revision 31ae380735dbf75a460df002a7fc2bcd81e28153
1"""fontTools.ttLib.tables.otTables -- A collection of classes representing the various
2OpenType subtables.
4Most are constructed upon import from data in, all are populated with
5converter objects from
8from otBase import BaseTable, FormatSwitchingBaseTable
9from types import TupleType
12class LookupOrder(BaseTable):
13	"""Dummy class; this table isn't defined, but is used, and is always NULL."""
16class FeatureParams(BaseTable):
17	"""Dummy class; this table isn't defined, but is used, and is always NULL."""
18	# XXX The above is no longer true; the 'size' feature uses FeatureParams now.
21class Coverage(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
23	# manual implementation to get rid of glyphID dependencies
25	def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
26		if self.Format == 1:
27			self.glyphs = rawTable["GlyphArray"]
28		elif self.Format == 2:
29			glyphs = self.glyphs = []
30			ranges = rawTable["RangeRecord"]
31			for r in ranges:
32				assert r.StartCoverageIndex == len(glyphs), \
33					(r.StartCoverageIndex, len(glyphs))
34				start = r.Start
35				end = r.End
36				startID = font.getGlyphID(start)
37				endID = font.getGlyphID(end)
38				glyphs.append(start)
39				for glyphID in range(startID + 1, endID):
40					glyphs.append(font.getGlyphName(glyphID))
41				if start != end:
42					glyphs.append(end)
43		else:
44			assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
46	def preWrite(self, font):
47		glyphs = getattr(self, "glyphs", None)
48		if glyphs is None:
49			glyphs = self.glyphs = []
50		format = 1
51		rawTable = {"GlyphArray": glyphs}
52		if glyphs:
53			# find out whether Format 2 is more compact or not
54			glyphIDs = []
55			for glyphName in glyphs:
56				glyphIDs.append(font.getGlyphID(glyphName))
58			last = glyphIDs[0]
59			ranges = [[last]]
60			for glyphID in glyphIDs[1:]:
61				if glyphID != last + 1:
62					ranges[-1].append(last)
63					ranges.append([glyphID])
64				last = glyphID
65			ranges[-1].append(last)
67			if len(ranges) * 3 < len(glyphs):  # 3 words vs. 1 word
68				# Format 2 is more compact
69				index = 0
70				for i in range(len(ranges)):
71					start, end = ranges[i]
72					r = RangeRecord()
73					r.Start = font.getGlyphName(start)
74					r.End = font.getGlyphName(end)
75					r.StartCoverageIndex = index
76					ranges[i] = r
77					index = index + end - start + 1
78				format = 2
79				rawTable = {"RangeRecord": ranges}
80			#else:
81			#	fallthrough; Format 1 is more compact
82		self.Format = format
83		return rawTable
85	def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
86		for glyphName in getattr(self, "glyphs", []):
87			xmlWriter.simpletag("Glyph", value=glyphName)
88			xmlWriter.newline()
90	def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), font):
91		glyphs = getattr(self, "glyphs", None)
92		if glyphs is None:
93			glyphs = []
94			self.glyphs = glyphs
95		glyphs.append(attrs["value"])
98class SingleSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
100	def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
101		mapping = {}
102		input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
103		if self.Format == 1:
104			delta = rawTable["DeltaGlyphID"]
105			for inGlyph in input:
106				glyphID = font.getGlyphID(inGlyph)
107				mapping[inGlyph] = font.getGlyphName(glyphID + delta)
108		elif self.Format == 2:
109			assert len(input) == rawTable["GlyphCount"], \
110					"invalid SingleSubstFormat2 table"
111			subst = rawTable["Substitute"]
112			for i in range(len(input)):
113				mapping[input[i]] = subst[i]
114		else:
115			assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
116		self.mapping = mapping
118	def preWrite(self, font):
119		mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
120		if mapping is None:
121			mapping = self.mapping = {}
122		items = mapping.items()
123		for i in range(len(items)):
124			inGlyph, outGlyph = items[i]
125			items[i] = font.getGlyphID(inGlyph), font.getGlyphID(outGlyph), \
