1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <deque>
9#include <string>
11#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
12#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
14#include "base/process/process.h"
15#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
16#include "ipc/ipc_channel.h"
17#include "ipc/ipc_channel_reader.h"
19namespace IPC {
21// Contains the results from one call to imc_recvmsg (data and file
22// descriptors).
23struct MessageContents;
25// Similar to the ChannelPosix but for Native Client code.
26// This is somewhat different because sendmsg/recvmsg here do not follow POSIX
27// semantics. Instead, they are implemented by a custom embedding of
28// NaClDescCustom. See NaClIPCAdapter for the trusted-side implementation.
30// We don't need to worry about complicated set up and READWRITE mode for
31// sharing handles. We also currently do not support passing file descriptors or
32// named pipes, and we use background threads to emulate signaling when we can
33// read or write without blocking.
34class ChannelNacl : public Channel,
35                    public internal::ChannelReader {
36 public:
37  // Mirror methods of Channel, see ipc_channel.h for description.
38  ChannelNacl(const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle,
39              Mode mode,
40              Listener* listener);
41  virtual ~ChannelNacl();
43  // Channel implementation.
44  virtual base::ProcessId GetPeerPID() const OVERRIDE;
45  virtual bool Connect() OVERRIDE;
46  virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
47  virtual bool Send(Message* message) OVERRIDE;
49  // Posted to the main thread by ReaderThreadRunner.
50  void DidRecvMsg(scoped_ptr<MessageContents> contents);
51  void ReadDidFail();
53 private:
54  class ReaderThreadRunner;
56  bool CreatePipe(const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle);
57  bool ProcessOutgoingMessages();
58  void CallOnChannelConnected();
60  // ChannelReader implementation.
61  virtual ReadState ReadData(char* buffer,
62                             int buffer_len,
63                             int* bytes_read) OVERRIDE;
64  virtual bool WillDispatchInputMessage(Message* msg) OVERRIDE;
65  virtual bool DidEmptyInputBuffers() OVERRIDE;
66  virtual void HandleInternalMessage(const Message& msg) OVERRIDE;
68  Mode mode_;
69  bool waiting_connect_;
71  // The pipe used for communication.
72  int pipe_;
74  // The "name" of our pipe.  On Windows this is the global identifier for
75  // the pipe.  On POSIX it's used as a key in a local map of file descriptors.
76  // For NaCl, we don't actually support looking up file descriptors by name,
77  // and it's only used for debug information.
78  std::string pipe_name_;
80  // We use a thread for reading, so that we can simply block on reading and
81  // post the received data back to the main thread to be properly interleaved
82  // with other tasks in the MessagePump.
83  //
84  // imc_recvmsg supports non-blocking reads, but there's no easy way to be
85  // informed when a write or read can be done without blocking (this is handled
86  // by libevent in Posix).
87  scoped_ptr<ReaderThreadRunner> reader_thread_runner_;
88  scoped_ptr<base::DelegateSimpleThread> reader_thread_;
90  // IPC::ChannelReader expects to be able to call ReadData on us to
91  // synchronously read data waiting in the pipe's buffer without blocking.
92  // Since we can't do that (see 1 and 2 above), the reader thread does blocking
93  // reads and posts the data over to the main thread in MessageContents. Each
94  // MessageContents object is the result of one call to "imc_recvmsg".
95  // DidRecvMsg breaks the MessageContents out in to the data and the file
96  // descriptors, and puts them on these two queues.
97  // TODO(dmichael): There's probably a more efficient way to emulate this with
98  //                 a circular buffer or something, so we don't have to do so
99  //                 many heap allocations. But it maybe isn't worth
100  //                 the trouble given that we probably want to implement 1 and
101  //                 2 above in NaCl eventually.
102  // When ReadData is called, it pulls the bytes out of this queue in order.
103  std::deque<linked_ptr<std::vector<char> > > read_queue_;
104  // Queue of file descriptors extracted from imc_recvmsg messages.
105  // NOTE: The implementation assumes underlying storage here is contiguous, so
106  // don't change to something like std::deque<> without changing the
107  // implementation!
108  std::vector<int> input_fds_;
110  // This queue is used when a message is sent prior to Connect having been
111  // called. Normally after we're connected, the queue is empty.
112  std::deque<linked_ptr<Message> > output_queue_;
114  base::WeakPtrFactory<ChannelNacl> weak_ptr_factory_;
119}  // namespace IPC
121#endif  // IPC_IPC_CHANNEL_NACL_H_