1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6 * A TimelineGraphView displays a timeline graph on a canvas element.
7 */
8var TimelineGraphView = (function() {
9  'use strict';
10  // We inherit from TopMidBottomView.
11  var superClass = TopMidBottomView;
13  // Default starting scale factor, in terms of milliseconds per pixel.
14  var DEFAULT_SCALE = 1000;
16  // Maximum number of labels placed vertically along the sides of the graph.
19  // Vertical spacing between labels and between the graph and labels.
21  // Horizontal spacing between vertically placed labels and the edges of the
22  // graph.
24  // Horizintal spacing between two horitonally placed labels along the bottom
25  // of the graph.
28  // Length of ticks, in pixels, next to y-axis labels.  The x-axis only has
29  // one set of labels, so it can use lines instead.
30  var Y_AXIS_TICK_LENGTH = 10;
32  // The number of units mouse wheel deltas increase for each tick of the
33  // wheel.
36  // Amount we zoom for one vertical tick of the mouse wheel, as a ratio.
37  var MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_RATE = 1.25;
38  // Amount we scroll for one horizontal tick of the mouse wheel, in pixels.
40  // Number of pixels to scroll per pixel the mouse is dragged.
43  var GRID_COLOR = '#CCC';
44  var TEXT_COLOR = '#000';
47  // Which side of the canvas y-axis labels should go on, for a given Graph.
48  // TODO(mmenke):  Figure out a reasonable way to handle more than 2 sets
49  //                of labels.
50  var LabelAlign = {
51    LEFT: 0,
52    RIGHT: 1
53  };
55  /**
56   * @constructor
57   */
58  function TimelineGraphView(divId, canvasId, scrollbarId, scrollbarInnerId) {
59    this.scrollbar_ = new HorizontalScrollbarView(scrollbarId,
60                                                  scrollbarInnerId,
61                                                  this.onScroll_.bind(this));
62    // Call superclass's constructor.
63    superClass.call(this, null, new DivView(divId), this.scrollbar_);
65    this.graphDiv_ = $(divId);
66    this.canvas_ = $(canvasId);
67    this.canvas_.onmousewheel = this.onMouseWheel_.bind(this);
68    this.canvas_.onmousedown = this.onMouseDown_.bind(this);
69    this.canvas_.onmousemove = this.onMouseMove_.bind(this);
70    this.canvas_.onmouseup = this.onMouseUp_.bind(this);
71    this.canvas_.onmouseout = this.onMouseUp_.bind(this);
73    // Used for click and drag scrolling of graph.  Drag-zooming not supported,
74    // for a more stable scrolling experience.
75    this.isDragging_ = false;
76    this.dragX_ = 0;
78    // Set the range and scale of the graph.  Times are in milliseconds since
79    // the Unix epoch.
81    // All measurements we have must be after this time.
82    this.startTime_ = 0;
83    // The current rightmost position of the graph is always at most this.
84    // We may have some later events.  When actively capturing new events, it's
85    // updated on a timer.
86    this.endTime_ = 1;
88    // Current scale, in terms of milliseconds per pixel.  Each column of
89    // pixels represents a point in time |scale_| milliseconds after the
90    // previous one.  We only display times that are of the form
91    // |startTime_| + K * |scale_| to avoid jittering, and the rightmost
92    // pixel that we can display has a time <= |endTime_|.  Non-integer values
93    // are allowed.
94    this.scale_ = DEFAULT_SCALE;
96    this.graphs_ = [];
98    // Initialize the scrollbar.
99    this.updateScrollbarRange_(true);
100  }
102  // Smallest allowed scaling factor.
103  TimelineGraphView.MIN_SCALE = 5;
105  TimelineGraphView.prototype = {
106    // Inherit the superclass's methods.
107    __proto__: superClass.prototype,
109    setGeometry: function(left, top, width, height) {
110      superClass.prototype.setGeometry.call(this, left, top, width, height);
112      // The size of the canvas can only be set by using its |width| and
113      // |height| properties, which do not take padding into account, so we
114      // need to use them ourselves.
