package; import java.util.*; import*; public class Generator { public static boolean REMOVE_WORKING_DIR = true; public static boolean USE_ZIP = true; public static boolean IS_INPUT_TXT_FILE; public static String ENCODING; // UTF-8 for csv and UTF-16 for txt public static String pathMMSFile = null; public static String pathBrowserFile = null; public static String pathJavaAppFile = null; public static String pathIMFile = null; public static ArrayList arrMMSLines = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList arrBrowserLines = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList arrJavaAppLines = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList arrIMLines = new ArrayList(); //for one combine primary key for all settings public static HashMap hashXmlRecords = new HashMap(); public static Record[] arraySortedRecords; public static StringBuffer operatorsNamesBuffer = new StringBuffer(); public static ByteArray operatorsNamesBytes = new ByteArray(); //### tables public static BlockTable operatorsNamesTable; public static BlockTable applicationsSettingsTable; public static BlockTable carrierIndexTable; public static BlockTable headerTable; public void proceed() throws Exception { Util.deleteDir(Const.WORKING_DIR); Util.deleteFile(Const.DB_FILE_NAME); Util.deleteFile(Const.ERROR_FILE_NAME); if (! (new File(Const.WORKING_DIR)).mkdir()) { throw new Exception( "Error! Cannot create working directory for xml, wbxml and zip files"); } fillArrLines(); validateArrLines(); createXmlMessages(); Util.writeRecordsToFiles(); Util.sortAllRecordsIntoArray(); genenerateOperatorsNamesTable(); Arrays.sort(arraySortedRecords); //re-sort again including newlly generated names offset // Util.printRecords(); // for debugging !!!!!!!!!!!!! genenerateApplicationsSettingsTable(); genenerateCarrierIndexTable(); genenerateHeaderTable(); Validator.postValidate(); writeTablesToFile(); //clean working directory if (REMOVE_WORKING_DIR) { Util.deleteDir(Const.WORKING_DIR); } /// ------------- test -------------- // Util.printRecords(); } public void validateArrLines() throws Exception { String err = ""; err += Worker.validateAndCreateMMSs(arrMMSLines); err += Worker.validateAndCreateBrowsers(arrBrowserLines); err += Worker.validateAndCreateJavaApps(arrJavaAppLines); err += Worker.validateAndCreateIMs(arrIMLines); if (err.length() > 0) { throw new Exception(err); } } public void createXmlMessages() throws Exception { Browser.createXmlMessages(); MMS.createXmlMessages(); JavaApp.createXmlMessages(); // IM should be last to generate id_name for all other applications!!! // set flag to avoid duplicationNAP names before calling createXmlMessages() // The method setNAPFlagForIMAndValidate() should be changed for new applications Validator.setNAPFlagForIMAndValidate(); IM.createXmlMessages(); } public void fillArrLines() throws Exception { if (pathMMSFile != null) { arrMMSLines = Util.readFile(pathMMSFile); } if (pathBrowserFile != null) { arrBrowserLines = Util.readFile(pathBrowserFile); } if (pathJavaAppFile != null) { arrJavaAppLines = Util.readFile(pathJavaAppFile); } if (pathIMFile != null) { arrIMLines = Util.readFile(pathIMFile); } } // set offset for Applications Settings for each record and generate Applications Setting Table public void genenerateApplicationsSettingsTable() throws Exception { int totalDataLength = 0; String err = ""; // collected all errors for setBlockApplicationsForOneRecord(); // set offset and binary data for Applications Settings for each record for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { try { arraySortedRecords[i].application_settings_offset = totalDataLength; int currDataLength = setBlockApplicationsForOneRecord( arraySortedRecords[ i]); totalDataLength += currDataLength; } catch (Exception ex) { err += ex.getMessage() + "\n"; } } if (err.length() > 0) { throw new Exception(err); } // create appl settings table byte[] b; applicationsSettingsTable = new