1// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5var TopMidBottomView = (function() {
6  'use strict';
8  // We inherit from View.
9  var superClass = View;
11  /**
12   * This view stacks three boxes -- one at the top, one at the bottom, and
13   * one that fills the remaining space between those two.  Either the top
14   * or the bottom bar may be null.
15   *
16   *  +----------------------+
17   *  |      topbar          |
18   *  +----------------------+
19   *  |                      |
20   *  |                      |
21   *  |                      |
22   *  |                      |
23   *  |      middlebox       |
24   *  |                      |
25   *  |                      |
26   *  |                      |
27   *  |                      |
28   *  |                      |
29   *  +----------------------+
30   *  |     bottombar        |
31   *  +----------------------+
32   *
33   *  @constructor
34   */
35  function TopMidBottomView(topView, midView, bottomView) {
36    superClass.call(this);
38    this.topView_ = topView;
39    this.midView_ = midView;
40    this.bottomView_ = bottomView;
41  }
43  TopMidBottomView.prototype = {
44    // Inherit the superclass's methods.
45    __proto__: superClass.prototype,
47    setGeometry: function(left, top, width, height) {
48      superClass.prototype.setGeometry.call(this, left, top, width, height);
50      // Calculate the vertical split points.
51      var topbarHeight = 0;
52      if (this.topView_)
53        topbarHeight = this.topView_.getHeight();
54      var bottombarHeight = 0;
55      if (this.bottomView_)
56        bottombarHeight = this.bottomView_.getHeight();
57      var middleboxHeight = height - (topbarHeight + bottombarHeight);
58      if (middleboxHeight < 0)
59        middleboxHeight = 0;
61      // Position the boxes using calculated split points.
62      if (this.topView_)
63        this.topView_.setGeometry(left, top, width, topbarHeight);
64      this.midView_.setGeometry(left, top + topbarHeight, width,
65                                middleboxHeight);
66      if (this.bottomView_) {
67        this.bottomView_.setGeometry(left, top + topbarHeight + middleboxHeight,
68                                     width, bottombarHeight);
69      }
70    },
72    show: function(isVisible) {
73      superClass.prototype.show.call(this, isVisible);
74      if (this.topView_)
75        this.topView_.show(isVisible);
76      this.midView_.show(isVisible);
77      if (this.bottomView_)
78        this.bottomView_.show(isVisible);
79    }
80  };
82  return TopMidBottomView;