2 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.email;
19import android.content.ContentUris;
20import android.content.ContentValues;
21import android.content.Context;
22import android.database.Cursor;
23import android.net.Uri;
24import android.text.TextUtils;
26import com.android.emailcommon.Logging;
27import com.android.emailcommon.internet.MimeBodyPart;
28import com.android.emailcommon.internet.MimeHeader;
29import com.android.emailcommon.internet.MimeMessage;
30import com.android.emailcommon.internet.MimeMultipart;
31import com.android.emailcommon.internet.MimeUtility;
32import com.android.emailcommon.internet.TextBody;
33import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Address;
34import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Base64Body;
35import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Flag;
36import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Message;
37import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Message.RecipientType;
38import com.android.emailcommon.mail.MessagingException;
39import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Multipart;
40import com.android.emailcommon.mail.Part;
41import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent;
42import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.Attachment;
43import com.android.emailcommon.provider.EmailContent.AttachmentColumns;
44import com.android.emailcommon.provider.Mailbox;
45import com.android.emailcommon.utility.AttachmentUtilities;
46import com.android.mail.providers.UIProvider;
47import com.android.mail.utils.LogUtils;
48import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
50import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
52import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
53import java.io.File;
54import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
55import java.io.FileOutputStream;
56import java.io.IOException;
57import java.io.InputStream;
58import java.util.ArrayList;
59import java.util.Date;
60import java.util.HashMap;
62public class LegacyConversions {
64    /** DO NOT CHECK IN "TRUE" */
65    private static final boolean DEBUG_ATTACHMENTS = false;
67    /** Used for mapping folder names to type codes (e.g. inbox, drafts, trash) */
68    private static final HashMap<String, Integer>
69            sServerMailboxNames = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
71    /**
72     * Copy field-by-field from a "store" message to a "provider" message
73     *
74     * @param message      The message we've just downloaded (must be a MimeMessage)
75     * @param localMessage The message we'd like to write into the DB
76     * @return true if dirty (changes were made)
77     */
78    public static boolean updateMessageFields(final EmailContent.Message localMessage,
79            final Message message, final long accountId, final long mailboxId)
80            throws MessagingException {
82        final Address[] from = message.getFrom();
83        final Address[] to = message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO);
84        final Address[] cc = message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC);
85        final Address[] bcc = message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC);
86        final Address[] replyTo = message.getReplyTo();
87        final String subject = message.getSubject();
88        final Date sentDate = message.getSentDate();
89        final Date internalDate = message.getInternalDate();
91        if (from != null && from.length > 0) {
92            localMessage.mDisplayName = from[0].toFriendly();
93        }
94        if (sentDate != null) {
95            localMessage.mTimeStamp = sentDate.getTime();
96        } else if (internalDate != null) {
97            LogUtils.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, "No sentDate, falling back to internalDate");
98            localMessage.mTimeStamp = internalDate.getTime();
99        }
100        if (subject != null) {
101            localMessage.mSubject = subject;
102        }
103        localMessage.mFlagRead = message.isSet(Flag.SEEN);
104        if (message.isSet(Flag.ANSWERED)) {
105            localMessage.mFlags |= EmailContent.Message.FLAG_REPLIED_TO;
106        }
108        // Keep the message in the "unloaded" state until it has (at least) a display name.
109        // This prevents early flickering of empty messages in POP download.
110        if (localMessage.mFlagLoaded != EmailContent.Message.FLAG_LOADED_COMPLETE) {
111            if (localMessage.mDisplayName == null || "".equals(localMessage.mDisplayName)) {
112                localMessage.mFlagLoaded = EmailContent.Message.FLAG_LOADED_UNLOADED;
113            } else {
114                localMessage.mFlagLoaded = EmailContent.Message.FLAG_LOADED_PARTIAL;
115            }
116        }
117        localMessage.mFlagFavorite = message.isSet(Flag.FLAGGED);
118//        public boolean mFlagAttachment = false;
119//        public int mFlags = 0;
121        localMessage.mServerId = message.getUid();
122        if (internalDate != null) {
123            localMessage.mServerTimeStamp = internalDate.getTime();
124        }
125//        public String mClientId;
127        // Only replace the local message-id if a new one was found.  This is seen in some ISP's
128        // which may deliver messages w/o a message-id header.
