revision 14e908c3486ae5996e66625e959ff45c5f3740ef
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
19import android.content.Context;
20import android.content.res.Resources;
21import android.content.res.TypedArray;
32import android.text.Spannable;
33import android.text.SpannableString;
34import android.text.Spanned;
35import android.text.TextPaint;
36import android.text.TextUtils;
40import android.util.AttributeSet;
41import android.view.Gravity;
42import android.view.View;
43import android.view.ViewGroup;
44import android.widget.LinearLayout;
45import android.widget.TextView;
56import java.util.ArrayList;
58final class SuggestionStripLayoutHelper {
59    private static final int DEFAULT_SUGGESTIONS_COUNT_IN_STRIP = 3;
60    private static final float DEFAULT_CENTER_SUGGESTION_PERCENTILE = 0.40f;
61    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_MORE_SUGGESTIONS_ROW = 2;
62    private static final int PUNCTUATIONS_IN_STRIP = 5;
63    private static final float MIN_TEXT_XSCALE = 0.70f;
65    public final int mPadding;
66    public final int mDividerWidth;
67    public final int mSuggestionsStripHeight;
68    private final int mSuggestionsCountInStrip;
69    public final int mMoreSuggestionsRowHeight;
70    private int mMaxMoreSuggestionsRow;
71    public final float mMinMoreSuggestionsWidth;
72    public final int mMoreSuggestionsBottomGap;
73    public boolean mMoreSuggestionsAvailable;
75    // The index of these {@link ArrayList} is the position in the suggestion strip. The indices
76    // increase towards the right for LTR scripts and the left for RTL scripts, starting with 0.
77    // The position of the most important suggestion is in {@link #mCenterPositionInStrip}
78    private final ArrayList<TextView> mWordViews;
79    private final ArrayList<View> mDividerViews;
80    private final ArrayList<TextView> mDebugInfoViews;
82    private final int mColorValidTypedWord;
83    private final int mColorTypedWord;
84    private final int mColorAutoCorrect;
85    private final int mColorSuggested;
86    private final float mAlphaObsoleted;
87    private final float mCenterSuggestionWeight;
88    private final int mCenterPositionInStrip;
89    private final int mTypedWordPositionWhenAutocorrect;
90    private final Drawable mMoreSuggestionsHint;
91    private static final String MORE_SUGGESTIONS_HINT = "\u2026";
92    private static final String LEFTWARDS_ARROW = "\u2190";
93    private static final String RIGHTWARDS_ARROW = "\u2192";
95    private static final CharacterStyle BOLD_SPAN = new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD);
96    private static final CharacterStyle UNDERLINE_SPAN = new UnderlineSpan();
98    private final int mSuggestionStripOptions;
99    // These constants are the flag values of
100    // {@link R.styleable#SuggestionStripView_suggestionStripOptions} attribute.