115      var style = getComputedStyle(this.canvas_);
116      var horizontalPadding = parseInt(style.paddingRight) +
117                                  parseInt(style.paddingLeft);
118      var verticalPadding = parseInt(style.paddingTop) +
119                                parseInt(style.paddingBottom);
120      var canvasWidth =
121          parseInt(this.graphDiv_.style.width) - horizontalPadding;
122      // For unknown reasons, there's an extra 3 pixels border between the
123      // bottom of the canvas and the bottom margin of the enclosing div.
124      var canvasHeight =
125          parseInt(this.graphDiv_.style.height) - verticalPadding - 3;
127      // Protect against degenerates.
128      if (canvasWidth < 10)
129        canvasWidth = 10;
130      if (canvasHeight < 10)
131        canvasHeight = 10;
133      this.canvas_.width = canvasWidth;
134      this.canvas_.height = canvasHeight;
136      // Use the same font style for the canvas as we use elsewhere.
137      // Has to be updated every resize.
138      this.canvas_.getContext('2d').font = getComputedStyle(this.canvas_).font;
140      this.updateScrollbarRange_(this.graphScrolledToRightEdge_());
141      this.repaint();
142    },
144    show: function(isVisible) {
145      superClass.prototype.show.call(this, isVisible);
146      if (isVisible)
147        this.repaint();
148    },
150    // Returns the total length of the graph, in pixels.
151    getLength_: function() {
152      var timeRange = this.endTime_ - this.startTime_;
153      // Math.floor is used to ignore the last partial area, of length less
154      // than |scale_|.
155      return Math.floor(timeRange / this.scale_);
156    },
158    /**
159     * Returns true if the graph is scrolled all the way to the right.
160     */
161    graphScrolledToRightEdge_: function() {
162      return this.scrollbar_.getPosition() == this.scrollbar_.getRange();
163    },
165    /**
166     * Update the range of the scrollbar.  If |resetPosition| is true, also
167     * sets the slider to point at the rightmost position and triggers a
168     * repaint.
169     */
170    updateScrollbarRange_: function(resetPosition) {
171      var scrollbarRange = this.getLength_() - this.canvas_.width;
172      if (scrollbarRange < 0)
173        scrollbarRange = 0;
175      // If we've decreased the range to less than the current scroll position,
176      // we need to move the scroll position.
177      if (this.scrollbar_.getPosition() > scrollbarRange)
178        resetPosition = true;
180      this.scrollbar_.setRange(scrollbarRange);
181      if (resetPosition) {
182        this.scrollbar_.setPosition(scrollbarRange);
183        this.repaint();
184      }
185    },
187    /**
188     * Sets the date range displayed on the graph, switches to the default
189     * scale factor, and moves the scrollbar all the way to the right.
190     */
191    setDateRange: function(startDate, endDate) {
192      this.startTime_ = startDate.getTime();
193      this.endTime_ = endDate.getTime();
195      // Safety check.
196      if (this.endTime_ <= this.startTime_)
197        this.startTime_ = this.endTime_ - 1;
199      this.scale_ = DEFAULT_SCALE;
200      this.updateScrollbarRange_(true);
201    },
203    /**
204     * Updates the end time at the right of the graph to be the current time.
205     * Specifically, updates the scrollbar's range, and if the scrollbar is
206     * all the way to the right, keeps it all the way to the right.  Otherwise,
207     * leaves the view as-is and doesn't redraw anything.
208     */
209    updateEndDate: function() {
210      this.endTime_ = timeutil.getCurrentTime();
211      this.updateScrollbarRange_(this.graphScrolledToRightEdge_());
212    },
214    getStartDate: function() {
215      return new Date(this.startTime_);
216    },
218    /**
219     * Scrolls the graph horizontally by the specified amount.
220     */
221    horizontalScroll_: function(delta) {
222      var newPosition = this.scrollbar_.getPosition() + Math.round(delta);
223      // Make sure the new position is in the right range.
224      if (newPosition < 0) {
225        newPosition = 0;
226      } else if (newPosition > this.scrollbar_.getRange()) {
227        newPosition = this.scrollbar_.getRange();
228      }
230      if (this.scrollbar_.getPosition() == newPosition)
231        return;
232      this.scrollbar_.setPosition(newPosition);
233      this.onScroll_();
234    },
236    /**
237     * Zooms the graph by the specified amount.
