utility_arm64.cc revision fcc36ba2a2b8fd10e6eebd21ecb6329606443ded
2 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17#include "arm64_lir.h"
18#include "codegen_arm64.h"
19#include "dex/quick/mir_to_lir-inl.h"
20#include "dex/reg_storage_eq.h"
22namespace art {
24/* This file contains codegen for the A64 ISA. */
26static int32_t EncodeImmSingle(uint32_t bits) {
27  /*
28   * Valid values will have the form:
29   *
30   *   aBbb.bbbc.defg.h000.0000.0000.0000.0000
31   *
32   * where B = not(b). In other words, if b == 1, then B == 0 and viceversa.
33   */
35  // bits[19..0] are cleared.
36  if ((bits & 0x0007ffff) != 0)
37    return -1;
39  // bits[29..25] are all set or all cleared.
40  uint32_t b_pattern = (bits >> 16) & 0x3e00;
41  if (b_pattern != 0 && b_pattern != 0x3e00)
42    return -1;
44  // bit[30] and bit[29] are opposite.
45  if (((bits ^ (bits << 1)) & 0x40000000) == 0)
46    return -1;
48  // bits: aBbb.bbbc.defg.h000.0000.0000.0000.0000
49  // bit7: a000.0000
50  uint32_t bit7 = ((bits >> 31) & 0x1) << 7;
51  // bit6: 0b00.0000
52  uint32_t bit6 = ((bits >> 29) & 0x1) << 6;
53  // bit5_to_0: 00cd.efgh
54  uint32_t bit5_to_0 = (bits >> 19) & 0x3f;
55  return (bit7 | bit6 | bit5_to_0);
58static int32_t EncodeImmDouble(uint64_t bits) {
59  /*
60   * Valid values will have the form:
61   *
62   *   aBbb.bbbb.bbcd.efgh.0000.0000.0000.0000
63   *   0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000
64   *
65   * where B = not(b).
66   */
68  // bits[47..0] are cleared.
69  if ((bits & UINT64_C(0xffffffffffff)) != 0)
70    return -1;
72  // bits[61..54] are all set or all cleared.
73  uint32_t b_pattern = (bits >> 48) & 0x3fc0;
74  if (b_pattern != 0 && b_pattern != 0x3fc0)
75    return -1;
77  // bit[62] and bit[61] are opposite.
78  if (((bits ^ (bits << 1)) & UINT64_C(0x4000000000000000)) == 0)
79    return -1;
81  // bit7: a000.0000
82  uint32_t bit7 = ((bits >> 63) & 0x1) << 7;
83  // bit6: 0b00.0000
84  uint32_t bit6 = ((bits >> 61) & 0x1) << 6;
85  // bit5_to_0: 00cd.efgh
86  uint32_t bit5_to_0 = (bits >> 48) & 0x3f;
87  return (bit7 | bit6 | bit5_to_0);
90size_t Arm64Mir2Lir::GetLoadStoreSize(LIR* lir) {
91  bool opcode_is_wide = IS_WIDE(lir->opcode);
92  ArmOpcode opcode = UNWIDE(lir->opcode);
93  DCHECK(!IsPseudoLirOp(opcode));
94  const ArmEncodingMap *encoder = &EncodingMap[opcode];
95  uint32_t bits = opcode_is_wide ? encoder->xskeleton : encoder->wskeleton;
96  return (bits >> 30);
99size_t Arm64Mir2Lir::GetInstructionOffset(LIR* lir) {
100  size_t offset = lir->operands[2];
101  uint64_t check_flags = GetTargetInstFlags(lir->opcode);
102  DCHECK((check_flags & IS_LOAD) || (check_flags & IS_STORE));
103  if (check_flags & SCALED_OFFSET_X0) {
104    DCHECK(check_flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP);
105    offset = offset * (1 << GetLoadStoreSize(lir));
106  }
107  return offset;
110LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadFPConstantValue(RegStorage r_dest, int32_t value) {
111  DCHECK(r_dest.IsSingle());
112  if (value == 0) {
113    return NewLIR2(kA64Fmov2sw, r_dest.GetReg(), rwzr);
114  } else {
115    int32_t encoded_imm = EncodeImmSingle((uint32_t)value);
116    if (encoded_imm >= 0) {
117      return NewLIR2(kA64Fmov2fI, r_dest.GetReg(), encoded_imm);
118    }
119  }
121  LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPool(literal_list_, value, 0);
122  if (data_target == NULL) {
123    // Wide, as we need 8B alignment.
124    data_target = AddWideData(&literal_list_, value, 0);
125  }
127  ScopedMemRefType mem_ref_type(this, ResourceMask::kLiteral);
128  LIR* load_pc_rel = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, kA64Ldr2fp,
129                            r_dest.GetReg(), 0, 0, 0, 0, data_target);
130  AppendLIR(load_pc_rel);
131  return load_pc_rel;
134LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadFPConstantValueWide(RegStorage r_dest, int64_t value) {
135  DCHECK(r_dest.IsDouble());
136  if (value == 0) {
137    return NewLIR2(kA64Fmov2Sx, r_dest.GetReg(), rxzr);
138  } else {
139    int32_t encoded_imm = EncodeImmDouble(value);
140    if (encoded_imm >= 0) {
141      return NewLIR2(FWIDE(kA64Fmov2fI), r_dest.GetReg(), encoded_imm);
142    }
143  }
145  // No short form - load from the literal pool.
146  int32_t val_lo = Low32Bits(value);
147  int32_t val_hi = High32Bits(value);
148  LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPoolWide(literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
149  if (data_target == NULL) {
150    data_target = AddWideData(&literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
151  }
153  ScopedMemRefType mem_ref_type(this, ResourceMask::kLiteral);
154  LIR* load_pc_rel = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, FWIDE(kA64Ldr2fp),
155                            r_dest.GetReg(), 0, 0, 0, 0, data_target);
156  AppendLIR(load_pc_rel);
157  return load_pc_rel;
160static int CountLeadingZeros(bool is_wide, uint64_t value) {
161  return (is_wide) ? __builtin_clzll(value) : __builtin_clz((uint32_t)value);
164static int CountTrailingZeros(bool is_wide, uint64_t value) {
165  return (is_wide) ? __builtin_ctzll(value) : __builtin_ctz((uint32_t)value);
168static int CountSetBits(bool is_wide, uint64_t value) {
169  return ((is_wide) ?
