Lines Matching refs:chrome

7 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/component_loader.h"
8 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browsertest.h"
9 #include "chrome/browser/search/search.h"
10 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
11 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
12 #include "chrome/browser/ui/location_bar/location_bar.h"
13 #include "chrome/browser/ui/omnibox/omnibox_view.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
15 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
16 #include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
17 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
18 #include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h"
60 // chrome-extension:// scheme.
79 // Navigate to chrome://newtab and check that the location bar text is blank.
80 GURL url(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL);
83 EXPECT_TRUE(chrome::IsNTPURL(GetNavigationEntry()->GetURL(), profile()));
88 // is blank after navigating to chrome://newtab.
90 TestURLNotShown(GURL(chrome::kChromeUINewTabURL));
91 // Check that the internal URL uses the chrome-extension:// scheme.
97 // Navigate to chrome://bookmarks and check that the location bar URL is
98 // what was entered and the internal URL uses the chrome-extension:// scheme.
99 const GURL bookmarks_url(chrome::kChromeUIBookmarksURL);
101 // The default chrome://bookmarks implementation will append /#1 to the URL
110 // Navigate to chrome://bookmarks/#1 and check that the location bar URL is
111 // what was entered and the internal URL uses the chrome-extension:// scheme.
112 GURL url_with_ref(chrome::kChromeUIBookmarksURL + std::string("#1"));
117 // Load an extension that overrides chrome://bookmarks.
119 // Navigate to chrome://bookmarks and check that the location bar URL is what
120 // was entered and the internal URL uses the chrome-extension:// scheme.
121 TestExtensionURLOverride(GURL(chrome::kChromeUIBookmarksURL));