126					inGlyph, outGlyph
127		items.sort()
129		format = 2
130		delta = None
131		for inID, outID, inGlyph, outGlyph in items:
132			if delta is None:
133				delta = outID - inID
134			else:
135				if delta != outID - inID:
136					break
137		else:
138			format = 1
140		rawTable = {}
141		self.Format = format
142		cov = Coverage()
143		cov.glyphs = input = []
144		subst = []
145		for inID, outID, inGlyph, outGlyph in items:
146			input.append(inGlyph)
147			subst.append(outGlyph)
148		rawTable["Coverage"] = cov
149		if format == 1:
150			assert delta is not None
151			rawTable["DeltaGlyphID"] = delta
152		else:
153			rawTable["Substitute"] = subst
154		return rawTable
156	def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
157		items = self.mapping.items()
158		items.sort()
159		for inGlyph, outGlyph in items:
160			xmlWriter.simpletag("Substitution",
161					[("in", inGlyph), ("out", outGlyph)])
162			xmlWriter.newline()
164	def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), font):
165		mapping = getattr(self, "mapping", None)
166		if mapping is None:
167			mapping = {}
168			self.mapping = mapping
169		mapping[attrs["in"]] = attrs["out"]
172class ClassDef(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
174	def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
175		classDefs = {}
176		if self.Format == 1:
177			start = rawTable["StartGlyph"]
178			glyphID = font.getGlyphID(start)
179			for cls in rawTable["ClassValueArray"]:
180				classDefs[font.getGlyphName(glyphID)] = cls
181				glyphID = glyphID + 1
182		elif self.Format == 2:
183			records = rawTable["ClassRangeRecord"]
184			for rec in records:
185				start = rec.Start
186				end = rec.End
187				cls = rec.Class
188				classDefs[start] = cls
189				for glyphID in range(font.getGlyphID(start) + 1,
190						font.getGlyphID(end)):
191					classDefs[font.getGlyphName(glyphID)] = cls
192				classDefs[end] = cls
193		else:
194			assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
195		self.classDefs = classDefs
197	def preWrite(self, font):
198		classDefs = getattr(self, "classDefs", None)
199		if classDefs is None:
200			classDefs = self.classDefs = {}
201		items = classDefs.items()
202		for i in range(len(items)):
203			glyphName, cls = items[i]
204			items[i] = font.getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, cls
205		items.sort()
206		if items:
207			last, lastName, lastCls = items[0]
208			rec = ClassRangeRecord()
209			rec.Start = lastName
210			rec.Class = lastCls
211			ranges = [rec]
212			for glyphID, glyphName, cls in items[1:]:
213				if glyphID != last + 1 or cls != lastCls:
214					rec.End = lastName
215					rec = ClassRangeRecord()
216					rec.Start = glyphName
217					rec.Class = cls
218					ranges.append(rec)
219				last = glyphID
220				lastName = glyphName
221				lastCls = cls
222			rec.End = lastName
223		else:
224			ranges = []
225		self.Format = 2  # currently no support for Format 1
226		return {"ClassRangeRecord": ranges}
228	def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
229		items = self.classDefs.items()
230		items.sort()
231		for glyphName, cls in items:
232			xmlWriter.simpletag("ClassDef", [("glyph", glyphName), ("class", cls)])
233			xmlWriter.newline()
235	def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), font):
236		classDefs = getattr(self, "classDefs", None)
237		if classDefs is None:
238			classDefs = {}
239			self.classDefs = classDefs
240		classDefs[attrs["glyph"]] = int(attrs["class"])
243class AlternateSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
245	def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
246		alternates = {}
247		if self.Format == 1:
248			input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
249			alts = rawTable["AlternateSet"]
250			assert len(input) == len(alts)
251			for i in range(len(input)):
252				alternates[input[i]] = alts[i].Alternate
253		else:
254			assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
255		self.alternates = alternates