101    private static final int AUTO_CORRECT_BOLD = 0x01;
102    private static final int AUTO_CORRECT_UNDERLINE = 0x02;
103    private static final int VALID_TYPED_WORD_BOLD = 0x04;
105    public SuggestionStripLayoutHelper(final Context context, final AttributeSet attrs,
106            final int defStyle, final ArrayList<TextView> wordViews,
107            final ArrayList<View> dividerViews, final ArrayList<TextView> debugInfoViews) {
108        mWordViews = wordViews;
109        mDividerViews = dividerViews;
110        mDebugInfoViews = debugInfoViews;
112        final TextView wordView = wordViews.get(0);
113        final View dividerView = dividerViews.get(0);
114        mPadding = wordView.getCompoundPaddingLeft() + wordView.getCompoundPaddingRight();
115        dividerView.measure(
116                ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
117        mDividerWidth = dividerView.getMeasuredWidth();
119        final Resources res = wordView.getResources();
120        mSuggestionsStripHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
121                R.dimen.config_suggestions_strip_height);
123        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,
124                R.styleable.SuggestionStripView, defStyle,;
125        mSuggestionStripOptions = a.getInt(
126                R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_suggestionStripOptions, 0);
127        mAlphaObsoleted = ResourceUtils.getFraction(a,
128                R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_alphaObsoleted, 1.0f);
129        mColorValidTypedWord = a.getColor(R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_colorValidTypedWord, 0);
130        mColorTypedWord = a.getColor(R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_colorTypedWord, 0);
131        mColorAutoCorrect = a.getColor(R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_colorAutoCorrect, 0);
132        mColorSuggested = a.getColor(R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_colorSuggested, 0);
133        mSuggestionsCountInStrip = a.getInt(
134                R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_suggestionsCountInStrip,
136        mCenterSuggestionWeight = ResourceUtils.getFraction(a,
137                R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_centerSuggestionPercentile,
139        mMaxMoreSuggestionsRow = a.getInt(
140                R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_maxMoreSuggestionsRow,
142        mMinMoreSuggestionsWidth = ResourceUtils.getFraction(a,
143                R.styleable.SuggestionStripView_minMoreSuggestionsWidth, 1.0f);
144        a.recycle();
146        mMoreSuggestionsHint = getMoreSuggestionsHint(res,
147                res.getDimension(R.dimen.config_more_suggestions_hint_text_size),
148                mColorAutoCorrect);
149        mCenterPositionInStrip = mSuggestionsCountInStrip / 2;
150        // Assuming there are at least three suggestions. Also, note that the suggestions are
151        // laid out according to script direction, so this is left of the center for LTR scripts
152        // and right of the center for RTL scripts.
153        mTypedWordPositionWhenAutocorrect = mCenterPositionInStrip - 1;
154        mMoreSuggestionsBottomGap = res.getDimensionPixelOffset(
155                R.dimen.config_more_suggestions_bottom_gap);
156        mMoreSuggestionsRowHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
157                R.dimen.config_more_suggestions_row_height);
158    }
160    public int getMaxMoreSuggestionsRow() {
161        return mMaxMoreSuggestionsRow;
162    }
164    private int getMoreSuggestionsHeight() {
165        return mMaxMoreSuggestionsRow * mMoreSuggestionsRowHeight + mMoreSuggestionsBottomGap;
166    }
168    public int setMoreSuggestionsHeight(final int remainingHeight) {
169        final int currentHeight = getMoreSuggestionsHeight();
170        if (currentHeight <= remainingHeight) {
171            return currentHeight;
172        }
174        mMaxMoreSuggestionsRow = (remainingHeight - mMoreSuggestionsBottomGap)
175                / mMoreSuggestionsRowHeight;
176        final int newHeight = getMoreSuggestionsHeight();
177        return newHeight;
178    }
180    private static Drawable getMoreSuggestionsHint(final Resources res, final float textSize,
181            final int color) {
182        final Paint paint = new Paint();
183        paint.setAntiAlias(true);
184        paint.setTextAlign(Align.CENTER);
185        paint.setTextSize(textSize);
186        paint.setColor(color);
187        final Rect bounds = new Rect();
188        paint.getTextBounds(MORE_SUGGESTIONS_HINT, 0, MORE_SUGGESTIONS_HINT.length(), bounds);
189        final int width = Math.round(bounds.width() + 0.5f);
190        final int height = Math.round(bounds.height() + 0.5f);
191        final Bitmap buffer = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, (height * 3 / 2), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
192        final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(buffer);
193        canvas.drawText(MORE_SUGGESTIONS_HINT, width / 2, height, paint);
194        return new BitmapDrawable(res, buffer);
195    }
197    private CharSequence getStyledSuggestedWord(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords,
