revision 9567a66a5e6f49dd8495fb5f6e2efb9f32e84b35
2 * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
5 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
6 * the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
14 * the License.
15 */
17package android.view.inputmethod;
19import android.os.Bundle;
20import android.view.KeyCharacterMap;
21import android.view.KeyEvent;
24 * The InputConnection interface is the communication channel from an
25 * {@link InputMethod} back to the application that is receiving its input. It
26 * is used to perform such things as reading text around the cursor,
27 * committing text to the text box, and sending raw key events to the application.
28 *
29 * <p>Applications should never directly implement this interface, but instead
30 * subclass from {@link BaseInputConnection}.  This will ensure that the
31 * application does not break when new methods are added to the interface.
32 */
33public interface InputConnection {
34    /**
35     * Flag for use with {@link #getTextAfterCursor} and
36     * {@link #getTextBeforeCursor} to have style information returned along
37     * with the text.  If not set, you will receive only the raw text.  If
38     * set, you may receive a complex CharSequence of both text and style
39     * spans.
40     */
41    static final int GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES = 0x0001;
43    /**
44     * Flag for use with {@link #getExtractedText} to indicate you would
45     * like to receive updates when the extracted text changes.
46     */
47    public static final int GET_EXTRACTED_TEXT_MONITOR = 0x0001;
49    /**
50     * Get <var>n</var> characters of text before the current cursor position.
51     *
52     * <p>This method may fail either if the input connection has become invalid
53     * (such as its process crashing) or the client is taking too long to
54     * respond with the text (it is given a couple seconds to return).
55     * In either case, a null is returned.
56     *
57     * @param n The expected length of the text.
58     * @param flags Supplies additional options controlling how the text is
59     * returned.  May be either 0 or {@link #GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES}.
60     *
61     * @return Returns the text before the cursor position; the length of the
62     * returned text might be less than <var>n</var>.
63     */
64    public CharSequence getTextBeforeCursor(int n, int flags);
66    /**
67     * Get <var>n</var> characters of text after the current cursor position.
68     *
69     * <p>This method may fail either if the input connection has become invalid
70     * (such as its process crashing) or the client is taking too long to
71     * respond with the text (it is given a couple seconds to return).
72     * In either case, a null is returned.
73     *
74     * @param n The expected length of the text.
75     * @param flags Supplies additional options controlling how the text is
76     * returned.  May be either 0 or {@link #GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES}.
77     *
78     * @return Returns the text after the cursor position; the length of the
79     * returned text might be less than <var>n</var>.
80     */
81    public CharSequence getTextAfterCursor(int n, int flags);
83    /**
84     * Gets the selected text, if any.
85     *
86     * <p>This method may fail if either the input connection has become
87     * invalid (such as its process crashing) or the client is taking too
88     * long to respond with the text (it is given a couple of seconds to return).
89     * In either case, a null is returned.
90     *
91     * @param flags Supplies additional options controlling how the text is
92     * returned.  May be either 0 or {@link #GET_TEXT_WITH_STYLES}.
93     * @return Returns the text that is currently selected, if any, or null if
94     * no text is selected.
95     */
96    public CharSequence getSelectedText(int flags);
98    /**
99     * Retrieve the current capitalization mode in effect at the current
100     * cursor position in the text.  See
101     * {@link android.text.TextUtils#getCapsMode TextUtils.getCapsMode} for
102     * more information.
103     *
104     * <p>This method may fail either if the input connection has become invalid
105     * (such as its process crashing) or the client is taking too long to
106     * respond with the text (it is given a couple seconds to return).
107     * In either case, a 0 is returned.
108     *
109     * @param reqModes The desired modes to retrieve, as defined by
110     * {@link android.text.TextUtils#getCapsMode TextUtils.getCapsMode}.  These
111     * constants are defined so that you can simply pass the current
112     * {@link EditorInfo#inputType TextBoxAttribute.contentType} value
113     * directly in to here.
114     *
115     * @return Returns the caps mode flags that are in effect.
116     */
117    public int getCursorCapsMode(int reqModes);
119    /**
120     * Retrieve the current text in the input connection's editor, and monitor
121     * for any changes to it.  This function returns with the current text,
122     * and optionally the input connection can send updates to the
123     * input method when its text changes.
