revision f5443e4ef50a2fbb9a0f2637b7e867a8b8367957
2 * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
23import android.content.Context;
25import android.content.res.Resources;
26import android.content.res.TypedArray;
37import android.os.Handler;
38import android.os.Message;
39import android.os.SystemClock;
40import android.util.AttributeSet;
41import android.util.Log;
42import android.util.TypedValue;
43import android.view.GestureDetector;
44import android.view.Gravity;
45import android.view.LayoutInflater;
46import android.view.MotionEvent;
47import android.view.View;
48import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
49import android.view.WindowManager;
50import android.widget.PopupWindow;
51import android.widget.TextView;
53import java.util.ArrayList;
54import java.util.HashMap;
55import java.util.List;
56import java.util.WeakHashMap;
59 * A view that renders a virtual {@link Keyboard}. It handles rendering of keys and detecting key
60 * presses and touch movements.
61 *
62 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyBackground
63 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout
64 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset
65 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_labelTextSize
66 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyTextSize
67 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_keyTextColor
68 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_verticalCorrection
69 * @attr ref R.styleable#KeyboardView_popupLayout
70 */
71public class KeyboardView extends View implements PointerTracker.UIProxy {
72    private static final String TAG = KeyboardView.class.getSimpleName();
73    private static final boolean DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN = false;
74    private static final boolean DEBUG_KEYBOARD_GRID = false;
76    private static final boolean ENABLE_CAPSLOCK_BY_LONGPRESS = false;
77    private static final boolean ENABLE_CAPSLOCK_BY_DOUBLETAP = true;
79    public static final int COLOR_SCHEME_WHITE = 0;
80    public static final int COLOR_SCHEME_BLACK = 1;
82    // Timing constants
83    private final int mKeyRepeatInterval;
85    // Miscellaneous constants
86    private static final int[] LONG_PRESSABLE_STATE_SET = { android.R.attr.state_long_pressable };
87    private static final int HINT_ICON_VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT_PIXEL = -1;
89    // XML attribute
90    private int mKeyLetterSize;
91    private int mKeyTextColor;
92    private int mKeyTextColorDisabled;
93    private Typeface mKeyLetterStyle = Typeface.DEFAULT;
94    private int mLabelTextSize;
95    private int mColorScheme = COLOR_SCHEME_WHITE;
96    private int mShadowColor;
97    private float mShadowRadius;
98    private Drawable mKeyBackground;
99    private float mBackgroundDimAmount;
100    private float mKeyHysteresisDistance;
101    private float mVerticalCorrection;
102    private int mPreviewOffset;
103    private int mPreviewHeight;
104    private int mPopupLayout;
106    // Main keyboard
107    private Keyboard mKeyboard;
108    private Key[] mKeys;
110    // Key preview popup
111    private boolean mInForeground;
112    private TextView mPreviewText;
113    private PopupWindow mPreviewPopup;
114    private int mPreviewTextSizeLarge;
115    private int[] mOffsetInWindow;
116    private int mOldPreviewKeyIndex = KeyDetector.NOT_A_KEY;
117    private boolean mShowPreview = true;
118    private int mPopupPreviewOffsetX;
119    private int mPopupPreviewOffsetY;
120    private int mWindowY;
121    private int mPopupPreviewDisplayedY;
122    private final int mDelayBeforePreview;
123    private final int mDelayAfterPreview;
125    // Popup mini keyboard
126    private PopupWindow mMiniKeyboardPopup;
127    private KeyboardView mMiniKeyboardView;
128    private View mMiniKeyboardParent;
129    private final WeakHashMap<Key, View> mMiniKeyboardCache = new WeakHashMap<Key, View>();
130    private int mMiniKeyboardOriginX;
131    private int mMiniKeyboardOriginY;
132    private long mMiniKeyboardPopupTime;
133    private int[] mWindowOffset;
134    private final float mMiniKeyboardSlideAllowance;
135    private int mMiniKeyboardTrackerId;
136    private final boolean mConfigShowMiniKeyboardAtTouchedPoint;
138    /** Listener for {@link KeyboardActionListener}. */
139    private KeyboardActionListener mKeyboardActionListener;
141    private final ArrayList<PointerTracker> mPointerTrackers = new ArrayList<PointerTracker>();
143    // TODO: Let the PointerTracker class manage this pointer queue
144    private final PointerTrackerQueue mPointerQueue = new PointerTrackerQueue();
146    private final boolean mHasDistinctMultitouch;
147    private int mOldPointerCount = 1;
149    // Accessibility
150    private boolean mIsAccessibilityEnabled;
152    protected KeyDetector mKeyDetector = new ProximityKeyDetector();
154    // Swipe gesture detector
155    private GestureDetector mGestureDetector;
156    private final SwipeTracker mSwipeTracker = new SwipeTracker();
157    private final int mSwipeThreshold;
158    private final boolean mDisambiguateSwipe;
160    // Drawing
161    /** Whether the keyboard bitmap needs to be redrawn before it's blitted. **/
162    private boolean mDrawPending;
163    /** Notes if the keyboard just changed, so that we could possibly reallocate the mBuffer. */
164    private boolean mKeyboardChanged;
165    /** The dirty region in the keyboard bitmap */
166    private final Rect mDirtyRect = new Rect();
167    /** The key to invalidate. */
168    private Key mInvalidatedKey;
169    /** The dirty region for single key drawing */
170    private final Rect mInvalidatedKeyRect = new Rect();
171    /** The keyboard bitmap for faster updates */
172    private Bitmap mBuffer;
173    /** The canvas for the above mutable keyboard bitmap */
174    private Canvas mCanvas;
175    private final Paint mPaint;
176    private final Rect mPadding;
177    // This map caches key label text height in pixel as value and key label text size as map key.
178    private final HashMap<Integer, Integer> mTextHeightCache = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
179    // Distance from horizontal center of the key, proportional to key label text height and width.