198            final int indexInSuggestedWords) {
199        if (indexInSuggestedWords >= suggestedWords.size()) {
200            return null;
201        }
202        final String word = suggestedWords.getLabel(indexInSuggestedWords);
203        // TODO: don't use the index to decide whether this is the auto-correction/typed word, as
204        // this is brittle
205        final boolean isAutoCorrection = suggestedWords.mWillAutoCorrect
206                && indexInSuggestedWords == SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_AUTO_CORRECTION;
207        final boolean isTypedWordValid = suggestedWords.mTypedWordValid
208                && indexInSuggestedWords == SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_TYPED_WORD;
209        if (!isAutoCorrection && !isTypedWordValid) {
210            return word;
211        }
213        final int len = word.length();
214        final Spannable spannedWord = new SpannableString(word);
215        final int options = mSuggestionStripOptions;
216        if ((isAutoCorrection && (options & AUTO_CORRECT_BOLD) != 0)
217                || (isTypedWordValid && (options & VALID_TYPED_WORD_BOLD) != 0)) {
218            spannedWord.setSpan(BOLD_SPAN, 0, len, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
219        }
220        if (isAutoCorrection && (options & AUTO_CORRECT_UNDERLINE) != 0) {
221            spannedWord.setSpan(UNDERLINE_SPAN, 0, len, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
222        }
223        return spannedWord;
224    }
226    private int getPositionInSuggestionStrip(final int indexInSuggestedWords,
227            final SuggestedWords suggestedWords) {
228        final int indexToDisplayMostImportantSuggestion;
229        final int indexToDisplaySecondMostImportantSuggestion;
230        if (suggestedWords.mWillAutoCorrect) {
231            indexToDisplayMostImportantSuggestion = SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_AUTO_CORRECTION;
232            indexToDisplaySecondMostImportantSuggestion = SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_TYPED_WORD;
233        } else {
234            indexToDisplayMostImportantSuggestion = SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_TYPED_WORD;
235            indexToDisplaySecondMostImportantSuggestion = SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_AUTO_CORRECTION;
236        }
237        if (indexInSuggestedWords == indexToDisplayMostImportantSuggestion) {
238            return mCenterPositionInStrip;
239        }
240        if (indexInSuggestedWords == indexToDisplaySecondMostImportantSuggestion) {
241            return mTypedWordPositionWhenAutocorrect;
242        }
243        // If neither of those, the order in the suggestion strip is the same as in SuggestedWords.
244        return indexInSuggestedWords;
245    }
247    private int getSuggestionTextColor(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords,
248            final int indexInSuggestedWords) {
249        final int positionInStrip =
250                getPositionInSuggestionStrip(indexInSuggestedWords, suggestedWords);
251        // Use identity for strings, not #equals : it's the typed word if it's the same object
252        final boolean isTypedWord =
253                suggestedWords.getWord(indexInSuggestedWords) == suggestedWords.mTypedWord;
255        final int color;
256        if (positionInStrip == mCenterPositionInStrip && suggestedWords.mWillAutoCorrect) {
257            color = mColorAutoCorrect;
258        } else if (isTypedWord && suggestedWords.mTypedWordValid) {
259            color = mColorValidTypedWord;
260        } else if (isTypedWord) {
261            color = mColorTypedWord;
262        } else {
263            color = mColorSuggested;
264        }
265        if (LatinImeLogger.sDBG && suggestedWords.size() > 1) {
266            // If we auto-correct, then the autocorrection is in slot 0 and the typed word
267            // is in slot 1.
268            if (positionInStrip == mCenterPositionInStrip
269                    && AutoCorrectionUtils.shouldBlockAutoCorrectionBySafetyNet(
270                            suggestedWords.getLabel(SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_AUTO_CORRECTION),
271                            suggestedWords.getLabel(SuggestedWords.INDEX_OF_TYPED_WORD))) {
272                return 0xFFFF0000;
273            }
274        }
276        if (suggestedWords.mIsObsoleteSuggestions && !isTypedWord) {
277            return applyAlpha(color, mAlphaObsoleted);
278        }
279        return color;
280    }
282    private static int applyAlpha(final int color, final float alpha) {
283        final int newAlpha = (int)(Color.alpha(color) * alpha);
284        return Color.argb(newAlpha,,,;
285    }
287    private static void addDivider(final ViewGroup stripView, final View dividerView) {
288        stripView.addView(dividerView);
289        final LinearLayout.LayoutParams params =
290                (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)dividerView.getLayoutParams();
291        params.gravity = Gravity.CENTER;
292    }
294    /**
295     * Layout suggestions to the suggestions strip. And returns the number of suggestions displayed
296     * in the suggestions strip.
