2 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.browser;
19import android.app.Activity;
20import android.app.Dialog;
21import android.app.DownloadManager;
22import android.app.ProgressDialog;
23import android.content.ClipboardManager;
24import android.content.ContentResolver;
25import android.content.ContentUris;
26import android.content.ContentValues;
27import android.content.Context;
28import android.content.DialogInterface;
29import android.content.DialogInterface.OnCancelListener;
30import android.content.Intent;
31import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
32import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
33import android.content.res.Configuration;
34import android.content.res.TypedArray;
35import android.database.ContentObserver;
36import android.database.Cursor;
37import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
38import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException;
39import android.graphics.Bitmap;
40import android.graphics.Canvas;
41import android.net.Uri;
42import android.net.http.SslError;
43import android.os.AsyncTask;
44import android.os.Bundle;
45import android.os.Environment;
46import android.os.Handler;
47import android.os.Message;
48import android.os.PowerManager;
49import android.os.PowerManager.WakeLock;
50import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;
51import android.provider.Browser;
52import android.provider.BrowserContract;
53import android.provider.BrowserContract.Images;
54import android.provider.ContactsContract;
55import android.provider.ContactsContract.Intents.Insert;
56import android.speech.RecognizerIntent;
57import android.text.TextUtils;
58import android.util.Log;
59import android.util.Patterns;
60import android.view.ActionMode;
61import android.view.ContextMenu;
62import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo;
63import android.view.Gravity;
64import android.view.KeyEvent;
65import android.view.Menu;
66import android.view.MenuInflater;
67import android.view.MenuItem;
68import android.view.MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener;
69import android.view.MotionEvent;
70import android.view.View;
71import android.webkit.CookieManager;
72import android.webkit.CookieSyncManager;
73import android.webkit.HttpAuthHandler;
74import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap;
75import android.webkit.SslErrorHandler;
76import android.webkit.ValueCallback;
77import android.webkit.WebChromeClient;
78import android.webkit.WebChromeClient.FileChooserParams;
79import android.webkit.WebIconDatabase;
80import android.webkit.WebSettings;
81import android.webkit.WebView;
82import android.widget.Toast;
84import com.android.browser.IntentHandler.UrlData;
85import com.android.browser.UI.ComboViews;
86import com.android.browser.provider.BrowserProvider2.Thumbnails;
87import com.android.browser.provider.SnapshotProvider.Snapshots;
89import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
90import java.io.File;
91import java.io.FileOutputStream;
92import java.io.IOException;
93import java.net.URLEncoder;
94import java.text.DateFormat;
95import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
96import java.util.ArrayList;
97import java.util.Calendar;
98import java.util.Date;
99import java.util.HashMap;
100import java.util.List;
101import java.util.Locale;
102import java.util.Map;
105 * Controller for browser
106 */
107public class Controller
108        implements WebViewController, UiController, ActivityController {
110    private static final String LOGTAG = "Controller";
111    private static final String SEND_APP_ID_EXTRA =
112        "android.speech.extras.SEND_APPLICATION_ID_EXTRA";
113    private static final String INCOGNITO_URI = "browser:incognito";
116    // public message ids
117    public final static int LOAD_URL = 1001;
118    public final static int STOP_LOAD = 1002;
120    // Message Ids
121    private static final int FOCUS_NODE_HREF = 102;
122    private static final int RELEASE_WAKELOCK = 107;
124    static final int UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL = 108;
126    private static final int OPEN_BOOKMARKS = 201;
128    private static final int EMPTY_MENU = -1;
130    // activity requestCode
131    final static int COMBO_VIEW = 1;
132    final static int PREFERENCES_PAGE = 3;
133    final static int FILE_SELECTED = 4;
134    final static int VOICE_RESULT = 6;
136    private final static int WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes
138    // As the ids are dynamically created, we can't guarantee that they will
139    // be in sequence, so this static array maps ids to a window number.
140    final static private int[] WINDOW_SHORTCUT_ID_ARRAY =
141    { R.id.window_one_menu_id, R.id.window_two_menu_id,
142      R.id.window_three_menu_id, R.id.window_four_menu_id,
143      R.id.window_five_menu_id, R.id.window_six_menu_id,
144      R.id.window_seven_menu_id, R.id.window_eight_menu_id };
146    // "source" parameter for Google search through search key
147    final static String GOOGLE_SEARCH_SOURCE_SEARCHKEY = "browser-key";
148    // "source" parameter for Google search through simplily type
149    final static String GOOGLE_SEARCH_SOURCE_TYPE = "browser-type";
151    // "no-crash-recovery" parameter in intent to suppress crash recovery
152    final static String NO_CRASH_RECOVERY = "no-crash-recovery";
154    // A bitmap that is re-used in createScreenshot as scratch space
155    private static Bitmap sThumbnailBitmap;
157    private Activity mActivity;
158    private UI mUi;
159    private TabControl mTabControl;
160    private BrowserSettings mSettings;
161    private WebViewFactory mFactory;
163    private WakeLock mWakeLock;
165    private UrlHandler mUrlHandler;
166    private UploadHandler mUploadHandler;
167    private IntentHandler mIntentHandler;
168    private PageDialogsHandler mPageDialogsHandler;
169    private NetworkStateHandler mNetworkHandler;
171    private Message mAutoFillSetupMessage;
173    private boolean mShouldShowErrorConsole;
175    private SystemAllowGeolocationOrigins mSystemAllowGeolocationOrigins;
177    // FIXME, temp address onPrepareMenu performance problem.
178    // When we move everything out of view, we should rewrite this.
179    private int mCurrentMenuState = 0;
180    private int mMenuState = R.id.MAIN_MENU;
181    private int mOldMenuState = EMPTY_MENU;
182    private Menu mCachedMenu;
184    private boolean mMenuIsDown;
186    // For select and find, we keep track of the ActionMode so that
187    // finish() can be called as desired.
188    private ActionMode mActionMode;
190    /**
191     * Only meaningful when mOptionsMenuOpen is true.  This variable keeps track
192     * of whether the configuration has changed.  The first onMenuOpened call
193     * after a configuration change is simply a reopening of the same menu
194     * (i.e. mIconView did not change).
195     */
196    private boolean mConfigChanged;
198    /**
199     * Keeps track of whether the options menu is open. This is important in
200     * determining whether to show or hide the title bar overlay
201     */
202    private boolean mOptionsMenuOpen;
204    /**
205     * Whether or not the options menu is in its bigger, popup menu form. When
206     * true, we want the title bar overlay to be gone. When false, we do not.
207     * Only meaningful if mOptionsMenuOpen is true.
208     */
209    private boolean mExtendedMenuOpen;
211    private boolean mActivityPaused = true;
212    private boolean mLoadStopped;
214    private Handler mHandler;
215    // Checks to see when the bookmarks database has changed, and updates the
216    // Tabs' notion of whether they represent bookmarked sites.
217    private ContentObserver mBookmarksObserver;
218    private CrashRecoveryHandler mCrashRecoveryHandler;
220    private boolean mBlockEvents;
222    private String mVoiceResult;
224    public Controller(Activity browser) {
225        mActivity = browser;
226        mSettings = BrowserSettings.getInstance();
227        mTabControl = new TabControl(this);
228        mSettings.setController(this);
229        mCrashRecoveryHandler = CrashRecoveryHandler.initialize(this);
230        mCrashRecoveryHandler.preloadCrashState();
231        mFactory = new BrowserWebViewFactory(browser);
233        mUrlHandler = new UrlHandler(this);
234        mIntentHandler = new IntentHandler(mActivity, this);
235        mPageDialogsHandler = new PageDialogsHandler(mActivity, this);
237        startHandler();
238        mBookmarksObserver = new ContentObserver(mHandler) {
239            @Override
240            public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
241                int size = mTabControl.getTabCount();
242                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
243                    mTabControl.getTab(i).updateBookmarkedStatus();
244                }
245            }
247        };
248        browser.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(
249                BrowserContract.Bookmarks.CONTENT_URI, true, mBookmarksObserver);
251        mNetworkHandler = new NetworkStateHandler(mActivity, this);
252        // Start watching the default geolocation permissions
253        mSystemAllowGeolocationOrigins =
254                new SystemAllowGeolocationOrigins(mActivity.getApplicationContext());
255        mSystemAllowGeolocationOrigins.start();
257        openIconDatabase();
258    }
260    @Override
261    public void start(final Intent intent) {
262        // mCrashRecoverHandler has any previously saved state.
263        mCrashRecoveryHandler.startRecovery(intent);
264    }
266    void doStart(final Bundle icicle, final Intent intent) {
267        // Unless the last browser usage was within 24 hours, destroy any
268        // remaining incognito tabs.
270        Calendar lastActiveDate = icicle != null ?
271                (Calendar) icicle.getSerializable("lastActiveDate") : null;
272        Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
273        Calendar yesterday = Calendar.getInstance();
274        yesterday.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
276        final boolean restoreIncognitoTabs = !(lastActiveDate == null
277            || lastActiveDate.before(yesterday)
278            || lastActiveDate.after(today));
280        // Find out if we will restore any state and remember the tab.
281        final long currentTabId =
282                mTabControl.canRestoreState(icicle, restoreIncognitoTabs);
284        if (currentTabId == -1) {
285            // Not able to restore so we go ahead and clear session cookies.  We
286            // must do this before trying to login the user as we don't want to
287            // clear any session cookies set during login.
288            CookieManager.getInstance().removeSessionCookie();
289        }
291        GoogleAccountLogin.startLoginIfNeeded(mActivity,
292                new Runnable() {
293                    @Override public void run() {
294                        onPreloginFinished(icicle, intent, currentTabId,
295                                restoreIncognitoTabs);
296                    }
297                });
298    }
300    private void onPreloginFinished(Bundle icicle, Intent intent, long currentTabId,
301            boolean restoreIncognitoTabs) {
302        if (currentTabId == -1) {
303            BackgroundHandler.execute(new PruneThumbnails(mActivity, null));
304            if (intent == null) {
305                // This won't happen under common scenarios. The icicle is
306                // not null, but there aren't any tabs to restore.
307                openTabToHomePage();
308            } else {
309                final Bundle extra = intent.getExtras();
310                // Create an initial tab.
311                // If the intent is ACTION_VIEW and data is not null, the Browser is
312                // invoked to view the content by another application. In this case,
313                // the tab will be close when exit.
314                UrlData urlData = IntentHandler.getUrlDataFromIntent(intent);
315                Tab t = null;
316                if (urlData.isEmpty()) {
317                    t = openTabToHomePage();
318                } else {
319                    t = openTab(urlData);
320                }
321                if (t != null) {
322                    t.setAppId(intent.getStringExtra(Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID));
323                }
324                WebView webView = t.getWebView();
325                if (extra != null) {
326                    int scale = extra.getInt(Browser.INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL, 0);
327                    if (scale > 0 && scale <= 1000) {
328                        webView.setInitialScale(scale);
329                    }
330                }
331            }
332            mUi.updateTabs(mTabControl.getTabs());
333        } else {
334            mTabControl.restoreState(icicle, currentTabId, restoreIncognitoTabs,
335                    mUi.needsRestoreAllTabs());
336            List<Tab> tabs = mTabControl.getTabs();
337            ArrayList<Long> restoredTabs = new ArrayList<Long>(tabs.size());
338            for (Tab t : tabs) {
339                restoredTabs.add(t.getId());
340            }
341            BackgroundHandler.execute(new PruneThumbnails(mActivity, restoredTabs));
342            if (tabs.size() == 0) {
343                openTabToHomePage();
344            }
345            mUi.updateTabs(tabs);
346            // TabControl.restoreState() will create a new tab even if
347            // restoring the state fails.