257	def preWrite(self, font):
258		self.Format = 1
259		alternates = getattr(self, "alternates", None)
260		if alternates is None:
261			alternates = self.alternates = {}
262		items = alternates.items()
263		for i in range(len(items)):
264			glyphName, set = items[i]
265			items[i] = font.getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, set
266		items.sort()
267		cov = Coverage()
268		glyphs = []
269		alternates = []
270		cov.glyphs = glyphs
271		for glyphID, glyphName, set in items:
272			glyphs.append(glyphName)
273			alts = AlternateSet()
274			alts.Alternate = set
275			alternates.append(alts)
276		return {"Coverage": cov, "AlternateSet": alternates}
278	def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
279		items = self.alternates.items()
280		items.sort()
281		for glyphName, alternates in items:
282			xmlWriter.begintag("AlternateSet", glyph=glyphName)
283			xmlWriter.newline()
284			for alt in alternates:
285				xmlWriter.simpletag("Alternate", glyph=alt)
286				xmlWriter.newline()
287			xmlWriter.endtag("AlternateSet")
288			xmlWriter.newline()
290	def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), font):
291		alternates = getattr(self, "alternates", None)
292		if alternates is None:
293			alternates = {}
294			self.alternates = alternates
295		glyphName = attrs["glyph"]
296		set = []
297		alternates[glyphName] = set
298		for element in content:
299			if type(element) != TupleType:
300				continue
301			name, attrs, content = element
302			set.append(attrs["glyph"])
305class LigatureSubst(FormatSwitchingBaseTable):
307	def postRead(self, rawTable, font):
308		ligatures = {}
309		if self.Format == 1:
310			input = _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(rawTable["Coverage"])
311			ligSets = rawTable["LigatureSet"]
312			assert len(input) == len(ligSets)
313			for i in range(len(input)):
314				ligatures[input[i]] = ligSets[i].Ligature
315		else:
316			assert 0, "unknown format: %s" % self.Format
317		self.ligatures = ligatures
319	def preWrite(self, font):
320		self.Format = 1
321		ligatures = getattr(self, "ligatures", None)
322		if ligatures is None:
323			ligatures = self.ligatures = {}
324		items = ligatures.items()
325		for i in range(len(items)):
326			glyphName, set = items[i]
327			items[i] = font.getGlyphID(glyphName), glyphName, set
328		items.sort()
329		glyphs = []
330		cov = Coverage()
331		cov.glyphs = glyphs
332		ligSets = []
333		for glyphID, glyphName, set in items:
334			glyphs.append(glyphName)
335			ligSet = LigatureSet()
336			ligs = ligSet.Ligature = []
337			for lig in set:
338				ligs.append(lig)
339			ligSets.append(ligSet)
340		return {"Coverage": cov, "LigatureSet": ligSets}
342	def toXML2(self, xmlWriter, font):
343		items = self.ligatures.items()
344		items.sort()
345		for glyphName, ligSets in items:
346			xmlWriter.begintag("LigatureSet", glyph=glyphName)
347			xmlWriter.newline()
348			for lig in ligSets:
349				xmlWriter.simpletag("Ligature", glyph=lig.LigGlyph,
350					components=",".join(lig.Component))
351				xmlWriter.newline()
352			xmlWriter.endtag("LigatureSet")
353			xmlWriter.newline()
355	def fromXML(self, (name, attrs, content), font):
356		ligatures = getattr(self, "ligatures", None)
357		if ligatures is None:
358			ligatures = {}
359			self.ligatures = ligatures
360		glyphName = attrs["glyph"]
361		ligs = []
362		ligatures[glyphName] = ligs
363		for element in content:
364			if type(element) != TupleType:
365				continue
366			name, attrs, content = element
367			lig = Ligature()
368			lig.LigGlyph = attrs["glyph"]
369			lig.Component = attrs["components"].split(",")
370			ligs.append(lig)
374# For each subtable format there is a class. However, we don't really distinguish
375# between "field name" and "format name": often these are the same. Yet there's
376# a whole bunch of fields with different names. The following dict is a mapping
377# from "format name" to "field name". _buildClasses() uses this to create a
378# subclass for each alternate field name.