180    private final float KEY_LABEL_VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR_CENTER = 0.45f;
181    private final float KEY_LABEL_VERTICAL_PADDING_FACTOR = 1.60f;
182    private final String KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR = "H";
183    private final int KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_LEFT = 1;
184    private final int KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_RIGHT = 2;
185    private final int KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_BOTTOM = 8;
186    private final int KEY_LABEL_OPTION_FONT_NORMAL = 16;
187    private final int mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding;
189    private final UIHandler mHandler = new UIHandler();
191    class UIHandler extends Handler {
192        private static final int MSG_POPUP_PREVIEW = 1;
193        private static final int MSG_DISMISS_PREVIEW = 2;
194        private static final int MSG_REPEAT_KEY = 3;
195        private static final int MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY = 4;
196        private static final int MSG_LONGPRESS_SHIFT_KEY = 5;
198        private boolean mInKeyRepeat;
200        @Override
201        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
202            switch (msg.what) {
203                case MSG_POPUP_PREVIEW:
204                    showKey(msg.arg1, (PointerTracker)msg.obj);
205                    break;
206                case MSG_DISMISS_PREVIEW:
207                    mPreviewPopup.dismiss();
208                    break;
209                case MSG_REPEAT_KEY: {
210                    final PointerTracker tracker = (PointerTracker)msg.obj;
211                    tracker.repeatKey(msg.arg1);
212                    startKeyRepeatTimer(mKeyRepeatInterval, msg.arg1, tracker);
213                    break;
214                }
215                case MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY: {
216                    final PointerTracker tracker = (PointerTracker)msg.obj;
217                    openPopupIfRequired(msg.arg1, tracker);
218                    break;
219                }
220                case MSG_LONGPRESS_SHIFT_KEY: {
221                    final PointerTracker tracker = (PointerTracker)msg.obj;
222                    onLongPressShiftKey(tracker);
223                    break;
224                }
225            }
226        }
228        public void popupPreview(long delay, int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker) {
229            removeMessages(MSG_POPUP_PREVIEW);
230            if (mPreviewPopup.isShowing() && mPreviewText.getVisibility() == VISIBLE) {
231                // Show right away, if it's already visible and finger is moving around
232                showKey(keyIndex, tracker);
233            } else {
234                sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_POPUP_PREVIEW, keyIndex, 0, tracker),
235                        delay);
236            }
237        }
239        public void cancelPopupPreview() {
240            removeMessages(MSG_POPUP_PREVIEW);
241        }
243        public void dismissPreview(long delay) {
244            if (mPreviewPopup.isShowing()) {
245                sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_DISMISS_PREVIEW), delay);
246            }
247        }
249        public void cancelDismissPreview() {
250            removeMessages(MSG_DISMISS_PREVIEW);
251        }
253        public void startKeyRepeatTimer(long delay, int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker) {
254            mInKeyRepeat = true;
255            sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_REPEAT_KEY, keyIndex, 0, tracker), delay);
256        }
258        public void cancelKeyRepeatTimer() {
259            mInKeyRepeat = false;
260            removeMessages(MSG_REPEAT_KEY);
261        }
263        public boolean isInKeyRepeat() {
264            return mInKeyRepeat;
265        }
267        public void startLongPressTimer(long delay, int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker) {
268            cancelLongPressTimers();
269            sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY, keyIndex, 0, tracker), delay);
270        }
272        public void startLongPressShiftTimer(long delay, int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker) {
273            cancelLongPressTimers();
274            if (ENABLE_CAPSLOCK_BY_LONGPRESS) {
275                sendMessageDelayed(
276                        obtainMessage(MSG_LONGPRESS_SHIFT_KEY, keyIndex, 0, tracker), delay);
277            }
278        }
280        public void cancelLongPressTimers() {
281            removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS_KEY);
282            removeMessages(MSG_LONGPRESS_SHIFT_KEY);
283        }
285        public void cancelKeyTimers() {
286            cancelKeyRepeatTimer();
287            cancelLongPressTimers();
288        }
290        public void cancelAllMessages() {
291            cancelKeyTimers();
292            cancelPopupPreview();
293            cancelDismissPreview();
294        }
295    }
297    public KeyboardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
298        this(context, attrs, R.attr.keyboardViewStyle);
299    }
301    public KeyboardView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
302        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
304        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
305                attrs, R.styleable.KeyboardView, defStyle,;
306        int previewLayout = 0;
307        int keyTextSize = 0;
309        int n = a.getIndexCount();
311        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
312            int attr = a.getIndex(i);
314            switch (attr) {
315            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyBackground:
316                mKeyBackground = a.getDrawable(attr);
317                break;
318            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyHysteresisDistance:
319                mKeyHysteresisDistance = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(attr, 0);
320                break;
321            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_verticalCorrection:
322                mVerticalCorrection = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(attr, 0);
323                break;
324            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout:
325                previewLayout = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);
326                break;
327            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset:
328                mPreviewOffset = a.getDimensionPixelOffset(attr, 0);
329                break;
330            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyPreviewHeight:
331                mPreviewHeight = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 80);
332                break;
333            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLetterSize:
334                mKeyLetterSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 18);
335                break;
336            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyTextColor:
337                mKeyTextColor = a.getColor(attr, 0xFF000000);
338                break;
339            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyTextColorDisabled:
340                mKeyTextColorDisabled = a.getColor(attr, 0xFF000000);
341                break;
342            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_labelTextSize:
343                mLabelTextSize = a.getDimensionPixelSize(attr, 14);
344                break;
345            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_popupLayout:
346                mPopupLayout = a.getResourceId(attr, 0);
347                break;
348            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_shadowColor:
349                mShadowColor = a.getColor(attr, 0);
350                break;
351            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_shadowRadius:
352                mShadowRadius = a.getFloat(attr, 0f);
353                break;
354            // TODO: Use Theme (android.R.styleable.Theme_backgroundDimAmount)
355            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_backgroundDimAmount:
356                mBackgroundDimAmount = a.getFloat(attr, 0.5f);
357                break;
358            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_keyLetterStyle:
359                mKeyLetterStyle = Typeface.defaultFromStyle(a.getInt(attr, Typeface.NORMAL));
360                break;
361            case R.styleable.KeyboardView_colorScheme:
362                mColorScheme = a.getInt(attr, COLOR_SCHEME_WHITE);
363                break;
364            }
365        }
367        final Resources res = getResources();
369        mPreviewPopup = new PopupWindow(context);
370        if (previewLayout != 0) {
371            mPreviewText = (TextView) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(previewLayout, null);
372            mPreviewTextSizeLarge = (int) res.getDimension(R.dimen.key_preview_text_size_large);
373            mPreviewPopup.setContentView(mPreviewText);
374            mPreviewPopup.setBackgroundDrawable(null);
375        } else {
376            mShowPreview = false;
377        }
378        mPreviewPopup.setTouchable(false);
379        mPreviewPopup.setAnimationStyle(;
380        mDelayBeforePreview = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_delay_before_preview);
381        mDelayAfterPreview = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_delay_after_preview);
382        mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding = (int)res.getDimension(
383                R.dimen.key_label_horizontal_alignment_padding);
385        mMiniKeyboardParent = this;
386        mMiniKeyboardPopup = new PopupWindow(context);
387        mMiniKeyboardPopup.setBackgroundDrawable(null);
388        mMiniKeyboardPopup.setAnimationStyle(;
389        // Allow popup window to be drawn off the screen.