238     */
239    zoom_: function(ratio) {
240      var oldScale = this.scale_;
241      this.scale_ *= ratio;
242      if (this.scale_ < TimelineGraphView.MIN_SCALE)
243        this.scale_ = TimelineGraphView.MIN_SCALE;
245      if (this.scale_ == oldScale)
246        return;
248      // If we were at the end of the range before, remain at the end of the
249      // range.
250      if (this.graphScrolledToRightEdge_()) {
251        this.updateScrollbarRange_(true);
252        return;
253      }
255      // Otherwise, do our best to maintain the old position.  We use the
256      // position at the far right of the graph for consistency.
257      var oldMaxTime =
258          oldScale * (this.scrollbar_.getPosition() + this.canvas_.width);
259      var newMaxTime = Math.round(oldMaxTime / this.scale_);
260      var newPosition = newMaxTime - this.canvas_.width;
262      // Update range and scroll position.
263      this.updateScrollbarRange_(false);
264      this.horizontalScroll_(newPosition - this.scrollbar_.getPosition());
265    },
267    onMouseWheel_: function(event) {
268      event.preventDefault();
269      this.horizontalScroll_(
271              -event.wheelDeltaX / MOUSE_WHEEL_UNITS_PER_CLICK);
272      this.zoom_(Math.pow(MOUSE_WHEEL_ZOOM_RATE,
273                 -event.wheelDeltaY / MOUSE_WHEEL_UNITS_PER_CLICK));
274    },
276    onMouseDown_: function(event) {
277      event.preventDefault();
278      this.isDragging_ = true;
279      this.dragX_ = event.clientX;
280    },
282    onMouseMove_: function(event) {
283      if (!this.isDragging_)
284        return;
285      event.preventDefault();
286      this.horizontalScroll_(
287          MOUSE_WHEEL_DRAG_RATE * (event.clientX - this.dragX_));
288      this.dragX_ = event.clientX;
289    },
291    onMouseUp_: function(event) {
292      this.isDragging_ = false;
293    },
295    onScroll_: function() {
296      this.repaint();
297    },
299    /**
300     * Replaces the current TimelineDataSeries with |dataSeries|.
301     */
302    setDataSeries: function(dataSeries) {
303      // Simplest just to recreate the Graphs.
304      this.graphs_ = [];
305      this.graphs_[TimelineDataType.BYTES_PER_SECOND] =
306          new Graph(TimelineDataType.BYTES_PER_SECOND, LabelAlign.RIGHT);
307      this.graphs_[TimelineDataType.SOURCE_COUNT] =
308          new Graph(TimelineDataType.SOURCE_COUNT, LabelAlign.LEFT);
309      for (var i = 0; i < dataSeries.length; ++i)
310        this.graphs_[dataSeries[i].getDataType()].addDataSeries(dataSeries[i]);
312      this.repaint();
313    },
315    /**
316     * Draws the graph on |canvas_|.
317     */
318    repaint: function() {
319      this.repaintTimerRunning_ = false;
320      if (!this.isVisible())
321        return;
323      var width = this.canvas_.width;
324      var height = this.canvas_.height;
325      var context = this.canvas_.getContext('2d');
327      // Clear the canvas.
328      context.fillStyle = BACKGROUND_COLOR;
329      context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
331      // Try to get font height in pixels.  Needed for layout.
332      var fontHeightString = context.font.match(/([0-9]+)px/)[1];
333      var fontHeight = parseInt(fontHeightString);
335      // Safety check, to avoid drawing anything too ugly.
336      if (fontHeightString.length == 0 || fontHeight <= 0 ||
337          fontHeight * 4 > height || width < 50) {
338        return;
339      }
341      // Save current transformation matrix so we can restore it later.
342      context.save();
344      // The center of an HTML canvas pixel is technically at (0.5, 0.5).  This
345      // makes near straight lines look bad, due to anti-aliasing.  This
346      // translation reduces the problem a little.
347      context.translate(0.5, 0.5);
349      // Figure out what time values to display.
350      var position = this.scrollbar_.getPosition();
351      // If the entire time range is being displayed, align the right edge of
352      // the graph to the end of the time range.
353      if (this.scrollbar_.getRange() == 0)
354        position = this.getLength_() - this.canvas_.width;
355      var visibleStartTime = this.startTime_ + position * this.scale_;
357      // Make space at the bottom of the graph for the time labels, and then
358      // draw the labels.