BlockTable(totalDataLength); for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { b = arraySortedRecords[i].application_settings; applicationsSettingsTable.appendData(b); arraySortedRecords[i].application_settings = null; // release memory !!!! ////////////////-- test --/////////////////// /* int iii = ( ( ( (int) b[0]) & 0xff) << 16) + ( ( ( (int) b[1]) & 0xff) << 8) + ( ( (int) b[2]) & 0xff); System.out.println(arraySortedRecords[i].key.replaceAll(":", "_") + " : " + b.length + " iii= " + (iii >>> 1) + " flag: " + (iii & 1));*/ /////////////////////-- end test-- /////////////////// } Validator.validateMaxAppsSettingsLength(applicationsSettingsTable.length); int lastOffset = arraySortedRecords[arraySortedRecords.length - 1].application_settings_offset; Validator.validateMaxAppsSettingsOffset(lastOffset); } // Choose between wbxml or zip (the smallest one) to be used; // adds 3 additional bytes with metadata and set binary data for the record // returns length for the application settings + 3 bytes public int setBlockApplicationsForOneRecord(Record record) throws Exception { String key = record.key; //String generalPath = Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + // key.replaceAll(":", "_"); String generalPath = Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + Util.generateFileNameFromKey(key); File w = new File(generalPath + ".wbxml"); if (!w.exists()) { throw new Exception("Error: The file " + generalPath + ".wbxml doesn't exist!"); } FileInputStream in; boolean usedZip; // Choose between wbxml or zip (the smallest one) to be used in case if USE_ZIP // has not been set to false in function main(). if (USE_ZIP) { //zip wbxml files File z = new File(generalPath + ".zip"); if (!z.exists()) { throw new Exception("Error: The file " + generalPath + ".zip doesn't exist!"); } FileInputStream inw = new FileInputStream(w); FileInputStream inz = new FileInputStream(z); usedZip = inz.available() < inw.available(); in = (usedZip) ? inz : inw; } else { // do not zip wbxml files usedZip = false; in = new FileInputStream(w); } byte[] appWbxmlSettings = new byte[in.available()];; in.close(); //get 3 bytes that provide info: for data length (23 bits) and compressed flag (1 bit) //and write it into metaInfo BlockTable metaInfo = new BlockTable( (Const.APP_BLOCK_LENGTH + Const.APP_COMPRESSWD_FLAG) / 8); // 3 bytes int appBlockSettingsLength = + appWbxmlSettings.length; int compressFlag = (usedZip) ? 1 : 0; Util.addBitsToTable(metaInfo, appBlockSettingsLength, Const.APP_BLOCK_LENGTH); Util.addBitsToTable(metaInfo, compressFlag, Const.APP_COMPRESSWD_FLAG); record.setBlockApplicationSettings(, appWbxmlSettings); Validator.validateAppBlockSettingsLength(appBlockSettingsLength, generalPath); return appBlockSettingsLength; } // generate operators names table with name length. assign offset for each record public static void genenerateOperatorsNamesTable() throws Exception { //operatorsNamesBytes HashMap hashNames = new HashMap(); String name; for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { name = arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name; if (hashNames.containsKey(name)) { Integer offset = (Integer) hashNames.get(name); arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset = offset.intValue(); } else { byte[] nameByteArr = name.getBytes(); // since operatorsNamesBytes.length are always even... int half_offset = operatorsNamesBytes.length() / 2; Validator.validateOperatorNameOffset(half_offset); //validate half_offset arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset = half_offset; int nameLength = nameByteArr.length + 1; //length of name + one byte to present this length. operatorsNamesBytes.addByte( (byte) nameLength); operatorsNamesBytes.addBytes(nameByteArr); if ( (operatorsNamesBytes.length() % 2) > 0) { //add one dummy byte to make it even operatorsNamesBytes.addByte( (byte) 0); } hashNames.put(name, new Integer(half_offset)); } } //create operators Names Table operatorsNamesTable = new