390        mMiniKeyboardPopup.setClippingEnabled(false);
392        mPaint = new Paint();
393        mPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
394        mPaint.setTextSize(keyTextSize);
395        mPaint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER);
396        mPaint.setAlpha(255);
398        mPadding = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
399        mKeyBackground.getPadding(mPadding);
401        mSwipeThreshold = (int) (500 * res.getDisplayMetrics().density);
402        // TODO: Refer frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
403        mDisambiguateSwipe = res.getBoolean(R.bool.config_swipeDisambiguation);
404        mMiniKeyboardSlideAllowance = res.getDimension(R.dimen.mini_keyboard_slide_allowance);
405        mConfigShowMiniKeyboardAtTouchedPoint = res.getBoolean(
406                R.bool.config_show_mini_keyboard_at_touched_point);
408        GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener listener =
409                new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
410            private boolean mProcessingShiftDoubleTapEvent = false;
412            @Override
413            public boolean onFling(MotionEvent me1, MotionEvent me2, float velocityX,
414                    float velocityY) {
415                final float absX = Math.abs(velocityX);
416                final float absY = Math.abs(velocityY);
417                float deltaY = me2.getY() - me1.getY();
418                int travelY = getHeight() / 2; // Half the keyboard height
419                mSwipeTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000);
420                final float endingVelocityY = mSwipeTracker.getYVelocity();
421                if (velocityY > mSwipeThreshold && absX < absY / 2 && deltaY > travelY) {
422                    if (mDisambiguateSwipe && endingVelocityY >= velocityY / 4) {
423                        onSwipeDown();
424                        return true;
425                    }
426                }
427                return false;
428            }
430            @Override
431            public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent firstDown) {
432                if (ENABLE_CAPSLOCK_BY_DOUBLETAP && mKeyboard instanceof LatinKeyboard
433                        && ((LatinKeyboard) mKeyboard).isAlphaKeyboard()) {
434                    final int pointerIndex = firstDown.getActionIndex();
435                    final int id = firstDown.getPointerId(pointerIndex);
436                    final PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(id);
437                    // If the first down event is on shift key.
438                    if (tracker.isOnShiftKey((int)firstDown.getX(), (int)firstDown.getY())) {
439                        mProcessingShiftDoubleTapEvent = true;
440                        return true;
441                    }
442                }
443                mProcessingShiftDoubleTapEvent = false;
444                return false;
445            }
447            @Override
448            public boolean onDoubleTapEvent(MotionEvent secondTap) {
449                if (mProcessingShiftDoubleTapEvent
450                        && secondTap.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
451                    final MotionEvent secondDown = secondTap;
452                    final int pointerIndex = secondDown.getActionIndex();
453                    final int id = secondDown.getPointerId(pointerIndex);
454                    final PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(id);
455                    // If the second down event is also on shift key.
456                    if (tracker.isOnShiftKey((int)secondDown.getX(), (int)secondDown.getY())) {
457                        onDoubleTapShiftKey(tracker);
458                        return true;
459                    }
460                    // Otherwise these events should not be handled as double tap.
461                    mProcessingShiftDoubleTapEvent = false;
462                }
463                return mProcessingShiftDoubleTapEvent;
464            }
465        };
467        final boolean ignoreMultitouch = true;
468        mGestureDetector = new GestureDetector(getContext(), listener, null, ignoreMultitouch);
469        mGestureDetector.setIsLongpressEnabled(false);
471        mHasDistinctMultitouch = context.getPackageManager()
472                .hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_TOUCHSCREEN_MULTITOUCH_DISTINCT);
473        mKeyRepeatInterval = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_key_repeat_interval);
474    }
476    public void setOnKeyboardActionListener(KeyboardActionListener listener) {
477        mKeyboardActionListener = listener;
478        for (PointerTracker tracker : mPointerTrackers) {
479            tracker.setOnKeyboardActionListener(listener);
480        }
481    }
483    /**
484     * Returns the {@link KeyboardActionListener} object.
485     * @return the listener attached to this keyboard
486     */
487    protected KeyboardActionListener getOnKeyboardActionListener() {
488        return mKeyboardActionListener;
489    }
491    /**
492     * Attaches a keyboard to this view. The keyboard can be switched at any time and the
493     * view will re-layout itself to accommodate the keyboard.
494     * @see Keyboard
495     * @see #getKeyboard()
496     * @param keyboard the keyboard to display in this view
497     */
498    public void setKeyboard(Keyboard keyboard) {
499        if (mKeyboard != null) {
500            dismissKeyPreview();
501        }
502        // Remove any pending messages, except dismissing preview
503        mHandler.cancelKeyTimers();
504        mHandler.cancelPopupPreview();
505        mKeyboard = keyboard;
506        LatinImeLogger.onSetKeyboard(keyboard);
507        mKeys = mKeyDetector.setKeyboard(keyboard, -getPaddingLeft(),
508                -getPaddingTop() + mVerticalCorrection);
509        for (PointerTracker tracker : mPointerTrackers) {
510            tracker.setKeyboard(keyboard, mKeys, mKeyHysteresisDistance);
511        }
512        requestLayout();
513        mKeyboardChanged = true;
514        invalidateAllKeys();
515        mKeyDetector.setProximityThreshold(KeyDetector.getMostCommonKeyWidth(keyboard));
516        mMiniKeyboardCache.clear();
517    }
519    /**
520     * Returns the current keyboard being displayed by this view.
521     * @return the currently attached keyboard
522     * @see #setKeyboard(Keyboard)
523     */
524    public Keyboard getKeyboard() {
525        return mKeyboard;
526    }
528    /**
529     * Returns whether the device has distinct multi-touch panel.
530     * @return true if the device has distinct multi-touch panel.
531     */
532    @Override
533    public boolean hasDistinctMultitouch() {
534        return mHasDistinctMultitouch;
535    }
537    /**
538     * Enables or disables accessibility.
539     * @param accessibilityEnabled whether or not to enable accessibility
540     */
541    public void setAccessibilityEnabled(boolean accessibilityEnabled) {
542        mIsAccessibilityEnabled = accessibilityEnabled;
544        // Propagate this change to all existing pointer trackers.
545        for (PointerTracker tracker : mPointerTrackers) {
546            tracker.setAccessibilityEnabled(accessibilityEnabled);
547        }
548    }
550    /**
551     * Returns whether the device has accessibility enabled.
552     * @return true if the device has accessibility enabled.
553     */
554    @Override
555    public boolean isAccessibilityEnabled() {
556        return mIsAccessibilityEnabled;
557    }
559    /**
560     * Enables or disables the key feedback popup. This is a popup that shows a magnified
561     * version of the depressed key. By default the preview is enabled.
562     * @param previewEnabled whether or not to enable the key feedback popup
563     * @see #isPreviewEnabled()
564     */
565    public void setPreviewEnabled(boolean previewEnabled) {
566        mShowPreview = previewEnabled;
567    }
569    /**
570     * Returns the enabled state of the key feedback popup.
571     * @return whether or not the key feedback popup is enabled
572     * @see #setPreviewEnabled(boolean)
573     */
574    public boolean isPreviewEnabled() {
575        return mShowPreview;
576    }
578    public int getColorScheme() {
579        return mColorScheme;
580    }
582    public void setPopupOffset(int x, int y) {
583        mPopupPreviewOffsetX = x;
584        mPopupPreviewOffsetY = y;
585        mPreviewPopup.dismiss();
586    }
588    /**
589     * When enabled, calls to {@link KeyboardActionListener#onCodeInput} will include key
590     * codes for adjacent keys.  When disabled, only the primary key code will be
591     * reported.