170          __builtin_popcountll(value) : __builtin_popcount((uint32_t)value));
174 * @brief Try encoding an immediate in the form required by logical instructions.
175 *
176 * @param is_wide Whether @p value is a 64-bit (as opposed to 32-bit) value.
177 * @param value An integer to be encoded. This is interpreted as 64-bit if @p is_wide is true and as
178 *   32-bit if @p is_wide is false.
179 * @return A non-negative integer containing the encoded immediate or -1 if the encoding failed.
180 * @note This is the inverse of Arm64Mir2Lir::DecodeLogicalImmediate().
181 */
182int Arm64Mir2Lir::EncodeLogicalImmediate(bool is_wide, uint64_t value) {
183  unsigned n, imm_s, imm_r;
185  // Logical immediates are encoded using parameters n, imm_s and imm_r using
186  // the following table:
187  //
188  //  N   imms    immr    size        S             R
189  //  1  ssssss  rrrrrr    64    UInt(ssssss)  UInt(rrrrrr)
190  //  0  0sssss  xrrrrr    32    UInt(sssss)   UInt(rrrrr)
191  //  0  10ssss  xxrrrr    16    UInt(ssss)    UInt(rrrr)
192  //  0  110sss  xxxrrr     8    UInt(sss)     UInt(rrr)
193  //  0  1110ss  xxxxrr     4    UInt(ss)      UInt(rr)
194  //  0  11110s  xxxxxr     2    UInt(s)       UInt(r)
195  // (s bits must not be all set)
196  //
197  // A pattern is constructed of size bits, where the least significant S+1
198  // bits are set. The pattern is rotated right by R, and repeated across a
199  // 32 or 64-bit value, depending on destination register width.
200  //
201  // To test if an arbitary immediate can be encoded using this scheme, an
202  // iterative algorithm is used.
203  //
205  // 1. If the value has all set or all clear bits, it can't be encoded.
206  if (value == 0 || value == ~UINT64_C(0) ||
207      (!is_wide && (uint32_t)value == ~UINT32_C(0))) {
208    return -1;
209  }
211  unsigned lead_zero  = CountLeadingZeros(is_wide, value);
212  unsigned lead_one   = CountLeadingZeros(is_wide, ~value);
213  unsigned trail_zero = CountTrailingZeros(is_wide, value);
214  unsigned trail_one  = CountTrailingZeros(is_wide, ~value);
215  unsigned set_bits   = CountSetBits(is_wide, value);
217  // The fixed bits in the immediate s field.
218  // If width == 64 (X reg), start at 0xFFFFFF80.
219  // If width == 32 (W reg), start at 0xFFFFFFC0, as the iteration for 64-bit
220  // widths won't be executed.
221  unsigned width = (is_wide) ? 64 : 32;
222  int imm_s_fixed = (is_wide) ? -128 : -64;
223  int imm_s_mask = 0x3f;
225  for (;;) {
226    // 2. If the value is two bits wide, it can be encoded.
227    if (width == 2) {
228      n = 0;
229      imm_s = 0x3C;
230      imm_r = (value & 3) - 1;
231      break;
232    }
234    n = (width == 64) ? 1 : 0;
235    imm_s = ((imm_s_fixed | (set_bits - 1)) & imm_s_mask);
236    if ((lead_zero + set_bits) == width) {
237      imm_r = 0;
238    } else {
239      imm_r = (lead_zero > 0) ? (width - trail_zero) : lead_one;
240    }
242    // 3. If the sum of leading zeros, trailing zeros and set bits is
243    //    equal to the bit width of the value, it can be encoded.
244    if (lead_zero + trail_zero + set_bits == width) {
245      break;
246    }
248    // 4. If the sum of leading ones, trailing ones and unset bits in the
249    //    value is equal to the bit width of the value, it can be encoded.
250    if (lead_one + trail_one + (width - set_bits) == width) {
251      break;
252    }
254    // 5. If the most-significant half of the bitwise value is equal to
255    //    the least-significant half, return to step 2 using the
256    //    least-significant half of the value.
257    uint64_t mask = (UINT64_C(1) << (width >> 1)) - 1;
258    if ((value & mask) == ((value >> (width >> 1)) & mask)) {
259      width >>= 1;
260      set_bits >>= 1;
261      imm_s_fixed >>= 1;
262      continue;
263    }
265    // 6. Otherwise, the value can't be encoded.
266    return -1;
267  }
269  return (n << 12 | imm_r << 6 | imm_s);
272bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantInt(int32_t value) {
273  return false;  // (ModifiedImmediate(value) >= 0) || (ModifiedImmediate(~value) >= 0);
276bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantFloat(int32_t value) {
277  return EncodeImmSingle(value) >= 0;
280bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantLong(int64_t value) {
281  return InexpensiveConstantInt(High32Bits(value)) && InexpensiveConstantInt(Low32Bits(value));
284bool Arm64Mir2Lir::InexpensiveConstantDouble(int64_t value) {
285  return EncodeImmDouble(value) >= 0;
289 * Load a immediate using one single instruction when possible; otherwise
290 * use a pair of movz and movk instructions.
291 *
292 * No additional register clobbering operation performed. Use this version when
293 * 1) r_dest is freshly returned from AllocTemp or
294 * 2) The codegen is under fixed register usage
295 */
296LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadConstantNoClobber(RegStorage r_dest, int value) {
297  LIR* res;
299  if (r_dest.IsFloat()) {
300    return LoadFPConstantValue(r_dest, value);
301  }
303  if (r_dest.Is64Bit()) {
304    return LoadConstantWide(r_dest, value);
305  }
307  // Loading SP/ZR with an immediate is not supported.
308  DCHECK(!A64_REG_IS_SP(r_dest.GetReg()));
309  DCHECK(!A64_REG_IS_ZR(r_dest.GetReg()));
311  // Compute how many movk, movz instructions are needed to load the value.
312  uint16_t high_bits = High16Bits(value);
313  uint16_t low_bits = Low16Bits(value);
315  bool low_fast = ((uint16_t)(low_bits + 1) <= 1);
316  bool high_fast = ((uint16_t)(high_bits + 1) <= 1);
318  if (LIKELY(low_fast || high_fast)) {
319    // 1 instruction is enough to load the immediate.
