/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.calendar.month; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.FragmentManager; import android.app.LoaderManager; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.CursorLoader; import android.content.Loader; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Attendees; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Calendars; import android.provider.CalendarContract.Instances; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.text.format.Time; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnTouchListener; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener; import com.android.calendar.CalendarController; import com.android.calendar.CalendarController.EventInfo; import com.android.calendar.CalendarController.EventType; import com.android.calendar.CalendarController.ViewType; import com.android.calendar.Event; import com.android.calendar.R; import com.android.calendar.Utils; import com.android.calendar.event.CreateEventDialogFragment; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; public class MonthByWeekFragment extends SimpleDayPickerFragment implements CalendarController.EventHandler, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks, OnScrollListener, OnTouchListener { private static final String TAG = "MonthFragment"; private static final String TAG_EVENT_DIALOG = "event_dialog"; private CreateEventDialogFragment mEventDialog; // Selection and selection args for adding event queries private static final String WHERE_CALENDARS_VISIBLE = Calendars.VISIBLE + "=1"; private static final String INSTANCES_SORT_ORDER = Instances.START_DAY + "," + Instances.START_MINUTE + "," + Instances.TITLE; protected static boolean mShowDetailsInMonth = false; protected float mMinimumTwoMonthFlingVelocity; protected boolean mIsMiniMonth; protected boolean mHideDeclined; protected int mFirstLoadedJulianDay; protected int mLastLoadedJulianDay; private static final int WEEKS_BUFFER = 1; // How long to wait after scroll stops before starting the loader // Using scroll duration because scroll state changes don't update // correctly when a scroll is triggered programmatically. private static final int LOADER_DELAY = 200; // The minimum time between requeries of the data if the db is // changing private static final int LOADER_THROTTLE_DELAY = 500; private CursorLoader mLoader; private Uri mEventUri; private final Time mDesiredDay = new Time(); private volatile boolean mShouldLoad = true; private boolean mUserScrolled = false; private int mEventsLoadingDelay; private boolean mShowCalendarControls; private boolean mIsDetached; private Handler mEventDialogHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { final FragmentManager manager = getFragmentManager(); if (manager != null) { Time day = (Time) msg.obj; mEventDialog = new CreateEventDialogFragment(day); mEventDialog.show(manager, TAG_EVENT_DIALOG); } } }; private final Runnable mTZUpdater = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String tz = Utils.getTimeZone(mContext, mTZUpdater); mSelectedDay.timezone = tz; mSelectedDay.normalize(true); mTempTime.timezone = tz; mFirstDayOfMonth.timezone = tz; mFirstDayOfMonth.normalize(true); mFirstVisibleDay.timezone = tz; mFirstVisibleDay.normalize(true); if (mAdapter != null) { mAdapter.refresh(); } } }; private final Runnable mUpdateLoader = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (this) { if (!mShouldLoad || mLoader == null) { return; } // Stop any previous loads while we update the uri stopLoader(); // Start the loader again mEventUri = updateUri(); mLoader.setUri(mEventUri); mLoader.startLoading(); mLoader.onContentChanged(); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Started loader with uri: " + mEventUri); } } } }; // Used to load the events when a delay is needed Runnable mLoadingRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!mIsDetached) { mLoader = (CursorLoader) getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, MonthByWeekFragment.this); } } }; /** * Updates the uri used by the loader according to the current position of * the listview. * * @return The new Uri to use */ private Uri updateUri() { SimpleWeekView child = (SimpleWeekView) mListView.getChildAt(0); if (child != null) { int julianDay = child.getFirstJulianDay(); mFirstLoadedJulianDay = julianDay; } // -1 to ensure we get all day events from any time zone mTempTime.setJulianDay(mFirstLoadedJulianDay - 1); long start = mTempTime.toMillis(true); mLastLoadedJulianDay = mFirstLoadedJulianDay + (mNumWeeks + 2 * WEEKS_BUFFER) * 7; // +1 to ensure we get all day events from any time zone mTempTime.setJulianDay(mLastLoadedJulianDay + 1); long end = mTempTime.toMillis(true); // Create a new uri with the updated times Uri.Builder builder = Instances.