edify_generator.py revision 96a57e737707d05333dced5b657c4ef21c44088a
1# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
7#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
15import os
16import re
18import common
20class EdifyGenerator(object):
21  """Class to generate scripts in the 'edify' recovery script language
22  used from donut onwards."""
24  def __init__(self, version, info):
25    self.script = []
26    self.mounts = set()
27    self.version = version
28    self.info = info
30  def MakeTemporary(self):
31    """Make a temporary script object whose commands can latter be
32    appended to the parent script with AppendScript().  Used when the
33    caller wants to generate script commands out-of-order."""
34    x = EdifyGenerator(self.version, self.info)
35    x.mounts = self.mounts
36    return x
38  @staticmethod
39  def _WordWrap(cmd, linelen=80):
40    """'cmd' should be a function call with null characters after each
41    parameter (eg, "somefun(foo,\0bar,\0baz)").  This function wraps cmd
42    to a given line length, replacing nulls with spaces and/or newlines
43    to format it nicely."""
44    indent = cmd.index("(")+1
45    out = []
46    first = True
47    x = re.compile("^(.{,%d})\0" % (linelen-indent,))
48    while True:
49      if not first:
50        out.append(" " * indent)
51      first = False
52      m = x.search(cmd)
53      if not m:
54        parts = cmd.split("\0", 1)
55        out.append(parts[0]+"\n")
56        if len(parts) == 1:
57          break
58        else:
59          cmd = parts[1]
60          continue
61      out.append(m.group(1)+"\n")
62      cmd = cmd[m.end():]
64    return "".join(out).replace("\0", " ").rstrip("\n")
66  def AppendScript(self, other):
67    """Append the contents of another script (which should be created
68    with temporary=True) to this one."""
69    self.script.extend(other.script)
71  def AssertSomeFingerprint(self, *fp):
72    """Assert that the current system build fingerprint is one of *fp."""
73    if not fp:
74      raise ValueError("must specify some fingerprints")
75    cmd = ('assert(' +
76           ' ||\0'.join([('file_getprop("/system/build.prop", '
77                         '"ro.build.fingerprint") == "%s"')
78                        % i for i in fp]) +
79           ');')
80    self.script.append(self._WordWrap(cmd))
82  def AssertOlderBuild(self, timestamp):
83    """Assert that the build on the device is older (or the same as)
84    the given timestamp."""
85    self.script.append(('assert(!less_than_int(%s, '
86                        'getprop("ro.build.date.utc")));') % (timestamp,))
88  def AssertDevice(self, device):
89    """Assert that the device identifier is the given string."""
90    cmd = ('assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "%s" ||\0'
91           'getprop("ro.build.product") == "%s");' % (device, device))
92    self.script.append(self._WordWrap(cmd))
94  def AssertSomeBootloader(self, *bootloaders):
95    """Asert that the bootloader version is one of *bootloaders."""
96    cmd = ("assert(" +
97           " ||\0".join(['getprop("ro.bootloader") == "%s"' % (b,)
98                         for b in bootloaders]) +
99           ");")
100    self.script.append(self._WordWrap(cmd))
102  def ShowProgress(self, frac, dur):
103    """Update the progress bar, advancing it over 'frac' over the next
104    'dur' seconds.  'dur' may be zero to advance it via SetProgress
105    commands instead of by time."""
106    self.script.append("show_progress(%f, %d);" % (frac, int(dur)))
108  def SetProgress(self, frac):
109    """Set the position of the progress bar within the chunk defined
110    by the most recent ShowProgress call.  'frac' should be in
111    [0,1]."""
112    self.script.append("set_progress(%f);" % (frac,))
114  def PatchCheck(self, filename, *sha1):
115    """Check that the given file (or MTD reference) has one of the
116    given *sha1 hashes, checking the version saved in cache if the
117    file does not match."""
118    self.script.append('assert(apply_patch_check("%s"' % (filename,) +
119                       "".join([', "%s"' % (i,) for i in sha1]) +
120                       '));')
122  def FileCheck(self, filename, *sha1):
123    """Check that the given file (or MTD reference) has one of the
124    given *sha1 hashes."""
125    self.script.append('assert(sha1_check(read_file("%s")' % (filename,) +
126                       "".join([', "%s"' % (i,) for i in sha1]) +
127                       '));')
129  def CacheFreeSpaceCheck(self, amount):
130    """Check that there's at least 'amount' space that can be made
131    available on /cache."""
132    self.script.append("assert(apply_patch_space(%d));" % (amount,))
134  def Mount(self, mount_point):
135    """Mount the partition with the given mount_point."""
136    fstab = self.info.get("fstab", None)
137    if fstab:
138      p = fstab[mount_point]
139      self.script.append('mount("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s");' %
140                         (p.fs_type, common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type],
141                          p.device, p.mount_point))
142      self.mounts.add(p.mount_point)
143    else:
144      what = mount_point.lstrip("/")
145      what = self.info.get("partition_path", "") + what
146      self.script.append('mount("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s");' %
147                         (self.info["fs_type"], self.info["partition_type"],
148                          what, mount_point))
149      self.mounts.add(mount_point)
151  def UnpackPackageDir(self, src, dst):
152    """Unpack a given directory from the OTA package into the given
153    destination directory."""
154    self.script.append('package_extract_dir("%s", "%s");' % (src, dst))
156  def Comment(self, comment):
157    """Write a comment into the update script."""
158    self.script.append("")
159    for i in comment.split("\n"):
160      self.script.append("# " + i)
161    self.script.append("")
163  def Print(self, message):
164    """Log a message to the screen (if the logs are visible)."""
165    self.script.append('ui_print("%s");' % (message,))
167  def FormatPartition(self, partition):
168    """Format the given partition, specified by its mount point (eg,
169    "/system")."""
