1// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/system_display/display_info_provider.h"
7#include "ash/display/display_controller.h"
8#include "ash/display/display_manager.h"
9#include "ash/shell.h"
10#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
11#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
12#include "ui/gfx/display.h"
13#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
14#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
16using ash::DisplayManager;
18namespace extensions {
20using api::system_display::Bounds;
21using api::system_display::DisplayUnitInfo;
22using api::system_display::DisplayProperties;
23using api::system_display::Insets;
25namespace {
27// TODO(hshi): determine the DPI of the screen.
28const float kDpi96 = 96.0;
29// Maximum allowed bounds origin absolute value.
30const int kMaxBoundsOrigin = 200 * 1000;
32// Checks if the given integer value is valid display rotation in degrees.
33bool IsValidRotationValue(int rotation) {
34  return rotation == 0 || rotation == 90 || rotation == 180 || rotation == 270;
37// Converts integer integer value in degrees to Rotation enum value.
38gfx::Display::Rotation DegreesToRotation(int degrees) {
39  DCHECK(IsValidRotationValue(degrees));
40  switch (degrees) {
41    case 0:
42      return gfx::Display::ROTATE_0;
43    case 90:
44      return gfx::Display::ROTATE_90;
45    case 180:
46      return gfx::Display::ROTATE_180;
47    case 270:
48      return gfx::Display::ROTATE_270;
49    default:
50      return gfx::Display::ROTATE_0;
51  }
54// Checks if the given point is over the radius vector described by it's end
55// point |vector|. The point is over a vector if it's on its positive (left)
56// side. The method sees a point on the same line as the vector as being over
57// the vector.
58bool PointIsOverRadiusVector(const gfx::Point& point,
59                             const gfx::Point& vector) {
60  // |point| is left of |vector| if its radius vector's scalar product with a
61  // vector orthogonal (and facing the positive side) to |vector| is positive.
62  //
63  // An orthogonal vector of (a, b) is (b, -a), as the scalar product of these
64  // two is 0.
65  // So, (x, y) is over (a, b) if x * b + y * (-a) >= 0, which is equivalent to
66  // x * b >= y * a.
67  return static_cast<int64>(point.x()) * static_cast<int64>(vector.y()) >=
68      static_cast<int64>(point.y()) * static_cast<int64>(vector.x());
71// Created ash::DisplayLayout value for |rectangle| compared to the |reference|
72// rectangle.
73// The layout consists of two values:
74//   - position: Whether the rectangle is positioned left, right, over or under
75//     the reference.
76//   - offset: The rectangle's offset from the reference origin along the axis
77//     opposite the position direction (if the rectangle is left or right along
78//     y-axis, otherwise along x-axis).
79// The rectangle's position is calculated by dividing the space in areas defined
80// by the |reference|'s diagonals and finding the area |rectangle|'s center
81// point belongs. If the |rectangle| in the calculated layout does not share a
82// part of the bounds with the |reference|, the |rectangle| position in set to
83// the more suitable neighboring position (e.g. if |rectangle| is completely
84// over the |reference| top bound, it will be set to TOP) and the layout is
85// recalculated with the new position. This is to handle case where the
86// rectangle shares an edge with the reference, but it's center is not in the
87// same area as the reference's edge, e.g.
89// +---------------------+
90// |                     |
91// | REFERENCE           |
92// |                     |
93// |                     |
94// +---------------------+
95//                 +-------------------------------------------------+
96//                 | RECTANGLE               x                       |
97//                 +-------------------------------------------------+
99// The rectangle shares an egde with the reference's bottom edge, but it's
100// center point is in the left area.
101ash::DisplayLayout GetLayoutForRectangles(const gfx::Rect& reference,
102                                          const gfx::Rect& rectangle) {
103  // Translate coordinate system so origin is in the reference's top left point
104  // (so the reference's down-diagonal vector starts in the (0, 0)) and scale it
105  // up by two (to avoid division when calculating the rectangle's center
106  // point).
107  gfx::Point center(2 * (rectangle.x() - reference.x()) + rectangle.width(),
108                    2 * (rectangle.y() - reference.y()) + rectangle.height());
109  gfx::Point down_diag(2 * reference.width(), 2 * reference.height());
111  bool is_top_right = PointIsOverRadiusVector(center, down_diag);
113  // Translate the coordinating system again, so the bottom right point of the
114  // reference is origin (so the references up-diagonal starts at (0, 0)).
115  // Note that the coordinate system is scaled by 2.
116  center.Offset(0, -2 * reference.height());
117  // Choose the vector orientation so the points on the diagonal are considered
118  // to be left.
119  gfx::Point up_diag(-2 * reference.width(), 2 * reference.height());
121  bool is_bottom_right = PointIsOverRadiusVector(center, up_diag);
123  ash::DisplayLayout::Position position;
124  if (is_top_right) {
125    position = is_bottom_right ? ash::DisplayLayout::RIGHT :
126                                 ash::DisplayLayout::TOP;
127  } else {
128    position =
129        is_bottom_right ? ash::DisplayLayout::BOTTOM : ash::DisplayLayout::LEFT;
130  }
132  // If the rectangle with the calculated position would not have common side
133  // with the reference, try to position it so it shares another edge with the
134  // reference.