380_equivalents = {
381	'MarkArray': ("Mark1Array",),
382	'LangSys': ('DefaultLangSys',),
383	'Coverage': ('MarkCoverage', 'BaseCoverage', 'LigatureCoverage', 'Mark1Coverage',
384			'Mark2Coverage', 'BacktrackCoverage', 'InputCoverage',
385			'LookAheadCoverage'),
386	'ClassDef': ('ClassDef1', 'ClassDef2', 'BacktrackClassDef', 'InputClassDef',
387			'LookAheadClassDef', 'GlyphClassDef', 'MarkAttachClassDef'),
388	'Anchor': ('EntryAnchor', 'ExitAnchor', 'BaseAnchor', 'LigatureAnchor',
389			'Mark2Anchor', 'MarkAnchor'),
390	'Device': ('XPlaDevice', 'YPlaDevice', 'XAdvDevice', 'YAdvDevice',
391			'XDeviceTable', 'YDeviceTable', 'DeviceTable'),
392	'Axis': ('HorizAxis', 'VertAxis',),
393	'MinMax': ('DefaultMinMax',),
394	'BaseCoord': ('MinCoord', 'MaxCoord',),
395	'JstfLangSys': ('DefJstfLangSys',),
396	'JstfGSUBModList': ('ShrinkageEnableGSUB', 'ShrinkageDisableGSUB', 'ExtensionEnableGSUB',
397			'ExtensionDisableGSUB',),
398	'JstfGPOSModList': ('ShrinkageEnableGPOS', 'ShrinkageDisableGPOS', 'ExtensionEnableGPOS',
399			'ExtensionDisableGPOS',),
400	'JstfMax': ('ShrinkageJstfMax', 'ExtensionJstfMax',),
404def _buildClasses():
405	import new, re
406	from otData import otData
408	formatPat = re.compile("([A-Za-z0-9]+)Format(\d+)$")
409	namespace = globals()
411	# populate module with classes
412	for name, table in otData:
413		baseClass = BaseTable
414		m = formatPat.match(name)
415		if m:
416			# XxxFormatN subtable, we only add the "base" table
417			name =
418			baseClass = FormatSwitchingBaseTable
419		if not namespace.has_key(name):
420			# the class doesn't exist yet, so the base implementation is used.
421			cls = new.classobj(name, (baseClass,), {})
422			namespace[name] = cls
424	for base, alts in _equivalents.items():
425		base = namespace[base]
426		for alt in alts:
427			namespace[alt] = new.classobj(alt, (base,), {})
429	global lookupTypes
430	lookupTypes = {
431		'GSUB': {
432			1: SingleSubst,
433			2: MultipleSubst,
434			3: AlternateSubst,
435			4: LigatureSubst,
436			5: ContextSubst,
437			6: ChainContextSubst,
438			7: ExtensionSubst,
439			8: ReverseChainSingleSubst,
440		},
441		'GPOS': {
442			1: SinglePos,
443			2: PairPos,
444			3: CursivePos,
445			4: MarkBasePos,
446			5: MarkLigPos,
447			6: MarkMarkPos,
448			7: ContextPos,
449			8: ChainContextPos,
450			9: ExtensionPos,
451		},
452	}
453	lookupTypes['JSTF'] = lookupTypes['GPOS']  # JSTF contains GPOS
454	for lookupEnum in lookupTypes.values():
455		for enum, cls in lookupEnum.items():
456			cls.LookupType = enum
458	# add converters to classes
459	from otConverters import buildConverters
460	for name, table in otData:
461		m = formatPat.match(name)
462		if m:
463			# XxxFormatN subtable, add converter to "base" table
464			name, format = m.groups()
465			format = int(format)
466			cls = namespace[name]
467			if not hasattr(cls, "converters"):
468				cls.converters = {}
469				cls.convertersByName = {}
470			converters, convertersByName = buildConverters(table[1:], namespace)
471			cls.converters[format] = converters
472			cls.convertersByName[format] = convertersByName
473		else:
474			cls = namespace[name]
475			cls.converters, cls.convertersByName = buildConverters(table, namespace)
481def _getGlyphsFromCoverageTable(coverage):
482	if coverage is None:
483		# empty coverage table
484		return []
485	else:
486		return coverage.glyphs