1package com.mot.dm.tool;
3import java.io.*;
4import java.util.*;
6public class DMTS {
7  private StringBuffer sb = null;
8  private String topPath = null;
10  public void convert(String pathFrom, String pathTo) throws Exception {
11    if (! (pathFrom.toUpperCase().endsWith(".ZIP") ||
12           pathFrom.toUpperCase().endsWith(".DMTS"))) {
13      throw new Exception("\nFormat not supported for parameter <pathFrom>...");
14    }
15    else if (! (pathTo.toUpperCase().endsWith(".ZIP") ||
16                pathTo.toUpperCase().endsWith(".DMTS"))) {
17      throw new Exception("\nFormat not supported for parameter <fileFrom>...");
18    }
20    File f;
21    f = new File(pathFrom);
22    if (!f.exists()) {
23      throw new Exception("File doesn't exists: " + pathFrom);
24    }
25    f = new File(pathTo);
26    if (f.exists()) {
27      Util.verbose("Removing file: " + pathTo + "...");
28      f.delete();
29    }
30    if (pathFrom.toUpperCase().endsWith(".ZIP") &&
31        pathTo.toUpperCase().endsWith(".DMTS")) {
32      zip2dmts(pathFrom, pathTo);
33    }
34    else if (pathFrom.toUpperCase().endsWith(".DMTS") &&
35             pathTo.toUpperCase().endsWith(".ZIP")) {
36      dmts2zip(pathFrom, pathTo);
37    }
38    else {
39      throw new Exception("Unsupported format for conversion. \nFormat should be \".zip -> .dmts\" or \".dmts -> .zip\"");
40    }
41    System.out.println("Done");
42  }
44  public void dmts2zip(String dmtsPath, String zipPath) throws Exception {
45    String tmpDirPath = "tmp_s2z_" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime();
46    try {
47      Util.verbose("Converting dmts file to directory Dmt ...");
48      dmts2dir(dmtsPath, tmpDirPath);
50      Util.verbose("Zipping directory Dmt ...");
51      Zip zip = new Zip();
52      zip.zip(tmpDirPath + "/Dmt", zipPath);
53    }
54    finally {
55      File f = new File(tmpDirPath);
56      if (f.exists()) {
57        Util.deleteDir(f);
58      }
59    }
60  }
62  public void zip2dmts(String zipPath, String dmtsPath) throws Exception {
63    String tmpDirPath = "tmp_z2s_" + Calendar.getInstance().getTime().getTime();
64    try {
65      Util.verbose("Unzipping file to directory Dmt ...");
66      Zip zip = new Zip();
67      zip.unzip(zipPath, tmpDirPath);
69      Util.verbose("Converting directory Dmt to dmts file...");
70      dir2dmts(tmpDirPath + "/Dmt", dmtsPath);
71    }
72    finally {
73      File f = new File(tmpDirPath);
74      if (f.exists()) {
75        Util.deleteDir(f);
76      }
77    }
78  }
80  public void dmts2dir(String dmtsPath, String outputDir) throws Exception {
82    File dmts = new File(dmtsPath);
83    if (!dmts.exists()) {
84      throw new Exception("DMTS file doesn't exist: " + dmtsPath);
85    }
86    else if (dmts.isDirectory()) {
87      throw new Exception("Dmts file cannot be directory : " + dmtsPath);
88    }
90    if (outputDir.length() == 0) {
91      outputDir = ".";
92    }
94    File output = new File(outputDir);
96    if (!output.exists() && !output.mkdirs()) {
97      throw new Exception("Cannot create directory : " + topPath);
98    }
100    topPath = output.getPath() + "/Dmt";
101    FileReader fr = new FileReader(dmts);
102    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
103    String line;
104    String currPath = null;
105    String tmp;
106    StringBuffer sbParm = new StringBuffer();
107    try {
108      while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null) {
109        if (line.startsWith("[")) {
110          line = line.trim();
111          tmp = line.substring(1, line.length() - 1);
112          tmp = (tmp.equals(".")) ? "" : Util.replaceStr(tmp, "*", "[]");
113          // if (currPath != null && sbParm.length() > 0) {
114          if (currPath != null) {
115            writeParm(currPath, sbParm.toString());
116          }
117          currPath = topPath + tmp;
118          sbParm = new StringBuffer();
119        }
120        else {
121          sbParm.append(line + "\n");
122        }
123      }
124    }
125    finally {
126      br.close();
127      fr.close();
128    }
129    //if (currPath != null && sbParm.length() > 0) {
130    if (currPath != null) {
131      writeParm(currPath, sbParm.toString());
132    }
133  }
135  public void dir2dmtsDir(String dmtDir, String outputDir) throws Exception {
137    if(outputDir.toUpperCase().endsWith(".DMTS")){
138      dir2dmts(dmtDir, outputDir);