124     *
125     * <p>This method may fail either if the input connection has become invalid
126     * (such as its process crashing) or the client is taking too long to
127     * respond with the text (it is given a couple seconds to return).
128     * In either case, a null is returned.
129     *
130     * @param request Description of how the text should be returned.
131     * @param flags Additional options to control the client, either 0 or
132     * {@link #GET_EXTRACTED_TEXT_MONITOR}.
133     *
134     * @return Returns an ExtractedText object describing the state of the
135     * text view and containing the extracted text itself.
136     */
137    public ExtractedText getExtractedText(ExtractedTextRequest request,
138            int flags);
140    /**
141     * Delete <var>leftLength</var> characters of text before the current cursor
142     * position, and delete <var>rightLength</var> characters of text after the
143     * current cursor position, excluding composing text.
144     *
145     * @param leftLength The number of characters to be deleted before the
146     *        current cursor position.
147     * @param rightLength The number of characters to be deleted after the
148     *        current cursor position.
149     *
150     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
151     * valid.
152     */
153    public boolean deleteSurroundingText(int leftLength, int rightLength);
155    /**
156     * Set composing text around the current cursor position with the given text,
157     * and set the new cursor position.  Any composing text set previously will
158     * be removed automatically.
159     *
160     * @param text The composing text with styles if necessary. If no style
161     *        object attached to the text, the default style for composing text
162     *        is used. See {#link android.text.Spanned} for how to attach style
163     *        object to the text. {#link android.text.SpannableString} and
164     *        {#link android.text.SpannableStringBuilder} are two
165     *        implementations of the interface {#link android.text.Spanned}.
166     * @param newCursorPosition The new cursor position around the text.  If
167     *        > 0, this is relative to the end of the text - 1; if <= 0, this
168     *        is relative to the start of the text.  So a value of 1 will
169     *        always advance you to the position after the full text being
170     *        inserted.  Note that this means you can't position the cursor
171     *        within the text, because the editor can make modifications to
172     *        the text you are providing so it is not possible to correctly
173     *        specify locations there.
174     *
175     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
176     * valid.
177     */
178    public boolean setComposingText(CharSequence text, int newCursorPosition);
180    /**
181     * Mark a certain region of text as composing text. Any composing text set
182     * previously will be removed automatically. The default style for composing
183     * text is used.
184     *
185     * @param start the position in the text at which the composing region begins
186     * @param end the position in the text at which the composing region ends
187     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
188     * valid.
189     */
190    public boolean setComposingRegion(int start, int end);
192    /**
193     * Have the text editor finish whatever composing text is currently
194     * active.  This simply leaves the text as-is, removing any special
195     * composing styling or other state that was around it.  The cursor
196     * position remains unchanged.
197     */
198    public boolean finishComposingText();
200    /**
201     * Commit text to the text box and set the new cursor position.
202     * Any composing text set previously will be removed
203     * automatically.
204     *
205     * @param text The committed text.
206     * @param newCursorPosition The new cursor position around the text.  If
207     *        > 0, this is relative to the end of the text - 1; if <= 0, this
208     *        is relative to the start of the text.  So a value of 1 will
209     *        always advance you to the position after the full text being
210     *        inserted.  Note that this means you can't position the cursor
211     *        within the text, because the editor can make modifications to
212     *        the text you are providing so it is not possible to correctly
213     *        specify locations there.
214     *
215     *
216     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
217     * valid.
218     */
219    public boolean commitText(CharSequence text, int newCursorPosition);
221    /**
222     * Commit a completion the user has selected from the possible ones
223     * previously reported to {@link InputMethodSession#displayCompletions
224     * InputMethodSession.displayCompletions()}.  This will result in the
225     * same behavior as if the user had selected the completion from the
226     * actual UI.
227     *
228     * @param text The committed completion.
229     *
230     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
231     * valid.
232     */
233    public boolean commitCompletion(CompletionInfo text);
235    /**
236     * Commit a correction automatically performed on the raw user's input. A typical example would
237     * be to correct typos using a dictionary.
