Lines Matching refs:help

11 #   "crashlog" command installed, type "crashlog --help" for detailed help
408 '''Interactive prompt for analyzing one or more Darwin crash logs, type "help" to see a list of supported commands.'''
414 self.intro = 'Interactive crashlogs prompt, type "help" to see a list of supported commands.'
470 self.image_option_parser.add_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help='show all images', default=False)
534 parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
725 option_parser.add_option('--verbose' , '-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose', help='display verbose debug info', default=False)
726 option_parser.add_option('--debug' , '-g', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='display verbose debug logging', default=False)
727 option_parser.add_option('--load-all' , '-a', action='store_true', dest='load_all_images', help='load all executable images, not just the images found in the crashed stack frames', default=False)
728 option_parser.add_option('--images' , action='store_true', dest='dump_image_list', help='show image list', default=False)
729 option_parser.add_option('--debug-delay' , type='int', dest='debug_delay', metavar='NSEC', help='pause for NSEC seconds for debugger', default=0)
730 option_parser.add_option('--crashed-only' , '-c', action='store_true', dest='crashed_only', help='only symbolicate the crashed thread', default=False)
731 option_parser.add_option('--disasm-depth' , '-d', type='int', dest='disassemble_depth', help='set the depth in stack frames that should be disassembled (default is 1)', default=1)
732 option_parser.add_option('--disasm-all' , '-D', action='store_true', dest='disassemble_all_threads', help='enabled disassembly of frames on all threads (not just the crashed thread)', default=False)
733 option_parser.add_option('--disasm-before' , '-B', type='int', dest='disassemble_before', help='the number of instructions to disassemble before the frame PC', default=4)
734 option_parser.add_option('--disasm-after' , '-A', type='int', dest='disassemble_after', help='the number of instructions to disassemble after the frame PC', default=4)
735 option_parser.add_option('--source-context', '-C', type='int', metavar='NLINES', dest='source_context', help='show NLINES source lines of source context (default = 4)', default=4)
736 option_parser.add_option('--source-frames' , type='int', metavar='NFRAMES', dest='source_frames', help='show source for NFRAMES (default = 4)', default=4)
737 option_parser.add_option('--source-all' , action='store_true', dest='source_all', help='show source for all threads, not just the crashed thread', default=False)
739 option_parser.add_option('-i', '--interactive', action='store_true', help='parse all crash logs and enter interactive mode', default=False)
781 print '"crashlog" and "save_crashlog" command installed, use the "--help" option for detailed help'