320    if (LIKELY(low_bits == high_bits)) {
321      // Value is either 0 or -1: we can just use wzr.
322      ArmOpcode opcode = LIKELY(low_bits == 0) ? kA64Mov2rr : kA64Mvn2rr;
323      res = NewLIR2(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), rwzr);
324    } else {
325      uint16_t uniform_bits, useful_bits;
326      int shift;
328      if (LIKELY(high_fast)) {
329        shift = 0;
330        uniform_bits = high_bits;
331        useful_bits = low_bits;
332      } else {
333        shift = 1;
334        uniform_bits = low_bits;
335        useful_bits = high_bits;
336      }
338      if (UNLIKELY(uniform_bits != 0)) {
339        res = NewLIR3(kA64Movn3rdM, r_dest.GetReg(), ~useful_bits, shift);
340      } else {
341        res = NewLIR3(kA64Movz3rdM, r_dest.GetReg(), useful_bits, shift);
342      }
343    }
344  } else {
345    // movk, movz require 2 instructions. Try detecting logical immediates.
346    int log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(/*is_wide=*/false, value);
347    if (log_imm >= 0) {
348      res = NewLIR3(kA64Orr3Rrl, r_dest.GetReg(), rwzr, log_imm);
349    } else {
350      // Use 2 instructions.
351      res = NewLIR3(kA64Movz3rdM, r_dest.GetReg(), low_bits, 0);
352      NewLIR3(kA64Movk3rdM, r_dest.GetReg(), high_bits, 1);
353    }
354  }
356  return res;
359// TODO: clean up the names. LoadConstantWide() should really be LoadConstantNoClobberWide().
360LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadConstantWide(RegStorage r_dest, int64_t value) {
361  // Maximum number of instructions to use for encoding the immediate.
362  const int max_num_ops = 2;
364  if (r_dest.IsFloat()) {
365    return LoadFPConstantValueWide(r_dest, value);
366  }
368  DCHECK(r_dest.Is64Bit());
370  // Loading SP/ZR with an immediate is not supported.
371  DCHECK(!A64_REG_IS_SP(r_dest.GetReg()));
372  DCHECK(!A64_REG_IS_ZR(r_dest.GetReg()));
374  if (LIKELY(value == INT64_C(0) || value == INT64_C(-1))) {
375    // value is either 0 or -1: we can just use xzr.
376    ArmOpcode opcode = LIKELY(value == 0) ? WIDE(kA64Mov2rr) : WIDE(kA64Mvn2rr);
377    return NewLIR2(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), rxzr);
378  }
380  // At least one in value's halfwords is not 0x0, nor 0xffff: find out how many.
381  int num_0000_halfwords = 0;
382  int num_ffff_halfwords = 0;
383  uint64_t uvalue = static_cast<uint64_t>(value);
384  for (int shift = 0; shift < 64; shift += 16) {
385    uint16_t halfword = static_cast<uint16_t>(uvalue >> shift);
386    if (halfword == 0)
387      num_0000_halfwords++;
388    else if (halfword == UINT16_C(0xffff))
389      num_ffff_halfwords++;
390  }
391  int num_fast_halfwords = std::max(num_0000_halfwords, num_ffff_halfwords);
393  if (num_fast_halfwords < 3) {
394    // A single movz/movn is not enough. Try the logical immediate route.
395    int log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(/*is_wide=*/true, value);
396    if (log_imm >= 0) {
397      return NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Orr3Rrl), r_dest.GetReg(), rxzr, log_imm);
398    }
399  }
401  if (num_fast_halfwords >= 4 - max_num_ops) {
402    // We can encode the number using a movz/movn followed by one or more movk.
403    ArmOpcode op;
404    uint16_t background;
405    LIR* res = nullptr;
407    // Decide whether to use a movz or a movn.
408    if (num_0000_halfwords >= num_ffff_halfwords) {
409      op = WIDE(kA64Movz3rdM);
410      background = 0;
411    } else {
412      op = WIDE(kA64Movn3rdM);
413      background = 0xffff;
414    }
416    // Emit the first instruction (movz, movn).
417    int shift;
418    for (shift = 0; shift < 4; shift++) {
419      uint16_t halfword = static_cast<uint16_t>(uvalue >> (shift << 4));
420      if (halfword != background) {
421        res = NewLIR3(op, r_dest.GetReg(), halfword ^ background, shift);
422        break;
423      }
424    }
426    // Emit the movk instructions.
427    for (shift++; shift < 4; shift++) {
428      uint16_t halfword = static_cast<uint16_t>(uvalue >> (shift << 4));
429      if (halfword != background) {
430        NewLIR3(WIDE(kA64Movk3rdM), r_dest.GetReg(), halfword, shift);
431      }
432    }
433    return res;
434  }
436  // Use the literal pool.
437  int32_t val_lo = Low32Bits(value);
438  int32_t val_hi = High32Bits(value);
439  LIR* data_target = ScanLiteralPoolWide(literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
440  if (data_target == NULL) {
441    data_target = AddWideData(&literal_list_, val_lo, val_hi);
442  }
444  ScopedMemRefType mem_ref_type(this, ResourceMask::kLiteral);
445  LIR *res = RawLIR(current_dalvik_offset_, WIDE(kA64Ldr2rp),
446                    r_dest.GetReg(), 0, 0, 0, 0, data_target);
447  AppendLIR(res);
448  return res;
451LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpUnconditionalBranch(LIR* target) {
452  LIR* res = NewLIR1(kA64B1t, 0 /* offset to be patched  during assembly */);
453  res->target = target;
454  return res;
457LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpCondBranch(ConditionCode cc, LIR* target) {
458  LIR* branch = NewLIR2(kA64B2ct, ArmConditionEncoding(cc),
459                        0 /* offset to be patched */);
460  branch->target = target;
461  return branch;
464LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src) {
465  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
466  switch (op) {
467    case kOpBlx:
468      opcode = kA64Blr1x;
469      break;
470    // TODO(Arm64): port kThumbBx.