592     * @param enabled whether or not the proximity correction is enabled
593     */
594    public void setProximityCorrectionEnabled(boolean enabled) {
595        mKeyDetector.setProximityCorrectionEnabled(enabled);
596    }
598    /**
599     * Returns true if proximity correction is enabled.
600     */
601    public boolean isProximityCorrectionEnabled() {
602        return mKeyDetector.isProximityCorrectionEnabled();
603    }
605    protected CharSequence adjustCase(CharSequence label) {
606        if (mKeyboard.isShiftedOrShiftLocked() && label != null && label.length() < 3
607                && Character.isLowerCase(label.charAt(0))) {
608            return label.toString().toUpperCase();
609        }
610        return label;
611    }
613    @Override
614    public void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
615        // Round up a little
616        if (mKeyboard == null) {
617            setMeasuredDimension(
618                    getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight(), getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom());
619        } else {
620            int width = mKeyboard.getMinWidth() + getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight();
621            if (MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec) < width + 10) {
622                width = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
623            }
624            setMeasuredDimension(
625                    width, mKeyboard.getHeight() + getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom());
626        }
627    }
629    @Override
630    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
631        super.onDraw(canvas);
632        if (mDrawPending || mBuffer == null || mKeyboardChanged) {
633            onBufferDraw();
634        }
635        canvas.drawBitmap(mBuffer, 0, 0, null);
636    }
638    private void onBufferDraw() {
639        final int width = getWidth();
640        final int height = getHeight();
641        if (width == 0 || height == 0)
642            return;
643        if (mBuffer == null || mKeyboardChanged) {
644            mKeyboardChanged = false;
645            mDirtyRect.union(0, 0, width, height);
646        }
647        if (mBuffer == null || mBuffer.getWidth() != width || mBuffer.getHeight() != height) {
648            mBuffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
649            mCanvas = new Canvas(mBuffer);
650        }
651        final Canvas canvas = mCanvas;
652        canvas.clipRect(mDirtyRect, Op.REPLACE);
654        if (mKeyboard == null) return;
656        final Paint paint = mPaint;
657        final Drawable keyBackground = mKeyBackground;
658        final Rect padding = mPadding;
659        final int kbdPaddingLeft = getPaddingLeft();
660        final int kbdPaddingTop = getPaddingTop();
661        final Key[] keys = mKeys;
662        final boolean isManualTemporaryUpperCase = mKeyboard.isManualTemporaryUpperCase();
663        final boolean drawSingleKey = (mInvalidatedKey != null
664                && mInvalidatedKeyRect.contains(mDirtyRect));
666        canvas.drawColor(0x00000000, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR);
667        final int keyCount = keys.length;
668        for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; i++) {
669            final Key key = keys[i];
670            if (drawSingleKey && key != mInvalidatedKey) {
671                continue;
672            }
673            int[] drawableState = key.getCurrentDrawableState();
674            keyBackground.setState(drawableState);
676            // Switch the character to uppercase if shift is pressed
677            String label = key.mLabel == null? null : adjustCase(key.mLabel).toString();
679            final Rect bounds = keyBackground.getBounds();
680            if (key.mWidth != bounds.right || key.mHeight != bounds.bottom) {
681                keyBackground.setBounds(0, 0, key.mWidth, key.mHeight);
682            }
683            canvas.translate(key.mX + kbdPaddingLeft, key.mY + kbdPaddingTop);
684            keyBackground.draw(canvas);
686            final int rowHeight = + key.mHeight;
687            // Draw key label
688            if (label != null) {
689                // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use small font.
690                final int labelSize = getLabelSizeAndSetPaint(label, key.mLabelOption, paint);
691                final int labelCharHeight = getLabelCharHeight(labelSize, paint);
693                // Vertical label text alignment.
694                final float baseline;
695                if ((key.mLabelOption & KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_BOTTOM) != 0) {
696                    baseline = key.mHeight -
697                            + labelCharHeight * KEY_LABEL_VERTICAL_PADDING_FACTOR;
698                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
699                        drawHorizontalLine(canvas, (int)baseline, key.mWidth, 0xc0008000,
700                                new Paint());
701                } else { // Align center
702                    final float centerY = (key.mHeight + - padding.bottom) / 2;
703                    baseline = centerY
704                            + labelCharHeight * KEY_LABEL_VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR_CENTER;
705                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
706                        drawHorizontalLine(canvas, (int)baseline, key.mWidth, 0xc0008000,
707                                new Paint());
708                }
709                // Horizontal label text alignment
710                final int positionX;
711                if ((key.mLabelOption & KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_LEFT) != 0) {
712                    positionX = mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding + padding.left;
713                    paint.setTextAlign(Align.LEFT);
714                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
715                        drawVerticalLine(canvas, positionX, rowHeight, 0xc0800080, new Paint());
716                } else if ((key.mLabelOption & KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_RIGHT) != 0) {
717                    positionX = key.mWidth - mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding - padding.right;
718                    paint.setTextAlign(Align.RIGHT);
719                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
720                        drawVerticalLine(canvas, positionX, rowHeight, 0xc0808000, new Paint());
721                } else {
722                    positionX = (key.mWidth + padding.left - padding.right) / 2;
723                    paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER);
724                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN) {
725                        if (label.length() > 1)
726                            drawVerticalLine(canvas, positionX, rowHeight, 0xc0008080, new Paint());
727                    }
728                }
729                if (key.mManualTemporaryUpperCaseHintIcon != null && isManualTemporaryUpperCase) {
730                    paint.setColor(mKeyTextColorDisabled);
731                } else {
732                    paint.setColor(mKeyTextColor);
733                }
734                if (key.mEnabled) {
735                    // Set a drop shadow for the text
736                    paint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, 0, 0, mShadowColor);
737                } else {
738                    // Make label invisible
739                    paint.setColor(Color.TRANSPARENT);
740                }
741                canvas.drawText(label, positionX, baseline, paint);
742                // Turn off drop shadow