129        final String messageId = message.getMessageId();
130        if (messageId != null) {
131            localMessage.mMessageId = messageId;
132        }
134//        public long mBodyKey;
135        localMessage.mMailboxKey = mailboxId;
136        localMessage.mAccountKey = accountId;
138        if (from != null && from.length > 0) {
139            localMessage.mFrom = Address.toString(from);
140        }
142        localMessage.mTo = Address.toString(to);
143        localMessage.mCc = Address.toString(cc);
144        localMessage.mBcc = Address.toString(bcc);
145        localMessage.mReplyTo = Address.toString(replyTo);
147//        public String mText;
148//        public String mHtml;
149//        public String mTextReply;
150//        public String mHtmlReply;
152//        // Can be used while building messages, but is NOT saved by the Provider
153//        transient public ArrayList<Attachment> mAttachments = null;
155        return true;
156    }
158    /**
159     * Copy attachments from MimeMessage to provider Message.
160     *
161     * @param context      a context for file operations
162     * @param localMessage the attachments will be built against this message
163     * @param attachments  the attachments to add
164     */
165    public static void updateAttachments(final Context context,
166            final EmailContent.Message localMessage, final ArrayList<Part> attachments)
167            throws MessagingException, IOException {
168        localMessage.mAttachments = null;
169        for (Part attachmentPart : attachments) {
170            addOneAttachment(context, localMessage, attachmentPart);
171        }
172    }
174    public static void updateInlineAttachments(final Context context,
175            final EmailContent.Message localMessage, final ArrayList<Part> inlineAttachments)
176            throws MessagingException, IOException {
177        for (final Part inlinePart : inlineAttachments) {
178            final String disposition = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(
179                    MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(inlinePart.getDisposition()), null);
180            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(disposition)) {
181                // Treat inline parts as attachments
182                addOneAttachment(context, localMessage, inlinePart);
183            }
184        }
185    }
187    /**
188     * Convert a MIME Part object into an Attachment object. Separated for unit testing.
189     *
190     * @param part MIME part object to convert
191     * @return Populated Account object
192     * @throws MessagingException
193     */
194    @VisibleForTesting
195    protected static Attachment mimePartToAttachment(final Part part) throws MessagingException {
196        // Transfer fields from mime format to provider format
197        final String contentType = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(part.getContentType());
199        String name = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(contentType, "name");
200        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) {
201            final String contentDisposition = MimeUtility.unfoldAndDecode(part.getDisposition());
202            name = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(contentDisposition, "filename");
203        }
205        // Incoming attachment: Try to pull size from disposition (if not downloaded yet)
206        long size = 0;
207        final String disposition = part.getDisposition();
208        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(disposition)) {
209            String s = MimeUtility.getHeaderParameter(disposition, "size");
210            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(s)) {
211                try {
212                    size = Long.parseLong(s);
213                } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
214                    LogUtils.d(LogUtils.TAG, e, "Could not decode size \"%s\" from attachment part",
215                            size);
216                }
217            }
218        }
220        // Get partId for unloaded IMAP attachments (if any)
221        // This is only provided (and used) when we have structure but not the actual attachment
222        final String[] partIds = part.getHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_ANDROID_ATTACHMENT_STORE_DATA);
223        final String partId = partIds != null ? partIds[0] : null;
225        final Attachment localAttachment = new Attachment();
227        // Run the mime type through inferMimeType in case we have something generic and can do
228        // better using the filename extension
229        localAttachment.mMimeType = AttachmentUtilities.inferMimeType(name, part.getMimeType());
230        localAttachment.mFileName = name;
231        localAttachment.mSize = size;
232        localAttachment.mContentId = part.getContentId();
233        localAttachment.setContentUri(null); // Will be rewritten by saveAttachmentBody
234        localAttachment.mLocation = partId;
235        localAttachment.mEncoding = "B"; // TODO - convert other known encodings
237        return localAttachment;
238    }
240    /**
241     * Add a single attachment part to the message
242     *
243     * This will skip adding attachments if they are already found in the attachments table.