359      var textHeight = height;
360      height -= fontHeight + LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING;
361      this.drawTimeLabels(context, width, height, textHeight, visibleStartTime);
363      // Draw outline of the main graph area.
364      context.strokeStyle = GRID_COLOR;
365      context.strokeRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1);
367      // Layout graphs and have them draw their tick marks.
368      for (var i = 0; i < this.graphs_.length; ++i) {
369        this.graphs_[i].layout(width, height, fontHeight, visibleStartTime,
370                               this.scale_);
371        this.graphs_[i].drawTicks(context);
372      }
374      // Draw the lines of all graphs, and then draw their labels.
375      for (var i = 0; i < this.graphs_.length; ++i)
376        this.graphs_[i].drawLines(context);
377      for (var i = 0; i < this.graphs_.length; ++i)
378        this.graphs_[i].drawLabels(context);
380      // Restore original transformation matrix.
381      context.restore();
382    },
384    /**
385     * Draw time labels below the graph.  Takes in start time as an argument
386     * since it may not be |startTime_|, when we're displaying the entire
387     * time range.
388     */
389    drawTimeLabels: function(context, width, height, textHeight, startTime) {
390      // Text for a time string to use in determining how far apart
391      // to place text labels.
392      var sampleText = (new Date(startTime)).toLocaleTimeString();
394      // The desired spacing for text labels.
395      var targetSpacing = context.measureText(sampleText).width +
396                              LABEL_LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING;
398      // The allowed time step values between adjacent labels.  Anything much
399      // over a couple minutes isn't terribly realistic, given how much memory
400      // we use, and how slow a lot of the net-internals code is.
401      var timeStepValues = [
402        1000,  // 1 second
403        1000 * 5,
404        1000 * 30,
405        1000 * 60,  // 1 minute
406        1000 * 60 * 5,
407        1000 * 60 * 30,
408        1000 * 60 * 60,  // 1 hour
409        1000 * 60 * 60 * 5
410      ];
412      // Find smallest time step value that gives us at least |targetSpacing|,
413      // if any.
414      var timeStep = null;
415      for (var i = 0; i < timeStepValues.length; ++i) {
416        if (timeStepValues[i] / this.scale_ >= targetSpacing) {
417          timeStep = timeStepValues[i];
418          break;
419        }
420      }
422      // If no such value, give up.
423      if (!timeStep)
424        return;
426      // Find the time for the first label.  This time is a perfect multiple of
427      // timeStep because of how UTC times work.
428      var time = Math.ceil(startTime / timeStep) * timeStep;
430      context.textBaseline = 'bottom';
431      context.textAlign = 'center';
432      context.fillStyle = TEXT_COLOR;
433      context.strokeStyle = GRID_COLOR;
435      // Draw labels and vertical grid lines.
436      while (true) {
437        var x = Math.round((time - startTime) / this.scale_);
438        if (x >= width)
439          break;
440        var text = (new Date(time)).toLocaleTimeString();
441        context.fillText(text, x, textHeight);
442        context.beginPath();
443        context.lineTo(x, 0);
444        context.lineTo(x, height);
445        context.stroke();
446        time += timeStep;
447      }
448    }
449  };
451  /**
452   * A Graph is responsible for drawing all the TimelineDataSeries that have
453   * the same data type.  Graphs are responsible for scaling the values, laying
454   * out labels, and drawing both labels and lines for its data series.
455   */
456  var Graph = (function() {
457    /**
458     * |dataType| is the DataType that will be shared by all its DataSeries.
459     * |labelAlign| is the LabelAlign value indicating whether the labels
460     * should be aligned to the right of left of the graph.
461     * @constructor
462     */
463    function Graph(dataType, labelAlign) {
464      this.dataType_ = dataType;
465      this.dataSeries_ = [];
466      this.labelAlign_ = labelAlign;
468      // Cached properties of the graph, set in layout.
469      this.width_ = 0;
470      this.height_ = 0;
471      this.fontHeight_ = 0;
472      this.startTime_ = 0;
473      this.scale_ = 0;
475      // At least the highest value in the displayed range of the graph.
476      // Used for scaling and setting labels.  Set in layoutLabels.
477      this.max_ = 0;
479      // Cached text of equally spaced labels.  Set in layoutLabels.
480      this.labels_ = [];
481    }
483    /**
484     * A Label is the label at a particular position along the y-axis.