743                paint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0);
744            }
745            // Draw key icon
746            final Drawable icon = key.getIcon();
747            if (key.mLabel == null && icon != null) {
748                final int drawableWidth = icon.getIntrinsicWidth();
749                final int drawableHeight = icon.getIntrinsicHeight();
750                final int drawableX;
751                final int drawableY = (
752                        key.mHeight + - padding.bottom - drawableHeight) / 2;
753                if ((key.mLabelOption & KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_LEFT) != 0) {
754                    drawableX = padding.left + mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding;
755                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
756                        drawVerticalLine(canvas, drawableX, rowHeight, 0xc0800080, new Paint());
757                } else if ((key.mLabelOption & KEY_LABEL_OPTION_ALIGN_RIGHT) != 0) {
758                    drawableX = key.mWidth - padding.right - mKeyLabelHorizontalPadding
759                            - drawableWidth;
760                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
761                        drawVerticalLine(canvas, drawableX + drawableWidth, rowHeight,
762                                0xc0808000, new Paint());
763                } else { // Align center
764                    drawableX = (key.mWidth + padding.left - padding.right - drawableWidth) / 2;
765                    if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
766                        drawVerticalLine(canvas, drawableX + drawableWidth / 2, rowHeight,
767                                0xc0008080, new Paint());
768                }
769                drawIcon(canvas, icon, drawableX, drawableY, drawableWidth, drawableHeight);
770                if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
771                    drawRectangle(canvas, drawableX, drawableY, drawableWidth, drawableHeight,
772                            0x80c00000, new Paint());
773            }
774            if (key.mHintIcon != null) {
775                final int drawableWidth = key.mWidth;
776                final int drawableHeight = key.mHeight;
777                final int drawableX = 0;
778                final int drawableY = HINT_ICON_VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT_PIXEL;
779                Drawable hintIcon = (isManualTemporaryUpperCase
780                        && key.mManualTemporaryUpperCaseHintIcon != null)
781                        ? key.mManualTemporaryUpperCaseHintIcon : key.mHintIcon;
782                drawIcon(canvas, hintIcon, drawableX, drawableY, drawableWidth, drawableHeight);
783                if (DEBUG_SHOW_ALIGN)
784                    drawRectangle(canvas, drawableX, drawableY, drawableWidth, drawableHeight,
785                            0x80c0c000, new Paint());
786            }
787            canvas.translate(-key.mX - kbdPaddingLeft, -key.mY - kbdPaddingTop);
788        }
790        // TODO: Move this function to ProximityInfo for getting rid of public declarations for
791        // GRID_WIDTH and GRID_HEIGHT
792        if (DEBUG_KEYBOARD_GRID) {
793            Paint p = new Paint();
794            p.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
795            p.setStrokeWidth(1.0f);
796            p.setColor(0x800000c0);
797            int cw = (mKeyboard.getMinWidth() + mKeyboard.GRID_WIDTH - 1) / mKeyboard.GRID_WIDTH;
798            int ch = (mKeyboard.getHeight() + mKeyboard.GRID_HEIGHT - 1) / mKeyboard.GRID_HEIGHT;
799            for (int i = 0; i <= mKeyboard.GRID_WIDTH; i++)
800                canvas.drawLine(i * cw, 0, i * cw, ch * mKeyboard.GRID_HEIGHT, p);
801            for (int i = 0; i <= mKeyboard.GRID_HEIGHT; i++)
802                canvas.drawLine(0, i * ch, cw * mKeyboard.GRID_WIDTH, i * ch, p);
803        }
805        // Overlay a dark rectangle to dim the keyboard
806        if (mMiniKeyboardView != null) {
807            paint.setColor((int) (mBackgroundDimAmount * 0xFF) << 24);
808            canvas.drawRect(0, 0, width, height, paint);
809        }
811        mInvalidatedKey = null;
812        mDrawPending = false;
813        mDirtyRect.setEmpty();
814    }
816    public int getLabelSizeAndSetPaint(CharSequence label, int keyLabelOption, Paint paint) {
817        // For characters, use large font. For labels like "Done", use small font.
818        final int labelSize;
819        final Typeface labelStyle;
820        if (label.length() > 1) {
821            labelSize = mLabelTextSize;
822            if ((keyLabelOption & KEY_LABEL_OPTION_FONT_NORMAL) != 0) {
823                labelStyle = Typeface.DEFAULT;
824            } else {
825                labelStyle = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD;
826            }
827        } else {
828            labelSize = mKeyLetterSize;
829            labelStyle = mKeyLetterStyle;
830        }
831        paint.setTextSize(labelSize);
832        paint.setTypeface(labelStyle);
833        return labelSize;
834    }
836    private int getLabelCharHeight(int labelSize, Paint paint) {
837        Integer labelHeightValue = mTextHeightCache.get(labelSize);
838        final int labelCharHeight;
839        if (labelHeightValue != null) {
840            labelCharHeight = labelHeightValue;
841        } else {
842            Rect textBounds = new Rect();
843            paint.getTextBounds(KEY_LABEL_REFERENCE_CHAR, 0, 1, textBounds);
844            labelCharHeight = textBounds.height();
845            mTextHeightCache.put(labelSize, labelCharHeight);
846        }
847        return labelCharHeight;
848    }
850    private static void drawIcon(Canvas canvas, Drawable icon, int x, int y, int width,
851            int height) {
852        canvas.translate(x, y);
853        icon.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
854        icon.draw(canvas);
855        canvas.translate(-x, -y);
856    }
858    private static void drawHorizontalLine(Canvas canvas, int y, int w, int color, Paint paint) {
859        paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
860        paint.setStrokeWidth(1.0f);
861        paint.setColor(color);
862        canvas.drawLine(0, y, w, y, paint);
863    }
865    private static void drawVerticalLine(Canvas canvas, int x, int h, int color, Paint paint) {
866        paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
867        paint.setStrokeWidth(1.0f);
868        paint.setColor(color);
869        canvas.drawLine(x, 0, x, h, paint);
870    }
872    private static void drawRectangle(Canvas canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color,
873            Paint paint) {
874        paint.setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);
875        paint.setStrokeWidth(1.0f);
876        paint.setColor(color);
877        canvas.translate(x, y);
878        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, w, h, paint);
879        canvas.translate(-x, -y);
880    }
882    public void setForeground(boolean foreground) {
883        mInForeground = foreground;
884    }
886    // TODO: clean up this method.
887    private void dismissKeyPreview() {
888        for (PointerTracker tracker : mPointerTrackers)
889            tracker.releaseKey();
890        showPreview(KeyDetector.NOT_A_KEY, null);
891    }
893    @Override
894    public void showPreview(int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker) {
895        int oldKeyIndex = mOldPreviewKeyIndex;
896        mOldPreviewKeyIndex = keyIndex;
897        // We should re-draw popup preview when 1) we need to hide the preview, 2) we will show
898        // the space key preview and 3) pointer moves off the space key to other letter key, we
899        // should hide the preview of the previous key.