244     * The heuristic for this will fail (false-positive) if two identical attachments are
245     * included in a single POP3 message.
246     * TODO: Fix that, by (elsewhere) simulating an mLocation value based on the attachments
247     * position within the list of multipart/mixed elements.  This would make every POP3 attachment
248     * unique, and might also simplify the code (since we could just look at the positions, and
249     * ignore the filename, etc.)
250     *
251     * TODO: Take a closer look at encoding and deal with it if necessary.
252     *
253     * @param context      a context for file operations
254     * @param localMessage the attachments will be built against this message
255     * @param part         a single attachment part from POP or IMAP
256     */
257    public static void addOneAttachment(final Context context,
258            final EmailContent.Message localMessage, final Part part)
259            throws MessagingException, IOException {
260        final Attachment localAttachment = mimePartToAttachment(part);
261        localAttachment.mMessageKey = localMessage.mId;
262        localAttachment.mAccountKey = localMessage.mAccountKey;
264        if (DEBUG_ATTACHMENTS) {
265            LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Add attachment " + localAttachment);
266        }
268        // To prevent duplication - do we already have a matching attachment?
269        // The fields we'll check for equality are:
270        //  mFileName, mMimeType, mContentId, mMessageKey, mLocation
271        // NOTE:  This will false-positive if you attach the exact same file, twice, to a POP3
272        // message.  We can live with that - you'll get one of the copies.
273        final Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Attachment.MESSAGE_ID_URI, localMessage.mId);
274        final Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, Attachment.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
275                null, null, null);
276        boolean attachmentFoundInDb = false;
277        try {
278            while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
279                final Attachment dbAttachment = new Attachment();
280                dbAttachment.restore(cursor);
281                // We test each of the fields here (instead of in SQL) because they may be
282                // null, or may be strings.
283                if (!TextUtils.equals(dbAttachment.mFileName, localAttachment.mFileName) ||
284                        !TextUtils.equals(dbAttachment.mMimeType, localAttachment.mMimeType) ||
285                        !TextUtils.equals(dbAttachment.mContentId, localAttachment.mContentId) ||
286                        !TextUtils.equals(dbAttachment.mLocation, localAttachment.mLocation)) {
287                    continue;
288                }
289                // We found a match, so use the existing attachment id, and stop looking/looping
290                attachmentFoundInDb = true;
291                localAttachment.mId = dbAttachment.mId;
292                if (DEBUG_ATTACHMENTS) {
293                    LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Skipped, found db attachment " + dbAttachment);
294                }
295                break;
296            }
297        } finally {
298            cursor.close();
299        }
301        // Save the attachment (so far) in order to obtain an id
302        if (!attachmentFoundInDb) {
303            localAttachment.save(context);
304        }
306        // If an attachment body was actually provided, we need to write the file now
307        saveAttachmentBody(context, part, localAttachment, localMessage.mAccountKey);
309        if (localMessage.mAttachments == null) {
310            localMessage.mAttachments = new ArrayList<Attachment>();
311        }
312        localMessage.mAttachments.add(localAttachment);
313        localMessage.mFlagAttachment = true;
314    }
316    /**
317     * Save the body part of a single attachment, to a file in the attachments directory.