297     *
298     * @param suggestedWords suggestions to be shown in the suggestions strip.
299     * @param stripView the suggestions strip view.
300     * @param placerView the view where the debug info will be placed.
301     * @return the number of suggestions displayed in the suggestions strip
302     */
303    public int layoutAndReturnSuggestionCountInStrip(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords,
304            final ViewGroup stripView, final ViewGroup placerView) {
305        if (suggestedWords.isPunctuationSuggestions()) {
306            return layoutPunctuationSuggestionsAndReturnSuggestionCountInStrip(
307                    (PunctuationSuggestions)suggestedWords, stripView);
308        }
310        setupWordViewsTextAndColor(suggestedWords, mSuggestionsCountInStrip);
311        final TextView centerWordView = mWordViews.get(mCenterPositionInStrip);
312        final int availableStripWidth = placerView.getWidth()
313                - placerView.getPaddingRight() - placerView.getPaddingLeft();
314        final int centerWidth = getSuggestionWidth(mCenterPositionInStrip, availableStripWidth);
315        final int countInStrip;
316        if (suggestedWords.size() == 1 || getTextScaleX(centerWordView.getText(), centerWidth,
317                centerWordView.getPaint()) < MIN_TEXT_XSCALE) {
318            // Layout only the most relevant suggested word at the center of the suggestion strip
319            // by consolidating all slots in the strip.
320            countInStrip = 1;
321            mMoreSuggestionsAvailable = (suggestedWords.size() > countInStrip);
322            layoutWord(mCenterPositionInStrip, availableStripWidth - mPadding);
323            stripView.addView(centerWordView);
324            setLayoutWeight(centerWordView, 1.0f, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
325            if (SuggestionStripView.DBG) {
326                layoutDebugInfo(mCenterPositionInStrip, placerView, availableStripWidth);
327            }
328        } else {
329            countInStrip = mSuggestionsCountInStrip;
330            mMoreSuggestionsAvailable = (suggestedWords.size() > countInStrip);
331            int x = 0;
332            for (int positionInStrip = 0; positionInStrip < countInStrip; positionInStrip++) {
333                if (positionInStrip != 0) {
334                    final View divider = mDividerViews.get(positionInStrip);
335                    // Add divider if this isn't the left most suggestion in suggestions strip.
336                    addDivider(stripView, divider);
337                    x += divider.getMeasuredWidth();
338                }
340                final int width = getSuggestionWidth(positionInStrip, availableStripWidth);
341                final TextView wordView = layoutWord(positionInStrip, width);
342                stripView.addView(wordView);
343                setLayoutWeight(wordView, getSuggestionWeight(positionInStrip),
344                        ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
345                x += wordView.getMeasuredWidth();
347                if (SuggestionStripView.DBG) {
348                    layoutDebugInfo(positionInStrip, placerView, x);
349                }
350            }
351        }
352        return countInStrip;
353    }
355    /**
356     * Format appropriately the suggested word in {@link #mWordViews} specified by
357     * <code>positionInStrip</code>. When the suggested word doesn't exist, the corresponding
358     * {@link TextView} will be disabled and never respond to user interaction. The suggested word
359     * may be shrunk or ellipsized to fit in the specified width.
360     *
361     * The <code>positionInStrip</code> argument is the index in the suggestion strip. The indices
362     * increase towards the right for LTR scripts and the left for RTL scripts, starting with 0.
363     * The position of the most important suggestion is in {@link #mCenterPositionInStrip}. This
364     * usually doesn't match the index in <code>suggedtedWords</code> -- see
365     * {@link #getPositionInSuggestionStrip(int,SuggestedWords)}.
366     *
367     * @param positionInStrip the position in the suggestion strip.
368     * @param width the maximum width for layout in pixels.
369     * @return the {@link TextView} containing the suggested word appropriately formatted.
