Lines Matching defs:assert

387   assert(ModuleMgr.size() >= 1 && "what ASTFile is this then");
403 assert(!ModuleName.empty() && "diagnostic options read before module name");
406 assert(M && "missing module");
678 assert(n >= 2 && d[n-1] == '\0');
737 assert(Bits == 0 && "Extra bits in the identifier?");
760 assert(II->isExtensionToken() == ExtensionToken &&
765 assert(II->isCPlusPlusOperatorKeyword() == CPlusPlusOperatorKeyword &&
813 assert(I == LocalMacroIDs.begin());
1035 assert(FID >= 0 && "Serialized line entries for non-local file.");
1041 assert(NumEntries && "Numentries is 00000");
1124 assert(OriginalDir != CurrDir &&
1129 assert(path::is_absolute(OriginalDir));
1209 assert(F->FileSortedDecls && "FILE_SORTED_DECLS not encountered yet ?");
1305 assert(!SourceMgr.getMainFileID().isInvalid() && "missing main file");
1460 assert(I != M.PreprocessedEntityRemap.end()
1549 assert(End == d && "Wrong data length in HeaderFileInfo deserialization");
1561 assert(NumCurrentElementsDeserializing > 0 &&"Missing deserialization guard");
1575 assert(NumCurrentElementsDeserializing > 0 &&"Missing deserialization guard");
1754 assert(GMacID);
1773 assert(II);
1799 assert(M.Kind != MK_Module);
1863 assert(PrevMI && NewMI);
1945 assert(II && Owner);
1954 assert(ImportLoc.isValid() && "no import location for a visible macro?");
1972 assert(!Prev->empty());
1987 assert(NewMI && "macro definition with no MacroInfo?");
1990 assert(PrevMI && "macro definition with no MacroInfo?");
2030 assert(static_cast<InputFileRecordTypes>(Result) == INPUT_FILE &&
2039 assert(Record[0] == ID && "Bogus stored ID or offset");
2456 assert(!F.ModuleName.empty() &&
2462 assert(ImportedBy && "top-level import should be verified");
2471 assert(M->ModuleMap && "found module is missing module map file");
2472 assert(M->Name == F.ModuleName && "found module with different name");
2473 assert(ImportedBy && "top-level import should be verified");
2879 assert((F.SLocEntryBaseOffset & (1U << 31U)) == 0);
3051 assert(Blob.size() % sizeof(PPEntityOffset) == 0);
3389 assert(ImportLoc.isValid() && "Missing import location");
3677 assert(M && "Missing module file");
3832 assert(Tag && "Invalid sigjmp_buf type in AST file");
3868 assert(Tag && "Invalid ucontext_t type in AST file");
3879 assert(CUDASpecialDeclRefs.size() == 1 && "More decl refs than expected!");
4701 assert(I != GlobalPreprocessedEntityMap.end() &&
4868 assert(SLocMapI != GlobalSLocOffsetMap.end() &&
4918 assert(!SourceMgr.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(Range.getEnd(),Range.getBegin()));
4997 assert(!Diag.DiagStates.empty());
5009 assert(DiagStateID == 0);
5018 assert(Idx < F.PragmaDiagMappings.size() &&
5039 assert(I != GlobalTypeMap.end() && "Corrupted global type map");
5855 assert(!T.isNull() && "Unknown predefined type");
5860 assert(Index < TypesLoaded.size() && "Type index out-of-range");
5889 assert(I != F.TypeRemap.end() && "Invalid index into type index remap");
6043 assert(I != F.DeclRemap.end() && "Invalid index into decl index remap");
6051 assert(I != GlobalDeclMap.end() && "Corrupted global declaration map");
6059 assert(I != GlobalDeclMap.end() && "Corrupted global declaration map");
6120 assert(0 && "declaration ID out-of-range for AST file");
6135 assert(0 && "declaration ID out-of-range for AST file");
6155 assert(I != GlobalDeclMap.end() && "Corrupted global declaration map");
6430 assert(DC->hasExternalVisibleStorage() &&
6572 assert(ImplD && Consumer);
6581 assert(Consumer);
6791 assert(FPPragmaOptions.size() == 1 && "Wrong number of FP_PRAGMA_OPTIONS");
6801 assert(OpenCLExtensions.size() == I && "Wrong number of OPENCL_EXTENSIONS");
6808 assert(SemaObj && "no Sema to update");
6813 assert(SemaDeclRefs.size() % 2 == 0);
7175 assert(F && "No module");
7194 assert(ID && "Non-zero identifier ID required");
7195 assert(ID <= IdentifiersLoaded.size() && "identifier ID out of range");
7260 assert(I != GlobalIdentifierMap.end() && "Corrupted global identifier map");
7292 assert(I != M.IdentifierRemap.end()
7311 assert(I != GlobalMacroMap.end() && "Corrupted global macro map");
7330 assert(I != M.MacroRemap.end() && "Invalid index into macro index remap");
7342 assert(I != M.SubmoduleRemap.end()
7350 assert(GlobalID == 0 && "Unhandled global submodule ID");
7382 assert(I != GlobalSelectorMap.end() && "Corrupted global selector map");
7411 assert(I != M.SelectorRemap.end()
7740 assert(Indices.empty() && "Indirect field improperly initialized");
7939 assert((*CurrSwitchCaseStmts)[ID] == nullptr &&
7946 assert((*CurrSwitchCaseStmts)[ID] != nullptr && "No SwitchCase with this ID");
8283 assert(NumCurrentElementsDeserializing &&