348            setActiveTab(mTabControl.getCurrentTab());
349            // Intent is non-null when framework thinks the browser should be
350            // launching with a new intent (icicle is null).
351            if (intent != null) {
352                mIntentHandler.onNewIntent(intent);
353            }
354        }
355        // Read JavaScript flags if it exists.
356        String jsFlags = getSettings().getJsEngineFlags();
357        if (intent != null
358                && BrowserActivity.ACTION_SHOW_BOOKMARKS.equals(intent.getAction())) {
359            bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.Bookmarks);
360        }
361    }
363    private static class PruneThumbnails implements Runnable {
364        private Context mContext;
365        private List<Long> mIds;
367        PruneThumbnails(Context context, List<Long> preserveIds) {
368            mContext = context.getApplicationContext();
369            mIds = preserveIds;
370        }
372        @Override
373        public void run() {
374            ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver();
375            if (mIds == null || mIds.size() == 0) {
376                cr.delete(Thumbnails.CONTENT_URI, null, null);
377            } else {
378                int length = mIds.size();
379                StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
380                where.append(Thumbnails._ID);
381                where.append(" not in (");
382                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
383                    where.append(mIds.get(i));
384                    if (i < (length - 1)) {
385                        where.append(",");
386                    }
387                }
388                where.append(")");
389                cr.delete(Thumbnails.CONTENT_URI, where.toString(), null);
390            }
391        }
393    }
395    @Override
396    public WebViewFactory getWebViewFactory() {
397        return mFactory;
398    }
400    @Override
401    public void onSetWebView(Tab tab, WebView view) {
402        mUi.onSetWebView(tab, view);
403    }
405    @Override
406    public void createSubWindow(Tab tab) {
407        endActionMode();
408        WebView mainView = tab.getWebView();
409        WebView subView = mFactory.createWebView((mainView == null)
410                ? false
411                : mainView.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled());
412        mUi.createSubWindow(tab, subView);
413    }
415    @Override
416    public Context getContext() {
417        return mActivity;
418    }
420    @Override
421    public Activity getActivity() {
422        return mActivity;
423    }
425    void setUi(UI ui) {
426        mUi = ui;
427    }
429    @Override
430    public BrowserSettings getSettings() {
431        return mSettings;
432    }
434    IntentHandler getIntentHandler() {
435        return mIntentHandler;
436    }
438    @Override
439    public UI getUi() {
440        return mUi;
441    }
443    int getMaxTabs() {
444        return mActivity.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.max_tabs);
445    }
447    @Override
448    public TabControl getTabControl() {
449        return mTabControl;
450    }
452    @Override
453    public List<Tab> getTabs() {
454        return mTabControl.getTabs();
455    }
457    // Open the icon database.
458    private void openIconDatabase() {
459        // We have to call getInstance on the UI thread
460        final WebIconDatabase instance = WebIconDatabase.getInstance();
461        BackgroundHandler.execute(new Runnable() {
463            @Override
464            public void run() {
465                instance.open(mActivity.getDir("icons", 0).getPath());
466            }
467        });
468    }
470    private void startHandler() {
471        mHandler = new Handler() {
473            @Override
474            public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
475                switch (msg.what) {
476                    case OPEN_BOOKMARKS:
477                        bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.Bookmarks);
478                        break;
479                    case FOCUS_NODE_HREF:
480                    {
481                        String url = (String) msg.getData().get("url");
482                        String title = (String) msg.getData().get("title");
483                        String src = (String) msg.getData().get("src");
484                        if (url == "") url = src; // use image if no anchor
485                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
486                            break;
487                        }
488                        HashMap focusNodeMap = (HashMap) msg.obj;
489                        WebView view = (WebView) focusNodeMap.get("webview");
490                        // Only apply the action if the top window did not change.
491                        if (getCurrentTopWebView() != view) {
492                            break;
493                        }
494                        switch (msg.arg1) {
495                            case R.id.open_context_menu_id:
496                                loadUrlFromContext(url);
497                                break;
498                            case R.id.view_image_context_menu_id:
499                                loadUrlFromContext(src);
500                                break;
501                            case R.id.open_newtab_context_menu_id:
502                                final Tab parent = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
503                                openTab(url, parent,
504                                        !mSettings.openInBackground(), true);
505                                break;
506                            case R.id.copy_link_context_menu_id:
507                                copy(url);
508                                break;
509                            case R.id.save_link_context_menu_id:
510                            case R.id.download_context_menu_id:
511                                DownloadHandler.onDownloadStartNoStream(
512                                        mActivity, url, view.getSettings().getUserAgentString(),
513                                        null, null, null, view.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled());
514                                break;
515                        }
516                        break;
517                    }
519                    case LOAD_URL:
520                        loadUrlFromContext((String) msg.obj);
521                        break;
523                    case STOP_LOAD:
524                        stopLoading();
525                        break;
527                    case RELEASE_WAKELOCK:
528                        if (mWakeLock != null && mWakeLock.isHeld()) {
529                            mWakeLock.release();
530                            // if we reach here, Browser should be still in the
531                            // background loading after WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT (5-min).
532                            // To avoid burning the battery, stop loading.
533                            mTabControl.stopAllLoading();
534                        }
535                        break;
537                    case UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL:
538                        Tab tab = (Tab) msg.obj;
539                        if (tab != null) {
540                            updateScreenshot(tab);
541                        }
542                        break;
543                }
544            }
545        };
547    }
549    @Override
550    public Tab getCurrentTab() {
551        return mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
552    }
554    @Override
555    public void shareCurrentPage() {
556        shareCurrentPage(mTabControl.getCurrentTab());
557    }
559    private void shareCurrentPage(Tab tab) {
560        if (tab != null) {
561            sharePage(mActivity, tab.getTitle(),
562                    tab.getUrl(), tab.getFavicon(),
563                    createScreenshot(tab.getWebView(),
564                            getDesiredThumbnailWidth(mActivity),
565                            getDesiredThumbnailHeight(mActivity)));
566        }
567    }
569    /**
570     * Share a page, providing the title, url, favicon, and a screenshot.  Uses
571     * an {@link Intent} to launch the Activity chooser.
572     * @param c Context used to launch a new Activity.
573     * @param title Title of the page.  Stored in the Intent with
574     *          {@link Intent#EXTRA_SUBJECT}
575     * @param url URL of the page.  Stored in the Intent with
576     *          {@link Intent#EXTRA_TEXT}
577     * @param favicon Bitmap of the favicon for the page.  Stored in the Intent
578     *          with {@link Browser#EXTRA_SHARE_FAVICON}
579     * @param screenshot Bitmap of a screenshot of the page.  Stored in the
580     *          Intent with {@link Browser#EXTRA_SHARE_SCREENSHOT}
581     */
582    static final void sharePage(Context c, String title, String url,
583            Bitmap favicon, Bitmap screenshot) {
584        Intent send = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
585        send.setType("text/plain");
586        send.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, url);
587        send.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, title);
588        send.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_SHARE_FAVICON, favicon);
589        send.putExtra(Browser.EXTRA_SHARE_SCREENSHOT, screenshot);
590        try {
591            c.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(send, c.getString(
592                    R.string.choosertitle_sharevia)));
593        } catch(android.content.ActivityNotFoundException ex) {
594            // if no app handles it, do nothing
595        }
596    }
598    private void copy(CharSequence text) {
599        ClipboardManager cm = (ClipboardManager) mActivity
600                .getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE);
601        cm.setText(text);
602    }
604    // lifecycle
606    @Override
607    public void onConfgurationChanged(Configuration config) {
608        mConfigChanged = true;
609        // update the menu in case of a locale change
610        mActivity.invalidateOptionsMenu();
611        if (mPageDialogsHandler != null) {
612            mPageDialogsHandler.onConfigurationChanged(config);
613        }
614        mUi.onConfigurationChanged(config);
615    }
617    @Override
618    public void handleNewIntent(Intent intent) {
619        if (!mUi.isWebShowing()) {
620            mUi.showWeb(false);
621        }
622        mIntentHandler.onNewIntent(intent);
623    }
625    @Override
626    public void onPause() {
627        if (mUi.isCustomViewShowing()) {
628            hideCustomView();
629        }
630        if (mActivityPaused) {
631            Log.e(LOGTAG, "BrowserActivity is already paused.");
632            return;
633        }
634        mActivityPaused = true;
635        Tab tab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
636        if (tab != null) {
637            tab.pause();
638            if (!pauseWebViewTimers(tab)) {
639                if (mWakeLock == null) {
640                    PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) mActivity
641                            .getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
642                    mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "Browser");
643                }
644                mWakeLock.acquire();
645                mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler
646                        .obtainMessage(RELEASE_WAKELOCK), WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT);
647            }
648        }
649        mUi.onPause();
650        mNetworkHandler.onPause();
652        WebView.disablePlatformNotifications();
653        NfcHandler.unregister(mActivity);
654        if (sThumbnailBitmap != null) {
655            sThumbnailBitmap.recycle();
656            sThumbnailBitmap = null;
657        }
658    }
660    @Override
661    public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
662        // Save all the tabs
663        Bundle saveState = createSaveState();
665        // crash recovery manages all save & restore state
666        mCrashRecoveryHandler.writeState(saveState);
667        mSettings.setLastRunPaused(true);
668    }
670    /**
671     * Save the current state to outState. Does not write the state to
672     * disk.
673     * @return Bundle containing the current state of all tabs.
674     */
675    /* package */ Bundle createSaveState() {
676        Bundle saveState = new Bundle();
677        mTabControl.saveState(saveState);
678        if (!saveState.isEmpty()) {
679            // Save time so that we know how old incognito tabs (if any) are.