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon(); ContentUris.appendId(builder, start); ContentUris.appendId(builder, end); return builder.build(); } // Extract range of julian days from URI private void updateLoadedDays() { List pathSegments = mEventUri.getPathSegments(); int size = pathSegments.size(); if (size <= 2) { return; } long first = Long.parseLong(pathSegments.get(size - 2)); long last = Long.parseLong(pathSegments.get(size - 1)); mTempTime.set(first); mFirstLoadedJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(first, mTempTime.gmtoff); mTempTime.set(last); mLastLoadedJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(last, mTempTime.gmtoff); } protected String updateWhere() { // TODO fix selection/selection args after b/3206641 is fixed String where = WHERE_CALENDARS_VISIBLE; if (mHideDeclined || !mShowDetailsInMonth) { where += " AND " + Instances.SELF_ATTENDEE_STATUS + "!=" + Attendees.ATTENDEE_STATUS_DECLINED; } return where; } private void stopLoader() { synchronized (mUpdateLoader) { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mUpdateLoader); if (mLoader != null) { mLoader.stopLoading(); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Stopped loader from loading"); } } } } @Override public void onAttach(Activity activity) { super.onAttach(activity); mTZUpdater.run(); if (mAdapter != null) { mAdapter.setSelectedDay(mSelectedDay); } mIsDetached = false; ViewConfiguration viewConfig = ViewConfiguration.get(activity); mMinimumTwoMonthFlingVelocity = viewConfig.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity() / 2; Resources res = activity.getResources(); mShowCalendarControls = Utils.getConfigBool(activity, R.bool.show_calendar_controls); // Synchronized the loading time of the month's events with the animation of the // calendar controls. if (mShowCalendarControls) { mEventsLoadingDelay = res.getInteger(R.integer.calendar_controls_animation_time); } mShowDetailsInMonth = res.getBoolean(R.bool.show_details_in_month); } @Override public void onDetach() { mIsDetached = true; super.onDetach(); if (mShowCalendarControls) { if (mListView != null) { mListView.removeCallbacks(mLoadingRunnable); } } } @Override protected void setUpAdapter() { mFirstDayOfWeek = Utils.getFirstDayOfWeek(mContext); mShowWeekNumber = Utils.getShowWeekNumber(mContext); HashMap weekParams = new HashMap(); weekParams.put(SimpleWeeksAdapter.WEEK_PARAMS_NUM_WEEKS, mNumWeeks); weekParams.put(SimpleWeeksAdapter.WEEK_PARAMS_SHOW_WEEK, mShowWeekNumber ? 1 : 0); weekParams.put(SimpleWeeksAdapter.WEEK_PARAMS_WEEK_START, mFirstDayOfWeek); weekParams.put(MonthByWeekAdapter.WEEK_PARAMS_IS_MINI, mIsMiniMonth ? 1 : 0); weekParams.put(SimpleWeeksAdapter.WEEK_PARAMS_JULIAN_DAY, Time.getJulianDay(mSelectedDay.toMillis(true), mSelectedDay.gmtoff)); weekParams.put(SimpleWeeksAdapter.WEEK_PARAMS_DAYS_PER_WEEK, mDaysPerWeek); if (mAdapter == null) { mAdapter = new MonthByWeekAdapter(getActivity(), weekParams, mEventDialogHandler); mAdapter.registerDataSetObserver(mObserver); } else { mAdapter.updateParams(weekParams); } mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View v; if (mIsMiniMonth) { v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.month_by_week, container, false); } else { v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.full_month_by_week, container, false); } mDayNamesHeader = (ViewGroup) v.findViewById(R.id.day_names); return v; } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); mListView.setOnTouchListener(this); if (!mIsMiniMonth) { mListView.setBackgroundColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.month_bgcolor)); } // To get a smoother transition when showing this fragment, delay loading of events until // the fragment is expended fully and the calendar controls are gone. if (mShowCalendarControls) { mListView.postDelayed(mLoadingRunnable, mEventsLoadingDelay); } else { mLoader = (CursorLoader) getLoaderManager().initLoader(0, null, this); } mAdapter.setListView(mListView); } public MonthByWeekFragment() { this(System.currentTimeMillis(), true); } public MonthByWeekFragment(long initialTime, boolean isMiniMonth) { super(initialTime); mIsMiniMonth = isMiniMonth; } @Override protected void setUpHeader() { if (mIsMiniMonth) { super.setUpHeader(); return; } mDayLabels = new String[7]; for (int i = Calendar.SUNDAY; i <= Calendar.SATURDAY; i++) { mDayLabels[i - Calendar.SUNDAY] = DateUtils.getDayOfWeekString(i, DateUtils.LENGTH_MEDIUM).toUpperCase(); } } // TODO @Override public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { if (mIsMiniMonth) { return null; } CursorLoader loader; synchronized (mUpdateLoader) { mFirstLoadedJulianDay = Time.getJulianDay(mSelectedDay.toMillis(true), mSelectedDay.gmtoff) - (mNumWeeks * 7 / 2); mEventUri = updateUri(); String where = updateWhere(); loader = new