Lines Matching defs:cut

523   Int   cut, out;                  /* ..  */
687 cut=d-(up-res)*DECDPUN; /* digits in top unit */
689 if (*c=='.') continue; /* ignore '.' [don't decrement cut] */
692 cut--;
693 if (cut>0) continue; /* more for this unit */
696 cut=DECDPUN; /* .. */
3492 uInt cut=DECDPUN; /* downcounter through unit */
3496 cut--;
3497 if (cut>0) continue; /* more in this unit */
3500 cut=DECDPUN;
3525 /* calculate how many digits in msu, and hence first cut */
3526 Int cut=MSUDIGITS(n); /* [faster than remainder] */
3529 for (; cut>0; ub++, cut--) *up=X10(*up)+*ub;
3530 cut=DECDPUN; /* next Unit has all digits */
3652 Int cut; /* for counting digits in a Unit */
3685 /* calculate how many digits in msu, and hence first cut */
3686 cut=MSUDIGITS(dn->digits); /* [faster than remainder] */
3687 cut--; /* power of ten for digit */
3692 for (; cut>=0; c++, cut--) TODIGIT(u, cut, c, pow);
3693 cut=DECDPUN-1; /* next Unit has all digits */
3733 for (; pre>0; pre--, c++, cut--) {
3734 if (cut<0) { /* need new Unit */
3737 cut=DECDPUN-1;
3740 TODIGIT(u, cut, c, pow);
3744 for (;; c++, cut--) {
3745 if (cut<0) { /* need new Unit */
3748 cut=DECDPUN-1;
3751 TODIGIT(u, cut, c, pow);
3760 for (; ; c++, cut--) {
3761 if (cut<0) { /* need new Unit */
3764 cut=DECDPUN-1;
3767 TODIGIT(u, cut, c, pow);
3784 for (cut=9; cut>=0; cut--) {
3785 TODIGIT(u, cut, c, pow);
3789 } /* cut */
4285 Int shift, cut; /* .. */
4514 if (exponent<0) cut=-exponent;
4515 else cut=DECDPUN-exponent%DECDPUN;
4516 decShiftToLeast(var1, var1units, cut);
4517 exponent+=cut; /* maintain numerical value */
4518 var1initpad-=cut; /* .. and reduce padding */
4520 for (u=msu1; cut>=DECDPUN; cut-=DECDPUN, u--) *u=0;
6634 uInt cut; /* .. */
6651 cut=1; /* digit (1-DECDPUN) in Unit */
6656 uInt quot=QUOT10(*up, cut);
6657 if ((*up-quot*powers[cut])!=0) break; /* found non-0 digit */
6659 if (*up%powers[cut]!=0) break; /* found non-0 digit */
6669 cut++; /* next power */
6670 if (cut>DECDPUN) { /* need new Unit */
6672 cut=1;
6727 Int cut; /* odd 0's to add */
6738 target=source+D2U(shift); /* where upper part of first cut goes */
6739 cut=DECDPUN-MSUDIGITS(shift); /* where to slice */
6740 if (cut==0) { /* unit-boundary case */
6748 uInt quot=QUOT10(*source, cut);
6749 uInt rem=*source-quot*powers[cut];
6752 uInt rem=*source%powers[cut];
6753 next+=*source/powers[cut];
6756 next=rem*powers[DECDPUN-cut]; /* save remainder for next Unit */
6783 Int cut, count; /* work */
6793 cut=MSUDIGITS(shift);
6794 if (cut==DECDPUN) { /* unit-boundary case; easy */
6801 up=uar+D2U(shift-cut); /* source; correct to whole Units */
6804 quot=QUOT10(*up, cut);
6806 quot=*up/powers[cut];
6810 count-=(DECDPUN-cut);
6815 quot=QUOT10(quot, cut);
6816 rem=*up-quot*powers[cut];
6818 rem=quot%powers[cut];
6819 quot=quot/powers[cut];
6821 *target=(Unit)(*target+rem*powers[DECDPUN-cut]);
6822 count-=cut;
6932 uInt cut; /* cut point in Unit */
6990 cut=discard-(count-DECDPUN)-1;
6991 if (cut==DECDPUN-1) { /* unit-boundary case (fast) */
7018 if (cut==0) quot=*up; /* is at bottom of unit */
7019 else /* cut>0 */ { /* it's not at bottom of unit */
7021 U_ASSERT(/* cut >= 0 &&*/ cut <= 4);
7022 quot=QUOT10(*up, cut);
7023 rem=*up-quot*powers[cut];
7025 rem=*up%powers[cut];
7026 quot=*up/powers[cut];
7043 cut++; /* update cut */
7045 /* cut is the division point for each Unit */
7057 count-=(DECDPUN-cut);
7062 quot=QUOT10(quot, cut);
7063 rem=*up-quot*powers[cut];
7065 rem=quot%powers[cut];
7066 quot=quot/powers[cut];
7068 *target=(Unit)(*target+rem*powers[DECDPUN-cut]);
7069 count-=cut;
7673 Unit *msu; /* -> target cut point */
7674 Int cut; /* work */
7686 cut=MSUDIGITS(dn->digits-drop); /* digits to be in use in msu */
7687 if (cut!=DECDPUN) *msu%=powers[cut]; /* clear left digits */
7857 Int cut; /* .. */
7884 for (cut=DECDPUN-1; cut>=0; cut--) {
7885 d=u/powers[cut];
7886 u-=d*powers[cut];
7888 } /* cut */