BlockTable(operatorsNamesBytes.length()); operatorsNamesTable.appendData(operatorsNamesBytes.getBytes()); Validator.validateOperatorNamesTableSize(operatorsNamesTable.length); } /* //generate operators names table with name length. assign offset for each record public static void genenerateOperatorsNamesTable() throws Exception { HashMap hashNames = new HashMap(); String name; boolean needAddDummyChar; for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { needAddDummyChar = false; name = arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name; if (hashNames.containsKey(name)) { Integer offset = (Integer) hashNames.get(name); arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset = offset.intValue(); } else { //length of name should be odd since we need to addd one byte which will //present this length. so length of name + one byte will be even. //then offset will be stored as half offset/2 int half_offset = operatorsNamesBuffer.toString().getBytes(ENCODING).length / 2; arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset = half_offset; int nameLength = name.getBytes(ENCODING).length; if((nameLength % 2) == 0){ //add one dummy char to make it odd needAddDummyChar = true; nameLength++; } // char c = (char) (name.getBytes().length + 1); //length of name + one byte to present this length. char c = (char) (nameLength + 1); //length of name + one byte to present this length. operatorsNamesBuffer.append(c); operatorsNamesBuffer.append(name); if(needAddDummyChar){ operatorsNamesBuffer.append(0); } hashNames.put(name, new Integer(half_offset)); } //validate real offset (half_offset * 2) Validator.validateOperatorNameOffset(arraySortedRecords[i].operator_name_offset * 2); } //create operators Names Table operatorsNamesTable = new BlockTable(operatorsNamesBuffer.toString(). getBytes(ENCODING).length); operatorsNamesTable.appendData(operatorsNamesBuffer.toString().getBytes(ENCODING)); Validator.validateOperatorNamesTableSize(operatorsNamesTable.length); } */ // generate carrier index table public static void genenerateCarrierIndexTable() throws Exception { //get size for all records and init carrierIndexTable int recordLengthBits = Const.MCC_BITS + Const.MNC_BITS + Const.OPERATOR_NAME_OFFSET_BITS + Const.ACC_TYPE_BITS + Const.APP_AVAIL_BITMAP_BITS + Const.APP_SETTINGS_OFFSET_BITS; int oneRecordLengthBytes = (recordLengthBits + 7) / 8; int tableLengthBytes = oneRecordLengthBytes * arraySortedRecords.length; carrierIndexTable = new BlockTable(tableLengthBytes); //write data from each record into arrier index table Record record; for (int i = 0; i < arraySortedRecords.length; i++) { record = arraySortedRecords[i]; int appAvailBitmap = 0; //set mask for available applications if (record.containsBrowser) { appAvailBitmap |= Const.BROWSER_MASK; } if (record.containsIM) { appAvailBitmap |= Const.IM_MASK; } if (record.containsJavaApp) { appAvailBitmap |= Const.JAVA_MASK; } if (record.containsMMS) { appAvailBitmap |= Const.MMS_MASK; } //find value for mnc length: if mns 3 digits it is 1, otherwise - it is 0 int mncLengthBitValue = (record.mncLen == 3) ? 1 : 0; Util.addBitsToTable(carrierIndexTable, record.mcc, Const.MCC_BITS); Util.addBitsToTable(carrierIndexTable, mncLengthBitValue, Const.MNC_LENGTH_BITS); Util.addBitsToTable(carrierIndexTable, record.mnc, Const.MNC_BITS); Util.addBitsToTable(carrierIndexTable, record.operator_name_offset, Const.OPERATOR_NAME_OFFSET_BITS); Util.addBitsToTable(carrierIndexTable, record.account_type, Const.ACC_TYPE_BITS); Util.addBitsToTable(carrierIndexTable, appAvailBitmap, Const.APP_AVAIL_BITMAP_BITS); Util.addBitsToTable(carrierIndexTable, record.application_settings_offset, Const.APP_SETTINGS_OFFSET_BITS); } } //### ========== generate Header table ============ ########### public static void genenerateHeaderTable() throws Exception { int tableLengthBytes = ( Const.HEAD_HEAD_SISE + Const.HEAD_OPERATOR_NAMES_TAB_SISE + Const.HEAD_CARRIER_INDEX_TAB_SISE + Const.HEAD_APP_SETTINGS_TAB_SIZE + Const.HEAD_DB_VERSION + 7) / 8; headerTable = new BlockTable(tableLengthBytes); //write header table Util.addBitsToTable(headerTable, tableLengthBytes, Const.HEAD_HEAD_SISE); Util.addBitsToTable(headerTable, operatorsNamesTable.length, Const.HEAD_OPERATOR_NAMES_TAB_SISE); Util.addBitsToTable(headerTable, carrierIndexTable.length, Const.HEAD_CARRIER_INDEX_TAB_SISE); Util.addBitsToTable(headerTable, applicationsSettingsTable.length, Const.HEAD_APP_SETTINGS_TAB_SIZE); Util.addBitsToTable(headerTable, Const.HEAD_DB_VERSION, Const.HEAD_DB_VERSION_TAB_SIZE); } //### ========== write main DB File and all tables ============ ########### public static void writeTablesToFile() throws Exception { // write sepparate files for the future testing Util.writeFile(Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + "header.dat",; Util.writeFile(Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + "operators_names.dat",; Util.writeFile(Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + "app_settings.dat",; Util.writeFile(Const.WORKING_DIR + Const.PATH_SEP + "carrier_index.dat",; // write main DB file Util.writeDBFile(); } public static void main(String[] args) { Const.HEAD_DB_VERSION = 1; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if ("-mms".equals(args[i]) && args.length > i + 1) { pathMMSFile = args[++i]; if (! (pathMMSFile.endsWith(".txt") || pathMMSFile.endsWith(".csv"))) { System.out.println( "Wrong input file type with MMS setting. Supported types: .txt or .csv"); System.exit(1); } } else if ("-browser".equals(args[i]) && args.length > i + 1) { pathBrowserFile = args[++i]; if (! (pathBrowserFile.endsWith(".txt") || pathBrowserFile.endsWith(".csv"))) { System.out.println( "Wrong input file type with Browser setting. Supported types: .txt or .csv"); System.exit(1); } } else if ("-java".equals(args[i]) && args.length > i + 1) { pathJavaAppFile = args[++i]; if (! (pathJavaAppFile.endsWith(".txt") || pathJavaAppFile.endsWith(".csv"))) { System.out.println( "Wrong input file type with Java setting. Supported types: .txt or .csv"); System.exit(1); } } else if ("-im".equals(args[i]) && args.length > i + 1) { pathIMFile = args[++i]; if (! (pathIMFile.endsWith(".txt") || pathIMFile.endsWith(".csv"))) { System.out.println( "Wrong input file type with IM setting. Supported types: .txt or .csv"); System.exit(1); } } else if ("-nozip".equals(args[i])) { USE_ZIP = false; } else if ("-debug".equals(args[i])) { REMOVE_WORKING_DIR = false; } else if ("-dump".equals(args[i]) && args.length == 2) { DBDumper dbdumper = new DBDumper(); System.out.println("============== Dumping DB File ============== "); dbdumper.dump(args[i + 1]); System.out.println( "============== End dumping DB File ============== \n"); System.exit(0); } else { System.out.println(" Wrong parameters..."); usage(); System.exit(1); } } // validate input files and set file type (IS_INPUT_TXT_FILE) String err = Util.validateAndSetInputParms(); if (err != null) { System.out.println(err); usage(); System.exit(1); } Generator g = new Generator(); try { g.proceed(); System.out.println( "\n========================================================\n" + "DB generation finished successfully.\n" + "File '" + Const.DB_FILE_NAME + "' has been created.\n" + "========================================================\n"); } catch (Exception e) { Util.deleteFile(Const.DB_FILE_NAME); System.out.println( "\n===================== Error ==============================="); System.out.println(" DB generation failed.\n" + " Please check file '" + Const.ERROR_FILE_NAME + "' for more details\n"); //System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println( "===========================================================\n"); //e.printStackTrace(); try { Util.writeFile(Const.ERROR_FILE_NAME, e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void usage() { System.out.println("\n usage:\n" + "java [-mms ] [-browser ] [-java ] [-im ] \n" + "or for test\n" + "java -dump /" + Const.DB_FILE_NAME ); } }