135  if (is_top_right == is_bottom_right) {
136    if (rectangle.y() > reference.y() + reference.height()) {
137      // The rectangle is left or right, but completely under the reference.
138      position = ash::DisplayLayout::BOTTOM;
139    } else if (rectangle.y() + rectangle.height() < reference.y()) {
140      // The rectangle is left or right, but completely over the reference.
141      position = ash::DisplayLayout::TOP;
142    }
143  } else {
144    if (rectangle.x() > reference.x() + reference.width()) {
145      // The rectangle is over or under, but completely right of the reference.
146      position = ash::DisplayLayout::RIGHT;
147    } else if (rectangle.x() + rectangle.width() < reference.x()) {
148      // The rectangle is over or under, but completely left of the reference.
149      position = ash::DisplayLayout::LEFT;
150    }
151  }
153  if (position == ash::DisplayLayout::LEFT ||
154      position == ash::DisplayLayout::RIGHT) {
155    return ash::DisplayLayout::FromInts(position, rectangle.y());
156  } else {
157    return ash::DisplayLayout::FromInts(position, rectangle.x());
158  }
161// Updates the display layout for the target display in reference to the primary
162// display.
163void UpdateDisplayLayout(const gfx::Rect& primary_display_bounds,
164                         int primary_display_id,
165                         const gfx::Rect& target_display_bounds,
166                         int target_display_id) {
167  ash::DisplayLayout layout = GetLayoutForRectangles(primary_display_bounds,
168                                                     target_display_bounds);
169  ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager()->
170      SetLayoutForCurrentDisplays(layout);
173// Validates that parameters passed to the SetInfo function are valid for the
174// desired display and the current display manager state.
175// Returns whether the parameters are valid. On failure |error| is set to the
176// error message.
177bool ValidateParamsForDisplay(const DisplayProperties& info,
178                              const gfx::Display& display,
179                              DisplayManager* display_manager,
180                              int64 primary_display_id,
181                              std::string* error) {
182  bool is_primary = display.id() == primary_display_id ||
183                    (info.is_primary && *info.is_primary);
185  // If mirroring source id is set, a display with the given id should exist,
186  // and if should not be the same as the target display's id.
187  if (info.mirroring_source_id && !info.mirroring_source_id->empty()) {
188    int64 mirroring_id;
189    if (!base::StringToInt64(*info.mirroring_source_id, &mirroring_id) ||
190        display_manager->GetDisplayForId(mirroring_id).id() ==
191            gfx::Display::kInvalidDisplayID) {
192      *error = "Display " + *info.mirroring_source_id + " not found.";
193      return false;
194    }
196    if (*info.mirroring_source_id == base::Int64ToString(display.id())) {
197      *error = "Not allowed to mirror self.";
198      return false;
199    }
200  }
202  // If mirroring source parameter is specified, no other parameter should be
203  // set as when the mirroring is applied the display list could change.
204  if (info.mirroring_source_id && (info.is_primary || info.bounds_origin_x ||
205      info.bounds_origin_y || info.rotation || info.overscan)) {
206    *error = "No other parameter should be set alongside mirroringSourceId.";
207    return false;
208  }
210  // The bounds cannot be changed for the primary display and should be inside
211  // a reasonable bounds. Note that the display is considered primary if the
212  // info has 'isPrimary' parameter set, as this will be applied before bounds
213  // origin changes.
214  if (info.bounds_origin_x || info.bounds_origin_y) {
215    if (is_primary) {
216      *error = "Bounds origin not allowed for the primary display.";
217      return false;
218    }
219    if (info.bounds_origin_x &&
220        (*info.bounds_origin_x > kMaxBoundsOrigin ||
221         *info.bounds_origin_x < -kMaxBoundsOrigin)) {
222      *error = "Bounds origin x out of bounds.";
223      return false;
224    }
225    if (info.bounds_origin_y &&
226        (*info.bounds_origin_y > kMaxBoundsOrigin ||
227         *info.bounds_origin_y < -kMaxBoundsOrigin)) {
228      *error = "Bounds origin y out of bounds.";
229      return false;
230    }
231  }
233  // Verify the rotation value is valid.
234  if (info.rotation && !IsValidRotationValue(*info.rotation)) {
235    *error = "Invalid rotation.";
236    return false;
237  }
239  // Overscan cannot be changed for the internal display, and should be at most
240  // half of the screen size.
