Lines Matching refs:target

40       'toolset': 'target',
54 'toolset': 'target',
72 'toolset': 'target',
87 'toolset': 'target',
211 def WriteNaClTargets(output, target, tools):
219 target['CONFIGS'] = configs
220 if target['TYPE'] == 'lib':
221 output.write(NLIB_TARGET % target)
223 output.write(NEXE_TARGET % target)
274 # make a list of all the so target names so that the nmf rules
278 for target in desc['TARGETS']:
279 if target['TYPE'] == 'so':
280 name = target['NAME']
288 for target in desc['TARGETS']:
289 target.setdefault('INCLUDES', [])
290 target['INCLUDES'] = [x.replace("$(NACL_SDK_ROOT)", "../..")
291 for x in target['INCLUDES']]
293 libs = target.get('LIBS', [])
296 target['LIBS'] = ['-l' + l + '.lib' for l in libs]
298 target['LIBS'] = ['-l' + l for l in libs]
299 if target['TYPE'] == 'so':
301 target['EXT'] = ''
303 target['EXT'] = '.so'
304 target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'shared_library'
305 elif target['TYPE'] == 'lib':
307 target['EXT'] = ''
309 target['EXT'] = '.a'
310 target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'static_library'
311 elif target['TYPE'] == 'main':
312 target['EXT'] = '.nexe'
313 target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'executable'
315 Error("unknown type: %s" % target['TYPE'])
317 target['CFLAGS'] = target.get('CXXFLAGS', [])
320 WriteNaClTargets(output, target, desc['TOOLS'])
321 if target['TYPE'] == 'main':
322 target['SODEPS'] = sofiles
323 target['NMFACTION'] = ['-o', '<@(_outputs)', '-L<(NMF_PATH1)',
326 target['NMFACTION'] += soremap
328 target['TOOLCHAIN'] = 'newlib'
329 output.write(NMF_TARGET % target)
331 target['TOOLCHAIN'] = 'glibc'
332 output.write(NMF_TARGET % target)
335 target['ARCH'] = 'x86_32'
336 target['INCLUDES'].append('../../include')
338 target['HOST'] = 'win'
339 target['CONFIGS'] = ''
340 target['CFLAGS'] = []
342 target['CONFIGS'] = ''
343 target['HOST'] = 'linux'
344 target['CFLAGS'].append('-fPIC')
345 if target['TYPE'] == 'main':
346 target['GYP_TYPE'] = 'shared_library'
348 target['EXT'] = ''
350 target['EXT'] = '.so'
351 output.write(HOST_EXE_TARGET % target)
353 output.write(HOST_LIB_TARGET % target)