Lines Matching defs:bench

217 DEFINE_string(outDir, "", "If given, image of each bench will be put in outDir.");
221 DEFINE_bool(rotate, false, "Rotate canvas before bench run?");
222 DEFINE_bool(scale, false, "Scale canvas before bench run?");
223 DEFINE_bool(clip, false, "Clip canvas before bench run?");
253 DEFINE_bool(runOnce, kIsDebug, "Run each bench exactly once and don't report timings.");
255 "Ratio of subsequent bench measurements must drop within 1±error to converge.");
261 // Has this bench converged? First arguments are milliseconds / loop iteration,
377 logger.logError("bench was run with --runOnce, so we're going to hide the times."
433 // Run each bench in each configuration it supports and we asked for.
435 Benchmark* bench;
436 while ((bench = != NULL) {
437 SkAutoTUnref<Benchmark> benchUnref(bench);
438 if (SkCommandLineFlags::ShouldSkip(FLAGS_match, bench->getName())) {
442 bench->setForceAlpha(alpha);
443 bench->setForceAA(FLAGS_forceAA);
444 bench->setForceFilter(FLAGS_forceFilter);
445 bench->setDither(dither);
446 bench->preDraw();
453 if (!bench->isSuitableFor(config.backend)) {
472 const SkIPoint dim = bench->getSize();
497 bench->draw(1, recorderFrom.beginRecording(dim.fX, dim.fY));
525 writer.bench(bench->getName(), dim.fX, dim.fY);
548 if (FLAGS_verbose) { SkDebugf("%s %s: ", bench->getName(),; }
559 bench->getName(),, FLAGS_maxMs, loopsPerIter));
589 bench->draw(loops, canvas);
631 // bench->getName(), frameIntervalTotalLoops,
648 saveFile(bench->getName(),, FLAGS_outDir[0],
654 // Let's not mislead ourselves by looking at Debug build or single iteration bench times!