471    // case kOpBx:
472    //   opcode = kThumbBx;
473    //   break;
474    default:
475      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode " << op;
476  }
477  return NewLIR1(opcode, r_dest_src.GetReg());
480LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegRegShift(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, RegStorage r_src2, int shift) {
481  ArmOpcode wide = (r_dest_src1.Is64Bit()) ? WIDE(0) : UNWIDE(0);
482  CHECK_EQ(r_dest_src1.Is64Bit(), r_src2.Is64Bit());
483  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
485  switch (op) {
486    case kOpCmn:
487      opcode = kA64Cmn3rro;
488      break;
489    case kOpCmp:
490      opcode = kA64Cmp3rro;
491      break;
492    case kOpMov:
493      opcode = kA64Mov2rr;
494      break;
495    case kOpMvn:
496      opcode = kA64Mvn2rr;
497      break;
498    case kOpNeg:
499      opcode = kA64Neg3rro;
500      break;
501    case kOpTst:
502      opcode = kA64Tst3rro;
503      break;
504    case kOpRev:
505      DCHECK_EQ(shift, 0);
506      // Binary, but rm is encoded twice.
507      return NewLIR2(kA64Rev2rr | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
508      break;
509    case kOpRevsh:
510      // Binary, but rm is encoded twice.
511      NewLIR2(kA64Rev162rr | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
512      // "sxth r1, r2" is "sbfm r1, r2, #0, #15"
513      return NewLIR4(kA64Sbfm4rrdd | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_dest_src1.GetReg(), 0, 15);
514      break;
515    case kOp2Byte:
516      DCHECK_EQ(shift, ENCODE_NO_SHIFT);
517      // "sbfx r1, r2, #imm1, #imm2" is "sbfm r1, r2, #imm1, #(imm1 + imm2 - 1)".
518      // For now we use sbfm directly.
519      return NewLIR4(kA64Sbfm4rrdd | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), 0, 7);
520    case kOp2Short:
521      DCHECK_EQ(shift, ENCODE_NO_SHIFT);
522      // For now we use sbfm rather than its alias, sbfx.
523      return NewLIR4(kA64Sbfm4rrdd | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), 0, 15);
524    case kOp2Char:
525      // "ubfx r1, r2, #imm1, #imm2" is "ubfm r1, r2, #imm1, #(imm1 + imm2 - 1)".
526      // For now we use ubfm directly.
527      DCHECK_EQ(shift, ENCODE_NO_SHIFT);
528      return NewLIR4(kA64Ubfm4rrdd | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), 0, 15);
529    default:
530      return OpRegRegRegShift(op, r_dest_src1, r_dest_src1, r_src2, shift);
531  }
533  DCHECK(!IsPseudoLirOp(opcode));
534  if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_BINARY_OP) {
536    return NewLIR2(opcode | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
537  } else if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP) {
538    ArmEncodingKind kind = EncodingMap[opcode].field_loc[2].kind;
539    if (kind == kFmtShift) {
540      return NewLIR3(opcode | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), shift);
541    }
542  }
544  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected encoding operand count";
545  return NULL;
548LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegRegExtend(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, RegStorage r_src2, int extend) {
549  ArmOpcode wide = (r_dest_src1.Is64Bit()) ? WIDE(0) : UNWIDE(0);
550  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
552  switch (op) {
553    case kOpCmn:
554      opcode = kA64Cmn3Rre;
555      break;
556    case kOpCmp:
557      opcode = kA64Cmp3Rre;
558      break;
559    default:
560      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad Opcode: " << opcode;
561      break;
562  }
564  DCHECK(!IsPseudoLirOp(opcode));
565  if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP) {
566    ArmEncodingKind kind = EncodingMap[opcode].field_loc[2].kind;
567    if (kind == kFmtExtend) {
568      return NewLIR3(opcode | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), extend);
569    }
570  }
572  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected encoding operand count";
573  return NULL;
576LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, RegStorage r_src2) {
577  /* RegReg operations with SP in first parameter need extended register instruction form.
578   * Only CMN and CMP instructions are implemented.
579   */
580  if (r_dest_src1 == rs_sp) {
581    return OpRegRegExtend(op, r_dest_src1, r_src2, ENCODE_NO_EXTEND);
582  } else {
583    return OpRegRegShift(op, r_dest_src1, r_src2, ENCODE_NO_SHIFT);
584  }
587LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpMovRegMem(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_base, int offset, MoveType move_type) {
589  return nullptr;
592LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpMovMemReg(RegStorage r_base, int offset, RegStorage r_src, MoveType move_type) {
594  return nullptr;
597LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpCondRegReg(OpKind op, ConditionCode cc, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) {
598  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpCondRegReg for Arm64";
599  return NULL;
602LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegRegRegShift(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1,
603                                    RegStorage r_src2, int shift) {
604  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
606  switch (op) {
607    case kOpAdd:
608      opcode = kA64Add4rrro;
609      break;
610    case kOpSub:
611      opcode = kA64Sub4rrro;
612      break;
613    // case kOpRsub:
614    //   opcode = kA64RsubWWW;
615    //   break;
616    case kOpAdc:
617      opcode = kA64Adc3rrr;
618      break;
619    case kOpAnd:
620      opcode = kA64And4rrro;
621      break;
622    case kOpXor:
623      opcode = kA64Eor4rrro;
624      break;
625    case kOpMul:
626      opcode = kA64Mul3rrr;
627      break;
628    case kOpDiv:
629      opcode = kA64Sdiv3rrr;
630      break;
631    case kOpOr:
632      opcode = kA64Orr4rrro;
633      break;
634    case kOpSbc:
635      opcode = kA64Sbc3rrr;
636      break;
637    case kOpLsl:
638      opcode = kA64Lsl3rrr;
639      break;
640    case kOpLsr:
641      opcode = kA64Lsr3rrr;
642      break;
643    case kOpAsr:
644      opcode = kA64Asr3rrr;
645      break;
646    case kOpRor:
647      opcode = kA64Ror3rrr;
648      break;
649    default:
650      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
651      break;
652  }
654  // The instructions above belong to two kinds:
655  // - 4-operands instructions, where the last operand is a shift/extend immediate,
656  // - 3-operands instructions with no shift/extend.