241  if (info.overscan) {
242    if (display.IsInternal()) {
243      *error = "Overscan changes not allowed for the internal monitor.";
244      return false;
245    }
247    if (info.overscan->left < 0 || info.overscan->top < 0 ||
248        info.overscan->right < 0 || info.overscan->bottom < 0) {
249      *error = "Negative overscan not allowed.";
250      return false;
251    }
253    const gfx::Insets overscan =
254        display_manager->GetOverscanInsets(display.id());
255    int screen_width = display.bounds().width() + overscan.width();
256    int screen_height = display.bounds().height() + overscan.height();
258    if ((info.overscan->left + info.overscan->right) * 2 > screen_width) {
259      *error = "Horizontal overscan is more than half of the screen width.";
260      return false;
261    }
263    if ((info.overscan->top + info.overscan->bottom) * 2 > screen_height) {
264      *error = "Vertical overscan is more than half of the screen height.";
265      return false;
266    }
267  }
268  return true;
271// Gets the display with the provided string id.
272gfx::Display GetTargetDisplay(const std::string& display_id_str,
273                              DisplayManager* manager) {
274  int64 display_id;
275  if (!base::StringToInt64(display_id_str, &display_id)) {
276    // This should return invalid display.
277    return gfx::Display();
278  }
279  return manager->GetDisplayForId(display_id);
282// Updates the display with |display_id_str| id according to |info|. Returns
283// whether the display was successfully updated. On failure, no display
284// parameters should be changed, and |error| should be set to the error string.
285bool SetInfoImpl(const std::string& display_id_str,
286                 const DisplayProperties& info,
287                 std::string* error) {
288  DisplayManager* display_manager =
289      ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager();
290  DCHECK(display_manager);
291  ash::DisplayController* display_controller =
292      ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_controller();
293  DCHECK(display_controller);
295  const gfx::Display target = GetTargetDisplay(display_id_str, display_manager);
297  if (target.id() == gfx::Display::kInvalidDisplayID) {
298    *error = "Display not found.";
299    return false;
300  }
302  int64 display_id = target.id();
303  // TODO(scottmg): Native is wrong http://crbug.com/133312
304  const gfx::Display& primary =
305      gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen()->GetPrimaryDisplay();
307  if (!ValidateParamsForDisplay(info, target, display_manager, primary.id(),
308                                error)) {
309    return false;
310  }
312  // Process 'isPrimary' parameter.
313  if (info.is_primary && *info.is_primary && target.id() != primary.id())
314    display_controller->SetPrimaryDisplayId(display_id);
316  // Process 'mirroringSourceId' parameter.
317  if (info.mirroring_source_id &&
318      info.mirroring_source_id->empty() == display_manager->IsMirrored()) {
319    display_controller->ToggleMirrorMode();
320  }
322  // Process 'overscan' parameter.
323  if (info.overscan) {
324    display_manager->SetOverscanInsets(
325        display_id,
326        gfx::Insets(info.overscan->top, info.overscan->left,
327                    info.overscan->bottom, info.overscan->right));
328  }
330  // Process 'rotation' parameter.
331  if (info.rotation) {
332    display_manager->SetDisplayRotation(display_id,
333                                        DegreesToRotation(*info.rotation));
334  }
336  // Process new display origin parameters.
337  gfx::Point new_bounds_origin = target.bounds().origin();
338  if (info.bounds_origin_x)
339    new_bounds_origin.set_x(*info.bounds_origin_x);
340  if (info.bounds_origin_y)
341    new_bounds_origin.set_y(*info.bounds_origin_y);
343  if (new_bounds_origin != target.bounds().origin()) {
344    gfx::Rect target_bounds = target.bounds();
345    target_bounds.Offset(new_bounds_origin.x() - target.bounds().x(),
346                         new_bounds_origin.y() - target.bounds().y());
347    UpdateDisplayLayout(primary.bounds(), primary.id(),
348                        target_bounds, target.id());
349  }
351  return true;
354}  // namespace
356bool DisplayInfoProvider::SetInfo(const std::string& display_id,
357                                  const DisplayProperties& info,
358                                  std::string* error) {
359  return SetInfoImpl(display_id, info, error);
362void DisplayInfoProvider::UpdateDisplayUnitInfoForPlatform(
363    const gfx::Display& display,
364    extensions::api::system_display::DisplayUnitInfo* unit) {
366  ash::DisplayManager* display_manager =
367      ash::Shell::GetInstance()->display_manager();
368  unit->name = display_manager->GetDisplayNameForId(display.id());
369  if (display_manager->IsMirrored()) {
370    unit->mirroring_source_id =
371        base::Int64ToString(display_manager->mirrored_display_id());
372  }
374  const float dpi = display.device_scale_factor() * kDpi96;
375  unit->dpi_x = dpi;
376  unit->dpi_y = dpi;
378  const gfx::Insets overscan_insets =
379      display_manager->GetOverscanInsets(display.id());
380  unit->overscan.left = overscan_insets.left();
381  unit->overscan.top = overscan_insets.top();
382  unit->overscan.right = overscan_insets.right();
383  unit->overscan.bottom = overscan_insets.bottom();
386}  // namespace extensions