Lines Matching refs:NULL

61   int a = NULL; // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'int'}}
63 b = NULL; // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'int'}}
64 long l = NULL; // FIXME: this should also warn, but currently does not if sizeof(NULL)==sizeof(inttype)
65 int c = ((((NULL)))); // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'int'}}
67 d = ((((NULL)))); // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'int'}}
68 bool bl = NULL; // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'bool'}}
69 char ch = NULL; // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'char'}}
70 unsigned char uch = NULL; // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'unsigned char'}}
71 short sh = NULL; // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'short'}}
72 double dbl = NULL; // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'double'}}
78 #define FINIT int a3 = NULL;
79 FINIT // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'int'}}
81 // we don't catch the case of #define FOO NULL ... int i = FOO; but that seems a bit narrow anyway
83 #define NULL_COND(cond) ((cond) ? &a : NULL)
84 bool bl2 = NULL_COND(true); // don't warn on NULL conversion through the conditional operator across a macro boundary
93 int *ip = NULL;
94 int (*fp)() = NULL;
99 int foo::*datamem = NULL;
100 int (foo::*funmem)() = NULL;
107 void tmpl(char c = NULL, // expected-warning 4 {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'char'}}
108 T a = NULL, // expected-warning {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'char'}} \
109 expected-warning 2 {{implicit conversion of NULL constant to 'int'}}
114 void tmpl2(T t = NULL) {
137 return NULL;