370     */
371    private TextView layoutWord(final int positionInStrip, final int width) {
372        final TextView wordView = mWordViews.get(positionInStrip);
373        final CharSequence word = wordView.getText();
374        if (positionInStrip == mCenterPositionInStrip && mMoreSuggestionsAvailable) {
375            // TODO: This "more suggestions hint" should have a nicely designed icon.
376            wordView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(
377                    null, null, null, mMoreSuggestionsHint);
378            // HACK: Align with other TextViews that have no compound drawables.
379            wordView.setCompoundDrawablePadding(-mMoreSuggestionsHint.getIntrinsicHeight());
380        } else {
381            wordView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(null, null, null, null);
382        }
384        // Disable this suggestion if the suggestion is null or empty.
385        wordView.setEnabled(!TextUtils.isEmpty(word));
386        final CharSequence text = getEllipsizedText(word, width, wordView.getPaint());
387        final float scaleX = getTextScaleX(word, width, wordView.getPaint());
388        wordView.setText(text); // TextView.setText() resets text scale x to 1.0.
389        wordView.setTextScaleX(Math.max(scaleX, MIN_TEXT_XSCALE));
390        return wordView;
391    }
393    private void layoutDebugInfo(final int positionInStrip, final ViewGroup placerView,
394            final int x) {
395        final TextView debugInfoView = mDebugInfoViews.get(positionInStrip);
396        final CharSequence debugInfo = debugInfoView.getText();
397        if (debugInfo == null) {
398            return;
399        }
400        placerView.addView(debugInfoView);
401        debugInfoView.measure(
402                ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
403        final int infoWidth = debugInfoView.getMeasuredWidth();
404        final int y = debugInfoView.getMeasuredHeight();
405        ViewLayoutUtils.placeViewAt(
406                debugInfoView, x - infoWidth, y, infoWidth, debugInfoView.getMeasuredHeight());
407    }
409    private int getSuggestionWidth(final int positionInStrip, final int maxWidth) {
410        final int paddings = mPadding * mSuggestionsCountInStrip;
411        final int dividers = mDividerWidth * (mSuggestionsCountInStrip - 1);
412        final int availableWidth = maxWidth - paddings - dividers;
413        return (int)(availableWidth * getSuggestionWeight(positionInStrip));
414    }
416    private float getSuggestionWeight(final int positionInStrip) {
417        if (positionInStrip == mCenterPositionInStrip) {
418            return mCenterSuggestionWeight;
419        }
420        // TODO: Revisit this for cases of 5 or more suggestions
421        return (1.0f - mCenterSuggestionWeight) / (mSuggestionsCountInStrip - 1);
422    }
424    private void setupWordViewsTextAndColor(final SuggestedWords suggestedWords,
425            final int countInStrip) {
426        // Clear all suggestions first
427        for (int positionInStrip = 0; positionInStrip < countInStrip; ++positionInStrip) {
428            mWordViews.get(positionInStrip).setText(null);
429            // Make this inactive for touches in {@link #layoutWord(int,int)}.
430            if (SuggestionStripView.DBG) {
431                mDebugInfoViews.get(positionInStrip).setText(null);
432            }
433        }
434        final int count = Math.min(suggestedWords.size(), countInStrip);
435        for (int indexInSuggestedWords = 0; indexInSuggestedWords < count;
436                indexInSuggestedWords++) {
437            final int positionInStrip =
438                    getPositionInSuggestionStrip(indexInSuggestedWords, suggestedWords);
439            final TextView wordView = mWordViews.get(positionInStrip);
440            // {@link TextView#getTag()} is used to get the index in suggestedWords at
441            // {@link SuggestionStripView#onClick(View)}.
