package; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Xml; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; import; import; public class EasAutoDiscover extends EasOperation { public final static int ATTEMPT_PRIMARY = 0; public final static int ATTEMPT_ALTERNATE = 1; public final static int ATTEMPT_UNAUTHENTICATED_GET = 2; public final static int ATTEMPT_MAX = 2; public final static int RESULT_OK = 1; public final static int RESULT_SC_UNAUTHORIZED = RESULT_OP_SPECIFIC_ERROR_RESULT - 0; public final static int RESULT_REDIRECT = RESULT_OP_SPECIFIC_ERROR_RESULT - 1; public final static int RESULT_BAD_RESPONSE = RESULT_OP_SPECIFIC_ERROR_RESULT - 2; public final static int RESULT_FATAL_SERVER_ERROR = RESULT_OP_SPECIFIC_ERROR_RESULT - 3; private final static String TAG = LogUtils.TAG; private static final String AUTO_DISCOVER_SCHEMA_PREFIX = ""; private static final String AUTO_DISCOVER_PAGE = "/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml"; // Set of string constants for parsing the autodiscover response. // TODO: Merge this into It's not quite the same but conceptually belongs there. private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_SERVER = "Server"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_TYPE = "Type"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_MOBILE_SYNC = "MobileSync"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_URL = "Url"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_SETTINGS = "Settings"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_ACTION = "Action"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_ERROR = "Error"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_REDIRECT = "Redirect"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_USER = "User"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "EMailAddress"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME = "DisplayName"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_RESPONSE = "Response"; private static final String ELEMENT_NAME_AUTODISCOVER = "Autodiscover"; private final int mAttemptNumber; private final String mUri; private final String mUsername; private final String mPassword; private HostAuth mHostAuth; private String mRedirectUri; public EasAutoDiscover(final Context context, final String uri, final int attemptNumber, final String username, final String password) { // We don't actually need an account or a hostAuth, but the EasServerConnection requires // one. Just create dummy values. super(context, -1); mAttemptNumber = attemptNumber; mUri = uri; mUsername = username; mPassword = password; mHostAuth = new HostAuth(); mHostAuth.mLogin = mUsername; mHostAuth.mPassword = mPassword; mHostAuth.mPort = 443; mHostAuth.mProtocol = Eas.PROTOCOL; mHostAuth.mFlags = HostAuth.FLAG_SSL | HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE; setAccount(new Account(), mHostAuth); } public static String genUri(final String domain, final int attemptNumber) { // Try the following uris in order, as per // // TODO: That document also describes a fallback strategy to query DNS for an SRV record, // but this would require additional DNS lookup services that are not currently available // in the android platform, switch (attemptNumber) { case ATTEMPT_PRIMARY: return "https://" + domain + AUTO_DISCOVER_PAGE; case ATTEMPT_ALTERNATE: return "https://autodiscover." + domain + AUTO_DISCOVER_PAGE; case ATTEMPT_UNAUTHENTICATED_GET: return "http://autodiscover." + domain + AUTO_DISCOVER_PAGE; default:, "Illegal attempt number %d", attemptNumber); return null; } } protected String getRequestUri() { return mUri; } public static String getDomain(final String login) { final int amp = login.indexOf('@'); if (amp < 0) { return null; } return login.substring(amp + 1); } @Override protected String getCommand() { return null; } @Override protected HttpEntity getRequestEntity() throws IOException, MessageInvalidException { try { final XmlSerializer s = Xml.newSerializer(); final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024); s.setOutput(os, "UTF-8"); s.startDocument("UTF-8", false); s.startTag(null, "Autodiscover"); s.attribute(null, "xmlns", AUTO_DISCOVER_SCHEMA_PREFIX + "requestschema/2006"); s.startTag(null, "Request"); s.startTag(null, "EMailAddress").text(mUsername).endTag(null, "EMailAddress"); s.startTag(null, "AcceptableResponseSchema"); s.text(AUTO_DISCOVER_SCHEMA_PREFIX + "responseschema/2006"); s.endTag(null, "AcceptableResponseSchema"); s.endTag(null, "Request"); s.endTag(null, "Autodiscover"); s.endDocument(); return new StringEntity(os.toString()); } catch (final IOException e) { // For all exception types, we can simply punt on autodiscover. } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (final IllegalStateException e) { } return null; } /** * Create the request object for this operation. * The default is to use a POST, but some use other request types (e.g. Options). * @return An {@link org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest}. * @throws IOException */ protected HttpUriRequest makeRequest() throws IOException, MessageInvalidException { final String requestUri = getRequestUri(); HttpUriRequest req; if (mAttemptNumber == ATTEMPT_UNAUTHENTICATED_GET) { req = mConnection.makeGet(requestUri); } else { req = mConnection.makePost(requestUri, getRequestEntity(), getRequestContentType(), addPolicyKeyHeaderToRequest()); } return req; } public String getRedirectUri() { return mRedirectUri; } @Override protected int handleResponse(final EasResponse response) throws IOException, CommandStatusException { // resp is either an authentication error, or a good response. final int code = response.getStatus(); if (response.isRedirectError()) { final String loc = response.getRedirectAddress(); if (loc != null && loc.startsWith("http")) { LogUtils.d(TAG, "Posting autodiscover to redirect: " + loc); mRedirectUri = loc; return RESULT_REDIRECT; } else { LogUtils.w(TAG, "Invalid redirect %s", loc); return RESULT_FATAL_SERVER_ERROR; } } if (code == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) { LogUtils.w(TAG, "Autodiscover received SC_UNAUTHORIZED"); return RESULT_SC_UNAUTHORIZED; } else if (code != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { // We'll try the next address if this doesn't work LogUtils.d(TAG, "Bad response code when posting autodiscover: %d", code); return RESULT_BAD_RESPONSE; } else { mHostAuth = parseAutodiscover(response); if (mHostAuth != null) { // Fill in the rest of the HostAuth // We use the user name and password that were successful during // the autodiscover process mHostAuth.mLogin = mUsername; mHostAuth.mPassword = mPassword; // Note: there is no way we can auto-discover the proper client // SSL certificate to use, if one is needed. mHostAuth.mPort = 443; mHostAuth.mProtocol = Eas.PROTOCOL; mHostAuth.mFlags = HostAuth.FLAG_SSL | HostAuth.FLAG_AUTHENTICATE; return RESULT_OK; } else { return RESULT_HARD_DATA_FAILURE; } } } public Bundle getResultBundle() { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(2); final HostAuthCompat hostAuthCompat = new HostAuthCompat(mHostAuth); bundle.putParcelable(EmailServiceProxy.AUTO_DISCOVER_BUNDLE_HOST_AUTH, hostAuthCompat); bundle.putInt(EmailServiceProxy.AUTO_DISCOVER_BUNDLE_ERROR_CODE, RESULT_OK); return bundle; } /** * Parse the Server element of the server response. * @param parser The {@link XmlPullParser}. * @param hostAuth The {@link HostAuth} to populate with the results of parsing. * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws IOException */ private static void parseServer(final XmlPullParser parser, final HostAuth hostAuth) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { boolean mobileSync = false; while (true) { final int type =; if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_SERVER)) { break; } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { final String name = parser.getName(); if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_TYPE)) { if (parser.nextText().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_MOBILE_SYNC)) { mobileSync = true; } } else if (mobileSync && name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_URL)) { final String url = parser.nextText(); if (url != null) { LogUtils.d(TAG, "Autodiscover URL: %s", url); hostAuth.mAddress = Uri.parse(url).getHost(); } } } } } /** * Parse the Settings element of the server response. * @param parser The {@link XmlPullParser}. * @param hostAuth The {@link HostAuth} to populate with the results of parsing. * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws IOException */ private static void parseSettings(final XmlPullParser parser, final HostAuth hostAuth) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { while (true) { final int type =; if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_SETTINGS)) { break; } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { final String name = parser.getName(); if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_SERVER)) { parseServer(parser, hostAuth); } } } } /** * Parse the Action element of the server response. * @param parser The {@link XmlPullParser}. * @param hostAuth The {@link HostAuth} to populate with the results of parsing. * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws IOException */ private static void parseAction(final XmlPullParser parser, final HostAuth hostAuth) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { while (true) { final int type =; if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_ACTION)) { break; } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { final String name = parser.getName(); if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_ERROR)) { // Should parse the error } else if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_REDIRECT)) { LogUtils.d(TAG, "Redirect: " + parser.nextText()); } else if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_SETTINGS)) { parseSettings(parser, hostAuth); } } } } /** * Parse the User element of the server response. * @param parser The {@link XmlPullParser}. * @param hostAuth The {@link HostAuth} to populate with the results of parsing. * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws IOException */ private static void parseUser(final XmlPullParser parser, final HostAuth hostAuth) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { while (true) { int type =; if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_USER)) { break; } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { String name = parser.getName(); if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_EMAIL_ADDRESS)) { final String addr = parser.nextText(); LogUtils.d(TAG, "Autodiscover, email: %s", addr); } else if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME)) { final String dn = parser.nextText(); LogUtils.d(TAG, "Autodiscover, user: %s", dn); } } } } /** * Parse the Response element of the server response. * @param parser The {@link XmlPullParser}. * @param hostAuth The {@link HostAuth} to populate with the results of parsing. * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws IOException */ private static void parseResponse(final XmlPullParser parser, final HostAuth hostAuth) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException { while (true) { final int type =; if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_RESPONSE)) { break; } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { final String name = parser.getName(); if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_USER)) { parseUser(parser, hostAuth); } else if (name.equals(ELEMENT_NAME_ACTION)) { parseAction(parser, hostAuth); } } } } /** * Parse the server response for the final {@link HostAuth}. * @param resp The {@link EasResponse} from the server. * @return The final {@link HostAuth} for this server. */ private static HostAuth parseAutodiscover(final EasResponse resp) { // The response to Autodiscover is regular XML (not WBXML) try { final XmlPullParser parser = XmlPullParserFactory.newInstance().newPullParser(); parser.setInput(resp.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); if (parser.getEventType() != XmlPullParser.START_DOCUMENT) { return null; } if ( != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { return null; } if (!parser.getName().equals(ELEMENT_NAME_AUTODISCOVER)) { return null; } final HostAuth hostAuth = new HostAuth(); while (true) { final int type = parser.nextTag(); if (type == XmlPullParser.END_TAG && parser.getName() .equals(ELEMENT_NAME_AUTODISCOVER)) { break; } else if (type == XmlPullParser.START_TAG && parser.getName() .equals(ELEMENT_NAME_RESPONSE)) { parseResponse(parser, hostAuth); // Valid responses will set the address. if (hostAuth.mAddress != null) { return hostAuth; } } } } catch (final XmlPullParserException e) { // Parse error. } catch (final IOException e) { // Error reading parser. } return null; } }