStream. */ protected boolean isIndefinedLength; /** * Reads the next encoded byte from the encoded input stream. * * @return the next encoded byte * @throws IOException - if error occured */ protected int read() throws IOException { if (offset == buffer.length) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.13B")); } if (in == null) { return buffer[offset++] & 0xFF; } else { int octet = in.read(); if (octet == -1) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.13B")); } buffer[offset++] = (byte) octet; return octet; } } /** * Reads the next encoded content from the encoded input stream. * The method MUST be used for reading a primitive encoded content. * * @throws IOException - if error occured */ public void readContent() throws IOException { if (offset + length > buffer.length) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages.getString("security.13B")); } if (in == null) { offset += length; } else { int bytesRead = in.read(buffer, offset, length); if (bytesRead != length) { // if input stream didn't return all data at once // try to read it in several blocks int c = bytesRead; do { if (c < 1 || bytesRead > length) { throw new ASN1Exception(Messages .getString("security.13C")); } c = in.read(buffer, offset + bytesRead, length - bytesRead); bytesRead += c; } while (bytesRead != length); } offset += length; } } // // reallocates internal buffer for indefined reading mode // private void reallocateBuffer(int n) { // int newSize; // for (newSize = buffer.length * 2; newSize < buffer.length + n; newSize = newSize * 2) // ; // byte[] newBuffer = new byte[newSize]; // System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, buffer.length); // buffer = newBuffer; // } /** * Reallocates the buffer in order to make it * exactly the size of data it contains */ public void compactBuffer() { if (offset != buffer.length) { byte[] newBuffer = new byte[offset]; // restore buffer content System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, offset); // set new buffer buffer = newBuffer; } } // // // // // private Object[][] pool; public void put(Object key, Object entry) { if (pool == null) { pool = new Object[2][10]; } int i = 0; for (; i < pool[0].length && pool[0][i] != null; i++) { if (pool[0][i] == key) { pool[1][i] = entry; return; } } if (i == pool[0].length) { Object[][] newPool = new Object[pool[0].length * 2][2]; System.arraycopy(pool[0], 0, newPool[0], 0, pool[0].length); System.arraycopy(pool[1], 0, newPool[1], 0, pool[0].length); pool = newPool; } else { pool[0][i] = key; pool[1][i] = entry; } } public Object get(Object key) { if (pool == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < pool[0].length; i++) { if (pool[0][i] == key) { return pool[1][i]; } } return null; } }