Lines Matching refs:string

24 #include <string>
303 std::string PrintableChar(uint16_t ch);
305 // Returns an ASCII string corresponding to the given UTF-8 string.
307 std::string PrintableString(const char* utf8);
310 bool StartsWith(const std::string& s, const char* prefix);
313 bool EndsWith(const std::string& s, const char* suffix);
320 std::string PrettyDescriptor(mirror::String* descriptor)
322 std::string PrettyDescriptor(const char* descriptor);
323 std::string PrettyDescriptor(mirror::Class* klass)
325 std::string PrettyDescriptor(Primitive::Type type);
329 std::string PrettyField(mirror::ArtField* f, bool with_type = true)
331 std::string PrettyField(uint32_t field_idx, const DexFile& dex_file, bool with_type = true);
335 std::string PrettyMethod(mirror::ArtMethod* m, bool with_signature = true)
337 std::string PrettyMethod(uint32_t method_idx, const DexFile& dex_file, bool with_signature = true);
343 std::string PrettyTypeOf(mirror::Object* obj)
348 std::string PrettyType(uint32_t type_idx, const DexFile& dex_file);
352 std::string PrettyClass(mirror::Class* c)
356 std::string PrettyClassAndClassLoader(mirror::Class* c)
359 // Returns a human-readable size string such as "1MB".
360 std::string PrettySize(int64_t size_in_bytes);
362 // Returns a human-readable time string which prints every nanosecond while trying to limit the
365 std::string PrettyDuration(uint64_t nano_duration, size_t max_fraction_digits = 3);
368 std::string FormatDuration(uint64_t nano_duration, TimeUnit time_unit,
379 std::string MangleForJni(const std::string& s);
382 std::string DotToDescriptor(const char* class_name);
386 std::string DescriptorToDot(const char* descriptor);
390 std::string DescriptorToName(const char* descriptor);
397 // Returns whether the given string is a valid field or method name,
402 std::string JniShortName(mirror::ArtMethod* m)
405 std::string JniLongName(mirror::ArtMethod* m)
408 bool ReadFileToString(const std::string& file_name, std::string* result);
411 std::string GetIsoDate();
447 // Splits a string using the given separator character into a vector of
449 void Split(const std::string& s, char separator, std::vector<std::string>& result);
451 // Trims whitespace off both ends of the given string.
452 std::string Trim(std::string s);
454 // Joins a vector of strings into a single string, using the given separator.
455 template <typename StringT> std::string Join(std::vector<StringT>& strings, char separator);
461 std::string GetThreadName(pid_t tid);
469 // Returns the name of the scheduler group for the given thread the current process, or the empty string.
470 std::string GetSchedulerGroupName(pid_t tid);
490 const char* GetAndroidDataSafe(std::string* error_msg);
494 std::string GetDalvikCacheOrDie(const char* subdir, bool create_if_absent = true);
499 void GetDalvikCache(const char* subdir, bool create_if_absent, std::string* dalvik_cache,
505 std::string* filename, std::string* error_msg);
508 std::string GetDalvikCacheFilenameOrDie(const char* file_location,
512 std::string GetSystemImageFilename(const char* location, InstructionSet isa);
517 std::string DexFilenameToOdexFilename(const std::string& location, InstructionSet isa);
525 bool Exec(std::vector<std::string>& arg_vector, std::string* error_msg);