318     */
319    public static void saveAttachmentBody(final Context context, final Part part,
320            final Attachment localAttachment, long accountId)
321            throws MessagingException, IOException {
322        if (part.getBody() != null) {
323            final long attachmentId = localAttachment.mId;
325            final File saveIn = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentDirectory(context, accountId);
327            if (!saveIn.isDirectory() && !saveIn.mkdirs()) {
328                throw new IOException("Could not create attachment directory");
329            }
330            final File saveAs = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentFilename(context, accountId,
331                    attachmentId);
333            InputStream in = null;
334            FileOutputStream out = null;
335            final long copySize;
336            try {
337                in = part.getBody().getInputStream();
338                out = new FileOutputStream(saveAs);
339                copySize = IOUtils.copyLarge(in, out);
340            } finally {
341                if (in != null) {
342                    in.close();
343                }
344                if (out != null) {
345                    out.close();
346                }
347            }
349            // update the attachment with the extra information we now know
350            final String contentUriString = AttachmentUtilities.getAttachmentUri(
351                    accountId, attachmentId).toString();
353            localAttachment.mSize = copySize;
354            localAttachment.setContentUri(contentUriString);
356            // update the attachment in the database as well
357            final ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(3);
358            cv.put(AttachmentColumns.SIZE, copySize);
359            cv.put(AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI, contentUriString);
360            cv.put(AttachmentColumns.UI_STATE, UIProvider.AttachmentState.SAVED);
361            final Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Attachment.CONTENT_URI, attachmentId);
362            context.getContentResolver().update(uri, cv, null, null);
363        }
364    }
366    /**
367     * Read a complete Provider message into a legacy message (for IMAP upload).  This
368     * is basically the equivalent of LocalFolder.getMessages() + LocalFolder.fetch().
369     */
370    public static Message makeMessage(final Context context,
371            final EmailContent.Message localMessage)
372            throws MessagingException {
373        final MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage();
375        // LocalFolder.getMessages() equivalent:  Copy message fields
376        message.setSubject(localMessage.mSubject == null ? "" : localMessage.mSubject);
377        final Address[] from = Address.fromHeader(localMessage.mFrom);
378        if (from.length > 0) {
379            message.setFrom(from[0]);
380        }
381        message.setSentDate(new Date(localMessage.mTimeStamp));
382        message.setUid(localMessage.mServerId);
383        message.setFlag(Flag.DELETED,
384                localMessage.mFlagLoaded == EmailContent.Message.FLAG_LOADED_DELETED);
385        message.setFlag(Flag.SEEN, localMessage.mFlagRead);
386        message.setFlag(Flag.FLAGGED, localMessage.mFlagFavorite);
387//      message.setFlag(Flag.DRAFT, localMessage.mMailboxKey == draftMailboxKey);
388        message.setRecipients(RecipientType.TO, Address.fromHeader(localMessage.mTo));
389        message.setRecipients(RecipientType.CC, Address.fromHeader(localMessage.mCc));
390        message.setRecipients(RecipientType.BCC, Address.fromHeader(localMessage.mBcc));
391        message.setReplyTo(Address.fromHeader(localMessage.mReplyTo));
392        message.setInternalDate(new Date(localMessage.mServerTimeStamp));
393        message.setMessageId(localMessage.mMessageId);
395        // LocalFolder.fetch() equivalent: build body parts
396        message.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, "multipart/mixed");
397        final MimeMultipart mp = new MimeMultipart();
398        mp.setSubType("mixed");
399        message.setBody(mp);
401        try {
402            addTextBodyPart(mp, "text/html",
403                    EmailContent.Body.restoreBodyHtmlWithMessageId(context, localMessage.mId));
404        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
405            LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Exception while reading html body " + rte.toString());
406        }
408        try {
409            addTextBodyPart(mp, "text/plain",
410                    EmailContent.Body.restoreBodyTextWithMessageId(context, localMessage.mId));
411        } catch (RuntimeException rte) {
412            LogUtils.d(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Exception while reading text body " + rte.toString());
413        }
415        // Attachments
416        final Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Attachment.MESSAGE_ID_URI, localMessage.mId);
417        final Cursor attachments =
418                context.getContentResolver().query(uri, Attachment.CONTENT_PROJECTION,
419                        null, null, null);
421        try {
422            while (attachments != null && attachments.moveToNext()) {
423                final Attachment att = new Attachment();
424                att.restore(attachments);
425                try {
426                    final InputStream content;
427                    if (att.mContentBytes != null) {
428                        // This is generally only the case for synthetic attachments, such as those