CursorLoader( getActivity(), mEventUri, Event.EVENT_PROJECTION, where, null /* WHERE_CALENDARS_SELECTED_ARGS */, INSTANCES_SORT_ORDER); loader.setUpdateThrottle(LOADER_THROTTLE_DELAY); } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Returning new loader with uri: " + mEventUri); } return loader; } @Override public void doResumeUpdates() { mFirstDayOfWeek = Utils.getFirstDayOfWeek(mContext); mShowWeekNumber = Utils.getShowWeekNumber(mContext); boolean prevHideDeclined = mHideDeclined; mHideDeclined = Utils.getHideDeclinedEvents(mContext); if (prevHideDeclined != mHideDeclined && mLoader != null) { mLoader.setSelection(updateWhere()); } mDaysPerWeek = Utils.getDaysPerWeek(mContext); updateHeader(); mAdapter.setSelectedDay(mSelectedDay); mTZUpdater.run(); mTodayUpdater.run(); goTo(mSelectedDay.toMillis(true), false, true, false); } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, Cursor data) { synchronized (mUpdateLoader) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) { Log.d(TAG, "Found " + data.getCount() + " cursor entries for uri " + mEventUri); } CursorLoader cLoader = (CursorLoader) loader; if (mEventUri == null) { mEventUri = cLoader.getUri(); updateLoadedDays(); } if (cLoader.getUri().compareTo(mEventUri) != 0) { // We've started a new query since this loader ran so ignore the // result return; } ArrayList events = new ArrayList(); Event.buildEventsFromCursor( events, data, mContext, mFirstLoadedJulianDay, mLastLoadedJulianDay); ((MonthByWeekAdapter) mAdapter).setEvents(mFirstLoadedJulianDay, mLastLoadedJulianDay - mFirstLoadedJulianDay + 1, events); } } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader) { } @Override public void eventsChanged() { // TODO remove this after b/3387924 is resolved if (mLoader != null) { mLoader.forceLoad(); } } @Override public long getSupportedEventTypes() { return EventType.GO_TO | EventType.EVENTS_CHANGED; } @Override public void handleEvent(EventInfo event) { if (event.eventType == EventType.GO_TO) { boolean animate = true; if (mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks * 2 < Math.abs( Time.getJulianDay(event.selectedTime.toMillis(true), event.selectedTime.gmtoff) - Time.getJulianDay(mFirstVisibleDay.toMillis(true), mFirstVisibleDay.gmtoff) - mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks / 2)) { animate = false; } mDesiredDay.set(event.selectedTime); mDesiredDay.normalize(true); boolean animateToday = (event.extraLong & CalendarController.EXTRA_GOTO_TODAY) != 0; boolean delayAnimation = goTo(event.selectedTime.toMillis(true), animate, true, false); if (animateToday) { // If we need to flash today start the animation after any // movement from listView has ended. mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ((MonthByWeekAdapter) mAdapter).animateToday(); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } }, delayAnimation ? GOTO_SCROLL_DURATION : 0); } } else if (event.eventType == EventType.EVENTS_CHANGED) { eventsChanged(); } } @Override protected void setMonthDisplayed(Time time, boolean updateHighlight) { super.setMonthDisplayed(time, updateHighlight); if (!mIsMiniMonth) { boolean useSelected = false; if (time.year == mDesiredDay.year && time.month == mDesiredDay.month) { mSelectedDay.set(mDesiredDay); mAdapter.setSelectedDay(mDesiredDay); useSelected = true; } else { mSelectedDay.set(time); mAdapter.setSelectedDay(time); } CalendarController controller = CalendarController.getInstance(mContext); if (mSelectedDay.minute >= 30) { mSelectedDay.minute = 30; } else { mSelectedDay.minute = 0; } long newTime = mSelectedDay.normalize(true); if (newTime != controller.getTime() && mUserScrolled) { long offset = useSelected ? 0 : DateUtils.WEEK_IN_MILLIS * mNumWeeks / 3; controller.setTime(newTime + offset); } controller.sendEvent(this, EventType.UPDATE_TITLE, time, time, time, -1, ViewType.CURRENT, DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_MONTH_DAY | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR, null, null); } } @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView view, int scrollState) { synchronized (mUpdateLoader) { if (scrollState != OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) { mShouldLoad = false; stopLoader(); mDesiredDay.setToNow(); } else { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mUpdateLoader); mShouldLoad = true; mHandler.postDelayed(mUpdateLoader, LOADER_DELAY); } } if (scrollState == OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL) { mUserScrolled = true; } mScrollStateChangedRunnable.doScrollStateChange(view, scrollState); } @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { mDesiredDay.setToNow(); return false; // TODO post a cleanup to push us back onto the grid if something went // wrong in a scroll such as the user stopping the view but not // scrolling } }