revision 71bbae69cee0da902032743d0702e283cfe31504
3import java.util.HashSet;
4import java.util.Iterator;
5import java.util.Set;
7import android.content.AsyncQueryHandler;
8import android.content.ContentUris;
9import android.content.ContentValues;
10import android.content.Context;
11import android.database.Cursor;
13import android.provider.Telephony.Threads;
14import android.provider.Telephony.Sms.Conversations;
15import android.text.TextUtils;
16import android.util.Log;
24 * An interface for finding information about conversations and/or creating new ones.
25 */
26public class Conversation {
27    private static final String TAG = "Conversation";
29    private static final Uri sAllThreadsUri =
30        Threads.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("simple", "true").build();
32    private static final String[] ALL_THREADS_PROJECTION = {
33        Threads._ID, Threads.DATE, Threads.MESSAGE_COUNT, Threads.RECIPIENT_IDS,
34        Threads.SNIPPET, Threads.SNIPPET_CHARSET, Threads.READ, Threads.ERROR,
35        Threads.HAS_ATTACHMENT
36    };
37    private static final int ID             = 0;
38    private static final int DATE           = 1;
39    private static final int MESSAGE_COUNT  = 2;
40    private static final int RECIPIENT_IDS  = 3;
41    private static final int SNIPPET        = 4;
42    private static final int SNIPPET_CS     = 5;
43    private static final int READ           = 6;
44    private static final int ERROR          = 7;
45    private static final int HAS_ATTACHMENT = 8;
48    private final Context mContext;
50    // The thread ID of this conversation.  Can be zero in the case of a
51    // new conversation where the recipient set is changing as the user
52    // types and we have not hit the database yet to create a thread.
53    private long mThreadId;
55    private ContactList mRecipients;    // The current set of recipients.
56    private long mDate;                 // The last update time.
57    private int mMessageCount;          // Number of messages.
58    private String mSnippet;            // Text of the most recent message.
59    private boolean mHasUnreadMessages; // True if there are unread messages.
60    private boolean mHasAttachment;     // True if any message has an attachment.
61    private boolean mHasError;          // True if any message is in an error state.
63    private Conversation(Context context) {
64        mContext = context;
65        mRecipients = new ContactList();
66        mThreadId = 0;
67    }
69    private Conversation(Context context, long threadId) {
70        mContext = context;
71        loadFromThreadId(threadId);
72    }
74    private Conversation(Context context, Cursor cursor, boolean allowQuery) {
75        mContext = context;
76        fillFromCursor(context, this, cursor, allowQuery);
77    }
79    /**
80     * Create a new conversation with no recipients.  {@link setRecipients} can
81     * be called as many times as you like; the conversation will not be
82     * created in the database until {@link ensureThreadId} is called.
83     */
84    private static Conversation createNew(Context context) {
85        return new Conversation(context);
86    }
88    /**
89     * Find the conversation matching the provided thread ID.
90     */
91    public static Conversation get(Context context, long threadId) {
92        synchronized (Cache.getInstance()) {
93            Conversation conv = Cache.get(threadId);
94            if (conv != null)
95                return conv;
97            conv = new Conversation(context, threadId);
98            Cache.put(conv);
99            return conv;
100        }
101    }
103    /**
104     * Find the conversation matching the provided recipient set.
105     * When called with an empty recipient list, equivalent to {@link createEmpty}.
106     */
107    public static Conversation get(Context context, ContactList recipients) {
108        // If there are no recipients in the list, make a new conversation.
109        if (recipients.size() < 1) {
110            return createNew(context);
111        }
113        synchronized (Cache.getInstance()) {
114            Conversation conv = Cache.get(recipients);
115            if (conv != null)
116                return conv;
118            long threadId = getOrCreateThreadId(context, recipients);
119            conv = new Conversation(context, threadId);
121            Cache.put(conv);
122            return conv;
123        }
124    }
126    /**
127     * Find the conversation matching in the specified Uri.  Example
128     * forms: {@value content://mms-sms/conversations/3} or
129     * {@value sms:+12124797990}.
130     * When called with a null Uri, equivalent to {@link createEmpty}.