680            saveState.putSerializable("lastActiveDate", Calendar.getInstance());
681        }
682        return saveState;
683    }
685    @Override
686    public void onResume() {
687        if (!mActivityPaused) {
688            Log.e(LOGTAG, "BrowserActivity is already resumed.");
689            return;
690        }
691        mSettings.setLastRunPaused(false);
692        mActivityPaused = false;
693        Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
694        if (current != null) {
695            current.resume();
696            resumeWebViewTimers(current);
697        }
698        releaseWakeLock();
700        mUi.onResume();
701        mNetworkHandler.onResume();
702        WebView.enablePlatformNotifications();
703        NfcHandler.register(mActivity, this);
704        if (mVoiceResult != null) {
705            mUi.onVoiceResult(mVoiceResult);
706            mVoiceResult = null;
707        }
708    }
710    private void releaseWakeLock() {
711        if (mWakeLock != null && mWakeLock.isHeld()) {
712            mHandler.removeMessages(RELEASE_WAKELOCK);
713            mWakeLock.release();
714        }
715    }
717    /**
718     * resume all WebView timers using the WebView instance of the given tab
719     * @param tab guaranteed non-null
720     */
721    private void resumeWebViewTimers(Tab tab) {
722        boolean inLoad = tab.inPageLoad();
723        if ((!mActivityPaused && !inLoad) || (mActivityPaused && inLoad)) {
724            CookieSyncManager.getInstance().startSync();
725            WebView w = tab.getWebView();
726            WebViewTimersControl.getInstance().onBrowserActivityResume(w);
727        }
728    }
730    /**
731     * Pause all WebView timers using the WebView of the given tab
732     * @param tab
733     * @return true if the timers are paused or tab is null
734     */
735    private boolean pauseWebViewTimers(Tab tab) {
736        if (tab == null) {
737            return true;
738        } else if (!tab.inPageLoad()) {
739            CookieSyncManager.getInstance().stopSync();
740            WebViewTimersControl.getInstance().onBrowserActivityPause(getCurrentWebView());
741            return true;
742        }
743        return false;
744    }
746    @Override
747    public void onDestroy() {
748        if (mUploadHandler != null && !mUploadHandler.handled()) {
749            mUploadHandler.onResult(Activity.RESULT_CANCELED, null);
750            mUploadHandler = null;
751        }
752        if (mTabControl == null) return;
753        mUi.onDestroy();
754        // Remove the current tab and sub window
755        Tab t = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
756        if (t != null) {
757            dismissSubWindow(t);
758            removeTab(t);
759        }
760        mActivity.getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(mBookmarksObserver);
761        // Destroy all the tabs
762        mTabControl.destroy();
763        WebIconDatabase.getInstance().close();
764        // Stop watching the default geolocation permissions
765        mSystemAllowGeolocationOrigins.stop();
766        mSystemAllowGeolocationOrigins = null;
767    }
769    protected boolean isActivityPaused() {
770        return mActivityPaused;
771    }
773    @Override
774    public void onLowMemory() {
775        mTabControl.freeMemory();
776    }
778    @Override
779    public boolean shouldShowErrorConsole() {
780        return mShouldShowErrorConsole;
781    }
783    protected void setShouldShowErrorConsole(boolean show) {
784        if (show == mShouldShowErrorConsole) {
785            // Nothing to do.
786            return;
787        }
788        mShouldShowErrorConsole = show;
789        Tab t = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
790        if (t == null) {
791            // There is no current tab so we cannot toggle the error console
792            return;
793        }
794        mUi.setShouldShowErrorConsole(t, show);
795    }
797    @Override
798    public void stopLoading() {
799        mLoadStopped = true;
800        Tab tab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
801        WebView w = getCurrentTopWebView();
802        if (w != null) {
803            w.stopLoading();
804            mUi.onPageStopped(tab);
805        }
806    }
808    boolean didUserStopLoading() {
809        return mLoadStopped;
810    }
812    // WebViewController
814    @Override
815    public void onPageStarted(Tab tab, WebView view, Bitmap favicon) {
817        // We've started to load a new page. If there was a pending message
818        // to save a screenshot then we will now take the new page and save
819        // an incorrect screenshot. Therefore, remove any pending thumbnail
820        // messages from the queue.
821        mHandler.removeMessages(Controller.UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL,
822                tab);
824        // reset sync timer to avoid sync starts during loading a page
825        CookieSyncManager.getInstance().resetSync();
827        if (!mNetworkHandler.isNetworkUp()) {
828            view.setNetworkAvailable(false);
829        }
831        // when BrowserActivity just starts, onPageStarted may be called before
832        // onResume as it is triggered from onCreate. Call resumeWebViewTimers
833        // to start the timer. As we won't switch tabs while an activity is in
834        // pause state, we can ensure calling resume and pause in pair.
835        if (mActivityPaused) {
836            resumeWebViewTimers(tab);
837        }
838        mLoadStopped = false;
839        endActionMode();
841        mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab);
843        String url = tab.getUrl();
844        // update the bookmark database for favicon
845        maybeUpdateFavicon(tab, null, url, favicon);
847        Performance.tracePageStart(url);
849        // Performance probe
850        if (false) {
851            Performance.onPageStarted();
852        }
854    }
856    @Override
857    public void onPageFinished(Tab tab) {
858        mCrashRecoveryHandler.backupState();
859        mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab);
861        // Performance probe
862        if (false) {
863            Performance.onPageFinished(tab.getUrl());
864         }
866        Performance.tracePageFinished();
867    }
869    @Override
870    public void onProgressChanged(Tab tab) {
871        int newProgress = tab.getLoadProgress();
873        if (newProgress == 100) {
874            CookieSyncManager.getInstance().sync();
875            // onProgressChanged() may continue to be called after the main
876            // frame has finished loading, as any remaining sub frames continue
877            // to load. We'll only get called once though with newProgress as
878            // 100 when everything is loaded. (onPageFinished is called once
879            // when the main frame completes loading regardless of the state of
880            // any sub frames so calls to onProgressChanges may continue after
881            // onPageFinished has executed)
882            if (tab.inPageLoad()) {
883                updateInLoadMenuItems(mCachedMenu, tab);
884            } else if (mActivityPaused && pauseWebViewTimers(tab)) {
885                // pause the WebView timer and release the wake lock if it is
886                // finished while BrowserActivity is in pause state.
887                releaseWakeLock();
888            }
889            if (!tab.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled()
890                    && !TextUtils.isEmpty(tab.getUrl())
891                    && !tab.isSnapshot()) {
892                // Only update the bookmark screenshot if the user did not
893                // cancel the load early and there is not already
894                // a pending update for the tab.
895                if (tab.shouldUpdateThumbnail() &&
896                        (tab.inForeground() && !didUserStopLoading()
897                        || !tab.inForeground())) {
898                    if (!mHandler.hasMessages(UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL, tab)) {
899                        mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(
900                                UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL, 0, 0, tab),
901                                500);
902                    }
903                }
904            }
905        } else {
906            if (!tab.inPageLoad()) {
907                // onPageFinished may have already been called but a subframe is
908                // still loading
909                // updating the progress and
910                // update the menu items.
911                updateInLoadMenuItems(mCachedMenu, tab);
912            }
913        }
914        mUi.onProgressChanged(tab);
915    }
917    @Override
918    public void onUpdatedSecurityState(Tab tab) {
919        mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab);
920    }
922    @Override
923    public void onReceivedTitle(Tab tab, final String title) {
924        mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab);
925        final String pageUrl = tab.getOriginalUrl();
926        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(pageUrl) || pageUrl.length()
927                >= SQLiteDatabase.SQLITE_MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH) {
928            return;
929        }
930        // Update the title in the history database if not in private browsing mode
931        if (!tab.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled()) {
932            DataController.getInstance(mActivity).updateHistoryTitle(pageUrl, title);
933        }
934    }
936    @Override
937    public void onFavicon(Tab tab, WebView view, Bitmap icon) {
938        mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab);
939        maybeUpdateFavicon(tab, view.getOriginalUrl(), view.getUrl(), icon);
940    }
942    @Override
943    public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(Tab tab, WebView view, String url) {
944        return mUrlHandler.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(tab, view, url);
945    }
947    @Override
948    public boolean shouldOverrideKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
949        if (mMenuIsDown) {
950            // only check shortcut key when MENU is held
951            return mActivity.getWindow().isShortcutKey(event.getKeyCode(),
952                    event);
953        } else {
954            return false;
955        }
956    }
958    @Override
959    public boolean onUnhandledKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
960        if (!isActivityPaused()) {
961            if (event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
962                return mActivity.onKeyDown(event.getKeyCode(), event);
963            } else {
964                return mActivity.onKeyUp(event.getKeyCode(), event);
965            }
966        }
967        return false;
968    }
970    @Override
971    public void doUpdateVisitedHistory(Tab tab, boolean isReload) {
972        // Don't save anything in private browsing mode
973        if (tab.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled()) return;
974        String url = tab.getOriginalUrl();
976        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)
977                || url.regionMatches(true, 0, "about:", 0, 6)) {
978            return;
979        }
980        DataController.getInstance(mActivity).updateVisitedHistory(url);
981        mCrashRecoveryHandler.backupState();
982    }
984    @Override
985    public void getVisitedHistory(final ValueCallback<String[]> callback) {
986        AsyncTask<Void, Void, String[]> task =
987                new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String[]>() {
988            @Override
989            public String[] doInBackground(Void... unused) {
990                return Browser.getVisitedHistory(mActivity.getContentResolver());
991            }
992            @Override
993            public void onPostExecute(String[] result) {
994                callback.onReceiveValue(result);
995            }
996        };
997        task.execute();
998    }
1000    @Override
1001    public void onReceivedHttpAuthRequest(Tab tab, WebView view,
1002            final HttpAuthHandler handler, final String host,
1003            final String realm) {
1004        String username = null;
1005        String password = null;
1007        boolean reuseHttpAuthUsernamePassword
1008                = handler.useHttpAuthUsernamePassword();
1010        if (reuseHttpAuthUsernamePassword && view != null) {
1011            String[] credentials = view.getHttpAuthUsernamePassword(host, realm);
1012            if (credentials != null && credentials.length == 2) {
1013                username = credentials[0];
1014                password = credentials[1];
1015            }
1016        }
1018        if (username != null && password != null) {
1019            handler.proceed(username, password);
1020        } else {
1021            if (tab.inForeground() && !handler.suppressDialog()) {
1022                mPageDialogsHandler.showHttpAuthentication(tab, handler, host, realm);
1023            } else {
1024                handler.cancel();
1025            }
1026        }
1027    }
1029    @Override
1030    public void onDownloadStart(Tab tab, String url, String userAgent,
1031            String contentDisposition, String mimetype, String referer,
1032            long contentLength) {
1033        WebView w = tab.getWebView();
1034        DownloadHandler.onDownloadStart(mActivity, url, userAgent,
1035                contentDisposition, mimetype, referer, w.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled());
1036        if (w.copyBackForwardList().getSize() == 0) {
1037            // This Tab was opened for the sole purpose of downloading a
1038            // file. Remove it.
1039            if (tab == mTabControl.getCurrentTab()) {
1040                // In this case, the Tab is still on top.
1041                goBackOnePageOrQuit();
1042            } else {
1043                // In this case, it is not.
1044                closeTab(tab);
1045            }
1046        }
1047    }
1049    @Override
1050    public Bitmap getDefaultVideoPoster() {
1051        return mUi.getDefaultVideoPoster();
1052    }
1054    @Override
1055    public View getVideoLoadingProgressView() {
1056        return mUi.getVideoLoadingProgressView();
1057    }
1059    @Override
1060    public void showSslCertificateOnError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler,
1061            SslError error) {
1062        mPageDialogsHandler.showSSLCertificateOnError(view, handler, error);
1063    }
1065    @Override
1066    public void showAutoLogin(Tab tab) {
1067        assert tab.inForeground();
1068        // Update the title bar to show the auto-login request.