442            wordView.setTag(indexInSuggestedWords);
443            wordView.setText(getStyledSuggestedWord(suggestedWords, indexInSuggestedWords));
444            wordView.setTextColor(getSuggestionTextColor(suggestedWords, indexInSuggestedWords));
445            if (SuggestionStripView.DBG) {
446                mDebugInfoViews.get(positionInStrip).setText(
447                        suggestedWords.getDebugString(indexInSuggestedWords));
448            }
449        }
450    }
452    private int layoutPunctuationSuggestionsAndReturnSuggestionCountInStrip(
453            final PunctuationSuggestions punctuationSuggestions, final ViewGroup stripView) {
454        final int countInStrip = Math.min(punctuationSuggestions.size(), PUNCTUATIONS_IN_STRIP);
455        for (int positionInStrip = 0; positionInStrip < countInStrip; positionInStrip++) {
456            if (positionInStrip != 0) {
457                // Add divider if this isn't the left most suggestion in suggestions strip.
458                addDivider(stripView, mDividerViews.get(positionInStrip));
459            }
461            final TextView wordView = mWordViews.get(positionInStrip);
462            wordView.setEnabled(true);
463            wordView.setTextColor(mColorAutoCorrect);
464            // {@link TextView#getTag()} is used to get the index in suggestedWords at
465            // {@link SuggestionStripView#onClick(View)}.
466            wordView.setTag(positionInStrip);
467            wordView.setText(punctuationSuggestions.getLabel(positionInStrip));
468            wordView.setTextScaleX(1.0f);
469            wordView.setCompoundDrawables(null, null, null, null);
470            stripView.addView(wordView);
471            setLayoutWeight(wordView, 1.0f, mSuggestionsStripHeight);
472        }
473        mMoreSuggestionsAvailable = (punctuationSuggestions.size() > countInStrip);
474        return countInStrip;
475    }
477    public void layoutAddToDictionaryHint(final String word, final ViewGroup addToDictionaryStrip,
478            final int stripWidth) {
479        final int width = stripWidth - mDividerWidth - mPadding * 2;
481        final TextView wordView = (TextView)addToDictionaryStrip.findViewById(;
482        wordView.setTextColor(mColorTypedWord);
483        final int wordWidth = (int)(width * mCenterSuggestionWeight);
484        final CharSequence wordToSave = getEllipsizedText(word, wordWidth, wordView.getPaint());
485        final float wordScaleX = wordView.getTextScaleX();
486        wordView.setText(wordToSave);
487        wordView.setTextScaleX(wordScaleX);
488        setLayoutWeight(wordView, mCenterSuggestionWeight, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
490        final TextView hintView = (TextView)addToDictionaryStrip.findViewById(
491      ;
492        hintView.setTextColor(mColorAutoCorrect);
493        final boolean isRtlLanguage = (ViewCompat.getLayoutDirection(addToDictionaryStrip)
494                == ViewCompat.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL);
495        final String arrow = isRtlLanguage ? RIGHTWARDS_ARROW : LEFTWARDS_ARROW;
496        final Resources res = addToDictionaryStrip.getResources();
497        final boolean isRtlSystem = SubtypeLocaleUtils.isRtlLanguage(res.getConfiguration().locale);
498        final CharSequence hintText = res.getText(R.string.hint_add_to_dictionary);
499        final String hintWithArrow = (isRtlLanguage == isRtlSystem)
500                ? (arrow + hintText) : (hintText + arrow);
501        final int hintWidth = width - wordWidth;
502        hintView.setTextScaleX(1.0f); // Reset textScaleX.
503        final float hintScaleX = getTextScaleX(hintWithArrow, hintWidth, hintView.getPaint());
504        hintView.setText(hintWithArrow);
505        hintView.setTextScaleX(hintScaleX);
506        setLayoutWeight(
507                hintView, 1.0f - mCenterSuggestionWeight, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);
508    }
510    public void layoutImportantNotice(final View importantNoticeStrip,
511            final String importantNoticeTitle) {
512        final TextView titleView = (TextView)importantNoticeStrip.findViewById(
513      ;
514        final int width = titleView.getWidth() - titleView.getPaddingLeft()
515                - titleView.getPaddingRight();
516        titleView.setTextColor(mColorAutoCorrect);
517        titleView.setText(importantNoticeTitle);
518        titleView.setTextScaleX(1.0f); // Reset textScaleX.