657  ArmOpcode widened_opcode = r_dest.Is64Bit() ? WIDE(opcode) : opcode;
658  CHECK_EQ(r_dest.Is64Bit(), r_src1.Is64Bit());
659  CHECK_EQ(r_dest.Is64Bit(), r_src2.Is64Bit());
660  if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP) {
661    DCHECK(!IsExtendEncoding(shift));
662    return NewLIR4(widened_opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(), shift);
663  } else {
664    DCHECK(EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP);
666    return NewLIR3(widened_opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg());
667  }
670LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegRegRegExtend(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1,
671                                     RegStorage r_src2, A64RegExtEncodings ext, uint8_t amount) {
672  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
674  switch (op) {
675    case kOpAdd:
676      opcode = kA64Add4RRre;
677      break;
678    case kOpSub:
679      opcode = kA64Sub4RRre;
680      break;
681    default:
682      LOG(FATAL) << "Unimplemented opcode: " << op;
683      break;
684  }
685  ArmOpcode widened_opcode = r_dest.Is64Bit() ? WIDE(opcode) : opcode;
687  if (r_dest.Is64Bit()) {
688    CHECK(r_src1.Is64Bit());
690    // dest determines whether the op is wide or not. Up-convert src2 when necessary.
691    // Note: this is not according to aarch64 specifications, but our encoding.
692    if (!r_src2.Is64Bit()) {
693      r_src2 = As64BitReg(r_src2);
694    }
695  } else {
696    CHECK(!r_src1.Is64Bit());
697    CHECK(!r_src2.Is64Bit());
698  }
700  // Sanity checks.
701  //    1) Amount is in the range 0..4
702  CHECK_LE(amount, 4);
704  return NewLIR4(widened_opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_src2.GetReg(),
705                 EncodeExtend(ext, amount));
708LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegRegReg(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1, RegStorage r_src2) {
709  return OpRegRegRegShift(op, r_dest, r_src1, r_src2, ENCODE_NO_SHIFT);
712LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegRegImm(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1, int value) {
713  return OpRegRegImm64(op, r_dest, r_src1, static_cast<int64_t>(value));
716LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegRegImm64(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src1, int64_t value) {
717  LIR* res;
718  bool neg = (value < 0);
719  int64_t abs_value = (neg) ? -value : value;
720  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
721  ArmOpcode alt_opcode = kA64Brk1d;
722  int32_t log_imm = -1;
723  bool is_wide = r_dest.Is64Bit();
724  ArmOpcode wide = (is_wide) ? WIDE(0) : UNWIDE(0);
725  int info = 0;
727  switch (op) {
728    case kOpLsl: {
729      // "lsl w1, w2, #imm" is an alias of "ubfm w1, w2, #(-imm MOD 32), #(31-imm)"
730      // and "lsl x1, x2, #imm" of "ubfm x1, x2, #(-imm MOD 64), #(63-imm)".
731      // For now, we just use ubfm directly.
732      int max_value = (is_wide) ? 63 : 31;
733      return NewLIR4(kA64Ubfm4rrdd | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(),
734                     (-value) & max_value, max_value - value);
735    }
736    case kOpLsr:
737      return NewLIR3(kA64Lsr3rrd | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
738    case kOpAsr:
739      return NewLIR3(kA64Asr3rrd | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), value);
740    case kOpRor:
741      // "ror r1, r2, #imm" is an alias of "extr r1, r2, r2, #imm".
742      // For now, we just use extr directly.
743      return NewLIR4(kA64Extr4rrrd | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(),
744                     value);
745    case kOpAdd:
746      neg = !neg;
747      // Note: intentional fallthrough
748    case kOpSub:
749      // Add and sub below read/write sp rather than xzr.
750      if (abs_value < 0x1000) {
751        opcode = (neg) ? kA64Add4RRdT : kA64Sub4RRdT;
752        return NewLIR4(opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), abs_value, 0);
753      } else if ((abs_value & UINT64_C(0xfff)) == 0 && ((abs_value >> 12) < 0x1000)) {
754        opcode = (neg) ? kA64Add4RRdT : kA64Sub4RRdT;
755        return NewLIR4(opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), abs_value >> 12, 1);
756      } else {
757        log_imm = -1;
758        alt_opcode = (op == kOpAdd) ? kA64Add4RRre : kA64Sub4RRre;
759        info = EncodeExtend(is_wide ? kA64Uxtx : kA64Uxtw, 0);
760      }
761      break;
762    // case kOpRsub:
763    //   opcode = kThumb2RsubRRI8M;
764    //   alt_opcode = kThumb2RsubRRR;
765    //   break;
766    case kOpAdc:
767      log_imm = -1;
768      alt_opcode = kA64Adc3rrr;
769      break;
770    case kOpSbc:
771      log_imm = -1;
772      alt_opcode = kA64Sbc3rrr;
773      break;
774    case kOpOr:
775      log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(is_wide, value);
776      opcode = kA64Orr3Rrl;
777      alt_opcode = kA64Orr4rrro;
778      break;
779    case kOpAnd:
780      log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(is_wide, value);
781      opcode = kA64And3Rrl;
782      alt_opcode = kA64And4rrro;
783      break;
784    case kOpXor:
785      log_imm = EncodeLogicalImmediate(is_wide, value);
786      opcode = kA64Eor3Rrl;
787      alt_opcode = kA64Eor4rrro;
788      break;
789    case kOpMul:
790      // TUNING: power of 2, shift & add
791      log_imm = -1;
792      alt_opcode = kA64Mul3rrr;
793      break;
794    default:
795      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad opcode: " << op;
796  }
798  if (log_imm >= 0) {
799    return NewLIR3(opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), log_imm);
800  } else {
801    RegStorage r_scratch;
802    if (is_wide) {
803      r_scratch = AllocTempWide();
804      LoadConstantWide(r_scratch, value);
805    } else {
806      r_scratch = AllocTemp();
807      LoadConstant(r_scratch, value);
808    }
809    if (EncodingMap[alt_opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
810      res = NewLIR4(alt_opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg(), info);
811    else
812      res = NewLIR3(alt_opcode | wide, r_dest.GetReg(), r_src1.GetReg(), r_scratch.GetReg());
813    FreeTemp(r_scratch);
814    return res;
815  }
818LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegImm(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, int value) {
819  return OpRegImm64(op, r_dest_src1, static_cast<int64_t>(value));
822LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegImm64(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest_src1, int64_t value) {
823  ArmOpcode wide = (r_dest_src1.Is64Bit()) ? WIDE(0) : UNWIDE(0);
824  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
825  ArmOpcode neg_opcode = kA64Brk1d;
826  bool shift;
827  bool neg = (value < 0);
828  uint64_t abs_value = (neg) ? -value : value;
830  if (LIKELY(abs_value < 0x1000)) {
831    // abs_value is a 12-bit immediate.
