1package com.mot.dm.dbtool;
3import java.io.*;
4import java.util.*;
6import javax.xml.parsers.*;
7import org.w3c.dom.*;
8import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
10public class WbxmlEncoder {
12  public int currentTab = 0x00;
13  public ArrayList arrBytes = new ArrayList();
15  public WbxmlEncoder() {
16    arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x03));
17    arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x0b));
18    arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x6a));
19    arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x00));
20  }
22  public byte[] encode(File fileXml) throws Exception {
23    FileInputStream streamer = new FileInputStream(fileXml);
24    byte[] byteArray = new byte[streamer.available()];
25    streamer.read(byteArray);
26    streamer.close();
27    streamer=null;
28    return encode(new String(byteArray));
29  }
31  public byte[] encode(String xml) throws Exception {
32    NodeList list;
33    Document document = getDocument("<root>\n" + xml + "\n</root>");
34    list = document.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes();
36    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
37      Node node = list.item(i);
38      if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
39        proceedNode(node);
40      }
41    }
42    return listToByteArr();
43  }
45  public void proceedNode(Node node) throws Exception {
46    String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
47    NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
48    NodeList list = node.getChildNodes();
50    // proceed tag.
51    proceedTag(nodeName, node.hasAttributes(), node.hasChildNodes());
53    //proceed all attributes
54    for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) {
55      Node attribute = attributes.item(i);
56      proceedAttribute(attribute.getNodeName(), attribute.getNodeValue());
57    }
58    // close tag after all attributes if required...
59    if (node.hasAttributes()) {
60      arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x01));
61    }
63    //procced all children
64    Node n;
65    for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
66      n = list.item(i);
67      if (n.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
68        proceedNode(list.item(i));
69      }
70    }
71    // close tag after all childrens if required...
72    if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
73      arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x01));
74    }
75  }
77  public void proceedTag(String nodeName, boolean hasAttrs, boolean hasChildren) throws
78      Exception {
79    int shift = 0;
80    if (hasAttrs) {
81      shift = shift | 0x80;
82    }
83    if (hasChildren) {
84      shift = shift | 0x40;
85    }
86    ValTab tag = OMACP.encodeTag(nodeName, shift);
87    if (tag.encVal == null) {
88      throw new Exception(" Error:  Unsupported tag '" + nodeName +
89                          "' has been used.");
90    }
91    // check for table
92    checkTablesSetting(tag);
93    //add encoded tag
94    arrBytes.add(tag.encVal);
95  }
97  public void proceedAttribute(String attrName, String attrValue) throws
98      Exception {
100    //get encoded "attribute=value" if exists
101    ValTab attrVal = OMACP.encodeAttr(attrName + "=" + attrValue);
102    if (attrVal.encVal != null) {
103      checkTablesSetting(attrVal);
104      //add encoded attribute and value
105      arrBytes.add(attrVal.encVal);
106      return;
107    }
109    //get encoded attribute
110    ValTab attrN = OMACP.encodeAttr(attrName);
111    if (attrN.encVal == null) {
112      throw new Exception(" Error:  Unsupported attribute '" + attrName +
113                          "' has been used.");
114    }
115    checkTablesSetting(attrN);
116    arrBytes.add(attrN.encVal);
118    //get encoded value if exists
119    ValTab attrV = OMACP.encodeVal(attrValue);
120    if (attrV.encVal != null) {
121      checkTablesSetting(attrV);
122      arrBytes.add(attrV.encVal);
123      return;
124    }
125    else {
126      // add string value
127      arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x03));
128      //convert string to bytes
129      byte[] b = attrValue.getBytes();
130      for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
131        arrBytes.add(new Byte(b[i]));
132      }
133      //end string
134      arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x00));
135    }
137  }
139  public void checkTablesSetting(ValTab tag) {
140    if (tag.table != currentTab) {
141      arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) 0x00));
142      arrBytes.add(new Byte( (byte) tag.table));
143      currentTab = tag.table;
144    }
145  }
147  private Document getDocument(String xml) throws Exception {
148    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
149    factory.setValidating(false);
150    byte[] utf8_bytes = xml.getBytes("UTF-8");
151    return factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new InputSource(new
152        ByteArrayInputStream(utf8_bytes)));
153  }
155  public byte[] listToByteArr() {
156    Byte b;
157    byte[] wbxml = new byte[arrBytes.size()];
158    for (int i = 0; i < arrBytes.size(); i++) {
159      b = (Byte) arrBytes.get(i);
160      wbxml[i] = b.byteValue();
161    }
162    return wbxml;
163  }
165  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
166    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("WAP.xml");
167    byte[] arr = new byte[fs.available()];
168    fs.read(arr);
169    String s = new String(arr);
171    WbxmlEncoder encoder = new WbxmlEncoder();
172    byte[] wbxml = encoder.encode(s);
173    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("WAP.wbxml");
174    fos.write(wbxml);
175    fos.flush();
176  }