900        final boolean hidePreviewOrShowSpaceKeyPreview = (tracker == null)
901                || (SubtypeSwitcher.getInstance().useSpacebarLanguageSwitcher()
902                        && SubtypeSwitcher.getInstance().needsToDisplayLanguage()
903                        && (tracker.isSpaceKey(keyIndex) || tracker.isSpaceKey(oldKeyIndex)));
904        // If key changed and preview is on or the key is space (language switch is enabled)
905        if (oldKeyIndex != keyIndex && (mShowPreview || (hidePreviewOrShowSpaceKeyPreview))) {
906            if (keyIndex == KeyDetector.NOT_A_KEY) {
907                mHandler.cancelPopupPreview();
908                mHandler.dismissPreview(mDelayAfterPreview);
909            } else if (tracker != null) {
910                mHandler.popupPreview(mDelayBeforePreview, keyIndex, tracker);
911            }
912        }
913    }
915    // TODO Must fix popup preview on xlarge layout
916    private void showKey(final int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker) {
917        Key key = tracker.getKey(keyIndex);
918        // If keyIndex is invalid or IME is already closed, we must not show key preview.
919        // Trying to show preview PopupWindow while root window is closed causes
920        // WindowManager.BadTokenException.
921        if (key == null || !mInForeground)
922            return;
923        // What we show as preview should match what we show on key top in onBufferDraw().
924        if (key.mLabel != null) {
925            // TODO Should take care of temporaryShiftLabel here.
926            mPreviewText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null);
927            mPreviewText.setText(adjustCase(tracker.getPreviewText(key)));
928            if (key.mLabel.length() > 1) {
929                mPreviewText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, mKeyLetterSize);
930                mPreviewText.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD);
931            } else {
932                mPreviewText.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, mPreviewTextSizeLarge);
933                mPreviewText.setTypeface(mKeyLetterStyle);
934            }
935        } else {
936            final Drawable previewIcon = key.getPreviewIcon();
937            mPreviewText.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null,
938                   previewIcon != null ? previewIcon : key.getIcon());
939            mPreviewText.setText(null);
940        }
941        mPreviewText.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED),
942                MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
943        int popupWidth = Math.max(mPreviewText.getMeasuredWidth(), key.mWidth
944                + mPreviewText.getPaddingLeft() + mPreviewText.getPaddingRight());
945        final int popupHeight = mPreviewHeight;
946        LayoutParams lp = mPreviewText.getLayoutParams();
947        if (lp != null) {
948            lp.width = popupWidth;
949            lp.height = popupHeight;
950        }
952        int popupPreviewX = key.mX - (popupWidth - key.mWidth) / 2;
953        int popupPreviewY = key.mY - popupHeight + mPreviewOffset;
955        mHandler.cancelDismissPreview();
956        if (mOffsetInWindow == null) {
957            mOffsetInWindow = new int[2];
958            getLocationInWindow(mOffsetInWindow);
959            mOffsetInWindow[0] += mPopupPreviewOffsetX; // Offset may be zero
960            mOffsetInWindow[1] += mPopupPreviewOffsetY; // Offset may be zero
961            int[] windowLocation = new int[2];
962            getLocationOnScreen(windowLocation);
963            mWindowY = windowLocation[1];
964        }
965        // Set the preview background state
966        mPreviewText.getBackground().setState(
967                key.mPopupCharacters != null ? LONG_PRESSABLE_STATE_SET : EMPTY_STATE_SET);
968        popupPreviewX += mOffsetInWindow[0];
969        popupPreviewY += mOffsetInWindow[1];
971        // If the popup cannot be shown above the key, put it on the side
972        if (popupPreviewY + mWindowY < 0) {
973            // If the key you're pressing is on the left side of the keyboard, show the popup on
974            // the right, offset by enough to see at least one key to the left/right.
975            if (key.mX + key.mWidth <= getWidth() / 2) {
976                popupPreviewX += (int) (key.mWidth * 2.5);
977            } else {
978                popupPreviewX -= (int) (key.mWidth * 2.5);
979            }
980            popupPreviewY += popupHeight;
981        }
983        try {
984            if (mPreviewPopup.isShowing()) {
985                mPreviewPopup.update(popupPreviewX, popupPreviewY, popupWidth, popupHeight);
986            } else {
987                mPreviewPopup.setWidth(popupWidth);
988                mPreviewPopup.setHeight(popupHeight);
989                mPreviewPopup.showAtLocation(mMiniKeyboardParent, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY,
990                        popupPreviewX, popupPreviewY);
991            }
992        } catch (WindowManager.BadTokenException e) {
993            // Swallow the exception which will be happened when IME is already closed.
994            Log.w(TAG, "LatinIME is already closed when tried showing key preview.");
995        }
996        // Record popup preview position to display mini-keyboard later at the same positon
997        mPopupPreviewDisplayedY = popupPreviewY;
998        mPreviewText.setVisibility(VISIBLE);
999    }
1001    /**
1002     * Requests a redraw of the entire keyboard. Calling {@link #invalidate} is not sufficient
1003     * because the keyboard renders the keys to an off-screen buffer and an invalidate() only
1004     * draws the cached buffer.
1005     * @see #invalidateKey(Key)
1006     */
1007    public void invalidateAllKeys() {
1008        mDirtyRect.union(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
1009        mDrawPending = true;
1010        invalidate();
1011    }
1013    /**
1014     * Invalidates a key so that it will be redrawn on the next repaint. Use this method if only
1015     * one key is changing it's content. Any changes that affect the position or size of the key
1016     * may not be honored.
1017     * @param key key in the attached {@link Keyboard}.
1018     * @see #invalidateAllKeys
1019     */
1020    @Override
1021    public void invalidateKey(Key key) {
1022        if (key == null)
1023            return;
1024        mInvalidatedKey = key;
1025        mInvalidatedKeyRect.set(0, 0, key.mWidth, key.mHeight);
1026        mInvalidatedKeyRect.offset(key.mX + getPaddingLeft(), key.mY + getPaddingTop());
1027        mDirtyRect.union(mInvalidatedKeyRect);
1028        onBufferDraw();
1029        invalidate(mInvalidatedKeyRect);
1030    }
1032    private boolean openPopupIfRequired(int keyIndex, PointerTracker tracker) {
1033        // Check if we have a popup layout specified first.
1034        if (mPopupLayout == 0) {
1035            return false;
1036        }
1038        Key popupKey = tracker.getKey(keyIndex);
1039        if (popupKey == null)
1040            return false;
1041        boolean result = onLongPress(popupKey, tracker);
1042        if (result) {
1043            dismissKeyPreview();
1044            mMiniKeyboardTrackerId = tracker.mPointerId;
1045            // Mark this tracker "already processed" and remove it from the pointer queue
1046            tracker.setAlreadyProcessed();
1047            mPointerQueue.remove(tracker);
1048        }
1049        return result;
1050    }
1052    private void onLongPressShiftKey(PointerTracker tracker) {
1053        tracker.setAlreadyProcessed();
1054        mPointerQueue.remove(tracker);
1055        mKeyboardActionListener.onCodeInput(Keyboard.CODE_CAPSLOCK, null, 0, 0);
1056    }
1058    private void onDoubleTapShiftKey(PointerTracker tracker) {
1059        // When shift key is double tapped, the first tap is correctly processed as usual tap. And
1060        // the second tap is treated as this double tap event, so that we need not mark tracker
1061        // calling setAlreadyProcessed() nor remove the tracker from mPointerQueueueue.