832    shift = false;
833  } else if ((abs_value & UINT64_C(0xfff)) == 0 && ((abs_value >> 12) < 0x1000)) {
834    // abs_value is a shifted 12-bit immediate.
835    shift = true;
836    abs_value >>= 12;
837  } else if (LIKELY(abs_value < 0x1000000 && (op == kOpAdd || op == kOpSub))) {
838    // Note: It is better to use two ADD/SUB instead of loading a number to a temp register.
839    // This works for both normal registers and SP.
840    // For a frame size == 0x2468, it will be encoded as:
841    //   sub sp, #0x2000
842    //   sub sp, #0x468
843    if (neg) {
844      op = (op == kOpAdd) ? kOpSub : kOpAdd;
845    }
846    OpRegImm64(op, r_dest_src1, abs_value & (~INT64_C(0xfff)));
847    return OpRegImm64(op, r_dest_src1, abs_value & 0xfff);
848  } else if (LIKELY(A64_REG_IS_SP(r_dest_src1.GetReg()) && (op == kOpAdd || op == kOpSub))) {
849    // Note: "sub sp, sp, Xm" is not correct on arm64.
850    // We need special instructions for SP.
851    // Also operation on 32-bit SP should be avoided.
852    DCHECK(IS_WIDE(wide));
853    RegStorage r_tmp = AllocTempWide();
854    OpRegRegImm(kOpAdd, r_tmp, r_dest_src1, 0);
855    OpRegImm64(op, r_tmp, value);
856    return OpRegRegImm(kOpAdd, r_dest_src1, r_tmp, 0);
857  } else {
858    RegStorage r_tmp;
859    LIR* res;
860    if (IS_WIDE(wide)) {
861      r_tmp = AllocTempWide();
862      res = LoadConstantWide(r_tmp, value);
863    } else {
864      r_tmp = AllocTemp();
865      res = LoadConstant(r_tmp, value);
866    }
867    OpRegReg(op, r_dest_src1, r_tmp);
868    FreeTemp(r_tmp);
869    return res;
870  }
872  switch (op) {
873    case kOpAdd:
874      neg_opcode = kA64Sub4RRdT;
875      opcode = kA64Add4RRdT;
876      break;
877    case kOpSub:
878      neg_opcode = kA64Add4RRdT;
879      opcode = kA64Sub4RRdT;
880      break;
881    case kOpCmp:
882      neg_opcode = kA64Cmn3RdT;
883      opcode = kA64Cmp3RdT;
884      break;
885    default:
886      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad op-kind in OpRegImm: " << op;
887      break;
888  }
890  if (UNLIKELY(neg))
891    opcode = neg_opcode;
893  if (EncodingMap[opcode].flags & IS_QUAD_OP)
894    return NewLIR4(opcode | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), r_dest_src1.GetReg(), abs_value,
895                   (shift) ? 1 : 0);
896  else
897    return NewLIR3(opcode | wide, r_dest_src1.GetReg(), abs_value, (shift) ? 1 : 0);
900int Arm64Mir2Lir::EncodeShift(int shift_type, int amount) {
901  return ((shift_type & 0x3) << 7) | (amount & 0x3f);
904int Arm64Mir2Lir::EncodeExtend(int extend_type, int amount) {
905  return  (1 << 6) | ((extend_type & 0x7) << 3) | (amount & 0x7);
908bool Arm64Mir2Lir::IsExtendEncoding(int encoded_value) {
909  return ((1 << 6) & encoded_value) != 0;
912LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_dest,
913                                   int scale, OpSize size) {
914  LIR* load;
915  int expected_scale = 0;
916  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
917  r_base = Check64BitReg(r_base);
919  // TODO(Arm64): The sign extension of r_index should be carried out by using an extended
920  //   register offset load (rather than doing the sign extension in a separate instruction).
921  if (r_index.Is32Bit()) {
922    // Assemble: ``sxtw xN, wN''.
923    r_index = As64BitReg(r_index);
924    NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Sbfm4rrdd), r_index.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(), 0, 31);
925  }
927  if (r_dest.IsFloat()) {
928    if (r_dest.IsDouble()) {
929      DCHECK(size == k64 || size == kDouble);
930      expected_scale = 3;
931      opcode = FWIDE(kA64Ldr4fXxG);
932    } else {
933      DCHECK(r_dest.IsSingle());
934      DCHECK(size == k32 || size == kSingle);
935      expected_scale = 2;
936      opcode = kA64Ldr4fXxG;
937    }
939    DCHECK(scale == 0 || scale == expected_scale);
940    return NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(),
941                   (scale != 0) ? 1 : 0);
942  }
944  switch (size) {
945    case kDouble:
946    case kWord:
947    case k64:
948      r_dest = Check64BitReg(r_dest);
949      opcode = WIDE(kA64Ldr4rXxG);
950      expected_scale = 3;
951      break;
952    case kSingle:     // Intentional fall-through.
953    case k32:         // Intentional fall-through.
954    case kReference:
955      r_dest = Check32BitReg(r_dest);
956      opcode = kA64Ldr4rXxG;
957      expected_scale = 2;
958      break;
959    case kUnsignedHalf:
960      r_dest = Check32BitReg(r_dest);
961      opcode = kA64Ldrh4wXxd;
962      expected_scale = 1;
963      break;
964    case kSignedHalf:
965      r_dest = Check32BitReg(r_dest);
966      opcode = kA64Ldrsh4rXxd;
967      expected_scale = 1;
968      break;
969    case kUnsignedByte:
970      r_dest = Check32BitReg(r_dest);
971      opcode = kA64Ldrb3wXx;
972      break;
973    case kSignedByte:
974      r_dest = Check32BitReg(r_dest);
975      opcode = kA64Ldrsb3rXx;
976      break;
977    default:
978      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
979  }
981  if (UNLIKELY(expected_scale == 0)) {
982    // This is a tertiary op (e.g. ldrb, ldrsb), it does not not support scale.