131     */
132    public static Conversation get(Context context, Uri uri) {
133        if (uri == null) {
134            return createNew(context);
135        }
137        // Handle a conversation URI
138        if (uri.getPathSegments().size() >= 2) {
139            try {
140                long threadId = Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1));
141                return get(context, threadId);
142            } catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
143                Log.e(TAG, "Invalid URI: " + uri);
144            }
145        }
147        String recipient = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
148        return get(context, ContactList.getByNumbers(recipient, false));
149    }
151    /**
152     * Returns a temporary Conversation (not representing one on disk) wrapping
153     * the contents of the provided cursor.  The cursor should be the one
154     * returned to your AsyncQueryHandler passed in to {@link startQueryForAll}.
155     * The recipient list of this conversation can be empty if the results
156     * were not in cache.
157     */
158    public static Conversation from(Context context, Cursor cursor) {
159        return new Conversation(context, cursor, false);
160    }
162    /**
163     * Marks all messages in this conversation as read and updates
164     * relevant notifications.  This method returns immediately;
165     * work is dispatched to a background thread.
166     */
167    public synchronized void markAsRead() {
168        // If this thread has no unread messages, there's nothing to do.
169        if (!hasUnreadMessages()) {
170            return;
171        }
173        // If we have no Uri to mark (as in the case of a conversation that
174        // has not yet made its way to disk), there's nothing to do.
175        final Uri threadUri = getUri();
176        if (threadUri == null)
177            return;
179        // TODO: make this once as a static?
180        final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(1);
181        values.put("read", 1);
183        new Thread(new Runnable() {
184            public void run() {
185                mContext.getContentResolver().update(threadUri, values, "read=0", null);
186                MessagingNotification.updateAllNotifications(mContext);
187            }
188        }).start();
189    }
191    /**
192     * Returns a content:// URI referring to this conversation,
193     * or null if it does not exist on disk yet.
194     */
195    public synchronized Uri getUri() {
196        if (mThreadId <= 0)
197            return null;
199        return ContentUris.withAppendedId(Threads.CONTENT_URI, mThreadId);
200    }
202    /**
203     * Return the Uri for all messages in the given thread ID.
204     * @deprecated
205     */
206    public static Uri getUri(long threadId) {
207        // TODO: Callers using this should really just have a Conversation
208        // and call getUri() on it, but this guarantees no blocking.
209        return ContentUris.withAppendedId(Threads.CONTENT_URI, threadId);
210    }
212    /**
213     * Returns the thread ID of this conversation.  Can be zero if
214     * {@link ensureThreadId} has not been called yet.
215     */
216    public synchronized long getThreadId() {
217        return mThreadId;
218    }
220    /**
221     * Guarantees that the conversation has been created in the database.
222     * This will make a blocking database call if it hasn't.
223     *
224     * @return The thread ID of this conversation in the database
225     */
226    public synchronized long ensureThreadId() {
227        if (mThreadId <= 0) {
228            mThreadId = getOrCreateThreadId(mContext, mRecipients);
229        }
231        return mThreadId;
232    }
234    /**
235     * Sets the list of recipients associated with this conversation.
236     * If called, {@link ensureThreadId} must be called before the next
237     * operation that depends on this conversation existing in the
238     * database (e.g. storing a draft message to it).
239     */
240    public synchronized void setRecipients(ContactList list) {
241        mRecipients = list;
243        // Invalidate thread ID because the recipient set has changed.
244        mThreadId = 0;
245    }
247    /**
248     * Returns the recipient set of this conversation.
249     */
250    public synchronized ContactList getRecipients() {
251        return mRecipients;
252    }
254    /**
255     * Returns true if a draft message exists in this conversation.
256     */
257    public synchronized boolean hasDraft() {
258        if (mThreadId <= 0)
259            return false;
261        return DraftCache.getInstance().hasDraft(mThreadId);
262    }
264    /**
265     * Sets whether or not this conversation has a draft message.
266     */
267    public synchronized void setDraftState(boolean hasDraft) {
268        if (mThreadId <= 0)
269            return;
271        DraftCache.getInstance().setDraftState(mThreadId, hasDraft);
272    }
274    /**
275     * Returns the time of the last update to this conversation in milliseconds,
276     * on the {@link System.currentTimeMillis} timebase.
277     */
278    public synchronized long getDate() {
279        return mDate;
280    }
282    /**
283     * Returns the number of messages in this conversation, excluding the draft
284     * (if it exists).