1062        mKeyboardActionListener.onCodeInput(Keyboard.CODE_CAPSLOCK, null, 0, 0);
1063    }
1065    private View inflateMiniKeyboardContainer(Key popupKey) {
1066        final View container = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(mPopupLayout, null);
1067        if (container == null)
1068            throw new NullPointerException();
1070        final KeyboardView miniKeyboardView =
1071                (KeyboardView)container.findViewById(;
1072        miniKeyboardView.setOnKeyboardActionListener(new KeyboardActionListener() {
1073            @Override
1074            public void onCodeInput(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, int x, int y) {
1075                mKeyboardActionListener.onCodeInput(primaryCode, keyCodes, x, y);
1076                dismissPopupKeyboard();
1077            }
1079            @Override
1080            public void onTextInput(CharSequence text) {
1081                mKeyboardActionListener.onTextInput(text);
1082                dismissPopupKeyboard();
1083            }
1085            @Override
1086            public void onCancelInput() {
1087                mKeyboardActionListener.onCancelInput();
1088                dismissPopupKeyboard();
1089            }
1091            @Override
1092            public void onSwipeDown() {
1093                // Nothing to do.
1094            }
1095            @Override
1096            public void onPress(int primaryCode, boolean withSliding) {
1097                mKeyboardActionListener.onPress(primaryCode, withSliding);
1098            }
1099            @Override
1100            public void onRelease(int primaryCode, boolean withSliding) {
1101                mKeyboardActionListener.onRelease(primaryCode, withSliding);
1102            }
1103        });
1104        // Override default ProximityKeyDetector.
1105        miniKeyboardView.mKeyDetector = new MiniKeyboardKeyDetector(mMiniKeyboardSlideAllowance);
1106        // Remove gesture detector on mini-keyboard
1107        miniKeyboardView.mGestureDetector = null;
1109        final Keyboard keyboard = new MiniKeyboardBuilder(this, mKeyboard.getPopupKeyboardResId(),
1110                popupKey, mKeyboard).build();
1111        miniKeyboardView.setKeyboard(keyboard);
1112        miniKeyboardView.mMiniKeyboardParent = this;
1114        container.measure(MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getWidth(), MeasureSpec.AT_MOST),
1115                MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getHeight(), MeasureSpec.AT_MOST));
1117        return container;
1118    }
1120    private static boolean isOneRowKeys(List<Key> keys) {
1121        if (keys.size() == 0) return false;
1122        final int edgeFlags = keys.get(0).mEdgeFlags;
1123        // HACK: The first key of mini keyboard which was inflated from xml and has multiple rows,
1124        // does not have both top and bottom edge flags on at the same time.  On the other hand,
1125        // the first key of mini keyboard that was created with popupCharacters must have both top
1126        // and bottom edge flags on.
1127        // When you want to use one row mini-keyboard from xml file, make sure that the row has
1128        // both top and bottom edge flags set.
1129        return (edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_TOP) != 0
1130                && (edgeFlags & Keyboard.EDGE_BOTTOM) != 0;
1131    }
1133    /**
1134     * Called when a key is long pressed. By default this will open any popup keyboard associated
1135     * with this key through the attributes popupLayout and popupCharacters.
1136     * @param popupKey the key that was long pressed
1137     * @return true if the long press is handled, false otherwise. Subclasses should call the
1138     * method on the base class if the subclass doesn't wish to handle the call.
1139     */
1140    protected boolean onLongPress(Key popupKey, PointerTracker tracker) {
1141        if (popupKey.mPopupCharacters == null)
1142            return false;
1144        View container = mMiniKeyboardCache.get(popupKey);
1145        if (container == null) {
1146            container = inflateMiniKeyboardContainer(popupKey);
1147            mMiniKeyboardCache.put(popupKey, container);
1148        }
1149        mMiniKeyboardView = (KeyboardView)container.findViewById(;
1150        final MiniKeyboard miniKeyboard = (MiniKeyboard)mMiniKeyboardView.getKeyboard();
1152        if (mWindowOffset == null) {
1153            mWindowOffset = new int[2];
1154            getLocationInWindow(mWindowOffset);
1155        }
1156        final int pointX = (mConfigShowMiniKeyboardAtTouchedPoint) ? tracker.getLastX()
1157                : popupKey.mX + popupKey.mWidth / 2;
1158        final int popupX = pointX - miniKeyboard.getDefaultCoordX()
1159                - container.getPaddingLeft()
1160                + getPaddingLeft() + mWindowOffset[0];
1161        final int popupY = popupKey.mY - mKeyboard.getVerticalGap()
1162                - (container.getMeasuredHeight() - container.getPaddingBottom())
1163                + getPaddingTop() + mWindowOffset[1];
1164        final int x = popupX;
1165        final int y = mShowPreview && isOneRowKeys(miniKeyboard.getKeys())
1166                ? mPopupPreviewDisplayedY : popupY;
1168        mMiniKeyboardOriginX = x + container.getPaddingLeft() - mWindowOffset[0];
1169        mMiniKeyboardOriginY = y + container.getPaddingTop() - mWindowOffset[1];
1170        mMiniKeyboardView.setPopupOffset(x, y);
1171        if (miniKeyboard.setShifted(
1172                mKeyboard == null ? false : mKeyboard.isShiftedOrShiftLocked())) {
1173            mMiniKeyboardView.invalidateAllKeys();
1174        }
1175        // Mini keyboard needs no pop-up key preview displayed.
1176        mMiniKeyboardView.setPreviewEnabled(false);
1177        mMiniKeyboardPopup.setContentView(container);
1178        mMiniKeyboardPopup.setWidth(container.getMeasuredWidth());
1179        mMiniKeyboardPopup.setHeight(container.getMeasuredHeight());
1180        mMiniKeyboardPopup.showAtLocation(this, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, x, y);
1182        // Inject down event on the key to mini keyboard.
1183        final long eventTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
1184        mMiniKeyboardPopupTime = eventTime;
1185        final MotionEvent downEvent = generateMiniKeyboardMotionEvent(MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN,
1186                pointX, popupKey.mY + popupKey.mHeight / 2, eventTime);
1187        mMiniKeyboardView.onTouchEvent(downEvent);
1188        downEvent.recycle();
1190        invalidateAllKeys();
1191        return true;
1192    }
1194    private MotionEvent generateMiniKeyboardMotionEvent(int action, int x, int y, long eventTime) {
1195        return MotionEvent.obtain(mMiniKeyboardPopupTime, eventTime, action,
1196                    x - mMiniKeyboardOriginX, y - mMiniKeyboardOriginY, 0);
1197    }
1199    private PointerTracker getPointerTracker(final int id) {
1200        final ArrayList<PointerTracker> pointers = mPointerTrackers;
1201        final Key[] keys = mKeys;
1202        final KeyboardActionListener listener = mKeyboardActionListener;
1204        // Create pointer trackers until we can get 'id+1'-th tracker, if needed.