485     * @constructor
486     */
487    function Label(height, text) {
488      this.height = height;
489      this.text = text;
490    }
492    Graph.prototype = {
493      addDataSeries: function(dataSeries) {
494        this.dataSeries_.push(dataSeries);
495      },
497      /**
498       * Returns a list of all the values that should be displayed for a given
499       * data series, using the current graph layout.
500       */
501      getValues: function(dataSeries) {
502        if (!dataSeries.isVisible())
503          return null;
504        return dataSeries.getValues(this.startTime_, this.scale_, this.width_);
505      },
507      /**
508       * Updates the graph's layout.  In particular, both the max value and
509       * label positions are updated.  Must be called before calling any of the
510       * drawing functions.
511       */
512      layout: function(width, height, fontHeight, startTime, scale) {
513        this.width_ = width;
514        this.height_ = height;
515        this.fontHeight_ = fontHeight;
516        this.startTime_ = startTime;
517        this.scale_ = scale;
519        // Find largest value.
520        var max = 0;
521        for (var i = 0; i < this.dataSeries_.length; ++i) {
522          var values = this.getValues(this.dataSeries_[i]);
523          if (!values)
524            continue;
525          for (var j = 0; j < values.length; ++j) {
526            if (values[j] > max)
527              max = values[j];
528          }
529        }
531        this.layoutLabels_(max);
532      },
534      /**
535       * Lays out labels and sets |max_|, taking the time units into
536       * consideration.  |maxValue| is the actual maximum value, and
537       * |max_| will be set to the value of the largest label, which
538       * will be at least |maxValue|.
539       */
540      layoutLabels_: function(maxValue) {
541        if (this.dataType_ != TimelineDataType.BYTES_PER_SECOND) {
542          this.layoutLabelsBasic_(maxValue, 0);
543          return;
544        }
546        // Special handling for data rates.
548        // Find appropriate units to use.
549        var units = ['B/s', 'kB/s', 'MB/s', 'GB/s', 'TB/s', 'PB/s'];
550        // Units to use for labels.  0 is bytes, 1 is kilobytes, etc.
551        // We start with kilobytes, and work our way up.
552        var unit = 1;
553        // Update |maxValue| to be in the right units.
554        maxValue = maxValue / 1024;
555        while (units[unit + 1] && maxValue >= 999) {
556          maxValue /= 1024;
557          ++unit;
558        }
560        // Calculate labels.
561        this.layoutLabelsBasic_(maxValue, 1);
563        // Append units to labels.
564        for (var i = 0; i < this.labels_.length; ++i)
565          this.labels_[i] += ' ' + units[unit];
567        // Convert |max_| back to bytes, so it can be used when scaling values
568        // for display.
569        this.max_ *= Math.pow(1024, unit);
570      },
572      /**
573       * Same as layoutLabels_, but ignores units.  |maxDecimalDigits| is the
574       * maximum number of decimal digits allowed.  The minimum allowed
575       * difference between two adjacent labels is 10^-|maxDecimalDigits|.
576       */
577      layoutLabelsBasic_: function(maxValue, maxDecimalDigits) {
578        this.labels_ = [];
579        // No labels if |maxValue| is 0.
580        if (maxValue == 0) {
581          this.max_ = maxValue;
582          return;
583        }
585        // The maximum number of equally spaced labels allowed.  |fontHeight_|
586        // is doubled because the top two labels are both drawn in the same
587        // gap.
588        var minLabelSpacing = 2 * this.fontHeight_ + LABEL_VERTICAL_SPACING;
590        // The + 1 is for the top label.
591        var maxLabels = 1 + this.height_ / minLabelSpacing;
592        if (maxLabels < 2) {
593          maxLabels = 2;
594        } else if (maxLabels > MAX_VERTICAL_LABELS) {
595          maxLabels = MAX_VERTICAL_LABELS;
596        }
598        // Initial try for step size between conecutive labels.
599        var stepSize = Math.pow(10, -maxDecimalDigits);
600        // Number of digits to the right of the decimal of |stepSize|.
601        // Used for formating label strings.
602        var stepSizeDecimalDigits = maxDecimalDigits;
604        // Pick a reasonable step size.