1069        mUi.showAutoLogin(tab);
1070    }
1072    @Override
1073    public void hideAutoLogin(Tab tab) {
1074        assert tab.inForeground();
1075        mUi.hideAutoLogin(tab);
1076    }
1078    // helper method
1080    /*
1081     * Update the favorites icon if the private browsing isn't enabled and the
1082     * icon is valid.
1083     */
1084    private void maybeUpdateFavicon(Tab tab, final String originalUrl,
1085            final String url, Bitmap favicon) {
1086        if (favicon == null) {
1087            return;
1088        }
1089        if (!tab.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled()) {
1090            Bookmarks.updateFavicon(mActivity
1091                    .getContentResolver(), originalUrl, url, favicon);
1092        }
1093    }
1095    @Override
1096    public void bookmarkedStatusHasChanged(Tab tab) {
1097        // TODO: Switch to using onTabDataChanged after b/3262950 is fixed
1098        mUi.bookmarkedStatusHasChanged(tab);
1099    }
1101    // end WebViewController
1103    protected void pageUp() {
1104        getCurrentTopWebView().pageUp(false);
1105    }
1107    protected void pageDown() {
1108        getCurrentTopWebView().pageDown(false);
1109    }
1111    // callback from phone title bar
1112    @Override
1113    public void editUrl() {
1114        if (mOptionsMenuOpen) mActivity.closeOptionsMenu();
1115        mUi.editUrl(false, true);
1116    }
1118    @Override
1119    public void showCustomView(Tab tab, View view, int requestedOrientation,
1120            WebChromeClient.CustomViewCallback callback) {
1121        if (tab.inForeground()) {
1122            if (mUi.isCustomViewShowing()) {
1123                callback.onCustomViewHidden();
1124                return;
1125            }
1126            mUi.showCustomView(view, requestedOrientation, callback);
1127            // Save the menu state and set it to empty while the custom
1128            // view is showing.
1129            mOldMenuState = mMenuState;
1130            mMenuState = EMPTY_MENU;
1131            mActivity.invalidateOptionsMenu();
1132        }
1133    }
1135    @Override
1136    public void hideCustomView() {
1137        if (mUi.isCustomViewShowing()) {
1138            mUi.onHideCustomView();
1139            // Reset the old menu state.
1140            mMenuState = mOldMenuState;
1141            mOldMenuState = EMPTY_MENU;
1142            mActivity.invalidateOptionsMenu();
1143        }
1144    }
1146    @Override
1147    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
1148            Intent intent) {
1149        if (getCurrentTopWebView() == null) return;
1150        switch (requestCode) {
1151            case PREFERENCES_PAGE:
1152                if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && intent != null) {
1153                    String action = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
1154                    if (PreferenceKeys.PREF_PRIVACY_CLEAR_HISTORY.equals(action)) {
1155                        mTabControl.removeParentChildRelationShips();
1156                    }
1157                }
1158                break;
1159            case FILE_SELECTED:
1160                // Chose a file from the file picker.
1161                if (null == mUploadHandler) break;
1162                mUploadHandler.onResult(resultCode, intent);
1163                break;
1164            case COMBO_VIEW:
1165                if (intent == null || resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK) {
1166                    break;
1167                }
1168                mUi.showWeb(false);
1169                if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) {
1170                    Tab t = getCurrentTab();
1171                    Uri uri = intent.getData();
1172                    loadUrl(t, uri.toString());
1173                } else if (intent.hasExtra(ComboViewActivity.EXTRA_OPEN_ALL)) {
1174                    String[] urls = intent.getStringArrayExtra(
1175                            ComboViewActivity.EXTRA_OPEN_ALL);
1176                    Tab parent = getCurrentTab();
1177                    for (String url : urls) {
1178                        parent = openTab(url, parent,
1179                                !mSettings.openInBackground(), true);
1180                    }
1181                } else if (intent.hasExtra(ComboViewActivity.EXTRA_OPEN_SNAPSHOT)) {
1182                    long id = intent.getLongExtra(
1183                            ComboViewActivity.EXTRA_OPEN_SNAPSHOT, -1);
1184                    if (id >= 0) {
1185                        Toast.makeText(mActivity, "Snapshot Tab no longer supported",
1186                            Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
1187                    }
1188                }
1189                break;
1190            case VOICE_RESULT:
1191                if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && intent != null) {
1192                    ArrayList<String> results = intent.getStringArrayListExtra(
1193                            RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_RESULTS);
1194                    if (results.size() >= 1) {
1195                        mVoiceResult = results.get(0);
1196                    }
1197                }
1198                break;
1199            default:
1200                break;
1201        }
1202        getCurrentTopWebView().requestFocus();
1203    }
1205    /**
1206     * Open the Go page.
1207     * @param startWithHistory If true, open starting on the history tab.
1208     *                         Otherwise, start with the bookmarks tab.
1209     */
1210    @Override
1211    public void bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews startView) {
1212        if (mTabControl.getCurrentWebView() == null) {
1213            return;
1214        }
1215        // clear action mode
1216        if (isInCustomActionMode()) {
1217            endActionMode();
1218        }
1219        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
1220        // Disable opening in a new window if we have maxed out the windows
1221        extras.putBoolean(BrowserBookmarksPage.EXTRA_DISABLE_WINDOW,
1222                !mTabControl.canCreateNewTab());
1223        mUi.showComboView(startView, extras);
1224    }
1226    // combo view callbacks
1228    // key handling
1229    protected void onBackKey() {
1230        if (!mUi.onBackKey()) {
1231            WebView subwindow = mTabControl.getCurrentSubWindow();
1232            if (subwindow != null) {
1233                if (subwindow.canGoBack()) {
1234                    subwindow.goBack();
1235                } else {
1236                    dismissSubWindow(mTabControl.getCurrentTab());
1237                }
1238            } else {
1239                goBackOnePageOrQuit();
1240            }
1241        }
1242    }
1244    protected boolean onMenuKey() {
1245        return mUi.onMenuKey();
1246    }
1248    // menu handling and state
1249    // TODO: maybe put into separate handler
1251    @Override
1252    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
1253        if (mMenuState == EMPTY_MENU) {
1254            return false;
1255        }
1256        MenuInflater inflater = mActivity.getMenuInflater();
1257        inflater.inflate(R.menu.browser, menu);
1258        return true;
1259    }
1261    @Override
1262    public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,
1263            ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
1264        if (v instanceof TitleBar) {
1265            return;
1266        }
1267        if (!(v instanceof WebView)) {
1268            return;
1269        }
1270        final WebView webview = (WebView) v;
1271        WebView.HitTestResult result = webview.getHitTestResult();
1272        if (result == null) {
1273            return;
1274        }
1276        int type = result.getType();
1277        if (type == WebView.HitTestResult.UNKNOWN_TYPE) {
1278            Log.w(LOGTAG,
1279                    "We should not show context menu when nothing is touched");
1280            return;
1281        }
1282        if (type == WebView.HitTestResult.EDIT_TEXT_TYPE) {
1283            // let TextView handles context menu
1284            return;
1285        }
1287        // Note, http://b/issue?id=1106666 is requesting that
1288        // an inflated menu can be used again. This is not available
1289        // yet, so inflate each time (yuk!)
1290        MenuInflater inflater = mActivity.getMenuInflater();
1291        inflater.inflate(R.menu.browsercontext, menu);
1293        // Show the correct menu group
1294        final String extra = result.getExtra();
1295        if (extra == null) return;
1296        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.PHONE_MENU,
1297                type == WebView.HitTestResult.PHONE_TYPE);
1298        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.EMAIL_MENU,
1299                type == WebView.HitTestResult.EMAIL_TYPE);
1300        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.GEO_MENU,
1301                type == WebView.HitTestResult.GEO_TYPE);
1302        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.IMAGE_MENU,
1303                type == WebView.HitTestResult.IMAGE_TYPE
1304                || type == WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE);
1305        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.ANCHOR_MENU,
1306                type == WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_ANCHOR_TYPE
1307                || type == WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE);
1308        // Setup custom handling depending on the type
1309        switch (type) {
1310            case WebView.HitTestResult.PHONE_TYPE:
1311                menu.setHeaderTitle(Uri.decode(extra));
1312                menu.findItem(R.id.dial_context_menu_id).setIntent(
1313                        new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri
1314                                .parse(WebView.SCHEME_TEL + extra)));
1315                Intent addIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT);
1316                addIntent.putExtra(Insert.PHONE, Uri.decode(extra));
1317                addIntent.setType(ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE);
1318                menu.findItem(R.id.add_contact_context_menu_id).setIntent(
1319                        addIntent);
1320                menu.findItem(R.id.copy_phone_context_menu_id)
1321                        .setOnMenuItemClickListener(
1322                        new Copy(extra));
1323                break;
1325            case WebView.HitTestResult.EMAIL_TYPE:
1326                menu.setHeaderTitle(extra);
1327                menu.findItem(R.id.email_context_menu_id).setIntent(
1328                        new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri
1329                                .parse(WebView.SCHEME_MAILTO + extra)));
1330                menu.findItem(R.id.copy_mail_context_menu_id)
1331                        .setOnMenuItemClickListener(
1332                        new Copy(extra));
1333                break;
1335            case WebView.HitTestResult.GEO_TYPE:
1336                menu.setHeaderTitle(extra);
1337                menu.findItem(R.id.map_context_menu_id).setIntent(
1338                        new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri
1339                                .parse(WebView.SCHEME_GEO
1340                                        + URLEncoder.encode(extra))));
1341                menu.findItem(R.id.copy_geo_context_menu_id)
1342                        .setOnMenuItemClickListener(
1343                        new Copy(extra));
1344                break;
1346            case WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_ANCHOR_TYPE:
1347            case WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE:
1348                menu.setHeaderTitle(extra);
1349                // decide whether to show the open link in new tab option
1350                boolean showNewTab = mTabControl.canCreateNewTab();
1351                MenuItem newTabItem
1352                        = menu.findItem(R.id.open_newtab_context_menu_id);
1353                newTabItem.setTitle(getSettings().openInBackground()
1354                        ? R.string.contextmenu_openlink_newwindow_background
1355                        : R.string.contextmenu_openlink_newwindow);
1356                newTabItem.setVisible(showNewTab);
1357                if (showNewTab) {
1358                    if (WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_IMAGE_ANCHOR_TYPE == type) {
1359                        newTabItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener(
1360                                new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
1361                                    @Override
1362                                    public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
1363                                        final HashMap<String, WebView> hrefMap =
1364                                                new HashMap<String, WebView>();
1365                                        hrefMap.put("webview", webview);
1366                                        final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(
1367                                                FOCUS_NODE_HREF,
1368                                                R.id.open_newtab_context_menu_id,
1369                                                0, hrefMap);
1370                                        webview.requestFocusNodeHref(msg);
1371                                        return true;
1372                                    }
1373                                });
1374                    } else {
1375                        newTabItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener(
1376                                new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
1377                                    @Override
1378                                    public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
1379                                        final Tab parent = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
1380                                        openTab(extra, parent,
1381                                                !mSettings.openInBackground(),
1382                                                true);
1383                                        return true;
1384                                    }
1385                                });
1386                    }
1387                }
1388                if (type == WebView.HitTestResult.SRC_ANCHOR_TYPE) {
1389                    break;
1390                }
1391                // otherwise fall through to handle image part
1392            case WebView.HitTestResult.IMAGE_TYPE:
1393                MenuItem shareItem = menu.findItem(R.id.share_link_context_menu_id);
1394                shareItem.setVisible(type == WebView.HitTestResult.IMAGE_TYPE);
1395                if (type == WebView.HitTestResult.IMAGE_TYPE) {
1396                    menu.setHeaderTitle(extra);
1397                    shareItem.setOnMenuItemClickListener(
1398                            new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
1399                                @Override
1400                                public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
1401                                    sharePage(mActivity, null, extra, null,
1402                                    null);
1403                                    return true;
1404                                }
1405                            }
1406                        );
1407                }
1408                menu.findItem(R.id.view_image_context_menu_id)
1409                        .setOnMenuItemClickListener(new OnMenuItemClickListener() {
1410                    @Override
1411                    public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
1412                        openTab(extra, mTabControl.getCurrentTab(), true, true);
1413                        return false;
1414                    }
1415                });
1416                menu.findItem(R.id.download_context_menu_id).setOnMenuItemClickListener(
1417                        new Download(mActivity, extra, webview.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled(),
1418                                webview.getSettings().getUserAgentString()));
1419                menu.findItem(R.id.set_wallpaper_context_menu_id).