285     */
286    public synchronized int getMessageCount() {
287        return mMessageCount;
288    }
290    /**
291     * Returns a snippet of text from the most recent message in the conversation.
292     */
293    public synchronized String getSnippet() {
294        return mSnippet;
295    }
297    /**
298     * Returns true if there are any unread messages in the conversation.
299     */
300    public synchronized boolean hasUnreadMessages() {
301        return mHasUnreadMessages;
302    }
304    /**
305     * Returns true if any messages in the conversation have attachments.
306     */
307    public synchronized boolean hasAttachment() {
308        return mHasAttachment;
309    }
311    /**
312     * Returns true if any messages in the conversation are in an error state.
313     */
314    public synchronized boolean hasError() {
315        return mHasError;
316    }
318    private static long getOrCreateThreadId(Context context, ContactList list) {
319        HashSet<String> recipients = new HashSet<String>();
320        for (Contact c : list) {
321            recipients.add(c.getNumber());
322        }
323        return Threads.getOrCreateThreadId(context, recipients);
324    }
326    /*
327     * The primary key of a conversation is its recipient set; override
328     * equals() and hashCode() to just pass through to the internal
329     * recipient sets.
330     */
331    @Override
332    public synchronized boolean equals(Object obj) {
333        try {
334            Conversation other = (Conversation)obj;
335            return (mRecipients.equals(other.mRecipients));
336        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
337            return false;
338        }
339    }
341    @Override
342    public synchronized int hashCode() {
343        return mRecipients.hashCode();
344    }
346    @Override
347    public synchronized String toString() {
348        return String.format("[%s] (tid %d)", mRecipients.serialize(), mThreadId);
349    }
351    /**
352     * Remove any obsolete conversations sitting around on disk.
353     * @deprecated
354     */
355    public static void cleanup(Context context) {
356        // TODO: Get rid of this awful hack.
357        context.getContentResolver().delete(Threads.OBSOLETE_THREADS_URI, null, null);
358    }
360    /**
361     * Start a query for all conversations in the database on the specified
362     * AsyncQueryHandler.
363     *
364     * @param handler An AsyncQueryHandler that will receive onQueryComplete
365     *                upon completion of the query
366     * @param token   The token that will be passed to onQueryComplete
367     */
368    public static void startQueryForAll(AsyncQueryHandler handler, int token) {
369        handler.cancelOperation(token);
370        handler.startQuery(token, null, sAllThreadsUri,
371                ALL_THREADS_PROJECTION, null, null, Conversations.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER);
372    }
374    /**
375     * Start a delete of the conversation with the specified thread ID.
376     *
377     * @param handler An AsyncQueryHandler that will receive onDeleteComplete
378     *                upon completion of the conversation being deleted
379     * @param token   The token that will be passed to onDeleteComplete
380     * @param threadId Thread ID of the conversation to be deleted
381     */
382    public static void startDelete(AsyncQueryHandler handler, int token, long threadId) {
383        Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Threads.CONTENT_URI, threadId);
384        handler.startDelete(token, null, uri, null, null);
385    }
387    /**
388     * Start deleting all conversations in the database.
389     * @param handler An AsyncQueryHandler that will receive onDeleteComplete
390     *                upon completion of all conversations being deleted
391     * @param token   The token that will be passed to onDeleteComplete
392     */
393    public static void startDeleteAll(AsyncQueryHandler handler, int token) {
394        handler.startDelete(token, null, Threads.CONTENT_URI, null, null);
395    }
397    /**
398     * Fill the specified conversation with the values from the specified
399     * cursor, possibly setting recipients to empty if {@value allowQuery}
400     * is false and the recipient IDs are not in cache.  The cursor should
401     * be one made via {@link startQueryForAll}.
402     */
403    private static void fillFromCursor(Context context, Conversation conv,
404                                       Cursor c, boolean allowQuery) {
405        synchronized (conv) {
406            conv.mThreadId = c.getInt(ID);
407            conv.mDate = c.getLong(DATE);
408            conv.mMessageCount = c.getInt(MESSAGE_COUNT);
410            // Replace the snippet with a default value if it's empty.