605        while (true) {
606          // If we use a step size of |stepSize| between labels, we'll need:
607          //
608          // Math.ceil(maxValue / stepSize) + 1
609          //
610          // labels.  The + 1 is because we need labels at both at 0 and at
611          // the top of the graph.
613          // Check if we can use steps of size |stepSize|.
614          if (Math.ceil(maxValue / stepSize) + 1 <= maxLabels)
615            break;
616          // Check |stepSize| * 2.
617          if (Math.ceil(maxValue / (stepSize * 2)) + 1 <= maxLabels) {
618            stepSize *= 2;
619            break;
620          }
621          // Check |stepSize| * 5.
622          if (Math.ceil(maxValue / (stepSize * 5)) + 1 <= maxLabels) {
623            stepSize *= 5;
624            break;
625          }
626          stepSize *= 10;
627          if (stepSizeDecimalDigits > 0)
628            --stepSizeDecimalDigits;
629        }
631        // Set the max so it's an exact multiple of the chosen step size.
632        this.max_ = Math.ceil(maxValue / stepSize) * stepSize;
634        // Create labels.
635        for (var label = this.max_; label >= 0; label -= stepSize)
636          this.labels_.push(label.toFixed(stepSizeDecimalDigits));
637      },
639      /**
640       * Draws tick marks for each of the labels in |labels_|.
641       */
642      drawTicks: function(context) {
643        var x1;
644        var x2;
645        if (this.labelAlign_ == LabelAlign.RIGHT) {
646          x1 = this.width_ - 1;
647          x2 = this.width_ - 1 - Y_AXIS_TICK_LENGTH;
648        } else {
649          x1 = 0;
650          x2 = Y_AXIS_TICK_LENGTH;
651        }
653        context.fillStyle = GRID_COLOR;
654        context.beginPath();
655        for (var i = 1; i < this.labels_.length - 1; ++i) {
656          // The rounding is needed to avoid ugly 2-pixel wide anti-aliased
657          // lines.
658          var y = Math.round(this.height_ * i / (this.labels_.length - 1));
659          context.moveTo(x1, y);
660          context.lineTo(x2, y);
661        }
662        context.stroke();
663      },
665      /**
666       * Draws a graph line for each of the data series.
667       */
668      drawLines: function(context) {
669        // Factor by which to scale all values to convert them to a number from
670        // 0 to height - 1.
671        var scale = 0;
672        var bottom = this.height_ - 1;
673        if (this.max_)
674          scale = bottom / this.max_;
676        // Draw in reverse order, so earlier data series are drawn on top of
677        // subsequent ones.
678        for (var i = this.dataSeries_.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
679          var values = this.getValues(this.dataSeries_[i]);
680          if (!values)
681            continue;
682          context.strokeStyle = this.dataSeries_[i].getColor();
683          context.beginPath();
684          for (var x = 0; x < values.length; ++x) {
685            // The rounding is needed to avoid ugly 2-pixel wide anti-aliased
686            // horizontal lines.
687            context.lineTo(x, bottom - Math.round(values[x] * scale));
688          }
689          context.stroke();
690        }
691      },
693      /**
694       * Draw labels in |labels_|.
695       */
696      drawLabels: function(context) {
697        if (this.labels_.length == 0)
698          return;
699        var x;
700        if (this.labelAlign_ == LabelAlign.RIGHT) {
701          x = this.width_ - LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING;
702        } else {
703          // Find the width of the widest label.
704          var maxTextWidth = 0;
705          for (var i = 0; i < this.labels_.length; ++i) {
706            var textWidth = context.measureText(this.labels_[i]).width;
707            if (maxTextWidth < textWidth)
708              maxTextWidth = textWidth;
709          }
710          x = maxTextWidth + LABEL_HORIZONTAL_SPACING;
711        }
713        // Set up the context.
714        context.fillStyle = TEXT_COLOR;
715        context.textAlign = 'right';
717        // Draw top label, which is the only one that appears below its tick
718        // mark.
719        context.textBaseline = 'top';
720        context.fillText(this.labels_[0], x, 0);
722        // Draw all the other labels.
723        context.textBaseline = 'bottom';
724        var step = (this.height_ - 1) / (this.labels_.length - 1);
725        for (var i = 1; i < this.labels_.length; ++i)
726          context.fillText(this.labels_[i], x, step * i);
727      }
728    };
730    return Graph;
731  })();
733  return TimelineGraphView;