1420                        setOnMenuItemClickListener(new WallpaperHandler(mActivity,
1421                                extra));
1422                break;
1424            default:
1425                Log.w(LOGTAG, "We should not get here.");
1426                break;
1427        }
1428        //update the ui
1429        mUi.onContextMenuCreated(menu);
1430    }
1432    /**
1433     * As the menu can be open when loading state changes
1434     * we must manually update the state of the stop/reload menu
1435     * item
1436     */
1437    private void updateInLoadMenuItems(Menu menu, Tab tab) {
1438        if (menu == null) {
1439            return;
1440        }
1441        MenuItem dest = menu.findItem(R.id.stop_reload_menu_id);
1442        MenuItem src = ((tab != null) && tab.inPageLoad()) ?
1443                menu.findItem(R.id.stop_menu_id):
1444                menu.findItem(R.id.reload_menu_id);
1445        if (src != null) {
1446            dest.setIcon(src.getIcon());
1447            dest.setTitle(src.getTitle());
1448        }
1449    }
1451    @Override
1452    public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
1453        updateInLoadMenuItems(menu, getCurrentTab());
1454        // hold on to the menu reference here; it is used by the page callbacks
1455        // to update the menu based on loading state
1456        mCachedMenu = menu;
1457        // Note: setVisible will decide whether an item is visible; while
1458        // setEnabled() will decide whether an item is enabled, which also means
1459        // whether the matching shortcut key will function.
1460        switch (mMenuState) {
1461            case EMPTY_MENU:
1462                if (mCurrentMenuState != mMenuState) {
1463                    menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.MAIN_MENU, false);
1464                    menu.setGroupEnabled(R.id.MAIN_MENU, false);
1465                    menu.setGroupEnabled(R.id.MAIN_SHORTCUT_MENU, false);
1466                }
1467                break;
1468            default:
1469                if (mCurrentMenuState != mMenuState) {
1470                    menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.MAIN_MENU, true);
1471                    menu.setGroupEnabled(R.id.MAIN_MENU, true);
1472                    menu.setGroupEnabled(R.id.MAIN_SHORTCUT_MENU, true);
1473                }
1474                updateMenuState(getCurrentTab(), menu);
1475                break;
1476        }
1477        mCurrentMenuState = mMenuState;
1478        return mUi.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu);
1479    }
1481    @Override
1482    public void updateMenuState(Tab tab, Menu menu) {
1483        boolean canGoBack = false;
1484        boolean canGoForward = false;
1485        boolean isHome = false;
1486        boolean isDesktopUa = false;
1487        boolean isLive = false;
1488        if (tab != null) {
1489            canGoBack = tab.canGoBack();
1490            canGoForward = tab.canGoForward();
1491            isHome = mSettings.getHomePage().equals(tab.getUrl());
1492            isDesktopUa = mSettings.hasDesktopUseragent(tab.getWebView());
1493            isLive = !tab.isSnapshot();
1494        }
1495        final MenuItem back = menu.findItem(R.id.back_menu_id);
1496        back.setEnabled(canGoBack);
1498        final MenuItem home = menu.findItem(R.id.homepage_menu_id);
1499        home.setEnabled(!isHome);
1501        final MenuItem forward = menu.findItem(R.id.forward_menu_id);
1502        forward.setEnabled(canGoForward);
1504        final MenuItem source = menu.findItem(isInLoad() ? R.id.stop_menu_id
1505                : R.id.reload_menu_id);
1506        final MenuItem dest = menu.findItem(R.id.stop_reload_menu_id);
1507        if (source != null && dest != null) {
1508            dest.setTitle(source.getTitle());
1509            dest.setIcon(source.getIcon());
1510        }
1511        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.NAV_MENU, isLive);
1513        // decide whether to show the share link option
1514        PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager();
1515        Intent send = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
1516        send.setType("text/plain");
1517        ResolveInfo ri = pm.resolveActivity(send,
1518                PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY);
1519        menu.findItem(R.id.share_page_menu_id).setVisible(ri != null);
1521        boolean isNavDump = mSettings.enableNavDump();
1522        final MenuItem nav = menu.findItem(R.id.dump_nav_menu_id);
1523        nav.setVisible(isNavDump);
1524        nav.setEnabled(isNavDump);
1526        boolean showDebugSettings = mSettings.isDebugEnabled();
1527        final MenuItem uaSwitcher = menu.findItem(R.id.ua_desktop_menu_id);
1528        uaSwitcher.setChecked(isDesktopUa);
1529        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.LIVE_MENU, isLive);
1530        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.SNAPSHOT_MENU, !isLive);
1531        menu.setGroupVisible(R.id.COMBO_MENU, false);
1533        mUi.updateMenuState(tab, menu);
1534    }
1536    @Override
1537    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
1538        if (null == getCurrentTopWebView()) {
1539            return false;
1540        }
1541        if (mMenuIsDown) {
1542            // The shortcut action consumes the MENU. Even if it is still down,
1543            // it won't trigger the next shortcut action. In the case of the
1544            // shortcut action triggering a new activity, like Bookmarks, we
1545            // won't get onKeyUp for MENU. So it is important to reset it here.
1546            mMenuIsDown = false;
1547        }
1548        if (mUi.onOptionsItemSelected(item)) {
1549            // ui callback handled it
1550            return true;
1551        }
1552        switch (item.getItemId()) {
1553            // -- Main menu
1554            case R.id.new_tab_menu_id:
1555                openTabToHomePage();
1556                break;
1558            case R.id.close_other_tabs_id:
1559                closeOtherTabs();
1560                break;
1562            case R.id.goto_menu_id:
1563                editUrl();
1564                break;
1566            case R.id.bookmarks_menu_id:
1567                bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.Bookmarks);
1568                break;
1570            case R.id.history_menu_id:
1571                bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.History);
1572                break;
1574            case R.id.snapshots_menu_id:
1575                bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.Snapshots);
1576                break;
1578            case R.id.add_bookmark_menu_id:
1579                bookmarkCurrentPage();
1580                break;
1582            case R.id.stop_reload_menu_id:
1583                if (isInLoad()) {
1584                    stopLoading();
1585                } else {
1586                    getCurrentTopWebView().reload();
1587                }
1588                break;
1590            case R.id.back_menu_id:
1591                getCurrentTab().goBack();
1592                break;
1594            case R.id.forward_menu_id:
1595                getCurrentTab().goForward();
1596                break;
1598            case R.id.close_menu_id:
1599                // Close the subwindow if it exists.
1600                if (mTabControl.getCurrentSubWindow() != null) {
1601                    dismissSubWindow(mTabControl.getCurrentTab());
1602                    break;
1603                }
1604                closeCurrentTab();
1605                break;
1607            case R.id.homepage_menu_id:
1608                Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
1609                loadUrl(current, mSettings.getHomePage());
1610                break;
1612            case R.id.preferences_menu_id:
1613                openPreferences();
1614                break;
1616            case R.id.find_menu_id:
1617                findOnPage();
1618                break;
1620            case R.id.page_info_menu_id:
1621                showPageInfo();
1622                break;
1624            case R.id.snapshot_go_live:
1625                goLive();
1626                return true;
1628            case R.id.share_page_menu_id:
1629                Tab currentTab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
1630                if (null == currentTab) {
1631                    return false;
1632                }
1633                shareCurrentPage(currentTab);
1634                break;
1636            case R.id.dump_nav_menu_id:
1637                getCurrentTopWebView().debugDump();
1638                break;
1640            case R.id.zoom_in_menu_id:
1641                getCurrentTopWebView().zoomIn();
1642                break;
1644            case R.id.zoom_out_menu_id:
1645                getCurrentTopWebView().zoomOut();
1646                break;
1648            case R.id.view_downloads_menu_id:
1649                viewDownloads();
1650                break;
1652            case R.id.ua_desktop_menu_id:
1653                toggleUserAgent();
1654                break;
1656            case R.id.window_one_menu_id:
1657            case R.id.window_two_menu_id:
1658            case R.id.window_three_menu_id:
1659            case R.id.window_four_menu_id:
1660            case R.id.window_five_menu_id:
1661            case R.id.window_six_menu_id:
1662            case R.id.window_seven_menu_id:
1663            case R.id.window_eight_menu_id:
1664                {
1665                    int menuid = item.getItemId();
1666                    for (int id = 0; id < WINDOW_SHORTCUT_ID_ARRAY.length; id++) {
1667                        if (WINDOW_SHORTCUT_ID_ARRAY[id] == menuid) {
1668                            Tab desiredTab = mTabControl.getTab(id);
1669                            if (desiredTab != null &&
1670                                    desiredTab != mTabControl.getCurrentTab()) {
1671                                switchToTab(desiredTab);
1672                            }
1673                            break;
1674                        }
1675                    }
1676                }
1677                break;
1679            default:
1680                return false;
1681        }
1682        return true;
1683    }
1685    @Override
1686    public void toggleUserAgent() {
1687        WebView web = getCurrentWebView();
1688        mSettings.toggleDesktopUseragent(web);
1689        web.loadUrl(web.getOriginalUrl());
1690    }
1692    @Override
1693    public void findOnPage() {
1694        getCurrentTopWebView().showFindDialog(null, true);
1695    }
1697    @Override
1698    public void openPreferences() {
1699        Intent intent = new Intent(mActivity, BrowserPreferencesPage.class);
1700        intent.putExtra(BrowserPreferencesPage.CURRENT_PAGE,
1701                getCurrentTopWebView().getUrl());
1702        mActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, PREFERENCES_PAGE);
1703    }
1705    @Override
1706    public void bookmarkCurrentPage() {
1707        Intent bookmarkIntent = createBookmarkCurrentPageIntent(false);
1708        if (bookmarkIntent != null) {
1709            mActivity.startActivity(bookmarkIntent);
1710        }
1711    }
1713    private void goLive() {
1714        Tab t = getCurrentTab();
1715        t.loadUrl(t.getUrl(), null);
1716    }
1718    @Override
1719    public void showPageInfo() {
1720        mPageDialogsHandler.showPageInfo(mTabControl.getCurrentTab(), false, null);
1721    }
1723    @Override
1724    public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
1725        // Let the History and Bookmark fragments handle menus they created.