411            String snippet = MessageUtils.extractEncStrFromCursor(c, SNIPPET, SNIPPET_CS);
412            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(snippet)) {
413                snippet = context.getString(R.string.no_subject_view);
414            }
415            conv.mSnippet = snippet;
417            conv.mHasUnreadMessages = (c.getInt(READ) == 0);
418            conv.mHasError = (c.getInt(ERROR) != 0);
419            conv.mHasAttachment = (c.getInt(HAS_ATTACHMENT) != 0);
421            String recipientIds = c.getString(RECIPIENT_IDS);
422            conv.mRecipients = ContactList.getByIds(recipientIds, allowQuery);
423        }
424    }
426    /**
427     * Private cache for the use of the various forms of Conversation.get.
428     */
429    private static class Cache {
430        private static Cache sInstance = new Cache();
431        static Cache getInstance() { return sInstance; }
432        private final HashSet<Conversation> mCache;
433        private Cache() {
434            mCache = new HashSet<Conversation>(10);
435        }
437        /**
438         * Return the conversation with the specified thread ID, or
439         * null if it's not in cache.
440         */
441        static Conversation get(long threadId) {
442            synchronized (sInstance) {
443                for (Conversation c : sInstance.mCache) {
444                    if (c.getThreadId() == threadId) {
445                        return c;
446                    }
447                }
448            }
449            return null;
450        }
452        /**
453         * Return the conversation with the specified recipient
454         * list, or null if it's not in cache.
455         */
456        static Conversation get(ContactList list) {
457            synchronized (sInstance) {
458                for (Conversation c : sInstance.mCache) {
459                    if (c.getRecipients().equals(list)) {
460                        return c;
461                    }
462                }
463            }
464            return null;
465        }
467        /**
468         * Put the specified conversation in the cache.  The caller
469         * should not place an already-existing conversation in the
470         * cache, but rather update it in place.
471         */
472        static void put(Conversation c) {
473            synchronized (sInstance) {
474                // We update cache entries in place so people with long-
475                // held references get updated.
476                if (sInstance.mCache.contains(c)) {
477                    throw new IllegalStateException("cache already contains" + c);
478                }
479                sInstance.mCache.add(c);
480            }
481        }
483        /**
484         * Remove all conversations from the cache that are not in
485         * the provided set of thread IDs.
486         */
487        static void keepOnly(Set<Long> threads) {
488            synchronized (sInstance) {
489                Iterator<Conversation> iter = sInstance.mCache.iterator();
490                while (iter.hasNext()) {
491                    Conversation c =;
492                    if (!threads.contains(c.getThreadId())) {
493                        iter.remove();
494                    }
495                }
496            }
497        }
498    }
500    /**
501     * Set up the conversation cache.  To be called once at application
502     * startup time.
503     */
504    public static void init(final Context context) {
505        new Thread(new Runnable() {
506            public void run() {
507                cacheAllThreads(context);
508            }
509        }).start();
510    }
512    private static void cacheAllThreads(Context context) {
513        synchronized (Cache.getInstance()) {
514            // Keep track of what threads are now on disk so we
515            // can discard anything removed from the cache.
516            HashSet<Long> threadsOnDisk = new HashSet<Long>();
518            // Query for all conversations.
519            Cursor c = context.getContentResolver().query(sAllThreadsUri,
520                    ALL_THREADS_PROJECTION, null, null, null);
521            try {
522                while (c.moveToNext()) {
523                    long threadId = c.getLong(ID);
524                    threadsOnDisk.add(threadId);
526                    // Try to find this thread ID in the cache.
527                    Conversation conv = Cache.get(threadId);
528                    if (conv == null) {
529                        // Make a new Conversation and put it in
530                        // the cache if necessary.
531                        conv = new Conversation(context, c, true);
532                        Cache.put(conv);
533                    } else {
534                        // Or update in place so people with references
535                        // to conversations get updated too.
536                        fillFromCursor(context, conv, c, true);
537                    }
538                }
539            } finally {
540                c.close();
541            }
543            // Purge the cache of threads that no longer exist on disk.
544            Cache.keepOnly(threadsOnDisk);
545        }
546    }
548    private void loadFromThreadId(long threadId) {
549        Cursor c = mContext.getContentResolver().query(sAllThreadsUri, ALL_THREADS_PROJECTION,
550                "_id=" + Long.toString(threadId), null, null);
551        try {
552            if (c.moveToFirst()) {
553                fillFromCursor(mContext, this, c, true);
554            } else {
555                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find thread ID " + threadId);
556            }
557        } finally {
558            c.close();
559        }
560    }