519        final float titleScaleX = getTextScaleX(importantNoticeTitle, width, titleView.getPaint());
520        titleView.setTextScaleX(titleScaleX);
521    }
523    static void setLayoutWeight(final View v, final float weight, final int height) {
524        final ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = v.getLayoutParams();
525        if (lp instanceof LinearLayout.LayoutParams) {
526            final LinearLayout.LayoutParams llp = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)lp;
527            llp.weight = weight;
528            llp.width = 0;
529            llp.height = height;
530        }
531    }
533    private static float getTextScaleX(final CharSequence text, final int maxWidth,
534            final TextPaint paint) {
535        paint.setTextScaleX(1.0f);
536        final int width = getTextWidth(text, paint);
537        if (width <= maxWidth || maxWidth <= 0) {
538            return 1.0f;
539        }
540        return maxWidth / (float)width;
541    }
543    private static CharSequence getEllipsizedText(final CharSequence text, final int maxWidth,
544            final TextPaint paint) {
545        if (text == null) {
546            return null;
547        }
548        final float scaleX = getTextScaleX(text, maxWidth, paint);
549        if (scaleX >= MIN_TEXT_XSCALE) {
550            paint.setTextScaleX(scaleX);
551            return text;
552        }
554        // Note that TextUtils.ellipsize() use text-x-scale as 1.0 if ellipsize is needed. To
555        // get squeezed and ellipsized text, passes enlarged width (maxWidth / MIN_TEXT_XSCALE).
556        final float upscaledWidth = maxWidth / MIN_TEXT_XSCALE;
557        CharSequence ellipsized = TextUtils.ellipsize(
558                text, paint, upscaledWidth, TextUtils.TruncateAt.MIDDLE);
559        // For an unknown reason, ellipsized seems to return a text that does indeed fit inside the
560        // passed width according to paint.measureText, but not according to paint.getTextWidths.
561        // But when rendered, the text seems to actually take up as many pixels as returned by
562        // paint.getTextWidths, hence problem.
563        // To save this case, we compare the measured size of the new text, and if it's too much,
564        // try it again removing the difference. This may still give a text too long by one or
565        // two pixels so we take an additional 2 pixels cushion and call it a day.
566        // TODO: figure out why getTextWidths and measureText don't agree with each other, and
567        // remove the following code.
568        final float ellipsizedTextWidth = getTextWidth(ellipsized, paint);
569        if (upscaledWidth <= ellipsizedTextWidth) {
570            ellipsized = TextUtils.ellipsize(
571                    text, paint, upscaledWidth - (ellipsizedTextWidth - upscaledWidth) - 2,
572                    TextUtils.TruncateAt.MIDDLE);
573        }
574        paint.setTextScaleX(MIN_TEXT_XSCALE);
575        return ellipsized;
576    }
578    private static int getTextWidth(final CharSequence text, final TextPaint paint) {
579        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) {
580            return 0;
581        }
582        final Typeface savedTypeface = paint.getTypeface();
583        paint.setTypeface(getTextTypeface(text));
584        final int len = text.length();
585        final float[] widths = new float[len];
586        final int count = paint.getTextWidths(text, 0, len, widths);
587        int width = 0;
588        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
589            width += Math.round(widths[i] + 0.5f);
590        }
591        paint.setTypeface(savedTypeface);
592        return width;
593    }
595    private static Typeface getTextTypeface(final CharSequence text) {
596        if (!(text instanceof SpannableString)) {
597            return Typeface.DEFAULT;
598        }
600        final SpannableString ss = (SpannableString)text;
601        final StyleSpan[] styles = ss.getSpans(0, text.length(), StyleSpan.class);
602        if (styles.length == 0) {
603            return Typeface.DEFAULT;
604        }
606        if (styles[0].getStyle() == Typeface.BOLD) {
607            return Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD;
608        }
609        // TODO: BOLD_ITALIC, ITALIC case?
610        return Typeface.DEFAULT;
611    }