1726        if (item.getGroupId() == R.id.CONTEXT_MENU) {
1727            return false;
1728        }
1730        int id = item.getItemId();
1731        boolean result = true;
1732        switch (id) {
1733            // -- Browser context menu
1734            case R.id.open_context_menu_id:
1735            case R.id.save_link_context_menu_id:
1736            case R.id.copy_link_context_menu_id:
1737                final WebView webView = getCurrentTopWebView();
1738                if (null == webView) {
1739                    result = false;
1740                    break;
1741                }
1742                final HashMap<String, WebView> hrefMap =
1743                        new HashMap<String, WebView>();
1744                hrefMap.put("webview", webView);
1745                final Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(
1746                        FOCUS_NODE_HREF, id, 0, hrefMap);
1747                webView.requestFocusNodeHref(msg);
1748                break;
1750            default:
1751                // For other context menus
1752                result = onOptionsItemSelected(item);
1753        }
1754        return result;
1755    }
1757    /**
1758     * support programmatically opening the context menu
1759     */
1760    public void openContextMenu(View view) {
1761        mActivity.openContextMenu(view);
1762    }
1764    /**
1765     * programmatically open the options menu
1766     */
1767    public void openOptionsMenu() {
1768        mActivity.openOptionsMenu();
1769    }
1771    @Override
1772    public boolean onMenuOpened(int featureId, Menu menu) {
1773        if (mOptionsMenuOpen) {
1774            if (mConfigChanged) {
1775                // We do not need to make any changes to the state of the
1776                // title bar, since the only thing that happened was a
1777                // change in orientation
1778                mConfigChanged = false;
1779            } else {
1780                if (!mExtendedMenuOpen) {
1781                    mExtendedMenuOpen = true;
1782                    mUi.onExtendedMenuOpened();
1783                } else {
1784                    // Switching the menu back to icon view, so show the
1785                    // title bar once again.
1786                    mExtendedMenuOpen = false;
1787                    mUi.onExtendedMenuClosed(isInLoad());
1788                }
1789            }
1790        } else {
1791            // The options menu is closed, so open it, and show the title
1792            mOptionsMenuOpen = true;
1793            mConfigChanged = false;
1794            mExtendedMenuOpen = false;
1795            mUi.onOptionsMenuOpened();
1796        }
1797        return true;
1798    }
1800    @Override
1801    public void onOptionsMenuClosed(Menu menu) {
1802        mOptionsMenuOpen = false;
1803        mUi.onOptionsMenuClosed(isInLoad());
1804    }
1806    @Override
1807    public void onContextMenuClosed(Menu menu) {
1808        mUi.onContextMenuClosed(menu, isInLoad());
1809    }
1811    // Helper method for getting the top window.
1812    @Override
1813    public WebView getCurrentTopWebView() {
1814        return mTabControl.getCurrentTopWebView();
1815    }
1817    @Override
1818    public WebView getCurrentWebView() {
1819        return mTabControl.getCurrentWebView();
1820    }
1822    /*
1823     * This method is called as a result of the user selecting the options
1824     * menu to see the download window. It shows the download window on top of
1825     * the current window.
1826     */
1827    void viewDownloads() {
1828        Intent intent = new Intent(DownloadManager.ACTION_VIEW_DOWNLOADS);
1829        mActivity.startActivity(intent);
1830    }
1832    int getActionModeHeight() {
1833        TypedArray actionBarSizeTypedArray = mActivity.obtainStyledAttributes(
1834                    new int[] { android.R.attr.actionBarSize });
1835        int size = (int) actionBarSizeTypedArray.getDimension(0, 0f);
1836        actionBarSizeTypedArray.recycle();
1837        return size;
1838    }
1840    // action mode
1842    @Override
1843    public void onActionModeStarted(ActionMode mode) {
1844        mUi.onActionModeStarted(mode);
1845        mActionMode = mode;
1846    }
1848    /*
1849     * True if a custom ActionMode (i.e. find or select) is in use.
1850     */
1851    @Override
1852    public boolean isInCustomActionMode() {
1853        return mActionMode != null;
1854    }
1856    /*
1857     * End the current ActionMode.
1858     */
1859    @Override
1860    public void endActionMode() {
1861        if (mActionMode != null) {
1862            mActionMode.finish();
1863        }
1864    }
1866    /*
1867     * Called by find and select when they are finished.  Replace title bars
1868     * as necessary.
1869     */
1870    @Override
1871    public void onActionModeFinished(ActionMode mode) {
1872        if (!isInCustomActionMode()) return;
1873        mUi.onActionModeFinished(isInLoad());
1874        mActionMode = null;
1875    }
1877    boolean isInLoad() {
1878        final Tab tab = getCurrentTab();
1879        return (tab != null) && tab.inPageLoad();
1880    }
1882    // bookmark handling
1884    /**
1885     * add the current page as a bookmark to the given folder id
1886     * @param folderId use -1 for the default folder
1887     * @param editExisting If true, check to see whether the site is already
1888     *          bookmarked, and if it is, edit that bookmark.  If false, and
1889     *          the site is already bookmarked, do not attempt to edit the
1890     *          existing bookmark.
1891     */
1892    @Override
1893    public Intent createBookmarkCurrentPageIntent(boolean editExisting) {
1894        WebView w = getCurrentTopWebView();
1895        if (w == null) {
1896            return null;
1897        }
1898        Intent i = new Intent(mActivity,
1899                AddBookmarkPage.class);
1900        i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.URL, w.getUrl());
1901        i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.TITLE, w.getTitle());
1902        String touchIconUrl = w.getTouchIconUrl();
1903        if (touchIconUrl != null) {
1904            i.putExtra(AddBookmarkPage.TOUCH_ICON_URL, touchIconUrl);
1905            WebSettings settings = w.getSettings();
1906            if (settings != null) {
1907                i.putExtra(AddBookmarkPage.USER_AGENT,
1908                        settings.getUserAgentString());
1909            }
1910        }
1911        i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.THUMBNAIL,
1912                createScreenshot(w, getDesiredThumbnailWidth(mActivity),
1913                getDesiredThumbnailHeight(mActivity)));
1914        i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.FAVICON, w.getFavicon());
1915        if (editExisting) {
1916            i.putExtra(AddBookmarkPage.CHECK_FOR_DUPE, true);
1917        }
1918        // Put the dialog at the upper right of the screen, covering the
1919        // star on the title bar.
1920        i.putExtra("gravity", Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.TOP);
1921        return i;
1922    }
1924    // file chooser
1925    @Override
1926    public void showFileChooser(ValueCallback<Uri[]> callback, FileChooserParams params) {
1927        mUploadHandler = new UploadHandler(this);
1928        mUploadHandler.openFileChooser(callback, params);
1929    }
1931    // thumbnails
1933    /**
1934     * Return the desired width for thumbnail screenshots, which are stored in
1935     * the database, and used on the bookmarks screen.
1936     * @param context Context for finding out the density of the screen.
1937     * @return desired width for thumbnail screenshot.
1938     */
1939    static int getDesiredThumbnailWidth(Context context) {
1940        return context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(
1941                R.dimen.bookmarkThumbnailWidth);
1942    }
1944    /**
1945     * Return the desired height for thumbnail screenshots, which are stored in
1946     * the database, and used on the bookmarks screen.
1947     * @param context Context for finding out the density of the screen.
1948     * @return desired height for thumbnail screenshot.
1949     */
1950    static int getDesiredThumbnailHeight(Context context) {
1951        return context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset(
1952                R.dimen.bookmarkThumbnailHeight);
1953    }
1955    static Bitmap createScreenshot(WebView view, int width, int height) {
1956        if (view == null || view.getContentHeight() == 0
1957                || view.getContentWidth() == 0) {
1958            return null;
1959        }
1960        // We render to a bitmap 2x the desired size so that we can then
1961        // re-scale it with filtering since canvas.scale doesn't filter
1962        // This helps reduce aliasing at the cost of being slightly blurry
1963        final int filter_scale = 2;
1964        int scaledWidth = width * filter_scale;
1965        int scaledHeight = height * filter_scale;
1966        if (sThumbnailBitmap == null || sThumbnailBitmap.getWidth() != scaledWidth
1967                || sThumbnailBitmap.getHeight() != scaledHeight) {
1968            if (sThumbnailBitmap != null) {
1969                sThumbnailBitmap.recycle();
1970                sThumbnailBitmap = null;
1971            }
1972            sThumbnailBitmap =
1973                    Bitmap.createBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);
1974        }
1975        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(sThumbnailBitmap);
1976        int contentWidth = view.getContentWidth();
1977        float overviewScale = scaledWidth / (view.getScale() * contentWidth);
1978        if (view instanceof BrowserWebView) {
1979            int dy = -((BrowserWebView)view).getTitleHeight();
1980            canvas.translate(0, dy * overviewScale);
1981        }
1983        canvas.scale(overviewScale, overviewScale);
1985        if (view instanceof BrowserWebView) {
1986            ((BrowserWebView)view).drawContent(canvas);
1987        } else {
1988            view.draw(canvas);
1989        }
1990        Bitmap ret = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(sThumbnailBitmap,
1991                width, height, true);
1992        canvas.setBitmap(null);
1993        return ret;
1994    }
1996    private void updateScreenshot(Tab tab) {
1997        // If this is a bookmarked site, add a screenshot to the database.
1998        // FIXME: Would like to make sure there is actually something to
1999        // draw, but the API for that (WebViewCore.pictureReady()) is not
2000        // currently accessible here.
2002        WebView view = tab.getWebView();
2003        if (view == null) {
2004            // Tab was destroyed
2005            return;
2006        }
2007        final String url = tab.getUrl();
2008        final String originalUrl = view.getOriginalUrl();
2009        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
2010            return;
2011        }
2013        // Only update thumbnails for web urls (http(s)://), not for
2014        // about:, javascript:, data:, etc...