139    }
140    else{
142      if (outputDir.length() > 0) {
143        outputDir += (outputDir.endsWith("/")) ? "" : "/";
144      }
146      File f = new File(dmtDir);
147      String dmtsName = f.getName() + ".dmts";
149      File dmts = new File(outputDir + dmtsName);
150      if (dmts.exists() && !dmts.canWrite()) {
151        throw new Exception("DMTS file in read only mode: " + outputDir +
152                            dmtsName);
153      }
154      dir2dmts(dmtDir, outputDir + dmtsName);
155    }
156  }
158  public void dir2dmts(String dmtDir, String dmtsPath) throws Exception {
159    sb = new StringBuffer();
160    topPath = "";
162    File top = new File(dmtDir);
163    if (!top.exists()) {
164      throw new Exception("Dmt dir doesn't exist: " + dmtDir);
165    }
166    else if (!top.isDirectory()) {
167      throw new Exception("Dmt dir not directory: " + dmtDir);
168    }
170    File dmts = new File(dmtsPath);
171    if (dmts.exists() && !dmts.canWrite()) {
172      throw new Exception("DMTS file in read only mode: " + dmtsPath);
173    }
175    File dmtsParent = dmts.getParentFile();
176    if (dmtsParent != null && !dmtsParent.exists()) {
177      dmtsParent.mkdirs();
178    }
180    sb.append("[.]\n");
181    topPath = top.getAbsolutePath();
183    File[] files = top.listFiles();
184    File parm = getParmFile(files);
185    // if (parm == null) {
186    //   throw new Exception("The parm.txt doesn't exists: " + top.getAbsolutePath());
187    // }
188    if (parm != null) {
189      readParm(parm);
190    }
192    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
193      if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
194        readDir(files[i]);
195      }
196    }
197    Util.writeFile(dmts.getAbsolutePath(), sb.toString());
198  }
200  private void readDir(File f) throws Exception {
201    String path = Util.replaceStr(f.getAbsolutePath(), this.topPath, "");
202    path = Util.replaceStr(path, "\\", "/");
203    path = Util.replaceStr(path, "[]", "*");
204    sb.append("[" + path + "]\n");
206    File[] files = f.listFiles();
207    File parm = getParmFile(files);
208    //  if (parm == null) {
209    //    throw new Exception("The parm.txt doesn't exists: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
210    //  }
211    if (parm != null) {
212      readParm(parm);
213    }
215    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
216      if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
217        readDir(files[i]);
218      }
219    }
220  }
222  private void readParm(File f) throws Exception {
223    FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
224    byte[] b = new byte[in.available()];
225    in.read(b);
226    String s = new String(b);
227    /*  while (s.endsWith("\n")) {
228        s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
229      }
230      sb.append(s + "\n\n");
231     */
232    // add additional
233    sb.append(s + "\n");
234    in.close();
235  }
237  private void writeParm(String dirPath, String text) throws Exception {
238    File dir = new File(dirPath);
239    if (!dir.exists()) {
240      if (!dir.mkdirs()) {
241        throw new Exception("Cannot create directorie(s) " + dirPath);
242      }
243    }
244    if (text.length() > 0) {
245      if (text.endsWith("\n")) {
246        text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1);
247      }
248      Util.writeFile(dirPath + "/parm.txt", text);
249    }
250  }
252  private File getParmFile(File[] files) {
253    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
254      if (files[i].isFile() && files[i].getName().equals("parm.txt")) {
255        return files[i];
256      }
257    }
258    return null;
259  }
261  public static void main(String[] args) {
262    try {
263      if (args.length != 3) {
264        System.out.println("Wrong arguments");
265        DMTSTool.usage(true);
266        System.exit( -1);
267      }
269      Util.VERBOSE = true;
270      DMTS dmts = new DMTS();
271      if (args[0].equals("-sd")) {
272        dmts.dmts2dir(args[1], args[2]);
273      }
274      else if (args[0].equals("-ds")) {
275        dmts.dir2dmtsDir(args[1], args[2]);
276      }
277      else {
278        System.out.println("Wrong arguments");
279        DMTSTool.usage(true);
280        System.exit( -1);
281      }
282    }
283    catch (Exception e) {
284      e.printStackTrace();
285    }
286  }