983    DCHECK_NE(EncodingMap[UNWIDE(opcode)].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP, 0U);
984    DCHECK_EQ(scale, 0);
985    load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg());
986  } else {
987    DCHECK(scale == 0 || scale == expected_scale);
988    load = NewLIR4(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(),
989                   (scale != 0) ? 1 : 0);
990  }
992  return load;
995LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadRefIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_dest,
996                                  int scale) {
997  return LoadBaseIndexed(r_base, r_index, As32BitReg(r_dest), scale, kReference);
1000LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::StoreBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_src,
1001                                    int scale, OpSize size) {
1002  LIR* store;
1003  int expected_scale = 0;
1004  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
1005  r_base = Check64BitReg(r_base);
1007  // TODO(Arm64): The sign extension of r_index should be carried out by using an extended
1008  //   register offset store (rather than doing the sign extension in a separate instruction).
1009  if (r_index.Is32Bit()) {
1010    // Assemble: ``sxtw xN, wN''.
1011    r_index = As64BitReg(r_index);
1012    NewLIR4(WIDE(kA64Sbfm4rrdd), r_index.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(), 0, 31);
1013  }
1015  if (r_src.IsFloat()) {
1016    if (r_src.IsDouble()) {
1017      DCHECK(size == k64 || size == kDouble);
1018      expected_scale = 3;
1019      opcode = FWIDE(kA64Str4fXxG);
1020    } else {
1021      DCHECK(r_src.IsSingle());
1022      DCHECK(size == k32 || size == kSingle);
1023      expected_scale = 2;
1024      opcode = kA64Str4fXxG;
1025    }
1027    DCHECK(scale == 0 || scale == expected_scale);
1028    return NewLIR4(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(),
1029                   (scale != 0) ? 1 : 0);
1030  }
1032  switch (size) {
1033    case kDouble:     // Intentional fall-trough.
1034    case kWord:       // Intentional fall-trough.
1035    case k64:
1036      r_src = Check64BitReg(r_src);
1037      opcode = WIDE(kA64Str4rXxG);
1038      expected_scale = 3;
1039      break;
1040    case kSingle:     // Intentional fall-trough.
1041    case k32:         // Intentional fall-trough.
1042    case kReference:
1043      r_src = Check32BitReg(r_src);
1044      opcode = kA64Str4rXxG;
1045      expected_scale = 2;
1046      break;
1047    case kUnsignedHalf:
1048    case kSignedHalf:
1049      r_src = Check32BitReg(r_src);
1050      opcode = kA64Strh4wXxd;
1051      expected_scale = 1;
1052      break;
1053    case kUnsignedByte:
1054    case kSignedByte:
1055      r_src = Check32BitReg(r_src);
1056      opcode = kA64Strb3wXx;
1057      break;
1058    default:
1059      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
1060  }
1062  if (UNLIKELY(expected_scale == 0)) {
1063    // This is a tertiary op (e.g. strb), it does not not support scale.
1064    DCHECK_NE(EncodingMap[UNWIDE(opcode)].flags & IS_TERTIARY_OP, 0U);
1065    DCHECK_EQ(scale, 0);
1066    store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg());
1067  } else {
1068    store = NewLIR4(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), r_index.GetReg(),
1069                    (scale != 0) ? 1 : 0);
1070  }
1072  return store;
1075LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::StoreRefIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_src,
1076                                   int scale) {
1077  return StoreBaseIndexed(r_base, r_index, As32BitReg(r_src), scale, kReference);
1081 * Load value from base + displacement.  Optionally perform null check
1082 * on base (which must have an associated s_reg and MIR).  If not
1083 * performing null check, incoming MIR can be null.
1084 */
1085LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadBaseDispBody(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest,
1086                                    OpSize size) {
1087  LIR* load = NULL;
1088  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
1089  ArmOpcode alt_opcode = kA64Brk1d;
1090  int scale = 0;
1092  switch (size) {
1093    case kDouble:     // Intentional fall-through.
1094    case kWord:       // Intentional fall-through.
1095    case k64:
1096      r_dest = Check64BitReg(r_dest);
1097      scale = 3;
1098      if (r_dest.IsFloat()) {
1099        DCHECK(r_dest.IsDouble());
1100        opcode = FWIDE(kA64Ldr3fXD);
1101        alt_opcode = FWIDE(kA64Ldur3fXd);
1102      } else {
1103        opcode = WIDE(kA64Ldr3rXD);
1104        alt_opcode = WIDE(kA64Ldur3rXd);
1105      }
1106      break;
1107    case kSingle:     // Intentional fall-through.
1108    case k32:         // Intentional fall-trough.
1109    case kReference:
1110      r_dest = Check32BitReg(r_dest);
1111      scale = 2;
1112      if (r_dest.IsFloat()) {
1113        DCHECK(r_dest.IsSingle());
1114        opcode = kA64Ldr3fXD;
1115      } else {
1116        opcode = kA64Ldr3rXD;
1117      }
1118      break;
1119    case kUnsignedHalf:
1120      scale = 1;
1121      opcode = kA64Ldrh3wXF;
1122      break;
1123    case kSignedHalf:
1124      scale = 1;
1125      opcode = kA64Ldrsh3rXF;
1126      break;
1127    case kUnsignedByte:
1128      opcode = kA64Ldrb3wXd;
1129      break;
1130    case kSignedByte:
1131      opcode = kA64Ldrsb3rXd;
1132      break;
1133    default:
1134      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
1135  }
1137  bool displacement_is_aligned = (displacement & ((1 << scale) - 1)) == 0;
1138  int scaled_disp = displacement >> scale;
1139  if (displacement_is_aligned && scaled_disp >= 0 && scaled_disp < 4096) {
1140    // Can use scaled load.
1141    load = NewLIR3(opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), scaled_disp);
1142  } else if (alt_opcode != kA64Brk1d && IS_SIGNED_IMM9(displacement)) {
1143    // Can use unscaled load.
1144    load = NewLIR3(alt_opcode, r_dest.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), displacement);
1145  } else {
1146    // Use long sequence.
1147    // TODO: cleaner support for index/displacement registers?  Not a reference, but must match width.