2015        // Unless it is a bookmarked site, then always update
2016        if (!Patterns.WEB_URL.matcher(url).matches() && !tab.isBookmarkedSite()) {
2017            return;
2018        }
2020        final Bitmap bm = createScreenshot(view, getDesiredThumbnailWidth(mActivity),
2021                getDesiredThumbnailHeight(mActivity));
2022        if (bm == null) {
2023            return;
2024        }
2026        final ContentResolver cr = mActivity.getContentResolver();
2027        new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {
2028            @Override
2029            protected Void doInBackground(Void... unused) {
2030                Cursor cursor = null;
2031                try {
2032                    // TODO: Clean this up
2033                    cursor = Bookmarks.queryCombinedForUrl(cr, originalUrl, url);
2034                    if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
2035                        final ByteArrayOutputStream os =
2036                                new ByteArrayOutputStream();
2037                        bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, os);
2039                        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
2040                        values.put(Images.THUMBNAIL, os.toByteArray());
2042                        do {
2043                            values.put(Images.URL, cursor.getString(0));
2044                            cr.update(Images.CONTENT_URI, values, null, null);
2045                        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
2046                    }
2047                } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
2048                    // Ignore
2049                } catch (SQLiteException s) {
2050                    // Added for possible error when user tries to remove the same bookmark
2051                    // that is being updated with a screen shot
2052                    Log.w(LOGTAG, "Error when running updateScreenshot ", s);
2053                } finally {
2054                    if (cursor != null) cursor.close();
2055                }
2056                return null;
2057            }
2058        }.execute();
2059    }
2061    private class Copy implements OnMenuItemClickListener {
2062        private CharSequence mText;
2064        @Override
2065        public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
2066            copy(mText);
2067            return true;
2068        }
2070        public Copy(CharSequence toCopy) {
2071            mText = toCopy;
2072        }
2073    }
2075    private static class Download implements OnMenuItemClickListener {
2076        private Activity mActivity;
2077        private String mText;
2078        private boolean mPrivateBrowsing;
2079        private String mUserAgent;
2080        private static final String FALLBACK_EXTENSION = "dat";
2081        private static final String IMAGE_BASE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-";
2083        @Override
2084        public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
2085            if (DataUri.isDataUri(mText)) {
2086                saveDataUri();
2087            } else {
2088                DownloadHandler.onDownloadStartNoStream(mActivity, mText, mUserAgent,
2089                        null, null, null, mPrivateBrowsing);
2090            }
2091            return true;
2092        }
2094        public Download(Activity activity, String toDownload, boolean privateBrowsing,
2095                String userAgent) {
2096            mActivity = activity;
2097            mText = toDownload;
2098            mPrivateBrowsing = privateBrowsing;
2099            mUserAgent = userAgent;
2100        }
2102        /**
2103         * Treats mText as a data URI and writes its contents to a file
2104         * based on the current time.
2105         */
2106        private void saveDataUri() {
2107            FileOutputStream outputStream = null;
2108            try {
2109                DataUri uri = new DataUri(mText);
2110                File target = getTarget(uri);
2111                outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target);
2112                outputStream.write(uri.getData());
2113                final DownloadManager manager =
2114                        (DownloadManager) mActivity.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE);
2115                 manager.addCompletedDownload(target.getName(),
2116                        mActivity.getTitle().toString(), false,
2117                        uri.getMimeType(), target.getAbsolutePath(),
2118                        uri.getData().length, true);
2119            } catch (IOException e) {
2120                Log.e(LOGTAG, "Could not save data URL");
2121            } finally {
2122                if (outputStream != null) {
2123                    try {
2124                        outputStream.close();
2125                    } catch (IOException e) {
2126                        // ignore close errors
2127                    }
2128                }
2129            }
2130        }
2132        /**
2133         * Creates a File based on the current time stamp and uses
2134         * the mime type of the DataUri to get the extension.
2135         */
2136        private File getTarget(DataUri uri) throws IOException {
2137            File dir = mActivity.getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS);
2138            DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(IMAGE_BASE_FORMAT, Locale.US);
2139            String nameBase = format.format(new Date());
2140            String mimeType = uri.getMimeType();
2141            MimeTypeMap mimeTypeMap = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton();
2142            String extension = mimeTypeMap.getExtensionFromMimeType(mimeType);
2143            if (extension == null) {
2144                Log.w(LOGTAG, "Unknown mime type in data URI" + mimeType);
2145                extension = FALLBACK_EXTENSION;
2146            }
2147            extension = "." + extension; // createTempFile needs the '.'
2148            File targetFile = File.createTempFile(nameBase, extension, dir);
2149            return targetFile;
2150        }
2151    }
2153    /********************** TODO: UI stuff *****************************/
2155    // these methods have been copied, they still need to be cleaned up
2157    /****************** tabs ***************************************************/
2159    // basic tab interactions:
2161    // it is assumed that tabcontrol already knows about the tab
2162    protected void addTab(Tab tab) {
2163        mUi.addTab(tab);
2164    }
2166    protected void removeTab(Tab tab) {
2167        mUi.removeTab(tab);
2168        mTabControl.removeTab(tab);
2169        mCrashRecoveryHandler.backupState();
2170    }
2172    @Override
2173    public void setActiveTab(Tab tab) {
2174        // monkey protection against delayed start
2175        if (tab != null) {
2176            mTabControl.setCurrentTab(tab);
2177            // the tab is guaranteed to have a webview after setCurrentTab
2178            mUi.setActiveTab(tab);
2179        }
2180    }
2182    protected void closeEmptyTab() {
2183        Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
2184        if (current != null
2185                && current.getWebView().copyBackForwardList().getSize() == 0) {
2186            closeCurrentTab();
2187        }
2188    }
2190    protected void reuseTab(Tab appTab, UrlData urlData) {
2191        // Dismiss the subwindow if applicable.
2192        dismissSubWindow(appTab);
2193        // Since we might kill the WebView, remove it from the
2194        // content view first.
2195        mUi.detachTab(appTab);
2196        // Recreate the main WebView after destroying the old one.
2197        mTabControl.recreateWebView(appTab);
2198        // TODO: analyze why the remove and add are necessary
2199        mUi.attachTab(appTab);
2200        if (mTabControl.getCurrentTab() != appTab) {
2201            switchToTab(appTab);
2202            loadUrlDataIn(appTab, urlData);
2203        } else {
2204            // If the tab was the current tab, we have to attach
2205            // it to the view system again.
2206            setActiveTab(appTab);
2207            loadUrlDataIn(appTab, urlData);
2208        }
2209    }
2211    // Remove the sub window if it exists. Also called by TabControl when the
2212    // user clicks the 'X' to dismiss a sub window.
2213    @Override
2214    public void dismissSubWindow(Tab tab) {
2215        removeSubWindow(tab);
2216        // dismiss the subwindow. This will destroy the WebView.
2217        tab.dismissSubWindow();
2218        WebView wv = getCurrentTopWebView();
2219        if (wv != null) {
2220            wv.requestFocus();
2221        }
2222    }
2224    @Override
2225    public void removeSubWindow(Tab t) {
2226        if (t.getSubWebView() != null) {
2227            mUi.removeSubWindow(t.getSubViewContainer());
2228        }
2229    }
2231    @Override
2232    public void attachSubWindow(Tab tab) {
2233        if (tab.getSubWebView() != null) {
2234            mUi.attachSubWindow(tab.getSubViewContainer());
2235            getCurrentTopWebView().requestFocus();
2236        }
2237    }
2239    private Tab showPreloadedTab(final UrlData urlData) {
2240        if (!urlData.isPreloaded()) {
2241            return null;
2242        }
2243        final PreloadedTabControl tabControl = urlData.getPreloadedTab();
2244        final String sbQuery = urlData.getSearchBoxQueryToSubmit();
2245        if (sbQuery != null) {
2246            if (!tabControl.searchBoxSubmit(sbQuery, urlData.mUrl, urlData.mHeaders)) {
2247                // Could not submit query. Fallback to regular tab creation
2248                tabControl.destroy();
2249                return null;
2250            }
2251        }
2252        // check tab count and make room for new tab
2253        if (!mTabControl.canCreateNewTab()) {
2254            Tab leastUsed = mTabControl.getLeastUsedTab(getCurrentTab());
2255            if (leastUsed != null) {
2256                closeTab(leastUsed);
2257            }
2258        }
2259        Tab t = tabControl.getTab();
2260        t.refreshIdAfterPreload();
2261        mTabControl.addPreloadedTab(t);
2262        addTab(t);
2263        setActiveTab(t);
2264        return t;
2265    }
2267    // open a non inconito tab with the given url data
2268    // and set as active tab
2269    public Tab openTab(UrlData urlData) {
2270        Tab tab = showPreloadedTab(urlData);
2271        if (tab == null) {
2272            tab = createNewTab(false, true, true);
2273            if ((tab != null) && !urlData.isEmpty()) {
2274                loadUrlDataIn(tab, urlData);
2275            }
2276        }
2277        return tab;
2278    }
2280    @Override
2281    public Tab openTabToHomePage() {
2282        return openTab(mSettings.getHomePage(), false, true, false);
2283    }
2285    @Override
2286    public Tab openIncognitoTab() {
2287        return openTab(INCOGNITO_URI, true, true, false);
2288    }
2290    @Override
2291    public Tab openTab(String url, boolean incognito, boolean setActive,
2292            boolean useCurrent) {
2293        return openTab(url, incognito, setActive, useCurrent, null);
2294    }
2296    @Override
2297    public Tab openTab(String url, Tab parent, boolean setActive,
2298            boolean useCurrent) {
2299        return openTab(url, (parent != null) && parent.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled(),
2300                setActive, useCurrent, parent);
2301    }
2303    public Tab openTab(String url, boolean incognito, boolean setActive,
2304            boolean useCurrent, Tab parent) {
2305        Tab tab = createNewTab(incognito, setActive, useCurrent);
2306        if (tab != null) {
2307            if (parent != null && parent != tab) {
2308                parent.addChildTab(tab);
2309            }
2310            if (url != null) {
2311                loadUrl(tab, url);
2312            }
2313        }
2314        return tab;
2315    }
2317    // this method will attempt to create a new tab
2318    // incognito: private browsing tab
2319    // setActive: ste tab as current tab
2320    // useCurrent: if no new tab can be created, return current tab
2321    private Tab createNewTab(boolean incognito, boolean setActive,
2322            boolean useCurrent) {
2323        Tab tab = null;
2324        if (mTabControl.canCreateNewTab()) {
2325            tab = mTabControl.createNewTab(incognito);
2326            addTab(tab);
2327            if (setActive) {
2328                setActiveTab(tab);
2329            }
2330        } else {
2331            if (useCurrent) {
2332                tab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
2333                reuseTab(tab, null);
2334            } else {
2335                mUi.showMaxTabsWarning();
2336            }
2337        }
2338        return tab;
2339    }
2341    /**
2342     * @param tab the tab to switch to
2343     * @return boolean True if we successfully switched to a different tab.  If
2344     *                 the indexth tab is null, or if that tab is the same as
2345     *                 the current one, return false.
2346     */
2347    @Override
2348    public boolean switchToTab(Tab tab) {
2349        Tab currentTab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
2350        if (tab == null || tab == currentTab) {
2351            return false;
2352        }
2353        setActiveTab(tab);
2354        return true;
2355    }
2357    @Override
2358    public void closeCurrentTab() {
2359        closeCurrentTab(false);
2360    }
2362    protected void closeCurrentTab(boolean andQuit) {
2363        if (mTabControl.getTabCount() == 1) {
2364            mCrashRecoveryHandler.clearState();
2365            mTabControl.removeTab(getCurrentTab());
2366            mActivity.finish();
2367            return;
2368        }
2369        final Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
2370        final int pos = mTabControl.getCurrentPosition();
2371        Tab newTab = current.getParent();
2372        if (newTab == null) {
2373            newTab = mTabControl.getTab(pos + 1);
2374            if (newTab == null) {
2375                newTab = mTabControl.getTab(pos - 1);
2376            }
2377        }
2378        if (andQuit) {
2379            mTabControl.setCurrentTab(newTab);
2380            closeTab(current);
2381        } else if (switchToTab(newTab)) {
2382            // Close window
2383            closeTab(current);
2384        }
2385    }
2387    /**
2388     * Close the tab, remove its associated title bar, and adjust mTabControl's
2389     * current tab to a valid value.