1205        for (int i = pointers.size(); i <= id; i++) {
1206            final PointerTracker tracker =
1207                new PointerTracker(i, mHandler, mKeyDetector, this, getResources());
1208            if (keys != null)
1209                tracker.setKeyboard(mKeyboard, keys, mKeyHysteresisDistance);
1210            if (listener != null)
1211                tracker.setOnKeyboardActionListener(listener);
1212            pointers.add(tracker);
1213        }
1215        return pointers.get(id);
1216    }
1218    public boolean isInSlidingKeyInput() {
1219        if (mMiniKeyboardView != null) {
1220            return mMiniKeyboardView.isInSlidingKeyInput();
1221        } else {
1222            return mPointerQueue.isInSlidingKeyInput();
1223        }
1224    }
1226    public int getPointerCount() {
1227        return mOldPointerCount;
1228    }
1230    @Override
1231    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) {
1232        final int action = me.getActionMasked();
1233        final int pointerCount = me.getPointerCount();
1234        final int oldPointerCount = mOldPointerCount;
1235        mOldPointerCount = pointerCount;
1237        // TODO: cleanup this code into a multi-touch to single-touch event converter class?
1238        // If the device does not have distinct multi-touch support panel, ignore all multi-touch
1239        // events except a transition from/to single-touch.
1240        if ((!mHasDistinctMultitouch || mIsAccessibilityEnabled)
1241                && pointerCount > 1 && oldPointerCount > 1) {
1242            return true;
1243        }
1245        // Track the last few movements to look for spurious swipes.
1246        mSwipeTracker.addMovement(me);
1248        // Gesture detector must be enabled only when mini-keyboard is not on the screen and
1249        // accessibility is not enabled.
1250        // TODO: Reconcile gesture detection and accessibility features.
1251        if (mMiniKeyboardView == null && !mIsAccessibilityEnabled
1252                && mGestureDetector != null && mGestureDetector.onTouchEvent(me)) {
1253            dismissKeyPreview();
1254            mHandler.cancelKeyTimers();
1255            return true;
1256        }
1258        final long eventTime = me.getEventTime();
1259        final int index = me.getActionIndex();
1260        final int id = me.getPointerId(index);
1261        final int x = (int)me.getX(index);
1262        final int y = (int)me.getY(index);
1264        // Needs to be called after the gesture detector gets a turn, as it may have
1265        // displayed the mini keyboard
1266        if (mMiniKeyboardView != null) {
1267            final int miniKeyboardPointerIndex = me.findPointerIndex(mMiniKeyboardTrackerId);
1268            if (miniKeyboardPointerIndex >= 0 && miniKeyboardPointerIndex < pointerCount) {
1269                final int miniKeyboardX = (int)me.getX(miniKeyboardPointerIndex);
1270                final int miniKeyboardY = (int)me.getY(miniKeyboardPointerIndex);
1271                MotionEvent translated = generateMiniKeyboardMotionEvent(action,
1272                        miniKeyboardX, miniKeyboardY, eventTime);
1273                mMiniKeyboardView.onTouchEvent(translated);
1274                translated.recycle();
1275            }
1276            return true;
1277        }
1279        if (mHandler.isInKeyRepeat()) {
1280            // It will keep being in the key repeating mode while the key is being pressed.
1281            if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
1282                return true;
1283            }
1284            final PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(id);
1285            // Key repeating timer will be canceled if 2 or more keys are in action, and current
1286            // event (UP or DOWN) is non-modifier key.
1287            if (pointerCount > 1 && !tracker.isModifier()) {
1288                mHandler.cancelKeyRepeatTimer();
1289            }
1290            // Up event will pass through.
1291        }
1293        // TODO: cleanup this code into a multi-touch to single-touch event converter class?
1294        // Translate mutli-touch event to single-touch events on the device that has no distinct
1295        // multi-touch panel.
1296        if (!mHasDistinctMultitouch || mIsAccessibilityEnabled) {
1297            // Use only main (id=0) pointer tracker.
1298            PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(0);
1299            if (pointerCount == 1 && oldPointerCount == 2) {
1300                // Multi-touch to single touch transition.
1301                // Send a down event for the latest pointer.
1302                tracker.onDownEvent(x, y, eventTime, null);
1303            } else if (pointerCount == 2 && oldPointerCount == 1) {
1304                // Single-touch to multi-touch transition.
1305                // Send an up event for the last pointer.
1306                tracker.onUpEvent(tracker.getLastX(), tracker.getLastY(), eventTime, null);
1307            } else if (pointerCount == 1 && oldPointerCount == 1) {
1308                tracker.onTouchEvent(action, x, y, eventTime, null);
1309            } else {
1310                Log.w(TAG, "Unknown touch panel behavior: pointer count is " + pointerCount
1311                        + " (old " + oldPointerCount + ")");
1312            }
1313            return true;
1314        }
1316        final PointerTrackerQueue queue = mPointerQueue;
1317        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
1318            for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
1319                final PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(me.getPointerId(i));
1320                tracker.onMoveEvent((int)me.getX(i), (int)me.getY(i), eventTime, queue);
1321            }
1322        } else {
1323            final PointerTracker tracker = getPointerTracker(id);
1324            switch (action) {
1325            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
1326            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
1327                tracker.onDownEvent(x, y, eventTime, queue);
1328                break;
1329            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
1330            case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
1331                tracker.onUpEvent(x, y, eventTime, queue);
1332                break;
1333            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
1334                tracker.onCancelEvent(x, y, eventTime, queue);
1335                break;
1336            }
1337        }
1339        return true;
1340    }
1342    protected void onSwipeDown() {
1343        mKeyboardActionListener.onSwipeDown();
1344    }
1346    public void closing() {
1347        mPreviewPopup.dismiss();
1348        mHandler.cancelAllMessages();
1350        dismissPopupKeyboard();
1351        mDirtyRect.union(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
1352        mMiniKeyboardCache.clear();
1353        requestLayout();
1354    }
1356    public void purgeKeyboardAndClosing() {
1357        mKeyboard = null;
1358        closing();
1359    }
1361    @Override
1362    public void onDetachedFromWindow() {
1363        super.onDetachedFromWindow();
1364        closing();
1365    }
1367    private void dismissPopupKeyboard() {
1368        if (mMiniKeyboardPopup.isShowing()) {
1369            mMiniKeyboardPopup.dismiss();
1370            mMiniKeyboardView = null;
1371            mMiniKeyboardOriginX = 0;
1372            mMiniKeyboardOriginY = 0;
1373            invalidateAllKeys();
1374        }
1375    }
1377    public boolean handleBack() {
1378        if (mMiniKeyboardPopup.isShowing()) {
1379            dismissPopupKeyboard();
1380            return true;
1381        }
1382        return false;
1383    }