1148    RegStorage r_scratch = AllocTempWide();
1149    LoadConstantWide(r_scratch, displacement);
1150    load = LoadBaseIndexed(r_base, r_scratch, r_dest, 0, size);
1151    FreeTemp(r_scratch);
1152  }
1154  // TODO: in future may need to differentiate Dalvik accesses w/ spills
1155  if (mem_ref_type_ == ResourceMask::kDalvikReg) {
1156    DCHECK(r_base == rs_sp);
1157    AnnotateDalvikRegAccess(load, displacement >> 2, true /* is_load */, r_dest.Is64Bit());
1158  }
1159  return load;
1162LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadBaseDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest,
1163                                OpSize size, VolatileKind is_volatile) {
1164  // LoadBaseDisp() will emit correct insn for atomic load on arm64
1165  // assuming r_dest is correctly prepared using RegClassForFieldLoadStore().
1167  LIR* load = LoadBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_dest, size);
1169  if (UNLIKELY(is_volatile == kVolatile)) {
1170    // TODO: This should generate an acquire load instead of the barrier.
1171    GenMemBarrier(kLoadAny);
1172  }
1174  return load;
1177LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadRefDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_dest,
1178                               VolatileKind is_volatile) {
1179  return LoadBaseDisp(r_base, displacement, As32BitReg(r_dest), kReference, is_volatile);
1182LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::StoreBaseDispBody(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src,
1183                                     OpSize size) {
1184  LIR* store = NULL;
1185  ArmOpcode opcode = kA64Brk1d;
1186  ArmOpcode alt_opcode = kA64Brk1d;
1187  int scale = 0;
1189  switch (size) {
1190    case kDouble:     // Intentional fall-through.
1191    case kWord:       // Intentional fall-through.
1192    case k64:
1193      r_src = Check64BitReg(r_src);
1194      scale = 3;
1195      if (r_src.IsFloat()) {
1196        DCHECK(r_src.IsDouble());
1197        opcode = FWIDE(kA64Str3fXD);
1198        alt_opcode = FWIDE(kA64Stur3fXd);
1199      } else {
1200        opcode = FWIDE(kA64Str3rXD);
1201        alt_opcode = FWIDE(kA64Stur3rXd);
1202      }
1203      break;
1204    case kSingle:     // Intentional fall-through.
1205    case k32:         // Intentional fall-trough.
1206    case kReference:
1207      r_src = Check32BitReg(r_src);
1208      scale = 2;
1209      if (r_src.IsFloat()) {
1210        DCHECK(r_src.IsSingle());
1211        opcode = kA64Str3fXD;
1212      } else {
1213        opcode = kA64Str3rXD;
1214      }
1215      break;
1216    case kUnsignedHalf:
1217    case kSignedHalf:
1218      scale = 1;
1219      opcode = kA64Strh3wXF;
1220      break;
1221    case kUnsignedByte:
1222    case kSignedByte:
1223      opcode = kA64Strb3wXd;
1224      break;
1225    default:
1226      LOG(FATAL) << "Bad size: " << size;
1227  }
1229  bool displacement_is_aligned = (displacement & ((1 << scale) - 1)) == 0;
1230  int scaled_disp = displacement >> scale;
1231  if (displacement_is_aligned && scaled_disp >= 0 && scaled_disp < 4096) {
1232    // Can use scaled store.
1233    store = NewLIR3(opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), scaled_disp);
1234  } else if (alt_opcode != kA64Brk1d && IS_SIGNED_IMM9(displacement)) {
1235    // Can use unscaled store.
1236    store = NewLIR3(alt_opcode, r_src.GetReg(), r_base.GetReg(), displacement);
1237  } else {
1238    // Use long sequence.
1239    RegStorage r_scratch = AllocTempWide();
1240    LoadConstantWide(r_scratch, displacement);
1241    store = StoreBaseIndexed(r_base, r_scratch, r_src, 0, size);
1242    FreeTemp(r_scratch);
1243  }
1245  // TODO: In future, may need to differentiate Dalvik & spill accesses.
1246  if (mem_ref_type_ == ResourceMask::kDalvikReg) {
1247    DCHECK(r_base == rs_sp);
1248    AnnotateDalvikRegAccess(store, displacement >> 2, false /* is_load */, r_src.Is64Bit());
1249  }
1250  return store;
1253LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::StoreBaseDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src,
1254                                 OpSize size, VolatileKind is_volatile) {
1255  // TODO: This should generate a release store and no barriers.
1256  if (UNLIKELY(is_volatile == kVolatile)) {
1257    // Ensure that prior accesses become visible to other threads first.
1258    GenMemBarrier(kAnyStore);
1259  }
1261  // StoreBaseDisp() will emit correct insn for atomic store on arm64
1262  // assuming r_dest is correctly prepared using RegClassForFieldLoadStore().
1264  LIR* store = StoreBaseDispBody(r_base, displacement, r_src, size);
1266  if (UNLIKELY(is_volatile == kVolatile)) {
1267    // Preserve order with respect to any subsequent volatile loads.
1268    // We need StoreLoad, but that generally requires the most expensive barrier.
1269    GenMemBarrier(kAnyAny);
1270  }
1272  return store;
1275LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::StoreRefDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src,
1276                                VolatileKind is_volatile) {
1277  return StoreBaseDisp(r_base, displacement, As32BitReg(r_src), kReference, is_volatile);
1280LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpFpRegCopy(RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_src) {
1281  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpFpRegCopy for Arm64";
1282  return NULL;
1285LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpThreadMem(OpKind op, ThreadOffset<4> thread_offset) {
1286  UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Should not be used.";
1287  return nullptr;
1290LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpThreadMem(OpKind op, ThreadOffset<8> thread_offset) {
1291  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpThreadMem for Arm64";
1292  return NULL;
1295LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpMem(OpKind op, RegStorage r_base, int disp) {
1296  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpMem for Arm64";
1297  return NULL;
1300LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::StoreBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
1301                                        int displacement, RegStorage r_src, OpSize size) {
1302  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of StoreBaseIndexedDisp for Arm64";
1303  return NULL;
1306LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::OpRegMem(OpKind op, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_base, int offset) {
1307  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of OpRegMem for Arm64";
1308  return NULL;
1311LIR* Arm64Mir2Lir::LoadBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
1312                                       int displacement, RegStorage r_dest, OpSize size) {
1313  LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected use of LoadBaseIndexedDisp for Arm64";
1314  return NULL;
1317}  // namespace art