2390     */
2391    @Override
2392    public void closeTab(Tab tab) {
2393        if (tab == mTabControl.getCurrentTab()) {
2394            closeCurrentTab();
2395        } else {
2396            removeTab(tab);
2397        }
2398    }
2400    /**
2401     * Close all tabs except the current one
2402     */
2403    @Override
2404    public void closeOtherTabs() {
2405        int inactiveTabs = mTabControl.getTabCount() - 1;
2406        for (int i = inactiveTabs; i >= 0; i--) {
2407            Tab tab = mTabControl.getTab(i);
2408            if (tab != mTabControl.getCurrentTab()) {
2409                removeTab(tab);
2410            }
2411        }
2412    }
2414    // Called when loading from context menu or LOAD_URL message
2415    protected void loadUrlFromContext(String url) {
2416        Tab tab = getCurrentTab();
2417        WebView view = tab != null ? tab.getWebView() : null;
2418        // In case the user enters nothing.
2419        if (url != null && url.length() != 0 && tab != null && view != null) {
2420            url = UrlUtils.smartUrlFilter(url);
2421            if (!((BrowserWebView) view).getWebViewClient().
2422                    shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view, url)) {
2423                loadUrl(tab, url);
2424            }
2425        }
2426    }
2428    /**
2429     * Load the URL into the given WebView and update the title bar
2430     * to reflect the new load.  Call this instead of WebView.loadUrl
2431     * directly.
2432     * @param view The WebView used to load url.
2433     * @param url The URL to load.
2434     */
2435    @Override
2436    public void loadUrl(Tab tab, String url) {
2437        loadUrl(tab, url, null);
2438    }
2440    protected void loadUrl(Tab tab, String url, Map<String, String> headers) {
2441        if (tab != null) {
2442            dismissSubWindow(tab);
2443            tab.loadUrl(url, headers);
2444            mUi.onProgressChanged(tab);
2445        }
2446    }
2448    /**
2449     * Load UrlData into a Tab and update the title bar to reflect the new
2450     * load.  Call this instead of UrlData.loadIn directly.
2451     * @param t The Tab used to load.
2452     * @param data The UrlData being loaded.
2453     */
2454    protected void loadUrlDataIn(Tab t, UrlData data) {
2455        if (data != null) {
2456            if (data.isPreloaded()) {
2457                // this isn't called for preloaded tabs
2458            } else {
2459                if (t != null && data.mDisableUrlOverride) {
2460                    t.disableUrlOverridingForLoad();
2461                }
2462                loadUrl(t, data.mUrl, data.mHeaders);
2463            }
2464        }
2465    }
2467    @Override
2468    public void onUserCanceledSsl(Tab tab) {
2469        // TODO: Figure out the "right" behavior
2470        if (tab.canGoBack()) {
2471            tab.goBack();
2472        } else {
2473            tab.loadUrl(mSettings.getHomePage(), null);
2474        }
2475    }
2477    void goBackOnePageOrQuit() {
2478        Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab();
2479        if (current == null) {
2480            /*
2481             * Instead of finishing the activity, simply push this to the back
2482             * of the stack and let ActivityManager to choose the foreground
2483             * activity. As BrowserActivity is singleTask, it will be always the
2484             * root of the task. So we can use either true or false for
2485             * moveTaskToBack().
2486             */
2487            mActivity.moveTaskToBack(true);
2488            return;
2489        }
2490        if (current.canGoBack()) {
2491            current.goBack();
2492        } else {
2493            // Check to see if we are closing a window that was created by
2494            // another window. If so, we switch back to that window.
2495            Tab parent = current.getParent();
2496            if (parent != null) {
2497                switchToTab(parent);
2498                // Now we close the other tab
2499                closeTab(current);
2500            } else {
2501                if ((current.getAppId() != null) || current.closeOnBack()) {
2502                    closeCurrentTab(true);
2503                }
2504                /*
2505                 * Instead of finishing the activity, simply push this to the back
2506                 * of the stack and let ActivityManager to choose the foreground
2507                 * activity. As BrowserActivity is singleTask, it will be always the
2508                 * root of the task. So we can use either true or false for
2509                 * moveTaskToBack().
2510                 */
2511                mActivity.moveTaskToBack(true);
2512            }
2513        }
2514    }
2516    /**
2517     * helper method for key handler
2518     * returns the current tab if it can't advance
2519     */
2520    private Tab getNextTab() {
2521        int pos = mTabControl.getCurrentPosition() + 1;
2522        if (pos >= mTabControl.getTabCount()) {
2523            pos = 0;
2524        }
2525        return mTabControl.getTab(pos);
2526    }
2528    /**
2529     * helper method for key handler
2530     * returns the current tab if it can't advance
2531     */
2532    private Tab getPrevTab() {
2533        int pos  = mTabControl.getCurrentPosition() - 1;
2534        if ( pos < 0) {
2535            pos = mTabControl.getTabCount() - 1;
2536        }
2537        return  mTabControl.getTab(pos);
2538    }
2540    boolean isMenuOrCtrlKey(int keyCode) {
2541        return (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU == keyCode)
2542                || (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT == keyCode)
2543                || (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT == keyCode);
2544    }
2546    /**
2547     * handle key events in browser
2548     *
2549     * @param keyCode
2550     * @param event
2551     * @return true if handled, false to pass to super
2552     */
2553    @Override
2554    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
2555        boolean noModifiers = event.hasNoModifiers();
2556        // Even if MENU is already held down, we need to call to super to open
2557        // the IME on long press.
2558        if (!noModifiers && isMenuOrCtrlKey(keyCode)) {
2559            mMenuIsDown = true;
2560            return false;
2561        }
2563        WebView webView = getCurrentTopWebView();
2564        Tab tab = getCurrentTab();
2565        if (webView == null || tab == null) return false;
2567        boolean ctrl = event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON);
2568        boolean shift = event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON);
2570        switch(keyCode) {
2571            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB:
2572                if (event.isCtrlPressed()) {
2573                    if (event.isShiftPressed()) {
2574                        // prev tab
2575                        switchToTab(getPrevTab());
2576                    } else {
2577                        // next tab
2578                        switchToTab(getNextTab());
2579                    }
2580                    return true;
2581                }
2582                break;
2583            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE:
2584                // WebView/WebTextView handle the keys in the KeyDown. As
2585                // the Activity's shortcut keys are only handled when WebView
2586                // doesn't, have to do it in onKeyDown instead of onKeyUp.
2587                if (shift) {
2588                    pageUp();
2589                } else if (noModifiers) {
2590                    pageDown();
2591                }
2592                return true;
2593            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
2594                if (!noModifiers) break;
2595                event.startTracking();
2596                return true;
2597            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FORWARD:
2598                if (!noModifiers) break;
2599                tab.goForward();
2600                return true;
2601            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT:
2602                if (ctrl) {
2603                    tab.goBack();
2604                    return true;
2605                }
2606                break;
2607            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT:
2608                if (ctrl) {
2609                    tab.goForward();
2610                    return true;
2611                }
2612                break;
2613//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_B:    // menu
2614//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_D:    // menu
2615//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_E:    // in Chrome: puts '?' in URL bar
2616//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F:    // menu
2617//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_G:    // in Chrome: finds next match
2618//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_H:    // menu
2619//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I:    // unused
2620//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_J:    // menu
2621//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_K:    // in Chrome: puts '?' in URL bar
2622//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_L:    // menu
2623//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_M:    // unused
2624//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_N:    // in Chrome: new window
2625//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_O:    // in Chrome: open file
2626//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_P:    // in Chrome: print page
2627//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Q:    // unused
2628//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_R:
2629//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_S:    // in Chrome: saves page
2630            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_T:
2631                // we can't use the ctrl/shift flags, they check for
2632                // exclusive use of a modifier
2633                if (event.isCtrlPressed()) {
2634                    if (event.isShiftPressed()) {
2635                        openIncognitoTab();
2636                    } else {
2637                        openTabToHomePage();
2638                    }
2639                    return true;
2640                }
2641                break;
2642//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_U:    // in Chrome: opens source of page
2643//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_V:    // text view intercepts to paste
2644//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_W:    // menu
2645//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_X:    // text view intercepts to cut
2646//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Y:    // unused
2647//          case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_Z:    // unused
2648        }
2649        // it is a regular key and webview is not null
2650         return mUi.dispatchKey(keyCode, event);
2651    }
2653    @Override
2654    public boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
2655        switch(keyCode) {
2656        case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
2657            if (mUi.isWebShowing()) {
2658                bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.History);
2659                return true;
2660            }
2661            break;
2662        }
2663        return false;
2664    }
2666    @Override
2667    public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
2668        if (isMenuOrCtrlKey(keyCode)) {
2669            mMenuIsDown = false;
2670            if (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU == keyCode
2671                    && event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) {
2672                return onMenuKey();
2673            }
2674        }
2675        if (!event.hasNoModifiers()) return false;
2676        switch(keyCode) {
2677            case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK:
2678                if (event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) {
2679                    onBackKey();
2680                    return true;
2681                }
2682                break;
2683        }
2684        return false;
2685    }
2687    public boolean isMenuDown() {
2688        return mMenuIsDown;
2689    }
2691    @Override
2692    public boolean onSearchRequested() {
2693        mUi.editUrl(false, true);
2694        return true;
2695    }
2697    @Override
2698    public boolean shouldCaptureThumbnails() {
2699        return mUi.shouldCaptureThumbnails();
2700    }
2702    @Override
2703    public boolean supportsVoice() {
2704        PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager();
2705        List activities = pm.queryIntentActivities(new Intent(
2706                RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH), 0);
2707        return activities.size() != 0;
2708    }
2710    @Override
2711    public void startVoiceRecognizer() {
2712        Intent voice = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH);
2713        voice.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL,
2714                RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM);
2715        voice.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS, 1);
2716        mActivity.startActivityForResult(voice, VOICE_RESULT);
2717    }
2719    @Override
2720    public void setBlockEvents(boolean block) {
2721        mBlockEvents = block;
2722    }
2724    @Override
2725    public boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {
2726        return mBlockEvents;
2727    }
2729    @Override
2730    public boolean dispatchKeyShortcutEvent(KeyEvent event) {
2731        return mBlockEvents;
2732    }
2734    @Override
2735    public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
2736        return mBlockEvents;
2737    }
2739    @Override
2740    public boolean dispatchTrackballEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
2741        return mBlockEvents;
2742    }
2744    @Override
2745    public boolean dispatchGenericMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
2746        return mBlockEvents;
2747    }