238     *
239     * @param correctionInfo Detailed information about the correction.
240     *
241     * @return True on success, false if the input connection is no longer valid.
242     */
243    public boolean commitCorrection(CorrectionInfo correctionInfo);
245    /**
246     * Set the selection of the text editor.  To set the cursor position,
247     * start and end should have the same value.
248     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
249     * valid.
250     */
251    public boolean setSelection(int start, int end);
253    /**
254     * Have the editor perform an action it has said it can do.
255     *
256     * @param editorAction This must be one of the action constants for
257     * {@link EditorInfo#imeOptions EditorInfo.editorType}, such as
258     * {@link EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_GO EditorInfo.EDITOR_ACTION_GO}.
259     *
260     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
261     * valid.
262     */
263    public boolean performEditorAction(int editorAction);
265    /**
266     * Perform a context menu action on the field.  The given id may be one of:
267     * {@link},
268     * {@link}, {@link},
269     * {@link}, {@link},
270     * {@link}, {@link},
271     * or {@link}
272     */
273    public boolean performContextMenuAction(int id);
275    /**
276     * Tell the editor that you are starting a batch of editor operations.
277     * The editor will try to avoid sending you updates about its state
278     * until {@link #endBatchEdit} is called.
279     */
280    public boolean beginBatchEdit();
282    /**
283     * Tell the editor that you are done with a batch edit previously
284     * initiated with {@link #endBatchEdit}.
285     */
286    public boolean endBatchEdit();
288    /**
289     * Send a key event to the process that is currently attached through
290     * this input connection.  The event will be dispatched like a normal
291     * key event, to the currently focused; this generally is the view that
292     * is providing this InputConnection, but due to the asynchronous nature
293     * of this protocol that can not be guaranteed and the focus may have
294     * changed by the time the event is received.
295     *
296     * <p>
297     * This method can be used to send key events to the application. For
298     * example, an on-screen keyboard may use this method to simulate a hardware
299     * keyboard. There are three types of standard keyboards, numeric (12-key),
300     * predictive (20-key) and ALPHA (QWERTY). You can specify the keyboard type
301     * by specify the device id of the key event.
302     *
303     * <p>
304     * You will usually want to set the flag
305     * {@link KeyEvent#FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD KeyEvent.FLAG_SOFT_KEYBOARD} on all
306     * key event objects you give to this API; the flag will not be set
307     * for you.
308     *
309     * @param event The key event.
310     *
311     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
312     * valid.
313     *
314     * @see KeyEvent
315     * @see KeyCharacterMap#NUMERIC
316     * @see KeyCharacterMap#PREDICTIVE
317     * @see KeyCharacterMap#ALPHA
318     */
319    public boolean sendKeyEvent(KeyEvent event);
321    /**
322     * Clear the given meta key pressed states in the given input connection.
323     *
324     * @param states The states to be cleared, may be one or more bits as
325     * per {@link KeyEvent#getMetaState() KeyEvent.getMetaState()}.
326     *
327     * @return Returns true on success, false if the input connection is no longer
328     * valid.
329     */
330    public boolean clearMetaKeyStates(int states);
332    /**
333     * Called by the IME to tell the client when it switches between fullscreen
334     * and normal modes.  This will normally be called for you by the standard
335     * implementation of {@link android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService}.
336     */
337    public boolean reportFullscreenMode(boolean enabled);
339    /**
340     * API to send private commands from an input method to its connected
341     * editor.  This can be used to provide domain-specific features that are
342     * only known between certain input methods and their clients.  Note that
343     * because the InputConnection protocol is asynchronous, you have no way
344     * to get a result back or know if the client understood the command; you
345     * can use the information in {@link EditorInfo} to determine if
346     * a client supports a particular command.
347     *
348     * @param action Name of the command to be performed.  This <em>must</em>
349     * be a scoped name, i.e. prefixed with a package name you own, so that
350     * different developers will not create conflicting commands.
351     * @param data Any data to include with the command.
352     * @return Returns true if the command was sent (whether or not the
353     * associated editor understood it), false if the input connection is no longer
354     * valid.
355     */
356    public boolean performPrivateCommand(String action, Bundle data);