Lines Matching refs:inode

165 // inode block size (why is it != BLOCKSIZE ?!?)
166 /* The field i_blocks in the ext2 inode stores the number of data blocks
175 #define EXT2_BAD_INO 1 // Bad blocks inode
176 #define EXT2_ROOT_INO 2 // Root inode
177 #define EXT2_ACL_IDX_INO 3 // ACL inode
178 #define EXT2_ACL_DATA_INO 4 // ACL inode
179 #define EXT2_BOOT_LOADER_INO 5 // Boot loader inode
180 #define EXT2_UNDEL_DIR_INO 6 // Undelete directory inode
181 #define EXT2_FIRST_INO 11 // First non reserved inode
247 // Get group inode bitmap (ibm) given the group number
250 // Given an inode number find the group it belongs to
253 //Given an inode number get the inode bitmap that covers it
257 //Given an inode number find its offset within the inode bitmap that covers it
472 udecl32(bg_inode_bitmap) /* Block number of the inode bitmap */ \
473 udecl32(bg_inode_table) /* Block number of the inode table */ \
488 udecl16(i_links_count) /* Number of (hard) links to this inode */ \
530 } inode;
544 bpdir -> index into the inode->i_block[]. Indicates level of indirection.
639 swap_nod(inode *nod)
778 is_hardlink(ino_t inode)
783 if(hdlinks.hdl[i].src_inode == inode)
826 // return a given inode from a filesystem
827 static inline inode *
831 inode *itab;
835 itab = (inode *)get_blk(fs, fs->gd[grp].bg_inode_table);
839 // allocate a given block/inode in the bitmap
865 // deallocate a given block/inode
908 // allocate an inode
932 error_msg_and_die("couldn't allocate an inode (no free inode)");
964 // return next block of inode (WALK_END for end)
1196 error_msg_and_die("[block %d of inode %d is unallocated !]", *bkref, nod);
1203 // add blocks to an inode (file/dir/etc...)
1246 // link an entry (inode #) to a directory
1255 inode *node;
1256 inode *pnode;
1262 error_msg_and_die("can't create an inode with an empty name");
1338 // find the inode of a full path
1364 // chmod an inode
1368 inode *node;
1375 // create a simple inode
1380 inode *node;
1798 swap_goodblocks(filesystem *fs, inode *nod)
1855 swap_badblocks(filesystem *fs, inode *nod)
1906 inode *nod = get_nod(fs, i);
1938 inode *nod = get_nod(fs, i);
1972 inode *itab0;
1994 (BLOCKSIZE/sizeof(inode)));
1999 itblsz = nbinodes_per_group * sizeof(inode)/BLOCKSIZE;
2074 // make root inode and directory
2079 itab0 = (inode *)get_blk(fs,fs->gd[0].bg_inode_table);
2178 printf("blocks in inode %d:", nod);
2195 error_msg_and_die("wrong size while saving inode %d", nod);
2197 error_msg_and_die("error while saving inode %d", nod);
2213 // print an inode as a directory
2220 printf("directory for inode %d:\n", nod);
2233 printf("' (inode %d): rec_len: %d (name_len: %d)\n", d->d_inode, d->d_rec_len, d->d_name_len);
2312 // print an inode
2341 printf("inode %d (%s, %d links): ", nod, s, get_nod(fs, nod)->i_links_count);
2376 printf("Done with inode %d\n",nod);
2398 printf("Size of inode table: %d blocks\n",
2399 (int)(fs->sb.s_inodes_per_group * sizeof(inode) / BLOCKSIZE));
2402 printf("block bitmap: block %d,inode bitmap: block %d, inode table: block %d\n",
2407 printf("inode bitmap allocation:\n");
2489 " -i, --bytes-per-inode <bytes per inode>\n"
2548 { "bytes-per-inode", required_argument, NULL, 'i' },