429                        // generated by unit tests or calendar invites
430                        content = new ByteArrayInputStream(att.mContentBytes);
431                    } else {
432                        String contentUriString = att.getCachedFileUri();
433                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(contentUriString)) {
434                            contentUriString = att.getContentUri();
435                        }
436                        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(contentUriString)) {
437                            content = null;
438                        } else {
439                            final Uri contentUri = Uri.parse(contentUriString);
440                            content = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(contentUri);
441                        }
442                    }
443                    final String mimeType = att.mMimeType;
444                    final Long contentSize = att.mSize;
445                    final String contentId = att.mContentId;
446                    final String filename = att.mFileName;
447                    if (content != null) {
448                        addAttachmentPart(mp, mimeType, contentSize, filename, contentId, content);
449                    } else {
450                        LogUtils.e(LogUtils.TAG, "Could not open attachment file for upsync");
451                    }
452                } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
453                    LogUtils.e(LogUtils.TAG, "File Not Found error on %s while upsyncing message",
454                            att.getCachedFileUri());
455                }
456            }
457        } finally {
458            if (attachments != null) {
459                attachments.close();
460            }
461        }
463        return message;
464    }
466    /**
467     * Helper method to add a body part for a given type of text, if found
468     *
469     * @param mp          The text body part will be added to this multipart
470     * @param contentType The content-type of the text being added
471     * @param partText    The text to add.  If null, nothing happens
472     */
473    private static void addTextBodyPart(final MimeMultipart mp, final String contentType,
474            final String partText)
475            throws MessagingException {
476        if (partText == null) {
477            return;
478        }
479        final TextBody body = new TextBody(partText);
480        final MimeBodyPart bp = new MimeBodyPart(body, contentType);
481        mp.addBodyPart(bp);
482    }
484    /**
485     * Helper method to add an attachment part
486     *
487     * @param mp          Multipart message to append attachment part to
488     * @param contentType Mime type
489     * @param contentSize Attachment metadata: unencoded file size
490     * @param filename    Attachment metadata: file name
491     * @param contentId   as referenced from cid: uris in the message body (if applicable)
492     * @param content     unencoded bytes
493     */
494    @VisibleForTesting
495    protected static void addAttachmentPart(final Multipart mp, final String contentType,
496            final Long contentSize, final String filename, final String contentId,
497            final InputStream content) throws MessagingException {
498        final Base64Body body = new Base64Body(content);
499        final MimeBodyPart bp = new MimeBodyPart(body, contentType);
500        bp.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_TRANSFER_ENCODING, "base64");
501        bp.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment;\n "
502                + (!TextUtils.isEmpty(filename) ? "filename=\"" + filename + "\";" : "")
503                + "size=" + contentSize);
504        if (contentId != null) {
505            bp.setHeader(MimeHeader.HEADER_CONTENT_ID, contentId);
506        }
507        mp.addBodyPart(bp);
508    }
510    /**
511     * Infer mailbox type from mailbox name.  Used by MessagingController (for live folder sync).
512     *
513     * Deprecation: this should be configured in the UI, in conjunction with RF6154 support
514     */
515    @Deprecated
516    public static synchronized int inferMailboxTypeFromName(Context context, String mailboxName) {
517        if (sServerMailboxNames.size() == 0) {
518            // preload the hashmap, one time only
519            sServerMailboxNames.put(
520                    context.getString(R.string.mailbox_name_server_inbox),
521                    Mailbox.TYPE_INBOX);
522            sServerMailboxNames.put(
523                    context.getString(R.string.mailbox_name_server_outbox),
524                    Mailbox.TYPE_OUTBOX);
525            sServerMailboxNames.put(
526                    context.getString(R.string.mailbox_name_server_drafts),
527                    Mailbox.TYPE_DRAFTS);
528            sServerMailboxNames.put(
529                    context.getString(R.string.mailbox_name_server_trash),
530                    Mailbox.TYPE_TRASH);
531            sServerMailboxNames.put(
532                    context.getString(R.string.mailbox_name_server_sent),
533                    Mailbox.TYPE_SENT);
534            sServerMailboxNames.put(
535                    context.getString(R.string.mailbox_name_server_junk),
536                    Mailbox.TYPE_JUNK);
537        }
538        if (mailboxName == null || mailboxName.length() == 0) {
539            return Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL;
540        }
541        Integer type = sServerMailboxNames.get(mailboxName);
542        if (type != null) {
543            return type;
544        }
545        return Mailbox.TYPE_MAIL;
546    }