171    fstab = self.info.get("fstab", None)
172    if fstab:
173      p = fstab[partition]
174      self.script.append('format("%s", "%s", "%s");' %
175                         (p.fs_type, common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type], p.device))
176    else:
177      # older target-files without per-partition types
178      partition = self.info.get("partition_path", "") + partition
179      self.script.append('format("%s", "%s", "%s");' %
180                         (self.info["fs_type"], self.info["partition_type"],
181                          partition))
183  def DeleteFiles(self, file_list):
184    """Delete all files in file_list."""
185    if not file_list: return
186    cmd = "delete(" + ",\0".join(['"%s"' % (i,) for i in file_list]) + ");"
187    self.script.append(self._WordWrap(cmd))
189  def ApplyPatch(self, srcfile, tgtfile, tgtsize, tgtsha1, *patchpairs):
190    """Apply binary patches (in *patchpairs) to the given srcfile to
191    produce tgtfile (which may be "-" to indicate overwriting the
192    source file."""
193    if len(patchpairs) % 2 != 0 or len(patchpairs) == 0:
194      raise ValueError("bad patches given to ApplyPatch")
195    cmd = ['apply_patch("%s",\0"%s",\0%s,\0%d'
196           % (srcfile, tgtfile, tgtsha1, tgtsize)]
197    for i in range(0, len(patchpairs), 2):
198      cmd.append(',\0%s, package_extract_file("%s")' % patchpairs[i:i+2])
199    cmd.append(');')
200    cmd = "".join(cmd)
201    self.script.append(self._WordWrap(cmd))
203  def WriteFirmwareImage(self, kind, fn):
204    """Arrange to update the given firmware image (kind must be
205    "hboot" or "radio") when recovery finishes."""
206    if self.version == 1:
207      self.script.append(
208          ('assert(package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "/tmp/%(kind)s.img"),\n'
209           '       write_firmware_image("/tmp/%(kind)s.img", "%(kind)s"));')
210          % {'kind': kind, 'fn': fn})
211    else:
212      self.script.append(
213          'write_firmware_image("PACKAGE:%s", "%s");' % (fn, kind))
215  def WriteRawImage(self, mount_point, fn):
216    """Write the given package file into the partition for the given
217    mount point."""
219    fstab = self.info["fstab"]
220    if fstab:
221      p = fstab[mount_point]
222      partition_type = common.PARTITION_TYPES[p.fs_type]
223      args = {'device': p.device, 'fn': fn}
224      if partition_type == "MTD":
225        self.script.append(
226            ('assert(package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "/tmp/%(device)s.img"),\n'
227             '       write_raw_image("/tmp/%(device)s.img", "%(device)s"),\n'
228             '       delete("/tmp/%(device)s.img"));') % args)
229      elif partition_type == "EMMC":
230        self.script.append(
231            'package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "%(device)s");' % args)
232      else:
233        raise ValueError("don't know how to write \"%s\" partitions" % (p.fs_type,))
234    else:
235      # backward compatibility with older target-files that lack recovery.fstab
236      if self.info["partition_type"] == "MTD":
237        self.script.append(
238            ('assert(package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "/tmp/%(partition)s.img"),\n'
239             '       write_raw_image("/tmp/%(partition)s.img", "%(partition)s"),\n'
240             '       delete("/tmp/%(partition)s.img"));')
241            % {'partition': partition, 'fn': fn})
242      elif self.info["partition_type"] == "EMMC":
243        self.script.append(
244            ('package_extract_file("%(fn)s", "%(dir)s%(partition)s");')
245            % {'partition': partition, 'fn': fn,
246               'dir': self.info.get("partition_path", ""),
247               })
248      else:
249        raise ValueError("don't know how to write \"%s\" partitions" %
250                         (self.info["partition_type"],))
252  def SetPermissions(self, fn, uid, gid, mode):
253    """Set file ownership and permissions."""
254    self.script.append('set_perm(%d, %d, 0%o, "%s");' % (uid, gid, mode, fn))
256  def SetPermissionsRecursive(self, fn, uid, gid, dmode, fmode):
257    """Recursively set path ownership and permissions."""
258    self.script.append('set_perm_recursive(%d, %d, 0%o, 0%o, "%s");'
259                       % (uid, gid, dmode, fmode, fn))
261  def MakeSymlinks(self, symlink_list):
262    """Create symlinks, given a list of (dest, link) pairs."""
263    by_dest = {}
264    for d, l in symlink_list:
265      by_dest.setdefault(d, []).append(l)
267    for dest, links in sorted(by_dest.iteritems()):
268      cmd = ('symlink("%s", ' % (dest,) +
269             ",\0".join(['"' + i + '"' for i in sorted(links)]) + ");")
270      self.script.append(self._WordWrap(cmd))
272  def AppendExtra(self, extra):
273    """Append text verbatim to the output script."""
274    self.script.append(extra)
276  def UnmountAll(self):
277    for p in sorted(self.mounts):
278      self.script.append('unmount("%s");' % (p,))
279    self.mounts = set()
281  def AddToZip(self, input_zip, output_zip, input_path=None):
282    """Write the accumulated script to the output_zip file.  input_zip
283    is used as the source for the 'updater' binary needed to run
284    script.  If input_path is not None, it will be used as a local
285    path for the binary instead of input_zip."""
287    self.UnmountAll()
289    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script",
290                       "\n".join(self.script) + "\n")
292    if input_path is None:
293      data = input_zip.read("OTA/bin/updater")
294    else:
295      data = open(os.path.join(input_path, "updater")).read()
296    common.ZipWriteStr(output_zip, "META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary",
297                       data, perms=0755)