Lines Matching refs:x0

51 //x0 =>    *pu1_src
77 MOV x19,x0 //Store pu1_src in sp
104 madd x11, x10, x1, x0 //pu1_src[(ht - 1) * src_strd + col]
117 LDRB w9,[x0,x10] //u1_pos_0_0_tmp = pu1_src[wd - 1]
126 ADD x11,x0,x1 //pu1_src + src_strd
160 madd x12, x11, x1, x0 //pu1_src[(ht - 1) * src_strd]
219 ADD x20,x0,x1 //pu1_src += src_strd
220 csel x0, x20, x0,EQ
232 MOV x15,x0 //Store pu1_src in sp
262 SUB x20,x0,x1 //pu1_src - src_strd
276 LD1 {v5.16b},[x0] //pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
293 ADD x8,x0,x1 //I *pu1_src + src_strd
313 LDRB w8,[x0,#15] //I pu1_src_cpy[15]
314 SUB x5,x0,x1 //I pu1_src_cpy[16 - src_strd]
359 ADD x8,x0,x1,LSL #1 //II *pu1_src + src_strd
363 ADD x4,x0,x1 //II pu1_src_cpy[16 - src_strd]
375 LDRB w4,[x0,#16] //II load the value
380 ST1 { v20.16b},[x0],x1 //I vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
403 ADD x5,x0,x1
407 LDRB w5,[x0,#16] //III load the value
481 ST1 { v28.16b},[x0],x1 //II vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
485 ADD x8,x0,x1,LSL #1 //*pu1_src + src_strd
493 ADD x4,x0,x1 //pu1_src_cpy[16 - src_strd]
495 LDRB w5,[x0,#16] //load the value
517 ST1 { v20.16b},[x0],x1 //III vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
557 ST1 { v20.16b},[x0],x1 //vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
569 MOV x0,x15 //Loads *pu1_src
571 ADD x0,x0,x7
596 SUB x20,x0,x1 //pu1_src - src_strd
619 LD1 {v5.16b},[x0] //pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
628 ADD x8,x0,x1 //*pu1_src + src_strd
657 LDRB w8,[x0,#15] //pu1_src_cpy[15]
658 ADD x5,x0,#16 //pu1_src_cpy[16]
699 ST1 { v28.16b},[x0],x1 //vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
737 SUB x20,x0,x1 //pu1_src - src_strd
759 LD1 {v5.16b},[x0] //pu1_cur_row = vld1q_u8(pu1_src)
768 ADD x8,x0,x1 //*pu1_src + src_strd
797 LDRB w8,[x0,#15] //pu1_src_cpy[15]
798 ADD x5,x0,#16 //pu1_src_cpy[16]
832 ST1 {v30.8b},[x0],x1 //vst1q_u8(pu1_src_cpy, pu1_cur_row)
850 MOV x0,x19 //Loads *pu1_src
853 ADD x8,x0,x7 //pu1_src[wd]
861 madd x6, x11, x1, x0 //pu1_src_org[(ht - 1) * src_strd]